Godssecret's Weblog

August 31, 2023, 1:57 pm
Filed under: "Mesirus Nefesh”, 1, 10 Commandments, 10 days Teshuva, 10 NATIONS CANNAN, 10 TYPES OF SONG !, 10-12-22 lights, 100 BLESSINGS, 10th Tevet, 10th, 9th and 8th of Tevet, 11, 11 SPICES INCENSE, 13 midot Rachamim, 13 Tikuney Dikna, 17th of Tammuz, 18 vertebrae, 19th of Iyar, 22 amino acids and Hebrew letters, 22 Holy Letters, 248/365, 2nd temple History, 3 Mothers, 3 WEEKS, 32 Paths, 370 lightd, 370 lights, 3RD TEMPLE, 42 letter name, 4th of July, 50 gates, 50th Gate, 613 commandments, 7 earths, 7 laws of Noah, 7 NATIONS CANNAN, 7 windows of the soul, 70 nations, 72 Divine names, 72 names, 7th day (Svi shel Pasach), 9-11, 9TH AV, 9th of Av, A"k, ABA, abortion, Abraham, abstract, acrylic paint, Adam, aficoman, AFIKOMAN, AFIKOMEN, after life, Aharon, Aircraft, Akudim, aliens, Amalak, amen, America, Amida, ana bicoach, Anakim, Anathoth, angel of death, Angels, anger, anger ANIMALS anti gravity arba minim Archeology aretz israel, ANIMAL SACRIFICES, animal worship, ANIMALS, anti 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Chanoch, Chanukah, Charade, Chariot-Markavah, Charity-Sadakah, charts, Chasmal, chassidim and givurot, chayot, Chesed-Gimilat chassadim, China, Christianity, Chuchmah, CHUCHMAH-CREATIVITY, Chuchmah-Wisdom, circle and square, circumcision, City of David, closeness to god, clouds, collage, colored pencils, COMMANDMENTS, common spiritual truths, composition contrast, conscious and unconscious, conservative Judiasm, Controlling one's passions, conversions, Coral Castle, corbonot, Corona, Covenant, Covenant Creation, Creation, Creativity, CREATURES, Crypto zoology, CURES TO ALL ILLNESS, dat-knowledge, Death, Deep underground bases, delight, Delight joy-happiness, depth kaballah, design, Devacut-cleaving to God, dikna, DISCREPANCIES IN TORAH, distinct qualities, Divine essence, Divine names, Divine providence, Divine service, divine thought, Dna, Do better than the Generation, DOGONS TRIBE, don't reveal secrets, Donald Trump, donkey, Dulce, Eastern mysticism, eating, EATING KOSHER, EBOLA, eclipse, Economics, Edom, EGYPT, Egyptian Pyramids, Electromagnetism, elements, Elijah, Elijah-Eliyahu, Eliyahu, Eliyahu -Elijah, Eliyahu HaTishbi, Ellul, Elohem"e, Embryo, emotional composure, emuna-faith, enamel, energy centers, English Gematria, engraving, Enock, entities, Equanox, erev rav-mixed multitude, ESP, etching, Eternal life, ethics, every one, evil, evil inclination, Evil-klippa, exhibit, exhibition, exile, EXODUS, face on mars, FACE TO FACE REVELATION !, fast days, fear-awe, FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, Feet, fighting evil, FINANCE, fire, firmament, Fixings-Tikunim, food, forehead, Fortune-Mazel, foundation stone- Kotel, foundation stone-source, France, FREE BOOK, FREE BOOKS, FREE WILL, freedom and ethics, Fukushima, gallery, Gan Aden-Garden of Eden, Garden of Eden, GARMENTS, Gathering of the Exiles, Gaza, gedalia, Gematria, Gemora Sofrim, genes, Genetics, GETTING DRUNK, ghosts, giants, gilgul, GILGUL RAFAIM, GIVING YOUR ALL, givurot, Global Economics, God controls even evil, God in hiding, Gog, Gold calfs, golden calf, Gr"a, Great Days, guarding from evil, hachalot-Divine palace, hakafot, halachah, halachah Moshe miSini, Haman, Haman in Beney Barak, Hamas, HANUKAH, Hanukkah, Happiness, harmony-beauty, healing arts, HEALTH, heart, heaven, HEAVENS, Hebrew, HEBREW LETTERS, Hebron-Machpelah, hell-Gehenom, Herbs, Hiddeness, HILLARY CLINTON, Hiram Temple Builder, History, History in the making, Holiness, Holocaust, Holy deviation, HOLY OF HOLIES, Holy Pleasure, HONEY AND DENTAL CARE, Hoshanah, Hoshanah Rabbah, ibor, Ibor year, ice, IDOLATRY, illness, IMA, image of God, Incense, inclination, Individuality, injury, insanity, Intro to Kabbalah of the Ar"i introduction, Intro to Kabbalah of the Ar"i, introduction, Introduction to Kabballah, IRAN, islam, Israel, IYAR 19TH, JABBOK, Jacob, Japan, Jerusalem, Jewish History, Jewish IQ, Jews, Jews in America, jOB, Joy and Delight, joy-happiness, Judgments, Judiasm, justice, Kaballa of the Ari and Zohar, kaballah, kaballah Masit, kaballlah masit, Kaddish, karilian Photography, kav and Reshimu, kavanot, keter, Kever Rachel, Kidush, Kidush Livanah, Kindness, King, King David, kings of Edom, kings of Israel, Kittim, klippah, Kol haTor, KORBONOT-, KORBONOT- ANIMAL SACRIFICES, Kosher, Kotel-Holy of Holies, KUZARI, KUZARI. LAMP, LAMP, Land of Israel, Language, Leap year, learning, Leprosy, letters, Levels of hell, levels of the Soul, Leviyaton, life, Light, Lockness Monster, Log bOmer, Love, Luchot haBrit, magic, Maimonides/Rambam, Man on mars, Manorah, markava visions, marriage, mars, Mashiach ben Yosef, masterpiece, mathematical anomaly, MATHEMATICAL PATTERNS IN BIBLE, Mattatro”n, Matto"t, Mazel, Measurement, meditation, MERCY AND JUDGEMENT, Merkava, mesach, Meshach, Mesorah, MESSIAH, messiah redemption, messianiac era, messianic predictions, middle man, middot, midnight, MIKVAH, military, Minerals, MIRACLES, MISA BARASHIT, Misa Markava, Mitzvot, MOON, MORAL VALUE, moses, Moshe Chyim Lazzato, Moshe mSini, Mount Sinia, Mount Zion, Mount Zion Music, Music, mutants, Mysteries & Origins, Torah & Science , Albert Einstein, Arizal, Parsha Chukat, Death, Dimensions, Gravity, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Impurity, Kabbalah, King Solomon, Light, M-Theory, , mysterious archaeological, mysterious archaeology, mysterious phenomenon, Nakavah, names of God, nanhaga-Divine guidance, Nashama, nations, Native Americans, NAZI, Nazir, Nefesh Ruach Nashama, nefesh., Nefilim, Nehamiyah's wall, nerves, nesira, New world order, NEWS, Nifalim, NIKUDOT, noga, north pole, Nothingness-ayn, NUMERICAL PATTERNS IN TORAH, nutrition, Obama, of infinate wisdom, ofanim, OIL, oil paint, OIL PULLING, Olam haba-The World to Come, olam tikun, OMER, one God, Oral Torah, Organs of the body, other dimensions, Other side, outer space, overcomming difficulties, palace of King David, palaces of the upper worlds, Palestinians, Parashat Ki Tisa, PARDES, Parsha, PARSHA Achrey Mot, PARSHA AKEV, Parsha Bahalotecha, PARSHA BAHIR, PARSHA BALAK, PARSHA BAMIDBAR, Parsha Barashit, PARSHA BICHUKOTY, PARSHA BIHAR, PARSHA BISHALACH, Parsha Bo, PARSHA CHAYAH SARAH, PARSHA CHUKOT, PARSHA CI TABO, PARSHA CI TATZE, PARSHA DEVARIM, PARSHA EMOR, PARSHA HAZINU, Parsha Ki tetze, PARSHA KI TISA, PARSHA KIDOSHIM, parsha Korach, PARSHA LECH LECHA, PARSHA MASSAY, PARSHA MATTOT, PARSHA METZORA, PARSHA MIKETZ, PARSHA MISHPOTIM, Parsha Mottot-Massay, Parsha Nasso, PARSHA NITZAVIM, PARSHA NOACH, PARSHA Pekudy, PARSHA PINCHAS, PARSHA REAH, Parsha Shalach, Parsha Shalach Lecha, PARSHA SHEMOT -SMOT, parsha Shimini, Parsha Shmot, PARSHA SHOFIM, parsha Shoftim, PARSHA TAZRIA, PARSHA Tetzaveh, Parsha Toldot, PARSHA TRUMAH, Parsha Tsav, Parsha Tzav, Parsha Va’etchanan-Vaetchanan, Parsha Vaira-vaera, PARSHA Vayachal, Parsha Vayagash, Parsha VaYalech, Parsha Vayara, PARSHA VaYashev, PARSHA VAYICHI, PARSHA VAYIKRA, Parsha Vayishlach, PARSHA Vyarah---Vaera, Parsha Vyatze, PARSHA YITRO, Parsha Zachor, Parsha Zot haBrachah, PARSHAT VAERA, parzufim, PASSACH, passover, passover lamb, pastel, Peace and Love, pen, pencil, PERKE AVOT, perspective, PESSACH, photo, photograph, physics, Plague of Darkness, pleasure, political satire, Politics, poster, Practical kaballlah, prayer, PRAYERS, President Donald Trump, President Obama, President Trump, PROOF OF BIBLE HISTORY EVIDENCE, PROOF OF GOD, PROPHESY, Prophesy now, providence, Psalms, PSYCHIC, Purim, push off evil, Pyramid on Mars, PYRAMIDS, Pyramids in China, QUANTUM MECHANICS, Rabbah, Rabbi Akiva, RABBI ASHLAG, Rabbi Chym Vital Calabrese, Rabbi Judah bar Ilai and Rabbi Simon b.Yochai., Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Yismoyal, Rabbi Yitzchak Loria, Rabbi Yuhuda Ha Nassi, Raising Sparks, Ratzo v Shuv, Rav Kook, realism, REBUKE, Recognizing Providence, RED HEIFER, REDEMPTION, redemption messiah, Reform Judiasm, Reincarnation, Reincarnation religion, religion, Remote viewing, Renewal, Renewal Resurrection, Repentance, Resurrection, Reverse engineered Technology, reward and punishment, Riencarnation, righteous man, righteousness, Rome, Rosh Hashanah, Roundup, ROYAL BLUE, Ruach, Ruach haKodesh-The Holy spirit, Running and Returning-, Running and Returning-Ratzo v Shuv, Sabbath, sacrifices, sadakah-charity, SAFER YETZERA -BOOK OF CREATION, Sages, sanctification, sarafim, Saturn, Sawdeek, scent, Science, scientific research, scribal art, SCRIBES, seclusion, secret societies, secrets, secrets see, see beyond the matrix, sefirot, self help spirituality, Self Sacrifice, Septuagint, Serach the daughter of Asher, Sexuality, Shabbot, SHABBOT HAGADOL, Shabot, Shavuot, Shechina-Divine Presence, Shemona Esray, SHIMINI ATZEROT, Shimon HaSadeek, shiva, sHOFAR, Simchat Torah, SIN-DEATH, Sinai Revelation, sitra achra-other side, sitzet, sleep, SMA, small news, Smimini Atzerot, Smimini Atzerot-Simchat Torah, Smittah, Smittah- Sabbath year, Sneut (modesty), SOCIAL JUSICE, social justice, sofrit, solomon's Temple, Song, sons of god, Soul, soul mates, soul of infinate wisdom, Souls, Souls before this world, sparks, Speech of the Heart, Speech of the mouth, Spinal cord, spirits, Spiritual combat, spiritual Gates, spiritual individuality, spiritual proof, SPIRITUAL UNITY, Spiritual Worlds, spirituality, SPIRITUALITY VERSUS RELIGION, Spirituality versus Secularism, spirituality vs religion ?, Splitting the sea, stars, STORIES, strange creations, STRANGE EVENTS, strange tales, STRANGER THAN FICTION, succah, Succot, suffering, SUN, Supernal court, TACHALET, Tagin, TALIT, TALMUD, TAMUROT, Tamuz, Tamuz Av, Tanya, Taurus, Technology, Technology Teffilin, Teffilin, Tefillah, Tefillin, TEMPLE MOUNT, Terror, teshuva, TEVUNAH, The 3 Weeks, the “Mishcon” (tabernacle), The Bizzare, The fast of Gedalia, The God knows, The God knows whats going on, The Guide, The Holocaust, The Holy Ar"i, The Holy Ar’i, The Name, THE RED SEA, The tabernacle, The Temple, The throne, The World to Come, Tikunim, Tikunney Zohar, Tikuny Dikna, TIME, Tohu and Vohu, Top secret, Top secret Torah, Torah, Torah before creation, TORAH CODES, Torah law, Torah Links, Torah Politics, Torah scroll, TORAH SECRETS, TORAH-LIFE, Transformational Experience, Tree of knowledge, Tree of Life, TREE OF LIFE-TREE OF KNOWLEDGE, troubles and complications, True life, trust, Tu bi Av, Tu bi Svat, Tzav, TZEDAKAH, tzizum, U. S. Secret, U. S. Secret underground bases, UFO, Uncategorized, unity of mankind, Unity-Achdut, Universal conscious, UNUSUAL EVENTS, unusual thoughts, Upright and returning light, UPSIDE DOWN NUNS, USA, Vayetze, Vessels, VIBRATION, Vilna Goan, VIRTUE, vitamins, voice, voice-קול, voices heard and not heard, vortex, VOWELS, vows, WAR, water, What is next, whats going on, WHEEL OF RAFIAM, why "bad things" happen, why "bad things" happen Will, Will, WILL AND DESIRE, wine, wisdom-Chuchmah, women, WOMEN OF THE WALL, wonders of God in Nature, wonders of God in Nature World, World spirituality-7 laws of Noah, world to come, worlds, Worlds-Atzilut, Worlds-Atzilut Bria yetzera Asiyah, X phytochemicals, Yakov, YAVOK, Yesod, Yesoi"t, yetzer tov, yetzera, YHV"H, yhv"h and Elohy"m, yichudim, Yichus-relation to names, YISHMOYAL, YISRAEL SABA, Yitro, Yom Atmout, Yom Kippor, Yom tovim, Yom Yerushalym, Yosef ha Sadeek, Yovel -Jubilee Year, Yuhuda HaNassi, Z"A, zav zavah, zeal-Eliyahu, Zeir Anpin, ZION, ZIONISM, zivug, Zohar, Zohar חיים, חייםTrue life | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


October 16, 2020, 11:42 am
Filed under: MISA BARASHIT, Misa Markava, Parsha Barashit | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Filed under: Breaking of vesselsCreationerev rav-mixed multitudeMISA BARASHITParsha Barashit | Tags: Erev RavUzza and Azael


א בתשרי



Filed under: Breaking of vesselsCreationerev rav-mixed multitudeMISA BARASHITParsha Barashit | Tags: Erev RavUzza and Azael

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א בתשרי



God emanated a spiritual light from His Essence, this we don’t understand or talk about, Thus was created the  “Aor Ain Sof” (Infinite Light), that possessed the potential for the creation of the  future world and man. Next step was to constrict this light to do this God created a process   called “Tzimtzum” (Constriction).  resulting in a spherical area called the “Challal” (empty space). Compared to infinity it is very small, but compared to our universe, it is massive beyond comprehension ……

The “Challal”  was the net result of withdrawing light within  the  “Aor Ain Sof”   God  left a spherical space  in which was no longer  filled with “Aor Ain Sof , but Ohr Ain Sof infinitely surrounds this emptied space on all sides and in every direction, This is the  “Challal”  the space made for the future Creation.


In the beginning the universe was concentrated into a super space that was primarily energetic and fractionally material. Astrophysicists describe a state of the beginning creation where all matter is condensed into a space of zero size and infinite density. This is as the Torah sages teach that God from “nothing” created a tiny speck the size of one grain and from the He created the universe. Our job while in this world is to walk between this “nothing” and the Physicality created from it. To join the “nothing” and the “something” created from it. The “Bli-Mah” is the absolute reality. The “Mah” is the relative reality. By uniting these 2 we bring enlightenment into the world. This is the process of making a continually expanding universe. The sages teach that by a “tzimzum” contraction God made a space for the world to exist and then by a pulse of “inflationary” energy the contraction was reversed. The place for the world to exist is as a space ruled by “black hole” theory. This beginning of expansion began 10 to minus 35 seconds after the beginning of creation. At that point the universe only measured 10 to minus 35 centimeters, now that is pretty small ! Divine intervention enters creation by “Ruach Elokim” over (entering) the initial “TZIMZUM” contraction (EMPTY SPACE-BLACK HOLE)

“The spirit of God on the face of the waters ” is this “inflationary” energy. This influx of “The spirit of God on the face of the waters ” clearly shows us the expansion of the universe is not Random. As the expansion of the universe continued temperatures began to fall. Light separated from matter from matter and emerged from the darkness of the universe. This described by ” The earth was unformed and void. Darkness was on the face of the depth and the Spirit of Eloheme was on the face of the waters. God said let there be light” Prior to cooling down the primordial world was at a temperature of 3000 degrees Kelvin. There was then only Photons (light) and free electrons (matter). The light was held in the electrons. As it cooled down the electrons were able to bind and slow down into their atomic orbits. The photons  separated revealing their light. From the energy of the darkness the light emerged.The darkness is made of energy, not emptiness. The darkness is withheld, hiding of light. These electrons are “Black fire” called “darkness” and face of the depth. Scientists call them Gamma rays. They are invisible to the eye. The darkness is a deeper energy of consciousness than the light. This deeper energy of darkness creates light. Creative energy is in the darkness. This is as said in Psalms “Darkness is not dark to you” (139:12) It it from here that the next stage of the universes expansion emerges. The laws of thermodynamics dictate that with the further expansion of the universe there should be created more chaos, but this is not the case. But instead there is increasing order created. by the laws of thermodynamics this has yet to be understood.

 Black fire itself emits no light as light is revealed by matter. This matter was 75 percent Hydrogen and 25 percent Helium. From this was created all elements of the physical plane.

   The 10 sefirot connect to 4 dimensions of height, width, depth and time. Physicists now propose in string theory that 10 dimensions contract into 4. This is also a description of the “Tree of Life”. The middle six dimensions are “Zeir Anpin” the remaining 4 are Keter, Chuchmah , Bina and Malchut.

The “haftarah” for Parashat Bereishit (Yeshayahu 42:5-43:10) is chapters of consolation of Yeshayahu (Isiah), and is a continuation of the series of prophecies that began with the prophecy of “Comfort, My people, comfort them, says the Lord” (Yeshayahu 40) of Shabot Nachamu. The “haftarah” presents the creation from the unique perspective by this prophecy of consolation.

The text of “Barasheet”  (Genesis) is very intimidating or should be to anyone who has any idea of what they are looking at. As much as you will uncover, you will discover much more to explore. The text of “Barasheet”  is overwhelmingly profound, beyond words and the human mind to grasp or comprehend. We just get a peek.

The book of Genesis has twelve “parashot” this is interesting as there are 12 tribes of Israel and 12 constellations in astrology.

When God said “Let us make man in our image” He was speaking with the angels who Hashem had put in charge of this physical world and was about to make him ruler over the angels. The angels did not like this at all and responded to God “What is man that you remember him ? ” (Psalms 8:4) , man will sin. God said to the angels if you were humans you would do worse. So angels took on the challenge and failed as God had said they would as its written “The sons of God saw the daughter’s of men”. God would not let them return to heaven, These are Uzza and Azael who were chained to the mountains of darkness in the far East. From them derive the souls of  the Erev Rav.

The first day God creates light and

separates light from darkness,

and day from night.

Yet he didn’t make the light producing objects (the sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). 1:3-5

This tells us what we are looking at is not the physical world as we know it.

“The first day God creates light”




Light is a primary manifestation of Divine energy, Light is an often-used term as a metaphor for various manifestations and emanations of God

Looking for a transcendent word in a vocabulary generated by our physical lives, we seize upon “light.” Light is our metaphor for the incorporeal, the spiritual, the Divine. We speak of an era of “enlightenment” dispelling dark ages of ignorance and ignominy, of a “ray” of hope penetrating the blackness of despair, of the Divine “light” that bathes the virtuous soul.

Light straddles the defining line that runs between the physical and the spiritual. Having no weight, Having no mass, Having just about none of matter’s properties, light is the most ethereal of physical “things.” Perceptibly real, yet free of the qualities we ascribe to the objects of our perceptible universe, light serves as a bridge of allegory between a mind grounded in a material environment and the metaphysical abstractions it contemplates.

This idea of light will help us to understand what God meant when he says

Twice in the 4th chapter of Deuteronomy (verses 35 and 39 respectively), the Bible makes this amazing statement:

You were shown to know that the Lord is God, there is none else beside Him.

Know today, and take unto your heart, that the Lord is God, in the heavens above and the earth below, there is none else.

“There is none else” means that there is none else. Indeed, they explain, to maintain that there are existences other than God is ultimately the same as maintaining that there are other “gods” beside Him. What real difference is there between saying that the universe is governed by thousands of gods, or by a god of good and an equally potent god of evil, or by a very powerful god who (almost) always triumphs over a much weaker Satan, or by a great and mighty god who pervades every iota of existence save for a single cubic centimeter of space? Ultimately, one is saying that there is more than one God ruling in the world. To say that there is a god with the power to create and destroy universes, punish the wicked and reward the righteous, cause galaxies to spin and crops to grow, but that there also exists a single thing not under his control—is to deny His exclusive divinity and power.

The 14 words in “Barashith” (Genesis) that speak of the  worlds that were created and destroyed before our own as its written “The world WAS unformed and void”, speaks of the devastation left by the primordial shattering of the vessels. This verse has 52 letters in it, a  hint to the Holy Name of ( ב”ן  (52   that was blemished in the shattering. ב”ן  is the numerical value of the expanded form of the Holy Name יהו”ה (Yod kay Vav Kay) spelled with ה that corresponds to the tenth sefirat Malkhut and referred to as ב”ן  . Explaining all this further The Ar”i teaches that this world we live in now is  in the second “Shemitta” (7000 year cycle) and therefore the Torah begins with the letter “Bait” , which is the 2nd letter and number 2. The Ar”i explains that a physical world with people, animals, and vegetation, Heaven and earth, never existed prior to this world, and this world is the first time that physical creations came into existence. However, prior to our physical world there existed a spiritual world, devoid of any physical connotations, and it is this world that is referred to as the first “Shemitta”. The name of this first world is “Tohu” and it contained seven primordial kings that died, who were  seven primordial  “Sefirot”. This world, the second “Shemitta”,  is the world of Tikkun . Two souls that derived from the first “Shemitta”, the first world, the world of “Tohu”, and have descended into this world, the world of “Tikkun”,  world of the 2nd Shemitta. These are the souls of Chanoch and Moshe. Regarding Chanoch, it states, Chanoch “had walked with God”, implying that Chanoch had been with God once before, prior to this existence, in the first “Shemitta”. Regarding Moshe, it states “Min Hamayim Meshisuhu,” (From the waters he has been gathered). This means that Moshe had been drawn from the world of water, Chesed, which was the previous world of Tohu, the first “Shemitta”. Chanoch lived prior to the times of the Flood, when the world was in an extreme state of depravity, as the verse states, “The end of all flesh has come before me”. For this reason, Chanoch descended below to prevent the world from returning to complete oblivion. Chanoch was successful in allowing the world to remain and be purified through the Flood, with Noach and his family surviving. If not for Chanoch, the world would have been completely destroyed, and even Noach and his children would not have remained. In the same spirit, Moshe descended into this world to redeem the Jewish people and have the Torah given through him. The main difference between “Tohu “and “Tikkun” is that the world of “Tohu” contains  very high, sublime Divine lights with only small vessels to retain them. “Tikkun”,  contains a balanced quantity of Divine lights with substantially large vessels to withhold the light. Thus, while the world of “Tohu” contained superior Divine lights, the world of “Tikkun” contains superior vessels. These vessels are rooted in a very high level of Godliness and surpass the advantage of even the sublime lights of “Tohu”.

One must deeply scrutinize within their soul in order to correct it from lacking and blemish so to receive more Divine abundance ! this will result in freedom from ones egotistical nature and bring one to Godly consciousness. We need to do this as the souls were damaged in a process known as “the breaking of the vessels”. One needs to scrutinize their thoughts speech and actions so as to not break any more vessels.

Yes, we perceive our own existence and the existence of the myriads of objects and forces we call “the universe.” But this is our finite and subjective perception of reality. If we could observe reality from the all-transcendent perspective of the Creator, we would see a “world” devoid of selfhood and being.

If the eye were allowed to see the life and spiritual content flowing from the utterance of God’s mouth into every creation, we would not see the materiality, grossness, and tangibility of the creation, for it would be utterly nullified in relation to this divine life-force…

To understand this clearly God has given us in his Bible the metaphor of light

By this we shall understand the relativity of a thing’s very existence or nonexistance

Light exists. We regard light as an entity distinct from its emitter, distinguishing between a luminous body and its luminescent expression. An observer on earth, for example, perceives both the sun and the light that extends from it, and hence our dictionary includes both the terms “sun” and “sunlight.” But what would be the perspective of an observer within the sun? Would he, too, perceive “sunlight” as an existence distinct from the sun? Obviously not. Light, by definition, has a source and a destination, an emitter and an observer; light is information — a communication from one thing to another. Light, then, exists only in relation to that which is outside of its source, but not in relation to the source itself. If sunlight is defined as “the sun’s luminescent expression,” then it cannot be said to “exist” within the sun, where the very notion of “expression” is superfluous and meaningless.

Does this mean that the entity we call light “begins” outside of the sun? Again, the answer is obviously No. The sun itself is not dark; the luminescence that extends from it certainly pervades it. It is just that the concept of “light” has validity and meaning only to an observer outside of the light’s source. Lacking substance of its own, light exists only insofar as it serves its function: to carry information and effect from its emitter to that which lies outside its emitter. Where it has no function (i.e. within its emitter), it does not exist — not because it is any less “there,” but because it lacks the context that defines its existence.

Light, then, both exists and does not exist at the same time, depending on the context in which it is viewed. It goes from non-existence to existence not by undergoing any intrinsic change but simply by being observed from a different vantage point — a point in relation to which its function has significance.

Our world is “light” emitted by God: an expression of His omnipotence, a revelation of His majesty. As “light,” the created reality has no substance of its own, no intrinsic being; its “existence” is defined solely by its function — to express and reveal its Emitter. So the world exists only as observed from without its Creator and Source. As seen from God’s perspective, it does not merit the term “existence” — again, not because it is any less “there” (God, after all, tells us in His Bible that He created a world), but because in relation to the Divine “sun” the defining function of the sunlight of creation is utterly insignificant.

A important difference between the sun/sunlight analogy and the Creator/creation relationship it illustrates. With the sun, we identify two distinct areas in whose context the “existence” of sunlight is considered: outside the sun, and within the sun. Outside the sun, sunlight exists; within the sun, it is non-existent. Regarding the Almighty, however, the existence of this “second perspective” is itself only a matter of perspective. In truth, there is no ”area” that is outside of God’s infinite reality; the ”vacuum” into which God emanates His light is only a vacuum of perception, real only from our mortal perspective. In other words, God did not create a reality outside of Himself, only the perception of a reality outside of Himself. So the ”light” of creation is, in truth, ”sunlight within the sun” – that is, non-existent light. To us, the world exists only because we perceive ourselves as being “outside of the sun” – a perceived vantage point from which ”sunlight” is perceived as an ”existence.”]

The Bible twice reiterates the exclusivity of God’s existence, twice in the same chapter proclaiming that “there is none else” other than He. For there are two paths by which man may come to appreciate the nature of his reality vis-a-vis the Divine: from the top down, and from the bottom up.

The revelation at Sinai was a brief “foretaste” of a future world — a world in which all masks and superimposed “perceptions” will fall away. A world in which “your master shall no longer shroud Himself; your eyes shall behold your Master”; a world in which “the world shall be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 30:20 and 11:9). In the world of the Messiah, “God will take the sun out of its sheath” and obliterate the concealment that effects the perception of a reality outside of His.

Here again we are working this light metaphor

I hope by now you are getting the Idea

The first day God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from night.

Yet he didn’t make the light producing objects (the sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). 1:3-5

This tells us what we are looking at is not the physical world as we know it.

“The first day God creates light”

The first day God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from night.

Yet he didn’t make the light producing objects (the sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). 1:3-5


“And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.”

The first creation story is sealed with the aim of the Holy Sabbath which is the Sefira of Malchut. The heavens and the earth are finished, and all their host. And by the seventh day God ended his work which He had done; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which He had done. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it; because in it He rested from all his work which God had “created to be performed” by us. Is this the story of “histashalut” of Sefirot “Iggulim”

The Second Creation Story

This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.

Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth[a] and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, but streams[b] came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. Then the Lord God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 

The second Story of the Creation is entirely different from the first one. Not just different but quite the reverse: Adam was formed –  (וייצר) – on the day the creator made Ast (עשות) – Heaven and Earth, before there were plants and well before the Lord formed – vayiẓer (ויצר) the animals. This is a account of the primordial creation of man. Is this the story of “histashalut” of Sefirot “Yoshir”

This show us concerning


Ages before Einstein, and millenniums before the question even ever had reason to rise, there existed in our world the knowledge of the age of the universe. The similarities between the structures of the paradigm in which this knowledge was contained and our current model of such ideas in both detail and number, are truly astounding. This knowledge was recorded in the Torah commentaries books of the Talmud and the Kabbalah.

The Bible is literally the blueprint of the entire universe. All events and all of things are to be found in it. Upon accepting these principles, it is most obvious when flipping through the Bible, that there is much more that lies beneath the surface level. In addition to the Oral accompaniment which was given at Mount Sinai, from the very hand of God along with the written Bible, the Oral Law consists of much elaboration and commentary. The commentators were the mystic rabbis, who went about their annotation in a very structured and set manner, which some might even call scientific. This oral commentary they received from their teacher who in turn received the teaching from their teacher in unbroken succession going back to the father of all prophet Moses, who received the oral Torah from the mouth of God. Every letter is explained on an individual basis, and then explained again in terms of the word in which they are to be found. (Commentary on the very first letter of the entire Bible fills many volumes in and of itself!!) Every word is individually explained, and then explained in terms of the sentence, or overall context in which they are to be found. The numerical values of the letters help point out correlations, along with many other techniques.

Commentary on the Bible is thus not the interpretation that most conceive it to be. It provides insights which exist in and of themselves, but which the layman is unable to catch on to on his own, lacking the knowledge and information which the commentators received in the oral traditions. Having being made aware of these things, the laymen is then able to study the Bible on deeper levels with the aid of the commentary.

Perhaps the most important fact which must be made clear from the start, is that the Biblical year 5770 (in which we find ourselves today), corresponds to everything that occurred from the 6th day on. It was only after Adam was created on the 6th day that we begin the Biblical calendar. Thus as far as the universe itself is concerned, its age would be 5779 years + 6 days. Our calendar does not concern itself with these six days, as the ultimate purpose of Bible goes far beyond mere speculation.

The purpose of creation is a physical, and practical one, thus our perception of time should concern that time which concerns us, as human beings. Nevertheless, the first six days of creation obviously were of much importance in and of themselves. A distinguishment that is made between the Heaven and the Earth, is to be found in any literal translation, which acknowledges that the word Shamayim (most often understood to mean sky) refers to the spiritual worlds. The message that is being conveyed here, is that there is something essentially distinctive that separates the creation of the heavens, from the creation of the Earth.

The Midrash (Vayikra Rabba 29:1) also separates the two, in examining the last three things which were created – The entire universe and the laws of nature, the Nefesh (the soul of the animals, which we as humans posses as well) and then finally, at the very end of Day six, the Neshama (the human soul). In Deuteronomy 32:7, Moses ends his speech towards the Children of Israel by saying that if you want to see the fingerprint of God in the universe , “consider the days of old, the years of the many generations.” The Ramban, Nachmanides explains that this verse refers to two distinctive periods of time. “The days of old”, refers to the first six days of creation, whereas “the years of many generations” refers to everything that occurred succeeding Adam. It is evident then, that there is something different about the seventh day of creation, which separates it from the first six.

Rav Levi said in the name of Rav Chama ben Chanina that God created 3 objects on each of the days of creation.

The first day God created Heaven , Earth and Light.

On the 2nd day the firmament, Gehenom and the Angels.

On the 3rd day God created Trees Herbs and Gan Aden.

On the 4th day the sun moon and constellations.

On the 5th day Birds , fish and the Leviathon.

On the 6th day Adam Eve and moving creatures. Rav Pichas said on the 6th day 6 were created  Adam Eve, creeping creatures, cattle, wild animals and demons.

The light of the first day was completed on the 4th day with the objects that manifest light. The firmament clouds and ocean of the 2nd day was completed on the 5th day

A observation of Satinover concerning the Big Bang theory, recognizes time as a dimension. Being a dimension, time, or at least our perception of time, is thus relative to the system one finds oneself in, due to variants in gravity and velocity. A day on one planet may be equivalent to 10 years on another. The absolute time depends on where you gather data from. This is the essential idea behind the information that follows. Time during creation is recorded in terms of days. These days are made distinct, in the words “Vayehi Erev Vayehi Boker Yom…..”. This is most commonly translated as “And there was Evening and there was Morning, Day………”. Upon examining the words Erev (evening) and Boker (morning), however, their roots become manifest. The root of “Erev” means mixture or chaos. The root of “Boker”, on the other hand, refers to order, and discernment. Thus every day consisted of a process of moving from disorder to order.

The planets, the stars (including the sun) and the moon were not brought into existence until the fourth day, and thus the idea of a day being defined in terms of the Earth’s rotation, was non-existent. It was only in the seventh day of creation, that the Earth’s rotation coincided precisely with the cyclical appearances of the creation of Light (which unfortunately remain invisible to us), and we were thus able to measure days according to the rotation of the Earth (note that time is still being measured in terms of the light cycles, as they are the true definers of time). Prior to the seventh day, the Earth rotated at a relatively high pace. On the seventh day, however, God ceased to actively create, and thus the rotation of the Earth slowed down, until it coincided with the light cycles. Thus, 24 hour days which occurred prior to the seventh day, would be perceived by us to have been much longer. King David alludes to the distortion in our perception of time in Psalm 90, verse 4: “1000 years in Your (God?s) sight are like a day that passes, a watch in the night.”

In a similar manner by which cosmologists have measured the age of the universe, they have estimated that the general relationship between time near the beginning and time today, is a million. This means that if a pulse were to be sent at one point in time every second, it would arrive in one million seconds. Due to the expanding universe, after receiving the first pulse, the succeeding pulses would not arrive every second after that. As time goes by, the universe expands, and thus the time relationship between pulses would change. In viewing the six days of creation as this “pulse” which was being transmitted, we find, that the first day, (of whom’s hours numbered 24) would have been experienced by us to be 8 billion years. The second 24hr day, would be experienced by us as 4 billion years. The 3rd – 2 billion. The 4th – 1 billion. The 5th – ? billion. The 6th – 1/4 billion. 8+4+2+1+1/2+ 1/4 = 15 3/4 billion years!!!!!

This is in addition to the fact that the most precise and authoritative commentator on Genesis, Nechunya ben HaKanah wrote that the 42 lettered name of God had within it the answer to the age of the universe. His successor, Rabbi Yitzhak of Acco insisted that the 42 lettered name alluded to the 42,000 “Divine Years” which transpired between the initializing of creation and man. Drawing on the quote that has been quoted above from the Psalms, he concluded that a divine day is 1000 years in our world, and that thus, a “Divine Year”, is 365 1/4 x 1,000 =365,250 of our own years. Thus the time between the beginning of creation and the creation of man is: 42,000 x 365,250 = 15.3 billion years!!!!!!!!!! .

And God said, Let there be light; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

In Hebrew, the words for ”the light” are numerically equivalent to 613, the number of commandments in the Bible as taught by Moses.

Moses our teacher is numerical value =613= the number of commandments in the Bible =The Light

The first day God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from night.

Yet he didn’t make the light producing objects (the sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). 1:3-5

This tells us what we are looking at is not the physical world as we know it.

“The first day God creates light”


this is obvious

now what is this light ?

On the first day of creation, while Existence remained

in a state of complete chaos, God began the process of

bringing order to that chaos by commanding into

existence the reality of light.

It is  with light we are meant to guide the world to Divine order and the messianic age

We are talking about Primordial light

The light God first created was not the one with which we are most familiar

on a daily basis. This is especially so since this light was

Hidden by the fourth day of creation. Indeed, it

was concealed from creation on the very day it was


God saw that the light was good, and God separated between

the light and the darkness. (Genesis 1:4)

GOD SEPARATED: He saw that the wicked were

unworthy of using it (the light); He therefore set it

apart for the righteous.

Unlike the light of the sun and the

moon, or artificial lighting with which we are familiar, all

of which is available to the righteous and the wicked


To appreciate the difference between the Original Light

of creation, often referred to as the “Ohr HaGanuz” — the

“Hidden Light” — and the light that remains readily.

With the light that The Holy One, Blessed is He, created

on the first day, Adam looked and was able to see from

one end of the world until the other. He had amazing higher perception.

THIRTY-SIX hours the Light served Adam

The thirty-six hours were (are)

made up of the 12 hours in advance of Shabbath, and the

24 hours of Shabbath itself. At the end of Shabbat.

Adam was created by the union of Z”A and Nakavah , face to face, above in the palace of Abba, and Imma. In Sefer Likutim, (Tehilim 32), it is written, that when YHWH created  Adam, not all souls were in him, but only the souls of Yisrael. If Adam had not sinned, the nations of the world  would have never come into existence. After Adam had sinned the souls of the nations became intermingled within him. In  Sefer Likutei Torah (Tehilim 84), it is said that if Adam had never sinned there would not have been a need for a physical world, at all”.

It is taught in Sha’ar Ma’amrei Rashbi, Parashat Kedoshim of Rabbi Chayim Vital that Adam HaRishon  originally had no portion in the world of Asiyah the physical world. His body was in the world of Yetzirah his Nefesh was from the world of Beriah his Ruach was from Nakavah of Z”a of Atzilut, his Neshamah was from Z”a of Atzilut, and soul his soul level called Chayah was from Abba, and Imma of Atzilut.  Originally the stature of Adam was greater than is Matto”t at presentThe snake was jealous of Adam’s garment of light, as he was surrounded by a great “Aor Makif” (surrounding light). The snake had no portion in the”Aor Makif”, in accordance to the secret meaning of the verse , “And the snake was naked” (Gen 3:1). Therefore the snake conspired against Adam, to cause him to fall, and to loose his garment of light. The first two chapters of Genesis  happened in an entirely different plane of reality than than our  physical world today. Before Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the lowest level of reality in the universe was the mental plane. The bodies and objects of that era were like thought forms. When Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge reality shattered and collapsed becoming our physical plane. Adam and Eve contained within them the souls of all the people that would ever live. We suffer the damaging effects  of Adam and Eve’s eating  from the Tree of Knowledge till now. All illness, neuroses, personality imbalances, and existential failings trace back to that misdeed, which separated human beings from their Holy root on high. According to the repair of theses damages and others made since then comes the providence of the present and future entire human condition. Rabbi Pinto explains the result of the sin of the “Atz HaDat” this way. The Ben Ish Chai explains in the name of the Arizal (Adam Yashar, Merkevet Yechezkel) that before Adam sinned, Hashem provided Adam with
clothing made from חשמ ל , a pure spiritual fire garment. When clothed in this
attire, it was possible to connect to Hashem and develop a close
relationship. This was given to him in place of the 613 mitzvot, which also
connect one to Hashem.
After the sin, however, Adam descended into the material world, and
could no longer wear this spiritual garment. As a substitute, along with
the physical leather garments of עו ר (leather) given him, he was given a
garment composed of או ר (light). This garment was to aid Adam in dealing
with his Yetzer Hara and help him do mitzvot. By doing mitzvot, one can
create worlds in the Heavenly spheres above. Even one mitzvah alone is
considered as great as creating a world, as our world can be sustained in
its merit. And so, Hashem made a special garment for Adam, so that he
could once again find favor in His eyes and come close to Him. The garment of “chashmal” is returned to man by 613 mitzvot, which connect one to Hashem.

Adam sinned with the Tree of Knowledge, which is the world of Asiyah , of this he was commanded not to eat from, as he had no portion in Asiyah. The Tree of Knowledge is was only in the world of Asiyah, but by Adam’s sin  the klippot are now mixed together with Holiness. However, after Yetzirah descended dressing into Asiyah, Yetzirah also began to be called the Tree of Knowledge.Rabbi Chayim writes, , “The sin of Adam with the Tree of Knowledge, Good and Evil was that he did not take form the Tree of Life, which is the wisdom of the Kabbalah. This was also the sin of the mixed multitude that said to Moshe, “You speak to us the Torah, let us hear it”. from the Tree of Knowledge, Good and Evil. Do not let Elohim speak with us, lest we die due to the secrets of the Torah”. The first Tablets,  came from the Tree of Life those that Moshe brought down from Sinai), shattered. Instead they received the Torah from the Tree of Knowledge, Good and Evil, which is the Mishnah , the slave girl of the Shechinah. This is the cause of the destruction of both Temples, and this present, long and bitter exile

(Etz Chayim 2A)

Adam HaRishon was forced to leave the Garden of Eden for having eaten from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Adam was on a higher level than Metatro”n is now. At the time of creation the worlds were on the level that nowadays exists only on the Sabbath. Because of the special
garment of “chashmal” that was given Adam (Eitz Chaim 49:5), and we can
understand why the Heavenly angels mistook Adam for a deity.

God revealed to Adam and Eve a book given to them in the Garden of Eden by the angel Raziel (angel of secrets ). This book contains sacred knowledge concerning the 72 Divine Namea that revealed the formation of 670 inscriptions of higher mysteries. In the middle of the book was a secret writing explaining 1,500 keys to the universe which were not revealed even to the holy angels. When Adam and Eve got this book, all the angels gathered around to hear it read. When the reading began, the angels exalted Adam and Eve as if they were God, whereupon the angel Hadarnia”l (do not pronounce) was sent to them  saying, “Adam and Eve, do not reveal the glory of your Master, for to you alone and not to the angels is the privilege given to know these things.” Adam and Eve from then on  kept it secret and learned for themselves mysteries not known even to the angels.

When Adam and Eve transgressed the commandment of the Master regarding the Tree of Knowledge, the book flew away from them. Adam was so distressed, he entered the river Gihon (one of the rivers of the Garden) up to his neck and stayed there so that his body became wrinkled and his face haggard. God thereupon made a sign to the archangel Raphael to return the book, which Adam studied for the rest of his life. He left it to his son Seth, and it went through the generations to Abraham. It is still hidden today, for those who know how to read it.

The Light, though hidden, remains accessible to

the righteous.

God made a separation in the illumination of the

Light, that it should not flow or give off light except for

the righteous, whose actions draw it down and make it

shine. However, the actions of the evil block it, leaving

them in darkness, and this itself was the hiding of the


It is the goal of every Spiritual person who wants to maximize his

life to discover this holy light and how to use it for its

divine purpose.

The Bible preceded the world and its physical limitations. The pristine light of the first day also belongs to this initial stage of creation, transcending all limitations of time and place. Unlike the elevated light of the first day, regular light is produced by the heavenly bodies that were created on the fourth day. Our awareness of the passing of time, of days and seasons and years, comes from the world’s movement and rotation. The sun and the stars, God announced, ”will be for signs and festivals, days and years” [Gen.1:14]. Our concept of time belongs to the limits of the created universe; it is the product of movement and change, a result of the world’s temporal nature.

This second type of light corresponds to a lower holiness that penetrates and fills the world. The higher, transcendent light ’surrounds all the worlds’ . while the lower, immanent light descends and ’penetrates all of the created worlds’

The holiness of the Sabbath is, set and eternal, independent of our actions. And yet, we are commanded to sanctify it – ”Remember the Sabbath day to make it holy” [Ex. 20:8]. How can we sanctify that which is already holy?

The essential holiness of the Sabbath is eternal, transcending time; but it has the power to sanctify time. By – ”Remembering the Sabbath day to make it holy” , we give the Sabbath an additional holiness – the lower, time-bound holiness. People are blessed with a additional soul level, on the Sabbath. The first nefesh (soul) is the regular soul of the rest of the week, the soul that rules over the body. This soul is bound by the framework of time, just as the body that it governs is temporal and impermanent. On the Sabbath, however, an additional neshamah (higher Divine soul level) is revealed – a soul that transcends time, the soul that is rooted in the highest spiritual realms.

The Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge is called and comprises of the following nine ingredients:

1) wheat, 2) barley, 3) grapes, 4) figs,
5) pomegranates, 6) olives, 7) dates,
8) etrog (citron), 9) serpent

The Bible’s revelation at Sinai came to repair the sin of eating from the Tree of Knowledge. ”I created the evil impulse and I created the Bible as a remedy for it” . The Bible reveals the transcendent light of the first day of Creation, the light of timeless holiness. Therefore the first letter of the Ten Commandments, the beginning of the Bible’s revelation, is a Hebrew letter Aleph – ”Anochi Hashem Elokecha,” ”I am the Eternal your God.” Like the Aleph, representing the number one (it being the first letter of the alph-bet), the Bible contains the infinite light of day one, the boundless light that God saved for the righteous.

“God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.”

“the light “ in Hebrew, the original language of the Bible has the numerical value of 613, which is the number of the commandments rooted in the Bible. They are 613 ways God has given us to reveal this ”hidden Light”

Rabbi David Pinto writes that the sages in Yalkut Shimoni Yeshayahu, ask where Adam was when the serpent enticed Chava to eat ? They answer that Adam was walking with Hashem in the
Gan. Why did Hashem not tell Adam to go and watch over Chava before
she ate? And why did He not prevent Adam from eating? It would appear
that Hashem knew what the outcome would be. Hashem did not intervene
when the serpent tempted Chava or when she began to hit Adam. He
wanted the struggle between good and evil to exist in the world. By
allowing man to deserve reward for choosing good over evil.

Stay away from the Darkness which has the end of suffering and death and choose life

“work the light”

“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.”( 1:6-8)

God spends one-sixth of his entire creative effort (the second day) working on a solid firmament. This strange structure, which God calls heaven, is intended to separate the higher waters from the lower waters.

On one level we understand that on the second day of creation, God created the water condensation system. Called the ” firmament” Water turns into vapor, a gas, and rises into the sky, where it forms clouds, which eventually lead to rain. This is what waters everything on earth and sustains life on the planet. It’s very important, and that’s what GOD created on the second day.

On a deeper level The Ramban suggests that it is a deep mystery that is difficult for the average person to understand. He does also suggest, however, that the best way to understand what happened on the second day of creation is that God separated the physical world– what we can see and experience with our five senses– from the spiritual world– what is beyond our direct ability to comprehend. So the firmament, is actually the spiritual world that we can reach by studying the Bible and doing the commandments.

The Bible teaches that the Heavens and

the earth were created on the first day of

Creation. For the time being, we will put

aside what the Heavens are, what the earth

is, and what a day is in this context, but let

us focus on the fact that the Heavens and earth have been created as of day one.

Given that the Heavens and earth have

already been created, we should be

puzzled when we see statements on day

two which imply that God separates the

heavens from the earth on day two. As it

says “God said, ‘Let there be

a firmament between the waters” and then

goes on to say that this firmament

separates between “the waters above”

(ostensibly sky-bound water e.g. clouds)

and “the waters below” (e.g. oceans, lakes,

etc.). Why does the Bible seem to repeat

the creation of the firmament which divides

between Heaven and earth? It is created

once on day one, and then mentioned more

specifically on day two. Rashi quotes a Midrash

which explains the apparent repetition. The

firmament had been created on the first

day, but was somehow unstable. In the

Book of Job (26:11) the day-one firmament

is described as if the very pillars of Heaven

were weak. The Midrash explains that

when God says on day two, “let there be a

firmament”, this command was experienced

as a awesome roar. It was as if the

firmament became awestruck “like a person

who is shocked and stands still from the

roar of One who is threatening him.” It is as

if the Bible were describing three phases

to the creation of the firmament: its

creation, its experience of becoming

awestruck by the roar of the Almighty, and

its ultimate stabilization.

From another perspective :

The basic formula for photosynthesis is as follows:

6CO2 + 12H2O + sunlight <-> C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2 Equation 1

The three input components of photosynthesis-light, water and carbon dioxide-correspond to the three basic components of Creation as highlighted in Kabbalah: light, water (, mayim), and the firmament (, rakia). The firmament is that element which separates Godliness (or light) from the lower world (or water). The relationship between these three elements is figuratively depicted in the letter alef, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which comprises an upper point (light), a lower point (water) and a diagonal line separating them (the firmament)

Hence it can be said that photosynthesis manages the interaction between Divine energy and the world. This is expressed both by the descent of carbon dioxide and oxygen atoms into carbohydrates (the source of sweetness in the world), as well as by the ascent of the oxygen atoms of water (the source of earthly pleasure, as taught by our sages: water propagates all manner of pleasure) as the oxygen gas released by the plant (enabling the Divine pleasure of the soul, the ’breath’ of God).

This connection between the upper and lower realms finds its most noticeable expression in what the Zohar refers to as ‘the union of the upper and lower waters’. According to the commentary Ashmoret Haboker on the Zohar, this union represents the unification of Torah knowledge (higher wisdom) and worldly knowledge (lower wisdom)- or the wisdom of the nations The hour that best reflects this coming together of the upper and lower realms is that of the third meal on Shabbat afternoon, whose messianic character makes it conducive for contemplating the significance of the plant (tzemach), the symbol of the Messiah.

The Zohar states that ”God looked into [the letters of] the Bible and created the universe.” The Divine act of Creation is referred to by the metaphor of speech.

The root אמר, “to say”, is an acronym for the first three primary creations: light (אור), water (מים), firmament (רקיע). These represent the three stages in the materialization of the creative seed, as taught by the Arizal:

light —the spiritual origin of the seed in the mind , before it is emanated, still only in potential in the God Head

water— physical manifestation of seed , the energy after emanation

firmament– the beginning of conception in the womb –. Shaping of the Energy so to create something in this physical world.

The firmament (רקיע), derives from the root רקע, “to stretch”, represents all states of positive tension- energy fields- in nature.

The third utterance is ”Let there be a firmament between the waters and let it separate between water and water”. It maps to the third sfira, which is Bina, Understanding. Bina is the type of understanding where ideas exist separately, can be scrutinized and comprehended. Bina is the level where division first exists. The very first division was the firmament, the rakia.

Our Rabbis teach in the name of Rabbi Hanina and Rabbi Pinchas and R’ Yaakov the son of Avin in the name of R’ Yishmael the son of Nachman – At the time the Holy One Blessed Be He said “Let there be a firmament between the waters” the middle drop congealed/froze and there was made the lower heavens and the upper heavens. (Breishit Rabba 4:7)

The separation between water and water became the separation of the upper heavens and the lower heavens. Certainly the Bible is telling us something of our physical reality, but even more about our spiritual reality. Heavens in Hebrew is shamayim, which it is taught means ”there is water”, ”fire and water”, ”loaded with water”, etc. (Breishit Rabbah 4:7). Water, that which makes our planet unique in the ability to support life.

According to the Talmud there are 7 “rekia” (skies), the two lowest skies seem to be physical, while the other five are completely spiritual belonging to a separate group. The lowest sky is called “Vilon” (curtain). It has nothing of its’ own. It only comes out during the day and gathers in at night as said in the Holy Zohar. Thus it seems that “Vilon” is the Earth’s atmosphere. It is thus proper to say that “it has nothing of its’ own”, it corresponds to the Sefirah of Malchut.  Kaballah says Malchut having nothing of its’ own. The next “Rakia” contains all the planets, stars and galaxies, and thus includes the rest of our physical universe. The last 2 “Rekia” relate to “Aravos” the 7th “Rekia” (Heaven- firmimanent). It is here that God willing we beseech Hashem when standing in the ”Amida” prayer !

At a physical level, water is made of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms bound with strong ionic bonds. The atomic number of oxygen is 8, that of hydrogen is 1. The sum of the atomic numbers in one molecule of water is 10.

lets try understand what is being said

Plants are made on the third day before there was a sun to drive their photosynthetic processes (1:14-19). 1:11

This could not be talking about physical creation of plants, it refers to their root and and source in the upper spiritual worlds

this is confirmed by the latter verse

5. Now no tree of the field was yet on the earth, neither did any herb of the field yet grow, because the Lord God had not brought rain upon the earth, and there was no man to work the soil. (2:5)

Their creation on the third day was only in potential, only created was their spiritual source

This verse should be explained to mean that no tree was yet on the earth . As the creation of the world was not completed till the sixth day, when man was created.

No herb of the field had yet grown. And on the third day, where it is written:“Let the earth bring forth,” they [the plants] had not yet emerged, but they stood at the entrance of the ground, in a potential state until the sixth day.

And why? Because He had not caused it to rain, and the sun was not set in the sky. There was no man to work the soil, and no one recognized the benefit of rain, but when man came and understood that they were essential to the world, he prayed for them, and they fell, and the trees and the herbs sprouted.

This sequence of events points us to recognize the spiritual root of all things.

The Bible also wants to emphasize that the sun is not in the center of or maybe even the origin of our “solar” system.

There is a Higher spiritual source-the God

We can see from this that things such as even plants at their spiritual root they were not ordained in the basis of the obvious matters of this world, but rather they are high, distant, and wonderful indeed.

“Were the Torah (Bible) mere law, were the Torah given only to direct the people which path to follow, its laws and details would not be ordained on the basis of such fine and lofty distinctions, which can be sensed only after extraordinary and exhausting effort” . . . therefore, those who come to understand the Torah purely through human analysis, . . . will certainly err.

For the thoughts of humanity are not the thoughts of God . . .

All subjects found in this world begin in the upper worlds, and their true existence is there, and they themselves descend via myriads of worlds until they reach our world with its feeble existence .. .

Just as there is nothing physical that does not have a root in the spiritual, so too there is nothing in the higher realms that does not descend to our lowest world . . . we can deduce that all the comprehension we have of the straightforward things of our world, can also enable us to comprehend the highest spiritual matters in their own terms, for in fact they are all one.

The Holy Torah is the spirit and root of Creation, and the world was created in accordance with it – “the Holy One Blessed Be He looked into the Torah and created the universe”.

Therefore all things found in creation are at their proper core and root in accord with the categories of the Holy Torah . . .

By knowing the spiritual nature of the source of our evolving worlds and physical creation one can be a partner with God in the work of creation.

God created many different spiritual concepts, forces and entities with which to create and direct the universe. Spiritual concepts can consist of such opposites as good and evil, or justice and mercy; as well as the basic concepts of giving and receiving, which are the spiritual roots of masculinity and femininity. There are also countless angels and spiritual potentials, all interacting to bring about the processes through which the universe is directed and guided.

The Bible in its beginning is teaching us concerning the Spiritual source of all things

In Genesis its written :

“I have given you every herb … and every tree … for meat.” 1:29

This is a mistranslation , in no way is the word here meat in the original Hebrew the word is “achla” which means food.

From this we see if you want to study a book as important as the Bible you should study it in its original language.

The Bible in the sacred language Hebrew does not use obscure language, but describes most things in words clearly indicating their meaning. Therefore it is necessary at all times to delve into the literal meaning of words to achieve complete understanding of what is actually meant. This can only be done fully by learning the “original text”.

Haim Nachman Bialik said ”Reading the Bible in translation is like kissing your new bride through a veil”

One needs the ability to understand the original author’s words, rather than through the translator’s opinion of the author’s words.

Hebrew is called the holy tongue? The Rambam explains that Hebrew lacks words for genital organs, for the reproductive act, for urine, and for excrement. When Hebrew needs to describe these things, it borrows terms with other meanings or employs allusions. This linguistic limitation makes the language sanctified. Hebrew is the original language of Torah, the language in which God communicates with his prophets and his people, and the language God used to create the world.

It is said that the Hebrew language came directly from God. It contains secrets that were preserved by the initiated. They contain the precise plan of the principles of creation. Each letter (or auth) is a crystallization of one of the aspects of manifestation of the divine word. Each letter is thus connected to the creative forces in the universe. The twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet are the building blocks of creation. According to the Bible, God created the world with Ten Utterances (or sentences) such as ”Let there be Light.” Immediately, there was light. And the Bible describes each of the Ten Utterances and the things that were created as a result. What is interesting is that these utterances were not just said once and erased, but stand for all time, forming the objects they created. The world is formed out of combinations of letters; these combinations are created from the letters of the words God spoke when he made the world. If a letter were to be rearranged or damaged, that object would cease to exist. Therefore, spiritually, the continued existence of these letters is essential for the functioning of the world.

Every letter in the Hebrew alphabet has a design, a number and a meaning. You might have heard of the term ”gematria.” Since every Hebrew letter has a number, words have ”totals,” and these numbers have special significance. Two words may be linked in their significance and meaning not just because of etymology or the fact that they are related in their sounds, but also because they are related in their numerical value.

Words and letters have a certain kind of power that goes beyond our capacity to imagine.

At Mt. Sinai, a new revelation of Divine Presence entered the world. In a single instant, the truth-of-the-universe was compressed into a single burst of light and bequeathed to correct and complete the creation. This  prophetic transmission  still continues each generation reveals  another layer of new teachings and discovers entirely new applications of its ancient wisdom.

The Hebrew Bible is arranged similarly to a hologram. The Torah has recorded with in it a vast “world” of information “imbedded” within and waiting to be later reconstructed, some what like being unfolded. It is like a “zip” (compressed) file. The first letter contains the whole. The first word expands from the first letter, the first sentence from the first word, etc. It’s very much like what our scientists do, We include information with messages sent to outer space that explains how to decode the entire message-that’s also how compression programs work on computers. The Torah to perceive requires information retrieval, and process information processing. As all is concealed with in it most only look upon its surfice. The ancient Hebrew alphabet is far more than a tool for everyday communication or the transmission of sacred texts; the letter forms themselves have intrinsic geometric and mathematical properties that point us to a profound knowledge of life and nature. They hold within them the secrets of human consciousness. The letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, as the manifestations of God’s speech. They are the energetic and vibrational building blocks of creation. They are analogous to physical elements. Just as, for example, an atom of oxygen gas unites with two atoms of hydrogen gas to form a molecule of water, so does one letter combine with another to create new entities. Hebrew words and letters are the constituent spiritual elements of all existence.

The Hebrew Alphabet is like the periodic table of elements.

The written Torah. It has in it only the crowns of letters and letters. It has none of the vowels written in it. Thus the words of the “Torah” (Bible) have many possible meanings. This does not mean that there is not a known simple meaning which Moses was taught by God at Sinai, but it lets us know there are other “secret” meanings to it’s words. The letters are the 288 sparks of the vessels that shattered. In creating the world God joined letters and sparks together. By the shattering of the vessels sparks fell below. Through reading of the Torah with the ”tamim” (musical notes) and ”nikudot” (vowels) which are into the vessels. This purifies the vessels and the sparks. Raise the letters that are fallen by the “tamim” (notes) , “nikudot” (vowels), “tagin” (crowns) All letters have their source in the letter “Alp” the Hebrew “A”, which is called sweetened.

By this the vessels are fixed ,from their shattered state. V”H of YHV”H is the source of the letters, it is the letters. By holy speech one makes permutations of these letters and sparks, thereby making peace between them and raising them up to the place from which they have fallen and their fixing reassembles them above to be conduits of light for us here below. Giving the world a higher and better level of Divine supervision, nullifying judgments..

The nature of the letters of the Torah is revealed by the fact that when the letters flew off the Tablets Moshe was no longer able to hold them any longer as they were so heavy, so he had to let them drop and shatter. This was because after the letters had departed from the Tablets they were with out “ruach” (Spirit) so grew heavy and fell.1 In the Torah scroll itself there are no vowels allowing the Torah to have many meanings, as each generation has a unique “tikun”(fixing) of its own by exchanging the letters.

Another mystery in Parsha Barashit is the long lifespans of the first men. The Oar ha chyim explains that the first generations had very large souls, each including many souls within them that would later incarnate separately as single individual souls. Therefore they required more time to do all the needed corrections. When these souls did not use this time to make “tikun” (correction) their souls were dominished fragmenting each of them in to many individual people, incarnations. These incarnations require less time to do what must be done,  so lifespans were shortened.

Its taught in Gemorah everyone is taught the Torah in the womb and it is forgotten at birth. We forget the Torah at birth  by an angel striking us on the mouth. This is why if someone learns Torah it will seem ‘very near’ to them. By speaking the Torah using the same mouth that was made to forget the Torah this brings back the memory !






an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot




FEBRUARY 21st 2024 IS A VERY IMPORTANT DAY IN YOUR LIFE ! What its all about —- The soul its repairs and Redemption

January 22, 2014, 8:20 am
Filed under: CAVANOT, kavanot, letters, Mesorah, Misa Markava | Tags: ,





  4. THE LETTER ל “LAMED” IS GOING UP ך is going down
  5. ת is the lowest , the “seal” of Malchut
  6. םמןנץצףפכך– Do Kavanot short and long
  7. Letters of Shacrit “NETZ CHAMA” (hours) by astology are
  8.    The vowel “cholem” and letter  are both  ש “Chashmal”
  9. אם גזצ
  10. ט high
  11. Binah and Tevunah, indicated by the letters samech and mem

ת is Low, it receives all before , without “degash” is soft

ר are all , no degash (soft sound)

  1. ע is lower Yesod of Shabot it is low ,  The upper Yesod  it is High  ט
  2. ל”פ Go up, נ”צ go down , ם vibrates
  3. This is all that
  4. can be said

Getting above this world-Revelation

Now there are few Mikubalim , but there has not been diminished or interrupted the flow or power of rulership in the world. The Mikubal is not lacking in His power of rulership. The flow is בחבום (free) to all who have emunah. But to those of little faith, they must pay with זכות (merit). The guarding angels are the זכות. By them one enters the Markava, or is prevented. They are the limits.1 The preperation that a man needs for comprehension is 1) Teshuva, 2) be exacting in performing mitzvot 3) Cavana in Tefila, 4) Learning for its own sake, 5) limit you delight in things of this world, 6) Rise at Midnight, 7) Be far from evil middot, 8) no empty speech, 9) purify in the mikvah, 10) תודדובהת, 11) Have the name יהו”ה always before you. 12) empty your thoughts from vanities of this world, 13) Cleave in love to Hashem in great desire.

After these preperations be alone in a house so that you will not hear any sounds even birds. Close your eyes and rid yourself of thoughts of this world as if you are dead. Then think of supernal concieled levels from below to above. Make the oath upon the Angel on the sefira that cleaves in the main branch of your soul. Open the gate to the Rekia. He is the memunah upon it. So you need to know all the specific names. By this name raise up you thought. When you meet the klipa tear them open in your thought by this you will enter the מחצב (carving) place of angels (where they are formed). Your thought will be among them.Till that you reach the מחצב (carving) place of Nashamot (where they are formed). Cleave your thought in the light of their sefirot, and in reach of השם. Pray and unite yichud according to the need of this place. Then raise your thought to the Ayn sof. In this way descend flow from above to below, till that it reaches and rests upon you the יהו”ה רוח. If this does not work or you perceive evil, quit this immediately. Return to sweetening of your avoda. Then after many days try again, until that you are successful in comprehending the truth. In mastering this way of thought all men are not equal.As Moshe rose and saw light of Atzilut that went over by way of Bria. Other prophets could only see in a garment of Bria. Yechezkial after the destruction of theTemple could only see  in a garment of Yetzera. We only have Ruach HaKodesh. No perception of lights of Atzilut. But we can draw lights from Yetzera. So the times, names and gates of Angels their tefilot, yichudim which relate to Yetzera and the ways of working with these things are hidden. Becouse that Kaballah Misa is in Asiyah, even if you do know how to work it there is danger involved. One can come to all kinds of comprehension from dreams during the summer in Ruach HaKodesh, or by maggidim, ,the Sadeekem reshonim. It is possible to comprehend in their great Holiness. Or from revelation of your own Nashama after you have gained merit. One may come to occupy in the Torah of Eliyah HaNovi according to the greatness of your piety so will grow his revelation to you. It is possible to reach this by piety alone, be safe with your body and Nefesh.2