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Here we stand after the deep solemn days of contemplation and repentance of the 17th of Tamuz and the 9th of Av. Now with a period of rejoicing yet approaching of Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippor and climaxing with Succot. To prepare us further for these times we have Ellul. Elul is a time of introspection, repentance, reconciliation, and heightened spirituality a time to prepare to be judged and sentenced by God with what will be in the coming year, for you and the whole world. Elul is a time for personal growth. By “Teshuva” (repentance) they may take their Holy garment back. Just as we go from days of solitude to rejoicing at times. so is this pattern essential to learning. We see this in our Torah parsha.


In the parsha we are told again how Moshe went up to receive the tablets of the covenant for a second time. One major thing was different the 2nd time though as we are told that Moshe made the vessel, the ark in which to put the tablets of Stone. In the same way as Moshe prepared a vessel, the ark, for the tablets of stone. So did Hashem prepare all the people of Yisrael for their Divine mission. As we are told how Hashem led Yisrael 40 years in the desert to humble us, and try our hearts. As it is written ”And you shall remember all the way which the Yhv”h Elohech”a led you these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you, and to prove you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments, or not. And he humbled you, and let you hunger, and fed you with manna, which you knew not, neither did your fathers know; that he might make you know that man does not live by bread only, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord does man live.” (8:2-3) He fed us Mana to show that all is sustained by the Holiness of spirituality. This was Necessary so that among other reasons Yisrael would then be ready to enter Aretz Yisrael fearlessly, and yet know that it wasn’t their strength that would deliver the land into their hands. This process of solemn preparation is Necessary to prepare one for reception of Holiness of the Torah in rejoicing. As we see that a cup must be clean for water to be poured into it and remain clean. Or as skin is cleaned with alcohol before a injection is given. One must prepare as vessel for Kidusha. As the Magid of Koznitz teaches אשרקדישנו means being invited to Holiness in a individual way as קדושין (marriage). One needs to be sanctified to their creator, as He Himself is Holy. One must prepare to be summoned to sanctify themselves in every moment so there will be received their prayer and Torah. They must be Holy. Sanctified by mitzvot (commandments).1


One must prepare themselves for the coming Holiness. For this we go from the solemn days of the 17th of Tamuz, 9th of Av and the days of Ellul. Rabbi Nachman of Bresslove teaches that the Woman (Shechinah) comes becouse of the aspect of Ellul. This is the ”kavana” (intent) of Ellul. רצון (will) is made in Ellul. From Ellul comes tikun of ”blemishing the Covenant-Brit”. Ellul is a time where one’s “cavana” (intention) is “running and returning”. This refers to our running into Holiness, filling our days of Ellul with activities that will bring us higher in Holiness. But not only do we “run” to the God but in the month which precedes the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah is the month called “Elul”, it is said concerning this time called “Ellul” that “the time the king is in the field.” At this time God, the King of Kings is accessible by all who go out into the fields of Holiness to find Him. “Ellul” is a acrostic (meaning that the first letters of the words of a verse spell it out ). The first letters of the words “Ani Ledodi V’Dodi Li” – ”I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me,” a quote from the Song of Love, or Shir HaShirim, by King Solomon in Hebrew spell our “Ellul”. As the verse alludes to Elul is a time of love. Avraham Abulafia teaches that if your heart runs return it to it’s place, by this is cut a covenant. By this way there is recieved 72 names.2 Moshe spent 40 days on Har Seni from Rosh Chodesh Ellul until Yom kippor. This is when he recieved the 2nd tablets. Ellul is the time for the”makiff” to become ”penimi”, creating a new beautiful garment called ”Chashmal”.3 From “teshuva” in “Ellul” there can be given to you the “Atz Chyim” (Tree of Life), which is the “ו” son of י”ה . Then you will be no longer called Servant, but “son of God”.1 This all brings us to Joyful Holy days of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippor and Succot.







  The feet exist at the lowest level so must be protected to prevent flow of Divine light to the powers of evil. So let us fulfill as it is written in our parsha ”You take care to do all the commandments which I command you this day , that you may live, and multiply, and go in and possess the land which the Lord swore to your fathers.” And “Every place where the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours; from the wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, to the uttermost sea shall be your border. There shall no man be able to stand before you; for the Yhv”h Elohecha”a shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that you shall tread upon, as he has said to you”.(8:1,1124-25) In this blessing let us stand strongly against our enemies. Those within and without. So in all of this the people the Holy One has chosen ”as it is on this day”, meaning their seed after them forever will go from the exile of preparation to heights that we have never perceived with our righteous Mashiach quickly in our days.


July 25, 2013, 11:04 am
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Albert Einstein visualized thought waves traveling up to the Van Allen Belt– psychic abilities and military psychic martial arts training !




Albert Einstein toyed with the possible power of thought waves when he attempted to explain how two scientists on opposite sides of the earth, in totally different societies and speaking totally different languages, could come up with the same basic invention at the same time. He visualized thought waves traveling up to the Van Allen Belt, which is in the magnetosphere surrounding the earth, then bouncing back to earth at an angle and ending their journey in the mind of a receptive human thousands of miles away from the original thought source.


Electromagnetic waves are produced by the billions of cells in your brain, each with a varying output. In quality, these waves are electromagnetic and their electrical impact affects a space of about 13.5 feet surrounding your body.


There was a most unusual Russian man named, Mikhail Kuni. Though he was a performer, he had nevertheless conducted his remarkable act under the strictest scientific scrutiny and it has been determined that he was not merely a clever artist, but a human with a most impressive mental facility. Five blackboards were crammed with columns of numbers and then the blackboards were set spinning so fast that all the average observer saw were blurs of white. Kuni, who was unaware of what numbers were written down, ran to the spinning boards, peered at them intently for a second or two, mentally calculated the numbers, then gave an accurate total.


To what facet of Kuni’s being is this ability attributable? Some may pigeonhole it as psychic, since Kuni evidenced psychic talents in other areas also. The other side of the coin is that from a very early age Kuni demonstrated an unusual visual memory and a genius for rapid calculation.


We can’t state with certainty how many human beings with unusual mind capabilities have exist.



In the 1950’s the Russians began experimenting with skin sight, a faculty which they later named bio-introscopy. Their attention was originally attracted to this field by a child naturally gifted with this ability, but they soon enlarged the scope of their investigations to include experiments with other children. Although the skills varied among the individual students, what they discovered was amazing–not only could the students detect and describe different colors without the use of their eyes, but by using only the skin of their hands as their “visual organs”. In time, many of them learned to “read” printed words. Each color “felt” different. Red was sticky and coarse, yellow slippery, orange hard and rough, and so forth. Eventually, some of the students were trained to detect the colors without the benefit of actual touch and with their hands held away from the paper. In this case, red burned, yellow was barely warm, and orange was warm. In addition, the various colors evidenced some very nasty habits. They pinched, bit, and stung.


Others began to “read” with their shoulders, stomachs, tongues, elbows, and noses.


More on this stuff here







Vadimir Vasiliev is known as a Master in Psychic abilities he also received Psychic Training he while he was with the Special Operations unit in Spetsnaz. ‘The goal of the training was to make you multi-functional. You were to be able to work effectively in any kind of situation and never fear it.


Perhaps more importantly, you were expected to learn how to be creative and act spontaneously. Divergent thinking, being able to come up with unconventional and unusual responses and decisions in different situations was an absolute necessity. You had to be totally adaptable to survive in the unit.


The key to this adaptability was the Psychic Training you received. You were expected to go well beyond the mere physical and psychological mastery to a point where intuition and that sixth sense, that we all have but seldom use, became a part of your daily life.


Awareness, or tapping into your sixth sense, was a focus for many of the exercises. Training classes could run for five hours and in some, you’d be blindfolded for the entire time. You’d have to follow what was going on, do your exercises and come to an understanding of the principles the instructor was teaching without the use of sight.


While sparring, the instructor would also walk around the class looking for trainees who weren’t paying attention to the total environment they were working in. If he thought you weren’t aware of his presence, he’d hit you with a stick over the head, this taught the trainee very quickly to be aware of where everyone was at all times.


At other times, we were brought up into pitch-black rooms and had to guess how many people were in it, if any. We’d also be blindfolded and have to identify colors just by touching colored blocks of paper. Again, awareness was to extend far beyond the normal five senses into the area of the psychic.


Some instructors who were skilled at passing psychic energy would take a few glasses of water and charge them with energy. This was a charge grounded in a psychic form of energy. It was much like touch healing. They’d concentrate on the water and send energy into it through their fingers without touching it. The trainee would then have to come into the room and tell the instructor which classes had been charged with the energy. The purpose behind this exercise was to teach the trainee how, on a mission, to tell if their drink was poisoned. Poison has a much stronger energy than regular water and that energy is discernible to those who have learned to access and use their psychic abilities.


Before sleep, we were also taught to picture everything around us. We became completely aware of how a room looked, sounded and smelled. We even became aware of a tactile, or touch perceptions. We put all this information into a mental picture and fell asleep. If anything at all changed in the room while you were sleeping, you were to awaken immediately and respond to any situation.


The trainer would change something in the environment, sometimes even slightly, and we’d have to wake up or answer for it with our superiors. After much practice, we learned how to do this.


We were also taught to sleep with our feet outside our blanket or bag. That way, if some threat presented itself we’d be able to get up immediately to respond. As above, I still sleep this way. My feet are never covered at night.


Eventually, you came to understand and respect the extent of your lethal powers and learned to use them only when necessary or in pursuit of the necessary military goal.


Here is more of Vadimir Vasiliev’s work, a apparatus for the Treatment of Neuropsychic and Somatic Diseases with Heat, Light, Sound and VHF Electromagnetic Radiation. US Patent #3,773,049. L.Y.Rabichev, V.F.Vasiliev, A.S.Pultin, T.G.Ilina, P.V.Raku and L.P.Kennedy. November 20, 1973. Don’t let the nice title fool you, this is the patent for LIDA, the infamous Soviet brainwashing machine. The patient or victim receives the four physical stimuli named in the title which are calibrated such that he “experiences psychical relaxation and gradual transference to sleep” and “The whole system of stimuli which is addressed to the patient’s organism makes use of the first signal system channels.i.e. the receptor zones of the appropriate analysers so that the second signal system channels (mind, intellect, psyche) are avoided, thereby providing for a curative effect, no matter the patient’s psychic condition or his attitude towards the treatment procedure”


Dr. Vasiliev definitely demonstrated that radio transmission can produce stimulation of the brain. It is not a complex process. In fact, it need not be implanted within the skull or be productive of stimulation of the brain, itself. All that is needed to accomplish the radio control of the brain is a twitching muscle. The subject becomes hypnotized and a muscle stimulant is implanted. The subject, while still under hypnosis, is commanded to respond when the muscle stimulant is activated, in this case by radio transmission.


Lincoln Lawrence wrote a book entitled Were We Controlled? Lawrance wrote, “If the subject is placed under hypnosis and mentally programmed to maintain a determination eventually to perform one specific act, perhaps to shoot someone, it is suggested thereafter, each time a particular muscle twitches in a certain manner, which is then demonstrated by using the transmitter, he will increase this determination even more strongly. As the hypnotic spell is renewed again and again, he makes it his life’s purpose to carry out this act until it is finally achieved. Thus are the two complementary aspects of Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control (RHIC) joined to reinforce each other, and perpetuate the control, until such time as the controlled behavior is called for. This is done by a second session with the hypnotist giving final instructions. These might be reinforced with radio stimulation in more frequent cycles. They could even carry over the moments after the act to reassure calm behavior during the escape period, or to assure that one conspirator would not indicate that he was aware of the co-conspirator’s role, or that he was even acquainted with him.”


RHIC constitutes the joining of two well known tools, the radio part and the hypnotism part. People have found it difficult to accept that an individual can be hypnotized to perform an act which is against his moral principles. Some experiments have been conducted by the U.S. Army which show that this popular perception is untrue. The chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University, Dr. Estabrooks, has stated, “I can hypnotize a man without his knowledge or consent into committing treason against the United States.” Estabrooks was one of the nation’s most authoritative sources in the hypnotic field. The psychologist told officials in Washington that a mere 200 well trained hypnotists could develop an army of mind-controlled sixth columnists in wartime United States. He laid out a scenario of an enemy doctor placing thousands of patients under hypnotic mind control, and eventually programming key military officers to follow his assignment. Through such maneuvers, he said, the entire U.S. Army could be taken over. Large numbers of saboteurs could also be created using hypnotism through the work of a doctor practicing in a neighborhood or foreign born nationals with close cultural ties with an enemy power.


Dr. Estabrooks actually conducted experiments on U.S. soldiers to prove his point. Soldiers of low rank and little formal education were placed under hypnotism and their memories tested. Surprisingly, hypnotists were able to control the subjects’ ability to retain complicated verbal information. J. G. Watkins followed in Estabrooks steps and induced soldiers of lower rank to commit acts which conflicted not only with their moral code, but also the military code which they had come to accept through their basic training. One of the experiments involved placing a normal, stable army private in a deep trance. Watkins was trying to see if he could get the private to attack a superior officer, a cardinal sin in the military. While the private was in a deep trance, Watkins told him that the officer sitting across from him was an enemy soldier who was going to attempt to kill him. In the private’s mind, it was a kill or be killed situation. The private immediately jumped up and grabbed the officer by the throat. The experiment was repeated several times, and in one case the man who was hypnotized and the man who was attacked were very close friends. The results were always the same. In one experiment, the hypnotized subject pulled out a knife and nearly stabbed another person.


Watkins concluded that people could be induced to commit acts contrary to their morality if their reality was distorted by the hypnotism. Similar experiments were conducted by Watkins using WACs exploring the possibility of making military personnel divulge military secrets. A related experiment had to be discontinued because a researcher, who had been one of the subjects, was exposing numerous top-secret projects to his hypnotist, who did not have the proper security clearance for such information. The information was divulged before an audience of 200 military personnel.

July 19, 2013, 3:16 pm
Filed under: gallery




BIG SECRETS IN Va’etchanan-Vaetchanan
flock of white birds photo during sunset

Photo by Adam Grabek on Pexels.com

Updated                                  July 22th                                              2018

The word VA’ET’CHANAN (and I implored) is numerical value 515. Midrash Rabbah teaches that Moshe implored God 515 times to be permitted to enter “Eretz Yisrae”l (The land of Isreal). God commanded him to stop, because had Moses implored one more time, he would have elevated himself to a new spiritual height that would have permitted him to cross the Jordan River. SOME MORE ABOUT NUMBERS OF PRAYER

Moses says in the parsha “But YHV’H became angry with me because of you, and he did not listen to me” LETS NOT MAKE GOD ANGRY AT ALL OF US PUSHING OFF THE COMING OF THE MESSIAH AGAIN.

In our Parsha God tells Moses to look not only westward but also northward, southward and eastward at the Land of Israel, implying that “Eretz Yisrael” (The Land of Israel) already surrounds him. As the true borders of the Promised Land are not merely west of the Jordan River but actually stretch from the Nile to the Euphrates.

Moshe encourages Yisrael to adhere to God’s laws in order to maintain their hold over the land, and spells out in painful detail the consequences of non-compliance, culminating in the threat of exile from the Holy Land.   Moshe warns the people that their election to become God’s own, carries with it awesome responsibility.  The unrivaled experience of the Revelation at Sinai was not a gratuitous expression of Divine grace, but rather an irresistible invitation to Bnei Yisrael to serve God, to teach humanity, and to become sanctified..

What follows is a mission statement’ given by Moses to the Jewish people: As he says :

“Hear Israel, God is our Lord. God is one.  You shall love God your Lord with all of your heart, and with all of your soul, and with all of your might.  These things that I command you this day shall be upon your heart.  You shall teach them to your children and speak of them, when you dwell in your home, when you travel upon the way, when you lie down to sleep and when you arise.  You shall tie them as a sign upon your hand and place them between your eyes. You shall write them upon the door posts of your home and upon your gates” (Devarim 6:4-9).

This paragraph, known as

The ‘Shema’ is the most perpetual of the Jew’s daily devotional meditations, and a primary element of the morning and evening prayer.  Not a day goes by when it is not uttered at least twice.  It is called THE UNIFICATION OF GODS NAME.

The Mishna in the first chapter of tractate Orlah states: “When our forefathers came to the Land of Israel, and they found [a tree] already planted, it was exempt from the laws of orlah” (Orlah 1:2). During the first seven years of the conquest of the Land of Israel Hashem permitted the warriors to eat whatever they found. According to one opinion in the Gemara, Even pork is forbidden for consumption only when Hashem decides it to be so. If He says it is permissible, then it is not a problem.

It says in the parsha “You who cleave in YHV”H Elohech”a are alive this day”. So we see it is by cleaving in GOD that we are given, draw life force. To recieve this life force by cleaving we make attachment to GOD through the mitzvot. As the root of the word mitzvah means attachment. Yisrael are born from the ”house of GOD”. Here they cleave in ” the portion of יהו”ה is His people”. So they may inherit what is fit for them of Torah and mitzvot from treasury of GOD this is their crown. This treasury is from the 32 paths Chuchmah. 1 Serve from the love of GOD in your Teffila with all your heart and all your soul. Spill out your soul in teffila and cleave to him. This is all to your good love the “midah” called מ”ה. In it are hidden the 100 blessings. Walk in all yours way so to invite to receive flow of the way. These are then supernal days.2 Rabbi Avraham Abulafia teaches in Aor haSachel that the חושק (desire) that is given in the heart of desire is a witness to the love of הו”א . If from between 2 loves she (the soul) has within one being the intellect from partnership with GOD, and the intellect of man. They are one as the Name is one. Becouse of the חבור (union) in the existence of the nature of man with the existence of אלהו (his God) in time he has comprehension in intellect. In this power man is able to connect below and cleave in the עליון (supernal) and bring it down. The thing he raises up calling out recieves a kiss. As the groom kisses the bride in much great desire. And He is delighted both by the desire and the power of the name.3 If a man gives his heart and dat to the fear of GOD, behold the letters of יהו”ה cleave in his heart. One who merits this has no lack. But if his heart lacks fear of GOD, the letters of יהו”ה are far from him. This is the greatest possible lack. This is what it means “Make Me a migdosh (temple), and I will dwell in them”. One sanctifies their heart so as to have dwell in it יהו”ה.4 All the power GOD gives to man by his Dat, his power of speech and intellect, this is GOD’s place in the world.5 Its also written in the parsha “Guard and do the commandments this is you wisdom in the eyes of the nations.” This reminds us that their ways are not our ways our wisdom is prescribed in the Torah. We sanctify GOD’s name by being a light to the nations by acting according to the Torah. We must not be like a dog who looks to the nations as its master and is always trying to find favor before them. As the Israeli government does when killing the people of Sderot by Hamas hands to continue appeasing the Quartet. (only after responding with strong military force in Gazza did the rocket assault stop) Or their abandoning the Grave of our forefather Yosef to the Arabs. Or refusing to let Jews live on our holy Land ,or even worse kicking jews out of there homes and giving the land over to arab terrorists. Surely these disgusting things are only a desecration of our Holy Torah. We can not have leaders in this country that act as such. If we cleave to GOD and we work to have leaders of our nation that are true to GOD we shall see as the Prophet Michah describes this time ” I will make her the remnant halted, daughter of Zion, to you shall it come. There will come the first government, the kingdom to the daughter of Jerusalem. Now why does she cry badly, because she has no king, and her counselor has perished? For pangs have taken you as a woman in labor. Be in pain and labor to bring forth, oh daughter of Zion ”. (4:7 – 10) The Maharol of Prague Wrote that in the future the messianic king will establish a new kingdom which will emerge from the first kingdom which will precede it. It is as a unripe fruit grows in a peel till the fruit is ripe, then the peel decays. And as it says in our parsha “you will be a Holy people am segulah” (Nation treasured by God). With the arrival of our Mashiach Quickly. 1.Marachot Elokim 2.Safer HaKanah 3.Aor HaSachel 4.Alp Bet p.161 5.Avodat Yisrael p.11 I noticed this verse :The punishment of your iniquity is accomplished, daughter of Zion; he will no more carry you away into exile; he will visit your iniquity, O daughter of Edom; he will uncover your sins.” (lamentations 4:22) There shall be no more exile of the Nation of Israel from their land. This verse affirms this. Another interesting thoughtThe Lord your God will raise to you a Prophet from your midst, from your brothers, like me; to him you shall listen” In this verse the Hebrew word for “like me” is כמני. It has a numerical value of of 120. This is exactly the years in the life of Moses. (Deuteronomy 18:15)I will raise them a Prophet from among their brothers, like you, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak to them all that I shall command him.” (Deuteronomy 18:18) In this verse the Hebrew word for “like you” is כמוך =86 86 is the numerical value of אלהים (God) As in the verse “And this is the blessing, with which Moses the man of God blessed the people of Israel before his death.” (Deut. 33) And alsoA Prayer of Moses the man of God,. Lord you have been our dwelling place in all generations.” (Psalm 90) These passages in Deuteronomy predict the Messiah,. By these verses we know about the similarities between Moses and the prophet who was to be like him. Who is the Messiah..The Messiah will be aman of God”, the Messiah will be a “man”. Not God as some may think. Our HaphTorah offers us great comforting words. The Prophet Isaiah addresses the prophets and sages in every generation and says “Comfort , comfort you My people! Bid Jerusalem take heart” (verse 1). Today, with our own eyes we see Isaiah’s words being fulfilled in our day. After two thousand years of exile millions of Jews are being gathered in Israel, as Isaiah said, “Even as a shepherd who feeds his flock, who gathers the lambs into his arm, carrying them in his bosom, gently leading nurslings” (verse11). We can see with our own eyes how the land is developing with great strides.  And what other consolation does Isaiah offers? “Proclaim unto her that her time of service is accomplished, that her guilt is paid off; that she hath received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins” (verse 2). In other words, the time earmarked for her in the exile has passed. The end of the exile has arrived, for she has received twice the punishment coming to her in the Babylonian exile and in the 2,000 year long exile. The atonement for her sin has been completed. Those nations that fight us will be like a drop in the bucket, like dust on a scale, as it says, “Behold, the nations are as a drop in the bucket, as the small dust of the balance. Behold the isles are as a mote in weight. Lebanon is not sufficient fuel, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for burnt-offerings. All the nations are as nothing before Him; they are accounted by Him as things of nought, and vanity” (verses 15-17). In the exile were a lamb among 70 wolves. Now with the establishment of the State Yirsael has returned to their stature as a lion among the nations.

In our parsha is also the 2nd version of the 10 commandments. Maybe great secrets can be learned from the differences in the 2 texts in the Torah of the Ten commandments

Different Decalogues?

The 10 commandments as they appear in both of the Torah’s original account of the Revelation at Sinai in Shemot 20 and in Moshe’s later retelling of the event in Devarim 5. The two versions contain differences,  additions, omissions, and substitutions. They are as follows:

  • Reason for Shabbat – The reason given for keeping Shabbat is different in each set of commandments. Shemot 20:10 speaks of the creation of the world, while Devarim 5:14 mentions the enslavement and Exodus from Egypt. This is the only distinction which encompasses a full verse.

  • Additional phrases – “כַּאֲשֶׁר צִוְּךָ ה’ אֱלֹהֶיךָ” (Devarim 5:11, 15), “וְשׁוֹרְךָ וַחֲמֹרְךָ וְכָל” (Devarim 5:13), “לְמַעַן יָנוּחַ עַבְדְּךָ וַאֲמָתְךָ כָּמוֹךָ” (Devarim 5:13), “וּלְמַעַן יִיטַב לָךְ” (Devarim 5:15), and “שָׂדֵהוּ” (Devarim 5:17).

  • Word substitutions – “שָׁמוֹר” / “זָכוֹר” (Shemot 20:7, Devarim 5:11), “עֵד שָׁוְא” / “עֵד שָׁקֶר” (Shemot 20:12, Devarim 5:16), and “וְלֹא תִתְאַוֶּה” / “לֹא תַחְמֹד” (Shemot 20:13, Devarim 5:17).

  • Ordering – The order of the list of objects not to be coveted varies between the two versions (Shemot 20:13, Devarim 5:17).

  • Single letter variations – There are thirteen small discrepancies related to extra / missing וי”ו  ( written חסר) /  (מלא) full spellings.

  • Masoretic divisions – In two places (after “שְׁמוֹ לַשָּׁוְא” and “אֲשֶׁר לְרֵעֶךָ”), Masoretic manuscripts like Codex Leningrad display an open section in Shemot 20 but a closed section in Devarim 5.

  • In our “parsha” we learn that one who lives far from Jerusalem and finds it difficult to bring his “Miser Shani” can exchange it for money (NOT A PIECE OF SILVER ?) and and buy the equivalent with it and eat it as his    “Miser Shani” in Jerusalem in ritual purity. May we make a “para dumah” and eat the “Miser Shani” in Jerusalem in ritual purity again soon !



    an overview of


    Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

    2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

    3)The Souls speak

    4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

    5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

    6) “The Message”

    7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

    8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

    9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


    11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

    12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

    13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot




Opening Up- By holding a Polaroid camera and focusing on the lens very intently, he was able to produce dreamlike pictures of his thoughts on the film
July 11, 2013, 5:51 pm
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Dr. K. I. Platonov discovered when attempting to put people under hypnosis telepathically Platonov found found he had to concentrate mentally on the words “relax,” or “sleep,” or other verbal commands he used to entrance subjects to the trance state. “With telepathy I had to visualize my subject asleep.”


To send an ESP message one needs to get comfortable and let tension drop your the body like a bathrobe. You should set aside any cares and emotions. Saturate yourself with confidence. “As you begin a transmission of a picture, you should not indulge in any interior monologue,” Kamensky states. “Start by touching the object. You must have a clear representation of it. Next, think of the object. Finally, visualize vividly the receiver’s face. Imagine the receiver looking at the object, touching the object.”


When these conditions were realized, Kamensky reported thirty-four different people correctly picked up seven out of ten objects sent to them. If you find it easy to fulfill Kamensky’s conditions, you must already have a sort of super control. It is precisely to get such control that the Russians train. The novel idea of a sensuous element in psi fits with the supposed ESP prowess of deaf mutes, who would naturally refine touch as well as vision.


The psychic Kuni worked the feel-and-see combination. “I sat holding in my right hand a glass of hot tea. I tried to strongly project this sensation to a group of seventeen men in another room who’d been hypnotized. The men were asked what they felt. To a greater or lesser degree, they all said their right hands felt warm. Then I pricked myself with a pin. Before the group could even be asked, all the men, almost at one time, cried out with pain. We successfully repeated these tests with groups of fifteen to twenty people.”


Each and every thought of ours is producing a definite form. Has it been proved?


The famous American, Ted Serios had produced ‘thoughtograph’ as they are called since 1955 and had undergone dozens of investigations including one by the magazine, Life. Ted Serios’s thought pictures were photographed according to the issue dated 30-10-67 of Life.


“Psychic Projections/Photographic Impressions: Paranormal Photographs from the Jule Eisenbud Collection on Ted Serios” features a series of images produced by Theodore Judd Serios (1918-2006), a bellhop from Chicago who appeared to possess a genuinely uncanny ability.



By holding a Polaroid camera and


focusing on the lens very intently, he


was able to produce dreamlike


pictures of his thoughts on the film


; he referred to these images as “thoughtographs,” and many striking examples are on display in the exhibition.


The images are contextualized by a selection of notes and letters written by Serios’s chief supporter, defender, champion, and sometime minder, a psychiatrist named Jule Eisenbud. Eisenbud (1908-99) was a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado Medical School and a charter member of the Parapsychological Association; he wrote numerous articles on psychiatry and psychoanalysis based on his experiments with telepathy. However, his best-known (and only commercially successful) book was The World of Ted Serios: “Thoughtographic” Studies of an Extraordinary Mind (1967).


In this book, Eisenbud describes how he worked with Serios. Their method varied considerably, but it turned out that Serios was able to produce images using various kinds of cameras and in many different situations, sometimes under quite stringent test conditions.



To prove no trickery was involved, Eisenbud requested him to turn out pictures while stripped nude, and even with an encephalograph wired to his scalp. He was also asked to produce pictures both inside a shielded metal chamber and through heavy panes of lead-impregnated glass- and he did.


Drs. S. Serov and A Troskin of Sverdlovsk demonstrated that the number of white blood cells rose by fifteen hundred after they suggested positive emotion to patients. After impressing negative emotion, the white cells decreased by sixteen hundred. White blood cells, or leucocytes, are one of the body’s main defenses against disease.


Dr. K. I. Platonov discovered this when attempting to put people under hypnosis telepathically. It wasn’t enough, Platonov found, to concentrate mentally on the words “relax,” or “sleep,” or other verbal commands he used to entrance subjects vis-à-vis. “With telepathy I had to visualize my subject asleep.” Platonov considered the hypnotic state a level of sleep.


At the 1924 Congress of Psychoneurology, delegates were to be given a spontaneous demonstration of telepathic control in action. On his way to the meeting, Professor K. I. Platonov happened to meet one of his patients, whom he asked to come along without telling her why. In full view of the audience, Platonov put the girl to sleep in a matter of seconds by mental suggestion from behind a blackboard, and then woke her by the same method. Afterwards, the girl asked him: `Why did you invite me to the Congress? I don’t understand. What happened to me? I slept, but I don’t know why….’ Platonov later revealed that this subject was so suggestible that he could send her to sleep even while she was dancing a waltz.


Dr K. D. Kotkov reported that a series of about 30 experiments, held over a two-month period and designed to influence the behaviour of a girl student, were all successful. He described exactly how he did it. He would sit quietly and mentally murmur the words of suggestion to his subject. Then he would visualise her doing what he wished, and finally he would strongly wish her to do so. (This last stage was, he felt, the most important.) In this way, he could not only send the girl to sleep and wake her up, but even summon her to the laboratory. When asked why she had turned up, the bewildered girl replied: `I don’t know. I just did. I wanted to come.’ The most alarming aspect of this early example of behaviour control was that at no time was the girl aware of what was happening. `When are the experiments about which you warned me going to start?’ she kept asking – even after they had been carried out.






Don’t be a coward or traitor !

Devarim בס”ד


Near the beginning of our parsha We are reminded of the generation that all died in the desert because of the affair of the spies as it’s written ”And you came near me every one of you, and said, We will send men before us, and they shall search us out the land, and bring us word again by which way we must go up, and to what cities we shall come.” But after the spies brought back the evil report our parsha tells us concerning the people. “And you murmured in your tents, and said, Because the Lord hated us, he has brought us out of the land of Egypt, to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites. Where shall we go? our brothers have discouraged our heart”. For this sin of fearing the nations and not believing in GOD the whole generation was forbidden to enter the land, and as it says in Bamidbar “Your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness; and all who were counted of you, according to your whole number, from twenty years old and upward, all of you shall not come into the land, concerning which I swore to make you live in it, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of Nun”. We should have learned this lesson by now.


Fear only GOD.


The beginning of the mitzvah of fearing GOD is to know that ”elokenu” is the ד“ו parzufim (masculine and feminine aspects of GOD). These are the Written and Oral Torah by whose ruling we were taken out of Egypt.1 Fear embraces humility and humility embraces “chasidut” (piety). So by fear of sin one gets all these qualities.2 All the time one is only occupied only in the simple meaning of the Torah they see themselves as poor and dead. The main part of the Torah is its secrets. One who has the fear of GOD without chuchmah (Kabbalah) will not reach the ”midot” (attributes) of ”chassidut” (piety). Fear of GOD is Chuchmah, turning away from evil is Bina.3


If a man gives his heart and dat to the fear of GOD, behold the letters of יהו”ה cleave in his heart. One who merits this has no lack. But if his heart lacks fear of GOD, the letters of יהו”ה are far from him. This is the greatest possible lack. This is what it means “Make Me a migdosh (temple), and I will dwell in them”. One sanctifies their heart so as to have dwell in it יהו”ה 4 The level of soul called ”chayah” does not go out to a man except by receiving chuchmah. One who merits Chuchmah and dat their goes to him the fear of GOD.5 Growing in fear and ”Kidusha” as is proper this causes ”zivug” of Zu”n, and Abba with Imma to become complete as is proper. Through this is complete purification to man.6 When chuchmah is united to bina, the fear and awe of GOD can arise from the level of keter. Bina is called love but from chuchmah is complete love.7


Last weeks parsha said “But if you will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those whom you allow to remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall harass you in the land where you live. Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do to you, as I thought to do to them.”


So it is about time we stop this foolishness such as releasing terrorists as good will gestures. What could be a worse desecration of graves of Jewish martyrs who died in the Arab terrorist attacks than releasing terrorists as “good will gestures”? What could be a worse slap in the face of their grieving friends and relatives? The government spits upon the thousands of murdered and maimed Jewish women, children, civilians in order to stage a ”peace process show”


American President Obama wants to force Isreal to give their land settled cities to their enemies who wish to send rockets upon central Israel and kill all the Jews. We must stop this government’s evil cowardly retreat from Yuhuda and Shamron. The disengagement from Gaza and the destruction of the Gush Katif Jewish settlements has created a pure terrorist state at Israel’s border. How many more such enclaves do we need ? The Israeli establishment plans to demolish more Jewish settlements and evict more Jews from their homes before transferring the territories to Arab rule. International law doesn’t justify such moves. Forced population transfer is a war crime. Forcible transfer is a form of ethnic cleansing. The International Criminal Tribunal convicted Yugoslavian officials for exactly the crime Israelis committed in Gush Katif. Instead lets get rid of the terrorists not nurture them. It by no means is our responsibility to provide the Palestinians with water, electricity and humanitarian aid. But it is the primary responsibility of the government to protect it citizens. So we must as it says in the verse “drive out the inhabitants of the land”, we must deal with the terrorists as enemies as is proper. Not with ”good will gestures”, and only receiving evil in return. Remember as it says in our parsha ”GOD Elohecha gives you this land as inheritance”. Then we can come to see the fullness of our inheritance with the Bait HaMikdash built and our righteous Mashiach quickly in our days.


1. 1 Safer HaKanah


2. Alp Bet p.161


3. 1Alp Bat Book p.67 ,20,Safer Hakanah


4. 1Zohar Nasso 145a

Is this like days of Purim or What ?
July 7, 2013, 12:18 pm
Filed under: small news

Egyptian soldiers keep guard as heavy equipment destroy smuggling tunnels beneath the Egyptian-Gaza border in Rafah

Egyptian army Destroying Hamas tunnels at Border !

Is this like days of Purim or What ?

Morsi being transported to Tora prison, where his predecessor Mubarak held – unconfirmed reports

Thread: BREAKING: Morsi arrested over contact with Hamas, killing officers, prisoners & kidnapping soldiers

Tora prison ?


Hamas Isolated After

Coup in Egypt

Since the military coup in Egypt, all activity has come to an abrupt halt in Rafah’s smuggling tunnels. No gasoline is getting into Gaza. Raw materials and consumer goods are not passing through the tunnels. This is certainly a sign of things to come. These days, Hamas is meeting to rethink its future, but it really has very few choices. It has no one to lean on for support, and it now looks like it is on its own, isolated and despised. The military government that Egypt announced yesterday [June 3] is a mortal blow to Hamas. This is the time for the Egyptian Army to settle its longstanding account with the movement.

Just one year has passed since thousands of people came out to celebrate on Gaza’s main street. Led by the military wing of Hamas, they honked their horns to express their joy that the Muslim Brotherhood had come to power in Egypt. Now those same people of Gaza are left without gas for their cars and without hope for their future.

Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2013/07/fall-egyptian-brotherhood-trouble-hamas.html#ixzz2YMQZACl8

Egypt and Algeria: took down the Moslim brothers and extremists !!!!!!!!!

Sooner or later, Erdogan will fall, too. The tide is turning. Obama’s support for the moslem extremists, is not wanted by the people.

Egypt’s army is preparing for a large-scale military operation in Sinai, an army official said Sunday, as forces sealed more smuggling tunnels along the Gaza border.

An Egyptian military official told Ma’an the army was preparing for a major operation in Sinai “to clean it up from terrorist and criminal cells.”

The army official said “coordination is ongoing between the Egyptians and the Israelis to bring military vehicles, troops and jets into Sinai to fight terror.”

Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa second, the Emir of Qatar ordered the Moslem Brotherhood’s spiritual leader, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, to leave the country on Tuesday and revoked his Qatari nationality. He also ordered the closure of all offices of the Muslim Brotherhood



GREAT MERCY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Egypt is lost in riots and the revolution, their economy is devastated and there is no jobs so they’re killing each other to stay busy. The Gulf countries are helping them with billions of dollars – it won’t help them at all, Egypt is like a bottomless pit.

Syria is continuing to be erased they are consuming themselves. Lebanon, Hizballah and Nasrallah are being destroyed, broken down and shattered. They thought tthey were heroes, thought they were strong. They pretended to be victors.  They are dying in Syria.

The King is shaking in Jordan. He really afraid of and hopes their won’t be a revolution in Jordan.


Islamists now in power find it hard to hold

The decision Wednesday by Cairo prosecutors is the latest move in a crackdown by authorities on the Islamist group following the July 3 ouster of Mohammed Morsi in a military coup, the AP reports.

“They are killing us,” said Waiel Yahya, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political wing, in the aftermath of the bloody conflict.

Egypt is not the only place where Islamist groups are facing wrath. In the past few days Muslim Brotherhood offices have been ransacked in Libya, and thousands marched against the Islamist-led government in Tunisia.


The unrest is seen by some as a backlash against Islamist groups that emerged politically powerful in the aftermath of the Arab Spring revolutions but are spurring anger and disappointment with their governance.

All in all it looks like the Arab nations are fighting the Gog and Magog war between themselves.




Mottot Bs”d


We stand approaching Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipor and the holiday of Succot in the distance. These great times of great revelation of light need great preparation so that one may become a proper vessel for the revelation of this great light. For this GOD has given us the month of Tammuz and quickly approaching the month of Av. Av precedes the month of Ellul. The month where GOD is ready to give anyone a hand who wants to know and be one with His glorious light. GOD in Ellul gives every one extra power. Before Ellul we have Av. This is the time of destruction of Both Temples, the time of national mourning. This reveals a certain part of the heart. The sages say only those who mourn the loss of the Temple will be those who will rejoice when it will be rebuilt. By contemplatiohttps://godssecret.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=postn of this we can come to realize as the sages say “one who has not seen the ceremony during succot where water is poured up the alter has never seen joy in his life”


Our parsha starts out discussing vows, sincere commitments one makes to GOD. Our lives should be a sincere commitment to his will. If we follow His will we will become holy. Rabbi Nachman of Breslov teaches that through faith one achieves intellect.1 It is according to one’s Dat (knowledge that connects the mind to the heart), which is “penimi” (a internal aspect) in the sefirot that there is a “segulah” (miraculous power) to unite with Divine will.2 By this we can accomplish anything. But to reach this power of Dat (knowledge that connects the mind to the heart), which is “penimi” (a internal aspect) in the sefirot that there is a “segulah” (miraculous power) to unite with Divine will which gives you power over all in this world by yielding Divine will one must learn a lot. One must go through many journeys.


By these journeys that we each face in our own live’s which are our “tikun”(fixing) so that we may enter a Divine state of consciousness called “Yisrael”. In these journeys we face many tests, these come to refine us. By this we may merit to not only have the consciousness called “Yisrael”, but to actually enter the Holy land and connect to the Infinite quality of God that is always dwelling upon the Land. It is a quality like Shabot which is manifest by the Divine name of (42) מ”ב of the world of Bria as explained in the books concerning the meditations of the Shabot. Like on Shabot in Aretz Yisrael light is revealed. In Aretz Yisrael light is revealed more because the garments vessels for light are more refined in Asiyah (the physical world) as their bodies are more sanctified in mitzvot than if dwelling outside the land. As Aretz Yisrael itself is as a “mikvah” (ritual bath) completely surrounding you . “Aretz” (land) is related to “ratzon” (will), receiving the yolk of heaven is the spiritual aspect of Aretz Yisrael.3 Those who walk in the ways of “avoda zara” (the way of GOD being strange to them). Then the way of GOD will not rest in their hearts.4 By transgression we can become defiled and separated from GOD and in need of cleansing. This cleansing is relative in degrees as we see in the parsha. With a sincere commitment for the sake of Heaven we can avoid much of the worst kind of defilement. Defilement of our intellects. As this God forbid can cloud over our understanding and shake our sincere commitment to Divine service in fulfilling the will of Heaven. Instead we shall avoid all defilement and bring the redemption in peace quickly in our days.


1Safer Middot


. 2Shomer Emunim p.69


. 3R. Shalom dov Bear


. 4Shoshon Sodot














Massay Bs”d


In our Parsha massay 42 journeys of Isreal in the desert are described. These forty-two journeys in the desert – from Egypt to Israel – are like 42 phases each person experiences in their own way throughout life. For this it is written :


These are the journeys of the Israelites, who had left Egypt” on the way to the Promised Land: All the 42 journeys are about freeing ourselves, transcending the constraints (Mitzrayim) which conceals God and His Divine powers from us., subduing and sublimating the forces of evil that are holding us back from our spiritual potential. By these journeys, phases in life we learn to make our life one of harmony between body and soul, with open revelation of God, God willing.


The name of each of these 42 places where the Hebrews encamped in the desert is recorded in the Torah. All creation will be elevated in the Messianic era through the 42 journeys the Hebrews made in the desert. The desert is symbolic of spiritual desolation, the complete concealment of Godliness, the dwelling place of impurity and evil. By these 42 powers the spirit of impurity will be removed from the land in the future so to end the concealment of God in this lowest physical realm.


The 42 places were separated from each other by the prefixes of ב (Bet) and from מ (Mem) and also by the word journey (VYSAV). The prefixes M and B, together have the value 42 alluding to the 42-Letter Name , while the word journey (VYSAV) is repeated 42 times in this section of the journeys.




This is the most powerful meditation to push off Evil, to work it requires all one’s mind in all one’s heart. In it are hidden 7 Divine names made of a total of 42 letters hidden in the words of the work of creation in the beginning of the Bible. Many miracles have been worked with this. It is a revelation thousands of years old.


More of its secret will be revealed later, there is much to say


Here it is in English


Ana Bekoach Prayer


1. Please, with the might of your right, untie the bound:

2. Accept your people’s prayer song, heighten, purify us, awesome one:

3. Please mighty One,guard as the apple of your eye those who seek your oneness

4. Bless them purify them, your rightfulness mercies, always give:

5. Powerful, Holy, with your good will, guide your people:

6. Single, High Exalted One, turn to your people, who remember your holiness:

7. Accept our plead, and hear our cry, he who knows secret thoughts:

Blessed is the Glory of his kingdom for ever, and ever:


By the journeys in the desert was elevation from below up, to the sublime level of bina at which malchus is not a separate factor, leaving 42 levels in all The “emotional” sefiros (Ruach) are contained in potential within bina (Ruach ibor in Nashama), they collectively contain 42 components: the six attributes of Z”a, each comprised of seven aspects.


The 42 encampments in the desert lift the forces of holiness out of the reach, of the forces of evil, by elevating them back up to their origins within the 42 components in the “womb” of bina (Sefirot of the soul level called Nashama)., where evil has no hold. All worlds will be raised to a higher level in the Messianic era. This was made possible through the 42 journeys the Hebrews made in the dese


It is by these journeys we that we each face in our own live’s which are our “tikun” (fixing) so that we may enter a Divine state of consciousness called “Yisrael”. In these journeys we face many tests, these come to refine us. By this we may merit to not only have the consciousness called “Yisrael”, but to actually enter the Holy land and connect to the Infinite quality of God that is always dwelling upon the Land. It is a quality like Shabot which is manifest by the Divine name of (42) מ”ב of the world of Bria as explained in the books concerning the meditations of the Shabot. Like on Shabot in Aretz Yisrael light is revealed. In Aretz Yisrael light is revealed more because the garments vessels for light are more refined in Asiyah (the physical world) as their bodies are more sanctified in mitzvot than if dwelling outside the land. As Aretz Yisrael itself is as a “mikvah” (ritual bath) completely surrounding you. “Aretz” (land) is related to “ratzon” (will), receiving the yolk of heaven is the spiritual aspect of Aretz Yisrael.3 Those who walk in the ways of “avoda zara” (the way of GOD being strange to them). Then the way of GOD will not rest in their hearts.4 By transgression we can become defiled and separated from GOD and in need of cleansing. This cleansing is relative in degrees as we see in the parsha. With a sincere commitment for the sake of Heaven we can avoid much of the worst kind of defilement. Defilement of our intellects. As this God forbid can cloud over our understanding and shake our sincere commitment to Divine service in fulfilling the will of Heaven. In the beginning of parsha Masay are described the places of our journeys in the desert after leaving Egypt. The sages say these journeys are the idea of exile. Exiles are a separation from GOD. To prevent this we must not let our eyes lead us astray with foreign thoughts, but we must hold on to our firm sincere commitment. That’s why GOD told us to remove all the inhabitants of Cannan as it says in our parsha “But if you will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those whom you allow to remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall harass you in the land where you live”(33:55). So we must not delay but even now must remove the terrorists from around us and in our midst. And those who have been over come by foreign thoughts among Israel’s ruling clique who share both an affinity to foreign governments and, accordingly, an anti-Jewish agenda. The political candidates who habitually lie to voters, promising them a hard line against the terrorists. But once in office, they take more concern with the rights of the terrorists and their communities than protecting the citizens of Israel. The primary responsibility of a government is the protection of its citizens. These we must rid ourselves of. So that then our enemies will finally cease to exist with the arrival of out righteous Mashiach quickly in our days.