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, 1/2 of a shekel coin, 10 days Teshuva, 10-12-22 lights, 13 midot Rachamim, 13 Tikuney Dikna, 17th of Tammuz, 18 vertebrae, 22 Holy Letters, 248/365, 2nd temple History, 32 Paths, 370 lights, 3RD TEMPLE, 4th of July, 50 gates, 50th Gate, 613 commandments, 7 earths, 7 laws of Noah, 7 windows of the soul, 70 nations, 72 names, 7th day (Svi shel Pasach), 9th of Av, A”k, abstract, acrylic paint, aficoman, after life, Akudim, aliens, Amalak, ana bicoach, angel of death, ANGELS, anger ANIMALS anti gravity arba minim Archeology aretz israel, ANIMAL SACRIFICES, Arich, ark, artwork, Asiyah, Astrology, Atik, atonement, Av, avot, Avraham, Avraham Abulafia, Awe, ayn, Babylon, balance, beard, before this world, Beney Elohim, beyond the matrix, Bible codes, blending, blood vessels, Body, Bones, book of creation-Safer Yetzera, BREATH, bria, brightness, Brit, Business, calendar, cavanah-intent, CAVANOT, cedars


October 30, 2009, 12:40 pm
Filed under: Astrology, Avraham, Covenant

Lech Lecha                                                       Bs”d

After GOD told Avraham that his decedents shall be as the stars of the sky its said that he had Faith in GOD and it was counted for him as Righteousness. This contains an important lesson. As the mitler Rebbe said peace unto him, Emuna (faith) is the Yesod (foundation-gateway of energy) of every Mitzvah. Or as the Maharall of Prague explains in Givurot GOD that it is a person’s faith which sustains him in all his endeavors. Or as we can learn out from our verse ” He had faith in Yhv”h and it was counted to him as Righteousness”. The Zohar tells us that sedek (Righteousness) is Yesod (foundation-gateway of energy). Yesod being as a gate allowing varying degrees of revelation. The degree is determined by the extent of ones emuna . It is through this that we can be as the Malbim understands the Jewish people ”a mighty force”. Meaning for the revelation of GOD’s light in the world. The Yesod is where the stars interact in what is called astrology. We are taught The 248 limbs of the king (bones) are part of the sefirot “yosher”, above nature, above astrology dictated by the stars.1Certain aspects of time are established by the planets , stars and constellations. There influence is described in astrology. The stars and planets physical bodies dress the sefirot of Atzilut. Yesod is the most hidden part of the body. Becouse of this its work is hidden, and called rekia. In it are the stars and constellations. The Chassadim of the 5 fingers of the hand can touch in the Yesod arousing with in it.2 The influence of time exists but time is what we make of it. Yisrael can rise above the celestial influence of astrology, or fall beneath its benefit from sin. The arrangement of astrology (mazel) is according to the Divine service of Yisrael. Especially according to their alignment with the kingship of GOD on RoshHashanah. The 70 nations nullify, God forbid, nullify the nanhagot (divine providence) of Yisrael measure for measure (through Yisrael’s errors and lackings). Flow of הכל אדון upon the creations is according to the arrangement of the stars and mazolot (constellations). Yisrael is above this level of Divine supervision by their Unity with GOD throught the will of GOD in the Torah.3

Being as Avraham foresaw when seeing the heifer, goat and ram were divided in half when a thick darkness fell, a smoking furnace and a torch of fire passed between them dividing them. The smoke and fire being emissaries of the Shechinah. The darkness and fire being the same which was revealed at Sinai. This act of dividing the 2 carcasses is a pact demonstrating that 2 parties are a one. Through the cloud, smoke and fire. The Chuchmah of  GOD’s Torah. At Sinai there was cloud, smoke and fire as its written :

These words the Lord spoke to all your assembly in the mount out of the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a great voice which was not heard again. And he wrote them in two tablets of stone, and delivered them to me.” (deut 19:5)


And Mount Sinai was altogether in smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire; and its smoke ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount trembled greatly.”(ex18:19)

We also see a covenant made in a cloud after the flood as its written :

I set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between me and the earth.” ( 13:9Gen)

We also see the  the cloud, smoke and fire  as GOD’s force in the Desert as its written :

And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night” (ex 21:13)

It was these same forces that protected Yisrael and led the Egyptians to destruction as its written:

And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these; so that the one came not near the other all the night. And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the Lord looked to the army of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and brought confusion to the army of the Egyptians,”(20-24:14Ex)

We also see the mystery of  the cloud, smoke and fire  as GOD’s force in :

And I looked, and, behold, a stormy wind came from the north, a great cloud, and a fire flaring up, and a brightness was around it, out of its midst, as the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire. Also out of its midst came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the likeness of a man. And everyone had four faces, and everyone had four wings.”  (Ezek 4-6:1)

This is the Mystery of the Markava (chariot). The deepest of secrets.

Only because of this oneness created through our covenant with GOD are we compared to the stars  through which GOD guides mazel the providence of creation. So too, each of us continue to take part in the creation which is continual. It is up to us whether Mashiach will come to us because of our great suffering in wars, or He will show his glory miraculously to the world without Yisrael needing to suffer at all.

A way of revealing this oneness revealing the shechinah hastening the Mashiach’s arrival is shown by Melchizedek king of Shalem who brought forth bread and wine and then blessed Avraham in the name of GOD maker of the Heaven and earth. This is similar to what we do every Shobot when we have bread on our table and we make a blessing on wine in Kidush in the name of GOD remembering the work of creation. The future is set in motion with Avraham’s decedents promised the land of Israel, and their nature as said before will be a mighty force. While the decedents of Yishmoyal (the Arab states) are given their blessing  ” And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him” (16:12). This makes it clear that our Arab neighbors are not a people that GOD has blessed with the quality of being a cooperative, brotherly, understanding, compassionate people of peace. But their nature is quite the opposite. Violence being a major role of theirs in the world. It is from this understanding that we should deal with them. If he is blessed by GOD to be a  maniac can we hate what GOD has intended him to be ?. Should we hate the mentally ill if their disposition is violent ?. Or should they be cured of their mental illness. One thought should never be fooled by Yishmoyal’s facade it he talks as a peaceful people. It is clear that our Arab neighbors are not  people that GOD has blessed with the quality of being a cooperative, brotherly, understanding, compassionate people of peace. But their nature is quite the opposite. Violence being a major role of theirs in the world. It is from this understanding that we should deal with them. But violence is best avoided we should seek peace first. Violence is only a last resort.

As GOD said to Avraham ”I will give of you to the nations”. The Hamak Hadavar explains this as meaning that you will be a teacher of wisdom to the nations. Concerning the words           ” Kings shall come from you” the Hamak Hadavar explains Kings will come from the decedents of Avraham who will suppress the idolatry of the nations” May we see this completely realized with the arrival of the King know as Mashiach quickly in our days !

  1. 1sulam on zohar
  1. 2Safer Lecutim p.230, Adir Bamarom p.235
  1. 3Avodat Yisrael p.59





 1/2 of a shekel coin 10 days Teshuva 10-12-22 lights 13 midot Rachamim 13 Tikuney Dikna 17th of Tammuz 4th of July 18 vertebrae 22 Holy Letters 248/365 2nd temple History 32 Paths 370 lig, 1/2 of a shekel coin, 10 days Teshuva, 10-12-22 lights, 13 midot Rachamim, 13 Tikuney Dikna, 17th of Tammuz, 18 vertebrae, 22 Holy Letters, 248/365, 2nd temple History, 32 Paths, 370 lights, 3RD TEMPLE, 4th of July, 50 gates, 50th Gate, 613 commandments, 7 earths, 7 laws of Noah, 7 windows of the soul, 70 nations, 72 names, 7th day (Svi shel Pasach), 9th of Av, A”k, abstract, acrylic paint, aficoman, after life, Akudim, aliens, Amalak, ana bicoach, angel of death, ANGELS, anger ANIMALS anti gravity arba minim Archeology aretz israel, ANIMAL SACRIFICES, Arich, ark, artwork, Asiyah, Astrology, Atik, atonement, Av, avot, Avraham, Avraham Abulafia, Awe, ayn, Babylon, balance, beard, before this world, Beney Elohim, beyond the matrix, Bible codes, blending, blood vessels, Body, Bones, book of creation-Safer Yetzera, BREATH, bria, brightness, Brit, Business, calendar, cavanah-intent, CAVANOT, cedars, ceramics, Chamas, Change, CHANGING TIMES, Chanukah, Charade, Chariot-Markavah, Charity-Sadakah, Chasmal, chassidim and givurot, chayot, Chesed-Gimilat chassadim, CHUCHMAH-CREATIVITY, Chuchmah-Wisdom, circle and square, clouds, collage, colored pencils, composition contrast, conscious and unconscious, Controlling one’s passions, conversions, Covenant Creation, creativity, CREATURES, dat-knowledge, Death, delight, Delight joy-happiness, depth kaballah, design, Devacut-cleaving to God, DIKNA, Divine essence, DIVINE NAMES, Divine providence, Divine service, divine thought, Do better than the Generation, don’t reveal secrets, donkey, Eastern mysticism, eating, EATING KOSHER, ECONOMICS, Edom, Electromagnetism, Ellul, Elohem”e, emotional composure, emuna-faith, enamel, energy centers, English Gematria, engraving, entities, Equanox, erev rav-mixed multitude, etching, Eternal life, ethics, evil, evil inclination, Evil-klippa, exhibit, exhibition, exile, fear-awe, fighting evil, FINANCE, fire, firmament, Fixings-Tikunim, forehead, Fortune-Mazel, foundation stone- Kotel, foundation stone-source, France, FREE WILL, freedom and ethics, gallery, Gan Aden-Garden of Eden, Garden of Eden, gematria, Gemora Sofrim, GETTING DRUNK, ghosts, gilgul, GIVING YOUR ALL, givurot, Global Economics, God controls even evil, God in hiding, Gog, Gold calfs, Great Days, guarding from evil, hachalot-Divine palace, HAMAS, Hanukkah, Happiness, harmony-beauty, healing arts, HEALTH, heart, HEAVENS, Hebron-Machpelah, hell-Gehenom, Herbs, Hiddeness, Hiram Temple Builder, History, History in the making, HOLINESS, Holy deviation, Holy Pleasure, Hoshanah, ibor, ice, image of God, Incense, inclination, Individuality, injury, insanity, Intro to Kabbalah of the Ar”i introduction, Introduction to Kabballah, IRAN, islam, Israel, Jerusalem, Jewish iQ, Jews in America, JOB, Judgments, Judiasm, justice, Kaballa of the Ari and Zohar, KABALLAH, kav and Reshimu, keter, Kindness, King David, klippah, KORBONOT-, Kosher, Kotel-Holy of Holies, KUZARI. LAMP, Land of Israel, learning, Leprosy, letters, Levels of hell, levels of the Soul, Leviyaton, LIFE, Light, Log bOmer, Love, magic, Maimonides/Rambam, Manorah, markava visions, mars, masterpiece, mathematical anomaly, Matto”t, Mazel, Meditation, MERCY AND JUDGEMENT, Merkava, mesach, meshach, MESSIAH, messiah redemption, middle man, middot, Midnight, MIKVAH, military, MIRACLES, Misa Markava, Mitzvot, Moses, Moshe Chyim Lazzato, Mount Sinia, Mount Zion Music, mysterious archaeological, mysterious phenomenon, Nakavah, nanhaga-Divine guidance, Nashama, Nazir, nefesh., Nefilim, nerves, Nesira, NEWS, noga, Nothingness-ayn, Obama, of infinate wisdom, ofanim, OIL, oil paint, OMER, one God, Oral Torah, Organs of the body, other dimensions, Other side, outer space, overcomming difficulties, palaces of the upper worlds, Palestinians, PaRDeS, parsha, Parsha Barashit, PARSHA CHAYAH SARAH, PARSHA CI TABO, Parsha Ki tetze, PARSHA LECH LECHA, PARSHA NITZAVIM, PARSHA NOACH, PARSHA REAH, PARSHA SHEMOT -SMOT, PARSHA SHOFIM, parsha Vayagash, Parsha Vayara, PARSHA VAYICHI, PARSHA Vyarah—Vaera, parzufim, PASSACH, passover, pastel, Peace and Love, pen, pencil, Perke Avot, perspective, PESSACH, photo, photograph, Plague of Darkness, pleasure, Politics, poster, prayer, President Obama, PROPHESY, Prophesy now, providence, Purim, push off evil, Rabbah, Rabbi Yuhuda Ha Nassi, Raising Sparks, Ratzo v Shuv, Rav Kook, realism, Recognizing Providence, RED HEIFER, REDEMPTION, Reincarnation religion, Remote viewing, Renewal Resurrection, reward and punishment, Riencarnation, righteous man, righteousness, Rome, Rosh Hashanah, ROYAL BLUE, Ruach, Ruach haKodesh-The Holy spirit, Running and Returning-, Sabbath, sacrifices, sadakah-charity, Sages, sanctification, sarafim, Saturn, Sawdeek, scent, Science, scientific research, seclusion, secret societies, secrets see, sefirot, self help spirituality, Self Sacrifice, Sexuality, Shabbot, Shabot, Shavuot, Shechina-Divine Presence, shofar, Simchat Torah, SIN-DEATH, Sinai Revelation, sitra achra-other side, sitzet, sleep, Smimini Atzerot, social justice, solomon’s Temple, SONG, sons of god, Souls, sparks, Speech of the Heart, Speech of the mouth, Spinal cord, spirits, Spiritual combat, spiritual Gates, spiritual individuality, spiritual proof, SPIRITUAL UNITY, Spiritual Worlds, spirituality, Spirituality versus Secularism, Splitting the sea, stars, strange creations, STRANGE EVENTS, strange tales, STRANGER THAN FICTION, succah, Succot, suffering, SUN, Supernal court, TACHALET, Tamuz, Tanya, Technology Teffilin, Tefillin, Temple Mount, Terror, teshuva, The 3 Weeks, the “Mishcon” (tabernacle), The Bizzare, The God knows, The Guide, The Holocaust, The Holy Ar’i, The name, THE RED SEA, The tabernacle, The Temple, The throne, Tikuny Dikna, Tohu and Vohu, Top secret Torah, TORAH, Torah before creation, Torah Politics, TORAH SECRETS, TORAH-LIFE, Transformational Experience, Tree of knowledge, Tree of Life, troubles and complications, True life, trust, Tu bi Svat, TZEDAKAH, tzizum, U. S. Secret, Unity-Achdut, Universal conscious, UNUSUAL EVENTS, unusual thoughts, Upright and returning light, UPSIDE DOWN NUNS, USA, vayetze, Vessels, VIBRATION, voice, Vortex, WAR, water, What is next, whats going on, why “bad things” happen Will, WILL AND DESIRE, wisdom-Chuchmah, wonders of God in Nature World, worlds, Worlds-Atzilut, Yesod, Yesoi”t, yetzer tov, yetzera, YHV”H, Yhv”h and Elohy”m, Yichus-relation to names, Yom Kippor, Yosef ha sadeek, zeal-Eliyahu, Zeir Anpin, ZIONISM, Zohar חיים

Alot to think about
October 29, 2009, 6:15 pm
Filed under: kaballah

The elevation revelation to the soul in rising sparks and the supernal light illuminating each accordingly so allowing one to rise to the supernal palaces above, palace by palace as there descends light by way of the sefirot. Illuminating the palace “lavanot Ha Safir”, each person receiving light according to their merit. Which is also according to each person’s  “yichus”(relationship). Rabbi Moshe Cordevero in Sher Kuma explains “yichus”as one’s personal relationship to the sefirot. There are two levels of yichus. That which is revealed, this is the advice of the king. The second aspect is his providence. This is revealed to each according to his comprehension. Yichus is closeness to divine attributes as one’s own or distance heaven forbid. The seal of “yichus” is teferet which is balance upon bina divine understanding and chuchma divine creativity inspiration. As the “yichus” to physical desires are replaced with spiritual desires. The “yichus” to physicality disappears from our eyes as “yichus” to spiritual attributes of malchut, ones actions, with chuchmah and bina consume us. The illumination of “yichus” of a sadeek is from above. He rules over the forms that are below his point of “yichus” through the name elokim, “hvyh” rules in elokim changing providence.One who achieves the understanding that God is one, and there is no other.




He can force corporeality upon the angels, and send them to do his will. Providence “hagana” is directed through “sachel Nifradim”  (angels) and through these are directed spiritual powers that are divine will which are made of thought involved in creation of the world (such as Divine names ). All things of (general) “Nahagot” are called Atzilut. It is the Way of God Blessed is his name and his desire to Guide his worlds through man. So that God will be known and recognized by his works. God blessed is his name makes signs so that man will know from them knowledge of God, and believe in emunah.  According to the Divine names worked is his work. All this is called Olam Atzilut. All Changes are not in God, but are according to the recieving vessel. To recieve flow is רצון (will), and the general aspect of all vessels.1 God eminates 10 sefirot. He is always united in them.2 The vessels are arranged according to the structure that is needed in the world for proper “nanhaga”. “Nanhagot” are divided and called according to divine names in the 10 sefirot of Bria, Yetzera and Asiyah . In analogy this is called the world that (knowledge of) shatters the Ears. 3 There are 3 vessels to every sefira, and to each parzuf. These coorespond to the Nefesh Ruach and Nashama.4 It is possible to change ר צ ו ן to another different ר צ ו ן . Or one flow for a new better flow as is needed of the sefirot, so that works can be accomplished. The Ayn-Sof dresses in the sefirot. This is the Kavana(intent) of Tefilla. God shines his glory in the sefirot guiding personal ability, providence, livelihood, healing, atonement. All is from Him.5 One must זקף (straighten up by raising) from צער (problems,discomfort). The main purpose of Tefila is to fix צער above caused by pain of the jew below.6 Rav Nachunya ben Hakana teaches to make all your ”tivot” (strong desires) to the כ ב ו ד (honor) of God for the sake of the tikun of your Nefesh. Cleave in the כ ב ו ד of God, this is the Shechinah. Give כ ב ו ד to God give to Him thanks and remembrance. These then go out to the אויר (air) of the world.




To gain aditional “Kidusha”, and possess a supernal Nashama this is enjoined into the hands of man. Words of Chuchmah make tikun to the hands, which is where energy flows.He may contemplate what he wants. The hidden knowledge that was given only to Yisrael is by power of knowledge of the holy names. Becouse of the (spiritual) places where they call out divine names and are exacting in their learning and do “yichud below”, there is also occupation with א ו ר י י ת א (torah) above.  All גזיוו (joining) below is according to the יחוד (unification) above. Make things such below so that there will be arroused the same above.7 The main greatness of the Divine Name is through wealth. All this is decided by the כסא (thrown) and משפט (judgment). Dont take benefit of a mitzvah before it is complete (dont create a incomplete mitzvah or lacking compared to what you are capable of). This is as if a Cohen were to eat from a sacrifice before he had completed his required Divine service with it. Do the mitzvot in a way of כבוד (honor) due to the Holy king. Dont enter into doing the Mitzvot in a light headed way. By comprehension of the mitzvot one comes to be careful with their fulfillment as then they understand that the mitzvot involve Holiness. Then they will do them with all their power, cherishing and guarding their kidusha.  But if one enters to fulfill mitzvot with arrogance or not in a serious way they will not comprehend in truth “hashgacha” (divine providence), or see the way of the Mitzvot.8 By getting rid of arrogance comes “ruach haKodesh”.9 אשר קדישנו means being invited to Holiness in a individual way as קדושין (marriage). One needs to be sanctified to their creator, as He Himself is Holy. One must prepare to be summoned to sanctify themselves in every moment so there will be received their prayer and Torah. They must be Holy. Sanctified by mitzvot.10 Its written in Safer HaKana concerning the verse ”You will be holy for I am Holy” that God will (then) send to you ”ruach Kidusha” (His Holy spirit) and Binna.11 A man of Holiness is one of Chuchmah.12 All who engage in Torah “liSmo” (for its own sake) merit many things. They receive “Mishpot” that is made for them to show them and to teach them things. This is by personal providence thet comes down to guide them. All who hear about these things that happen to him by Divine providence themselves learn things. This all happens if one’s Torah is “lismo”. Torah ל ש מ ה is to הא . Which is Leah. (it reveals Divine intuition)13



One who learns Torah “lo lismo” (not for its own sake) its like they have not learned at all. When its said one who learns “lo lismo” will come to lismo. This is meant only in the beggining of learning and only after a short period. Until that there enters into his heart a burning desire for the Torah. This will bring him to learn “limo”. But if one continues learning regularly “lo lismo” he will be consumed in a fire which cannot be extinguished. All his days are in “Avarah” (transgression).14 Mitzvot done lo lismo blemish in the markavah elyonah , by the lack in these mitzvot.15 All “nahagot” changes according to the actions of man. If he sins “din” (judgment) becomes dominant. If he returns to א ל ה יו then there becomes dominant chesed and Rachamim. All is as weighed as on a scale. By tefilla and mitzvot there is caused change to the vessels. Which are the sefirot, thereby there is changed providence.16 All who sin are given over to be ruled by the “sitra achra” (other side), except those who love God and these are punished. Guidance of the sefirot is not enough when there is not revealed י ח ד ך (unification) of God, as then only darkness prevails. All the powers and levels are not able to give limit to the תהום (depth) of ”apiryon” created by the sins of Yisrael. As the תהום is the depth of darkness. Becouse of this Yisrael needs shine light from on high.Only the “yichud” (unification) of God himself places a limit, and raises up all levels. So raise your eyes to the mountains on high.17



The main knowledge is knowledge of the work of God (Divine providence). The main thing is revelation of God within the worlds that He creates, or there is “hester panim” (concielment from his Divine provodence). During exile all א ו ת (wonders) are hidden so the “other side” does not raise up complaints against Yisrael. God hides his face so that the wicked will not be destroyed, and the world can exist. The unity of God is hidden from the wicked becouse of their garments of “tuma”. (spiritual impurities)18 One must be careful not to arrouse “ruach tuma” by drawing the left side down from above.19


All yisrael are children of kings, But this is not reached until they return to Aretz Yisrael. As mentioned earlier the source of flow is from the “even stiyah” so in the land of Yisrael they realize their purpose. The supernal angels rise and are nourished and rise by the upper unification which is “chitzon” (external) all creation continually needs to receive this flow. The “nashamot” and Zu”n of man comes from the lower unification which is called “penimi” (internal) of teferet and malchut. According to the work of men this unification’s power rises or decends. From here one is punished or rewarded. While the unification nourishing angels is from Chuchmah of Abba and Bina of Imma, But both need this unification of Chuchmah and Bina to sustain them, so the soul of man is prepared to recieve the ”bracha” from Angels.20 We need to labor in growth, teshuva and good deeds till that there returns the light of abba (Chuchma) into Z’a (ruach) fixing also the parzufim of Leah and Rachel. Illness comes from inequity, becouse of this there goes away light of Abba. From damage in Leah come illness of a hidden nature. From damage to Rachel God forbid comes sickness of a revealed nature.21 פ ל א י ם are א ל פ י ם of Z’a (מה ). The light of Chuchmah enlivens its master enlivening Leah and Rachel from the 3 א ל פ ין of מה . The 3 א ל פ ין are 3 א ו ר (of creation). They are Chassadim of Abba in Z’a. Abba always wants to flow to Z’a. New flow is recieved from Arich, according to the tikun worked by Abba.22





One who knows the ש י ע ר קו מ ה (depth of organizational measurement) of בראשית (the act of creation of the world) is a son of “olam haba”.23 A tour in “gan aden” is when is when God joins with Nashamot of sadekeem in their actions every day.24 Angels are nourished from the river that goes out of Gan aden. When the “ruach” emotional soul nourishes from chuchmah it is called Atz chyim. So the Tree of Life is when our emotional souls are enlivened by chuchmah, divine creativity. One doesn’t merit Torah till seeing the tree, which is the central pillar. The right pillar is the force of God’s giving, the left pillar his restriction and shaping. The left pillar illuminates only from above to below, and makes peace, and returns Chassadim to their level.25 The central pillar is mercy. It is only from here that we can receive Torah. Torah sweetened in God’s mercy. The unsweeted Torah has the bitterness of death. This is the idea of malchut the physical dynamics of the Torah sweetened from bina. Making the Torah something appreciated. When the ruach raises up sparks that are called “mym nukvin” to bina. This is done by guiding our emotions to excitement over God and his mitzvot by bina, understanding. Then there returns bina to face chuchmah.Then there recieves and illuminates chuchmah in the ruach. In the Pre Atz Chyim we are told that the Ar’i and Chyim Vital took a boat to myriam’s well and drank the water there and received “Ruach ha Kodesh”. The Ar”i could look at his students foreheads and see what it was they needed to learn. As the main tikun of man is from learning Torah. One who learns only ”pashat” isnt even near his Nashama, but only the flow of his body. We find his Nashama lacks much.26 Just as a tree the Torah has roots, bark, sap, branches, leaves, flowers, fruit there are 7 parts in all. So to the Torah has its simple meaning, “drush” (explanation), secrets, “gematria” (mathematical equivalent), hidden secrets, deeper secrets, laws of forbiden and permitted, clean and unclean. If one does not understand this he is not truly wise.27





The main part of the Torah is its secrets that are hidden within. Torah without ס ו ד (Kabbalah) is as a body without a soul.28 Concerning this the Zohar tells us not to separate the upper light from the lower light. It was becouse of this that the Temple was destroyed. By this all light is darkened and removed from the world.29 Nothing illuminates the eyes of a man as secrets of the Torah. Rabbi Shimon bar Yochi said secrets are the “light”. If one learns correctly they will pray correctly, do mitzvot correctly all in simcha in good spirit. If one prays and knows “cavanot” of Teffila there is no greater joy in the world than this.30 Whoever can perform the “mitzvot” as is proper, and his words are correct arrouses God. But “sadeekem” who have knowledge concerning the essence of the meaning of the physical requirements of the Mitzvot and their words, and know how to have “cavana” (proper intent) in their hearts and are arroused in the “mitzvot”. They get blessings from the place of thought, and God is close to them. When they call to God he is ready and there for them. They interact with Divine providence. While those who perform “Mitzvot” without knowledge of their essence these “mitzvot” do not rise up in the אויר (atmosphere) and effect providence.31 All the time one is only occupied only  in the simple meaning of the Torah they see themselves as poor and dead. The main part of the Torah is its secrets. One who has the fear of God without chuchmah (Kabbalah) will not reach the ”midot” (attributes) of ”chassidut” (piety).





Fear of God is Chuchmah, turning away from evil is Bina.32 Only those who learn ס ו ד (Kabbalah) recognize “hahsgacha” (Divine providence).33 After the future redemption forbidden and permitted will no longer apply to Yisrael. Since at that time there will no longer involvement with evil. But to the wicked the “pashat” will not pass away. They will need to learn Mishna. They will be shamed before the “chuchamim”, as the “erev rav” are as ignorant beasts. At Sinai the “erev rav” stood far away. So to at the time of redemption they will watch the “chuchamim” but will be far from them.34


1. 1Rachavot haNahar p.2, Lekutey Moharan p.55,Safer ha Kanah


1. 2Shoshan Sodot


1. 3Yadid Nefesh,Share Ramcha”l p.36,38,41


1. 4Aor Enyim p.124


1. 5Shomer Emunim p.37,81


1. 6Avodat Yisreal p.15


1. 7Shoshan Sodot


1. 8safer ha paliyah,Petachy Chotem p.52, Tefilot Ramcha”l #108,Lekutey Mahoran Tannina p.18,Avodat Yisrael p.8,Shoshon Sodot


1. 9Tefilot Ramcha”l #154


1. 10Avodat Yisrael p.34


1. 11Safer HaKanah


1. 12Sulam on Zohar Mishpotim p.121a


1. 13Machashif halavon yaakov abuchizera p.14


1. 14Alp Bet Book p.127


1. 15Shoshan Sodot


1. 16Shomer Emunim p.85


1. 17Tefilot Ramcha’l #177,170,174,169


1. 18Share Ramchal p.30,34,Tefilot Ramcha’l #164,173


1. 19Sulam on Zohar Metzora p.55a


1. 20R, Semach Idra p.125,Share Ramchal p.233


1. 21Tefilot Ramcha’l #473


1. 22Machashif halavon yaakov abuchizera p.292,290,293,295


1. 23Shomer Emunim p.38


1. 24Avodat Yisrael p.38


1. 25Smattot Zohar p.64


1. 26Share Ramcha’l p.42


1. 27Zohar Balak p.202a


1. 28Alp bet Book p.181


1. 29Zohar Vayikra p.179b


1. 30 “    “      “     p.117


1. 31Zohar Chukat p.184a


1. 32Alp Bat Book p.67 ,20,Safer Hakanah


1. 33Tefilot Ramcha’l #451


1. 34sulam on zohar Nasso p.125a


October 26, 2009, 9:56 am
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Harappa  Ruins

The ruins of the ancient cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa are extremely radioactive.

Practically nothing is known of their histories, except that both were destroyed suddenly. In Mohenjo-Daro, in an epicentre 150 feet wide, everything was crystallised, fused or melted; 180 feet from the center the bricks are melted on one side, indicating a blast.

Excavations down to the street level revealed 44 scattered skeletons, as if doom had come so suddenly they could not get to their houses. All the skeletons were flattened to the ground. A father, mother and child were found flattened in the street, face down and still holding hands.

It has been claimed that the skeletons, after thousands of years, are still among the mostradioactive that have ever been found,

A heavy layer of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, India, covers a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. Scientists are investigating the site, where a housing development was being built.

For some time it has been established that there is a very high rate of birth defects and cancer in the area under construction. The levels of radiation there have registered so high on investigators’ gauges that the Indian government has now cordoned off the region. Scientists have unearthed an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years, from 8,000 to 12,000 years, destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people. One researcher estimates that the nuclear bomb used was about the size of the ones dropped on Japan in 1945.

Ancient Nuclear War?

There is evidence that the Rama empire (now India) was devastated by nuclear war. The Indus valley is now the Thar desert, and the site of the radioactive ash found west of Jodhpur is around there. When excavations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro reached the street level, they discovered skeletons scattered about the cities, many holding hands and sprawling in the streets as if some instant, horrible doom had taken place. People were just lying, unburied, in the streets of the city. And these skeletons are thousands of years old, even by traditional archaeological standards. These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found, on par with those at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At one site, Soviet scholars found a skeleton which had a radioactive level 50 times greater than normal. Other cities have been found in northern India that show indications of explosions of great magnitude. One such city, found between the Ganges and the mountains of Rajmahal, seems to have been subjected to intense heat. Huge masses of walls and foundations of the ancient city are fused together, literally vitrified! And since there is no indication of a volcanic eruption at Mohenjo-Daro or at the other cities, the intense heat to melt clay vessels can only be explained by an atomic blast or some other unknown weapon. The cities were wiped out entirely. While the skeletons have been carbon-dated to 2500 BC, we must keep in mind that carbon-dating involves measuring the amount of radiation left. When atomic explosions are involved, that makes then seem much younger.

bombay crater

Another curious sign of an ancient nuclear war in India is a giant crater near Bombay. The nearly circular 2,154-metre-diameter Lonar crater, located 400 kilometres northeast of Bombay and aged at less than 50,000 years old, could be related to nuclear warfare of antiquity. No trace of any meteoric material, etc., has been found at the site or in the vicinity, and this is the world’s only known “impact” crater in basalt. Indications of great shock (from a pressure exceeding 600,000 atmospheres) and intense, abrupt heat (indicated by basalt glass spherules) can be ascertained from the site.

Consider these verses from the ancient (6500 BC at the latest) Mahabharata: …a single projectile Charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame As bright as the thousand suns Rose in all its splendour… a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke clouds… …the cloud of smoke rising after its first explosion formed into expanding round circles like the opening of giant parasols… ..it was an unknown weapon, An iron thunderbolt, A gigantic messenger of death, Which reduced to ashes The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas. …The corpses were so burned As to be unrecognisable. The hair and nails fell out; Pottery broke without apparent cause, And the birds turned white. After a few hours All foodstuffs were infected… …to escape from this fire The soldiers threw themselves in streams To wash themselves and their equipment.

Until the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, modern mankind could not imagine any weapon as horrible and devastating as those described in the ancient Indian texts. Yet they very accurately described the effects of an atomic explosion. Radioactive poisoning will make hair and nails fall out. Immersing oneself in water gives some respite, though it is not a cure.

Ancient cities whose brick and stonewalls have literally been vitrified, that is, fused together, can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. There is no logical explanation for the vitrification of stone forts and cities, except from an atomic blast.

The most numerous vitrified remains in the western United States. In 1850 the American explorer Captain Ives William Walker was the first to view some of these ruins, situated in Death Valley. He discovered a city about a mile long, with the lines of the streets and the positions of the buildings still visible. At the center he found a huge rock, between 20 to 30 feet high, with the remains of an enormous structure atop it. The southern side of both the rock and the building was melted and vitrified. Walker assumed that a volcano had been responsible for this phenomenon, but there is no volcano in the area. In addition, tectonic heat could not have caused such a liquefication of the rock surface.

An associate of Captain Walker who followed up his initial exploration commented: “The whole region between the rivers Gila and San Juan is covered with remains. The ruins of cities are to be found there which must be most extensive, and they are burnt out and vitrified in part, full of fused stones and craters caused by fires which were hot enough to liquefy rock or metal. There are paving stones and houses torn with monstrous cracks. [as though they had] been attacked by a giant’s fire-plough.”

These vitrified ruins in Death Valley sound fascinating–but do they really exist? There certainly is evidence of ancient civilisations in the area. In Titus Canyon, petroglyphs and inscriptions have been scratched into the walls by unknown prehistoric hands. Some experts think the graffiti might have been made by people who lived here long before the Indians we know of, because extant Indians know nothing of the glyphs and, indeed, regard them with superstitious awe.

Piute legends tell of a city beneath Death Valley that they call Shin-au-av. Tom Wilson, an Indian guide in the 1920s, claimed that his grandfather had rediscovered the place by wandering into a miles-long labyrinth of caves beneath the valley floor.

Eventually the Indian came to an underworld city where the people spoke an incomprehensible language and wore clothing made of leather.

Wilson told this story after a prospector named White claimed he had fallen through the floor of an abandoned mine at Wingate Pass and into an unknown tunnel. White followed this into a series of rooms, where he found hundreds of leather-clad humanoid mummies. Gold bars were stacked like bricks and piled in bins.

White claimed he had explored the caverns on three occasions. On one, his wife accompanied him; and on another, his partner, Fred Thomason. However, none of them [was] able to relocate the opening to the cavern when they tried to take a group of archaeologists on a tour of the place.

It seems one local character knew how to find the place. Brandon relates that “Death Valley Scotty”, an eccentric who spent millions building a castle-estate in the area, was known to go “prospecting” when funds ran low. Death Valley Scotty would check out for a few days of wandering in the nearby Grapevine Mountains, bringing back suspiciously refined-looking gold that he claimed he had prospected. Many believe that he got his gold from the stacked gold bars in the tunnel system beneath Death Valley.

Evidence of a lost civilisation in Death Valley came in a bizarre report of caves and mummies in the Hot Citizen, a Nevada paper, on August 5, 1947. The story ran as follows:


A band of amateur archaeologists announced today they have discovered a lost civilization of men nine feet tall in Californian caverns. Howard E. Hill, spokesman for the expedition, said the civilization may be “the fabled lost continent of Atlantis”.

The caves contain mummies of men and animals and implements of a culture 80,000 years old but “in some respects more advanced than ours,” Hill said. He said the 32 caves covered a 180-square-mile area in California’s Death Valley and southern Nevada.


“This discovery may be more important than the unveiling of King Tut’s tomb,” he said.

Professional archaeologists were skeptical of Hill’s story. Los Angeles County Museum scientists pointed out that dinosaurs and tigers which Hill said lay side by side in the caves appeared on Earth 10,000,000 to 13,000,000 years apart.

Hill said the caves were discovered in 1931 by Dr F. Bruce Russell, Beverly Hills physician, who literally fell in while sinking a shaft for a mining claim.

“He tried for years to interest people in them,” Hill said, “but nobody believed him.”

Russell and several hobbyists incorporated after the war as Amazing Explorations, Inc. and started digging. Several caverns contained mummified remains of “a race of men eight to nine feet tall,” Hill said. “They apparently wore a prehistoric zoot suit–a hair garment of medium length, jacket and knee-length trousers.”


Another cavern contained their ritual hall with devices and markings similar to the Masonic order, he said.

“A long tunnel from this temple took the party into a room where,” Hill said, “well-preserved remains of dinosaurs, saber-toothed tigers, imperial elephants and other extinct beasts were paired off in niches as if on display. “Some catastrophe apparently drove the people into the caves,” he said. “All of the implements of their civilization were found,” he said, “including household utensils and stoves which apparently cooked by radio waves.” “I know,” he said, “that you won’t believe that.”

While of doubtful authenticity, this is an interesting story, to say the least. The last comment about cooking food with radio waves being unbelievable is ironic. That is the one thing that modern readers of the story could certainly believe was true, considering the widespread use of microwave ovens today.

Who had heard of them in 1947?

October 24, 2009, 5:53 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized




Hamas in end days prophesy
October 23, 2009, 1:39 pm
Filed under: Hamas

HAMAS — is a word that is familiar to people who keep up on the news about current events in Israel. Of all the anti-Israel Muslim terrorist organizations, Hamas is one of the most violent. The Hebrew word HAMAS. Hamas means violence Those who call themselves Palestinians, today, are being led by HAMAS. HAMAS can be called exactly what it is; evil, violent, and an enemy of the entire world. HAMAS is a terrorist group against the Jews in Israel, as well as the Christians the who non Muslim world. It uses the media well to promote negative propaganda to accomplish its goals.

(Violence and corruption we call this now terrorism)

The first place the word hamas appears in the BIble is in Genesis 6:11 & 13
Gen 6:11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence (hamas).
Gen 6:13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (hamas) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.


The word hamas appears in the Psalms. Prayers are lifted up for deliverance from violent men, men of hamas. The enemies of God’s anointed are described in Psalms as people who breathe out hamas [cruelty] (Ps. 27:12). The habitations of hamas are called the dark places of the earth (Ps. 74:20). Psalm 11:5 plainly states that God hates those who love hamas: …the wicked and him that loveth violence (hamas) His soul hateth.
Two passages of Bible serve as warnings to today’s Hamas terrorists and those who aid them or support them these are Obadiah 10 and Joel 3:19. These verses deal specifically with the Hamas/violence perpetrated by Edom (the western nations), against Jacob and Judah, the Jewish people. According to Obadiah, the children of Edom shall be cut off forever because of their violence (hamas) against their brother Jacob. Joel says that Edom shall be a desolate wilderness, for the violence (hamas) against the children of Judah, because they have shed innocent blood in their land. American and Europeans are making a big mistake legitimatizing Hamas.

Many times the word hamas appears in the Hebrew Bible, and what the Bible tells us about the fate of those who carry out hamas/violence against the people of Israel.. In view of what the Bible says about hamas, they are in a lot of trouble. Those who would try to take more or all of the land that God gave to His people would be of the same demonic cult called HAMAS. God will not be mocked. Israel is the land God gave to His chosen people.
In the early chapters of the very first book of the Bible, God makes it clear that the fate of those who practice hamas is destruction. It was hamas that brought the Flood of God s judgment on the earth. Right now Israel is filled with Hamas. It is possible that the entire earth may once again become filled with hamas by the terrorism of Hamas or its surrogates (al quida Islamic Jihad, etc..) , bringing down world-wide destruction before the Messianic age.

There is a day coming when He will judge the nations of the world on how they treated the Jewish nation. Let it be known that the day of His judgment may be sooner than you think.
Eventually Israel’s prayers for deliverance from hamas will be answered. Isaiah s description of the Messianic Kingdom includes this promise: Violence (hamas) shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation and thy gates Praise (Isa. 60:18).

God will deliver Israel from the hamas (violence) of Hamas as its written. !


Isaiah tells us a time will come again “like the waters of Noah to me”,
This would be a time of Hamas, as shown above. But this time it will be the time of Redemption.


“In overflowing wrath I hid my face from you for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on you, says the Lord your redeemer.
9. For this is like the waters of Noah to me; for just as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be angry with you, nor rebuke you.
10. For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall the covenant of my peace be removed, says the Lord who has mercy on you.
11. O you afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay your stones with fair colors, and lay your foundations with sapphires.
12. And I will make your windows of rubies, and your gates of beryl, and all your borders of precious stones.
13. And all your children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of your children.
14. In righteousness shall you be established; you shall be far from oppression, and you shall not fear; and from terror, and it shall not come near you.
15. Behold, they may gather together, but not by me; whoever shall gather together against you shall fall for your sake.
16. (K) Behold, I have created the metal worker who blows upon the coals in the fire, and produces an instrument for his work; and I have created the destroyer to destruct.
17. No weapon that is made against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and the reward of their righteousness appointed by me, says the Lord.”
(Isaiah 54)





an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot





Concerning war crimes and atrocities commited by Isreal in the war in Gaza
October 22, 2009, 7:47 am
Filed under: small news, Uncategorized

Have you heard about the Saudis sending war planes to indiscriminately
bomb civilians in Yemen because  ONE  of their soldiers was killed by a
Yemeni rebel who happen to be Sunni?  It happened on November 5, a few
days ago.

The rules that apply to Israel are not the same rules that apply to the
rest of the world, except when it works to Israel’s detriment.  In
particular, no one but the Israelis give a damn about Arab civilians.
The issue is Israel’s right to inflict casualties in its own
self-defense.  Of course Israel has the right to defend itself. Everyone says so.  But only as long as Israel doesn’t hurt any Arabs. By world standards, Jews always have the right to grovel in self defense. Just not to interfere inadvertently will oil price.


According to the article on Yahoo news: “Saudi jets dropped bombs on
crowded areas including a local market in the northern province of
Saada,” Hawthi spokesman Mohammed Abdel-Salam told The Associated Press.

“They claim they are targeting al-Hawthis, but regrettably they are
killing civilians like the government does.”  He said the attacks were
followed by hundreds of artillery shells from the border. “So far, three killed have been pulled out of the rubble, including a woman and a child who perished when their houses were bombed and burned down,” said Abdel-Salam.

What?  There hasn’t been a U.N. outcry?  No commission has been appointed?  It’s not headlines in the New York Times, or the LA Times,
or CNN?  What you haven’t heard about it at all?  What if it was Israeli planes dropping bombs on terrorists in Lebanon?  Here, the Saudis claim the al-Hawthis rebels killed  ONE  Saudi soldier.








Col. Richard Kemp on the U.N. Goldstone Report

UN probe: Evidence of war crimes in Gaza conflict

Investigation led by Richard Goldstone concludes ‘Israel committed actions amounting to war crimes, possibly crimes against humanity’ during IDF offensive in Hamas-ruled territory; says Palestinian rocket fire that ignited war also ‘war crime.’ Foreign Ministry: Israel appalled and disappointed

crimes against humanity’

Israeli military denies war crimes

Investigation declares Israeli soldiers’ confessions exaggerated stories of civilian casualties

Hamas accused of war crimes in Gaza

Human rights groups urge inquiry into conduct of both sides during three-week war

October 21, 2009, 1:05 pm
Filed under: gallery | Tags:

a spine

Man is closer to God than angels
October 21, 2009, 12:52 pm
Filed under: Gematria, spiritual proof

