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Filed under: Parsha Vayagash | Tags: “secular” JewsMalchutMashiachparsha VayagashSerach the daughter of Asher | Tags: “secular” IsrealYHV”HYosef ha sadeek


Filed under: Parsha Vayagash

Filed under: Parsha VayagashSerach the daughter of Asher | Tags: “secular” Isreal“secular” JewsMalchutMashiachparsha VayagashYHV”HYosef ha sadeek

                              Parshah Vayagash             

In this week’s Haftorah  from the book of Yechezkel. At the beginning of the Haftorah, God tells Yechezkel to unify the Tribe of Yosef and the Tribe of Yehudah. In the beginning of our parsha when Yosef tells his brothers that Benyamin must stay because the chalice was found in his bag. Yuhuda makes the tikun (fixing) for his past behavior of abandoning his brother and selling him as a slave, by volunteering his own life as he says “ Let me remain as a slave, but let the lad go ”. Thus he does the opposite of the transgression he made against Yosef which caused such grief to his father Yisrael. As with Yosef who he sold into slavery, here he offers himself as a slave. Yuhuda does the opposite of the transgression making a complete tikun. After this Yosef reveals himself. The redemption will come unexpectedly as the revelation of Yosef to his brothers. When the time came for Yosef to reveal his true identity: Yosef said to them: ‘Did you not tell me that this one’s brother is dead ? I will summon him and he will come to me.’ And he called “Yosef son of Yaakov, come to me.” And they looked at the four corners of the house. He said to them, “Where are you looking? I am Yosef your brother.” Immediately, their souls departed, and they could not answer him because fear. Can you imagine how the brothers must have felt ? stunned into absolute silence and disbelief ? One moment they are standing before a mighty Dark Lord Wizard, Prime Minister of Egypt who holds over them the power of life and death, and then suddenly, instead of a Dark Lord standing before them there is their bratty little brother now all grown up.

It is also interesting that just about everything that happened to Yaakov happened to Yosef. This one was hated by his brother and that one was also hated. Both had a brother who wanted to kill them. It is written that Yosef looked just like Yaakov. Its also interesting to note that Yaakov tricked his father Yitzchak taking the blessing away from Asev by wearing Asev’s coat deceiving his father Yitchak. Later Yaakov himself is deceived with his Son Yosef’s coat when Yuhudah brings it back bloody and pretends Yosef is Dead. And finally Yuhudah can get back his belongings from the women who he gave them to. Yuhudah said “I was fooled by the women who wanted a goat”. It is interesting that Yehuda had deceived his father in the past and now God, via Yosef, is confronting Yehuda with deception. Safer ha Yashir says that when Yakov’s sons returned from Egypt and wanted to inform Yakov that Yosef was alive and the ruler of Egypt they were afraid their father may die from shock on hearing this news so they had Serach the daughter of Asher play music to Yakov and sing “Yosef lives and rules Egypt”. Yakov said to Serach “The mouth that told me Yosef lives shall not taste death. Serach was one of those who left Egypt entered the Holy land and lived till the time of King David. She was the “wise woman” who turned Sheva ben Bichri over to Joab, She also did not die but entered Heaven alive ! After seeing Yuhudah convince his brothers to sell Yosef;  held Yosef’s blood soaked striped coat in front of his father and said to him, “do you recognize this coat that we have found?” Yehudah who had descended from his stature among his brothers, who had relations with Tamar, and then nearly executed her.  This Yuhudah one might think that he would be the last person from whom God would choose the Messiah to come from but Mashiach precisely comes from Yuhuda. But we understand why as in the end Yuhuda does the opposite of his sin against Yosef and offers his own life instead of handing over Benyamin to Yosef. Not only this but Yuhudah dared to challenge Yosef, who was the viceroy of Egypt, the second most powerful man in the world in his day. So to try to save his brother Benyamin. To act in such a was was very dangerous. Yuhudah went from being callous when he sold Yosef to being caring and loving, he was willing to suffer the same fate he forced on Yosef to protect Benyamin. The Yuhudah who sold Yosef was not the same Yuhudah who stood out on a limb to protect Benyamim. He was a changed man, he made complete “tesuva”. We also see this between Yuhdah and Tamar when Yehuda say “She is more rightious than I”. It is for this reason Mashiach comes from Yuhudah, as it is know that David HaMelech opened the way for people to do “Teshuva”. They say the only reason it appears that David sinned was to show others the way of “teshuva”. Rabbi Avahu said in Gemore Brachot that in a place a “Bal Teshuva” stands a complete sadeek cannot stand.

  Lets learn from this what is necessary for complete “teshuva”. Yehuda’s first response was to recognize the Divine retribution in the events. realizing  it was all ‘measure for measure’ he confessed his guilt, acknowledging that he deserved it.
But is that enough “teshuva” ? No as next God, via Yosef has the goblet placed in Benyamin’s bag. Then Yosef says to Yuhudah, ‘Far be it from me that I should do so; the man in whose hand the goblet is found, he shall be my bondman; but as for you, get you up in peace unto your father.’ – Yehuda then feeling even more guilty and fully accepting retribution was enough to cleanse him of his deception. Then is says “Vayigash eilav Yehuda” – Yehuda felt  that he must come closer to Yosef.
“Then Joseph could not refrain himself …. and Joseph made himself known unto his brethren’. – God could no longer resist Yehuda’s sincere desire to be near to Him. The obstacle was  removed the Divine presence was revealed.

On the simple level we see the tikun of the elder brother Yuhuda, as he being the leader of the brothers he should have stopped the evil from being perpetrated, so he needs to make the tikun . But what deeper implications are seen by this sequence of events. We know the 12 sons of Yisrael the fathers of the 12 tribes correspond and are conduits of the 12 mazzolot (constellations). Each being a aspect of the Shechinah. We know of Yuhuda that from his tribe came David haMelech, and will come Masiach. The tribe of Yuhuda is a conduit of the sefira Malchut (the Divine presence and rulership of Hashem). Yosef is known as “Yosef ha sadeek”, a sadeek (righteous man) is a conduit of the sefira Yesod (gate way of divine energy that creates Divine providence). In the beginning of the parsha Yosef ha sadeek was not known to his brothers, they did not recognize him. This is similar to what goes on today in “secular” Isreal. The Sadeekem who Yosef represents are not recognised for the value of the work they do, their contribution to society by the “secular” Jews of the world or the Government in control of the State of Israel. It is in the merit of their work that we are able to live. It is necessary for Yuhuda, Malchut (the government) to make its tikun. Secular Jews must make their tikun for throwing Yosef, sedek (righteousness) in the pit and selling it into slavery. This is reminiscent of the words of the Prophet Amos “ So says YHVH for three transgressions of Yisrael or four, I will not return them. For selling a righteous man for money” (2:6). Meaning that the Jewish people need to raise the value of the service of Hashem in their own eyes, and the value of those among them who dedicate their life to this work. They must give the talmid chuchmim (Holy Scholars) the respect due to them. Know we are commanded to stand up when a talmid chuchmim enters a room as before a Torah scroll itself. This says a lot. Its necessary For the Jewish people to recognise the greatness of their true Torah Leaders and their disciples, and help them with their needs when they can. Its written that a Rabbi who prevents a student from doing an act of kindness to him, is withholding from his student the good of heaven. When we realise how great a service those who learn Torah are providing for us, as it is written in the midrash “ if it were not for the sages who sit and learn torah the world long ago would have been destroyed”. Thus it is a travesty that those who learn Torah in collels are some of the lowest paid workers. It is truly in the merit of those who learn and observe the Torah that the Jewish people have it so good, and have not been destroyed. In earlier generations all the Levi and Coheniam dedicated their lives to the Service of Hashem and most of the Jewish people learned some level of Torah. Now all is resting on the shoulders the few who occupy in Torah, so give them their due. It is said Yosef feared God just as much when he was a slave as when he was ruler of Egypt. Notice, while Joseph is in Egypt being tempted by and resisting the advances made by Potifer’s wife, Judah is soliciting a prostitute who unknown to him is his daughter in law. Also its interesting that . Yuhudah said “I was fooled by the women who wanted a goat”. He tricked his father by putting goat blood on Yosef’s coat and said he was torn by beasts.

The sages tell us that when Yaakov saw the wagons sent by Yosef to get him he then believed his son  Yosef was still alive. , “Agalot” (wagons) has the root of “igul” (circle). The wagons were a sign that Yosef still remembered the last lesson of Torah he had heard from his father about the “sefirot iggulim” (circular sefirot), the way the God dresses in nature. This also reminded Yaakov that it would be ok to go down to Egypt as the Egyptian exile to come was a part of the God’s plan to ultimately bring the ultimate redemption for the Jewish people. With this message Yosef was telling Yaakov not to be afraid to descend into exile. This reminds us that at times Mercy is of the aspect of judgment and this then is God’s loving kindness. This is so as the nature of this physical world is a duality and multiplicity of good and evil. Only through the 32 paths of the sefirot called “Yoshir” (upright) , one can completely transcend this natural pattern of duality and multiplicity and draw pure miraculous mercy from Heaven. There is a lot to this.

Yosef was on his way to becoming a victim when his father sent him to see how his brothers were doing. That is why the last Torah teaching that his father learned with him was the Torah of “Eglah Arufah”,  the Torah of the victim.

We learn from Rashi  ‘All the words of Yosef’ — He  gave them as a sign – In this case the subject he was studying at the time that he left him Yakov – the topic of ‘eglah arufah’, the heifer whose neck is broken. This is alluded to by what is said, “And he saw the wagons [‘agalot’] that Yosef had sent,” and it does not state, “which Pharaoh had sent.”

Rashi explains the significance of the wagons. According to the Midrash, the last piece of Torah that Yakov Avinu learned with Yosef before he was sent to see how his brothers were doing was the parsha of Eglah Arufah (Devarim 21). The laws of Eglah Arufah pertain to dealing with a victim of society, of life. If a corpse were to found in the field somewhere between two cities and no one knows who committed the crime, then the people of the city closest to the corpse have to take responsibility for what happened. According to the Talmud, this person was not necessarily murdered. He may have died of starvation. How so? He is a poor beggar and he left from one city to go to the next one and along the way he died of hunger. Why?

From ” Eglah Arufah” we see the Torah  holds the community as a whole and is responsible. to cleanse and atone for the tragedy. The elders of the community act on behalf of their community doing the “Eglah Arufah” ceremony

The numerical value of יוסף “Yosef” (Joseph) is the same as קנה “kinah” (jealousy) 156 including 1 for collel. When Yoseph’s brothers all saw that Joseph personified the masculine principle and they all personified the feminine principle, they became very jealous of him. Thus we see that the numerical value of “Yosef” (Joseph) is the same as “kinah” (jealousy).

The Daas Zekeinim m’Baalei haTosfos explains that when Yaakov said the words, “I’ve had a bitter life,” God said to him, “I saved you from Esav and Lavan, I returned Dinah and Yosef to you and now you are complaining about your life that it has been bitter? The Midrash tells us Yaakov was punished for every word of complaint that he said starting from ‘And he said’ until ‘their sojourns.’ So Yaakov only lived till 147, 33 years fewer than did his father, Yitzchak who reached the age of 180. WE HAVE NOTHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT, WE JUST DONT UNDERSTAND OR KNOW !

At the end of the Haftorah, God talks about the future redemption:

“And my dwelling place shall be upon them and I shall be a God unto them, and they shall be unto Me for a people. Then the nations shall know that I am the Lord …”


The redemption will come unexpectedly as the revelation of Yosef to his brothers.

We have lived in Exile for two thousand years. For thousands of years, Jews didn’t understand and most still don’t understand — what is going on with us? We’ve been expelled from France; we’ve been expelled from Germany; we’ve been expelled from England. There were pogroms; there were
Inquisitions; there were Holocausts. History doesn’t make sense!
This is the Chosen People?

In the future everything will become eminently clear. Just like the brothers of Yosef.

Know, we learn from this also Yoseph’s  dreams of grandeur did not dissipate even when he became Prime Minister over Egypt. The  Torah records that it was Joseph who used his high position in government to manipulate the Egyptian economy to literally drive the entire population of Egypt into slavery. Joseph, righteous man as he was, still followed in the footsteps of ancient Nimrod and created big government and what we call today “the nanny state.” With this we can understand  that Yuhuda-Mulchut (the government) does its tikun by recognizing the value of its righteous inhabitants. By doing this they recognize Hashem. Then Yosef will be revealed this being the true value of righteousness, what the sadeekem represent. Thus recognizing the Greatness of Hashem and His Torah. Then will Manifest the Power of Mashiach ben Yosef. In Egypt Joseph was chosen to pave the way for our survival in exile, and establish the foundations necessary to emerge out of exile in tact, and the Mashiach of the House of David with the Temple built quickly in our days.

And may it be that we see this Greatness very soon in a complete redemption.







an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot



THESE BOOKS AT THIS LINKhttps://godssecret.wordpress.com/2010/06/23/foods-you-want-to-eat-to-live-long-and-healthy-phytochemicals/

A  verse in our parsha says:

These were the sons whom Leah bore to Jacob in Paddan-aram, along with Dinah his daughter, and all of his grandsons and granddaughters, thirty-three souls.” (Gen. 46:15)

Above its written “Thirty-three  souls”- But if you count them, you find only thirty-two. This can not be a scribal error.  The missing one is Yocheved, who was born between the walls when they entered the city, as it says (in Numbers Ch. 26): “Yocheved was the daughter of Levi, whose wife had borne her to Levi in Egypt.” That is, her birth was in Egypt, but her conception was not in Egypt. But also notice thirty-two is a interesting number.

It’s unusual for Rashi to give us the same narrative information twice, But in fact, he will go on to mention this auspicious birth at Exodus (2:1). And then again, in Numbers (26:59).

December 17, 2023, 9:22 am
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In “Midrash Tanchuma “ on “Parshat Chukat,” Rabbi Yossi bar Chaninah says that at the time when ‎Moses ascended to the celestial regions He found God preoccupied ‎with the details of the rules pertaining to the red heifer. He ‎overheard God saying that the correct ruling concerning the age ‎of the red heifer when it is to be burnt is according to “my son ‎Rabbi Eliezer,” i.e. when it is one year old. Anyone reading this ‎‎Midrash must surely ask how God had been able to say ‎something like that, seeing that Rabbi Eliezer was born more than ‎‎1000 years after Moses died.



Filed under: 22 amino acids and Hebrew lettersDnagenesGeneticsscientific researchUncategorized | Tags: Dnadna and the Bible


There are 22 amino acids in humans genome and 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. That set me wondering if there might be something translating it , what might it be?

It was obviously going to be an enormous job , i left it off for later , i needed to find where exactly to search on the Chromosome. The chromosomes are composed of DNA structured by 4 bases A-T, C-G, יהו”ה which are transcribed by the RNA in A-U (Uracil), C-G , which are structured in 64 combinations of 3 letters (codons) to express 22amino acids

Please God i will get back to the translation work

i did find another who has been doing this research states :

I found that abbreviations or full versions of the 14 most common names of God, most of them found in the Hebrew Scriptures, appeared about 500,000 times in each human cell – i.e., trillions of times (500,000 x 10 trillion) in the human body. We appear to be saturated with the names of God – or at least his signature. One of the most common four letter words in the genes was YHWH, the full name of God; it appeared 500 times in each cell. Its common abbreviation, YH, appeared 35,000 times
I found that “YY is”, is the predominant message in the DNA! YY is a common Hebrew prayer book abbreviation for unification of the names Yhv”h and  Adonai and is a kind of assertion that God exists.

Here are  14  names of God commonly found in the Torah, 1 is found in Jewish prayer books as abbreviations for the unification of the names Yhv”h and  Adonai,  the number of times they appeared in 100,000 amino acids taken from the first half dozen genes in each of the 23 chromosomes.

YY(Jewish prayer book abbreviation of unification of the names Yhv”h and  Adonai)ײ1087
YH(Abbreviation of YHWH)יה705
YYY(one of 72 names)ייי128
ALHYMElohim, Godאלחי”ם51
YHV”HI am what I amיהוה11
ADNYAdonai, Lordאדני2



I decided to try the same exercise on non-human DNA to see if names of God showed up there too. They did. I found that the most important name of God, YHWH, appeared almost three times more often in humans, as if he had a special relationship with us. But he also seemed to have written his names into every living thing.

Some people say that something they read “jumped out and hit them”. It is as if a phrase or message intended for someone else in another time applies personally to the present-day reader. Many others who read the same words will not have the same experience. This seems to happen more to readers of the Bible; somehow once doesn’t expect to encounter a life-changing phrase in a thriller!

it’s interesting to note that the “genome,” , the human DNA strand containing genes that actively are transcribed as a protien amount to only about 2% of the DNA.the rest called “introns” These no one really knows for sure what they are for …………

this takes you to the BIGGEST DIVINE SECRETS





an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot






Filed under: ChanukahHANUKAH | Tags: chanukah dreidelChuchmah-WisdomHANUKAHsecrets seeTORAH SECRETSZot Chanukah

Filed under: Chanukah | Tags: AristobulusHellenismHyrcanusKabbalahSadduceesShimon ben ShetachTORAH


Chanukah  בס”ד                     

  Chanukah represents a pattern, a cycle where the Jews are subjected to  gentile government influences who hope that the Jews will forget the Torah. However, at the end they are victorious over those who wish to make them forget the Torah and there is then given birth to a renewed Yisrael. Chanukah is about revolution. It is a reminder to stand up against the oppression. Especially when the nations values and politics have overcome the government of the Jewish people living in the land of Israel. It is a time to establish a truly Torah government. Israel has a mission to bring the world to awareness of God. Thus Israel is called a “Nation of Priests” in the Bible. This can only be accomplished when the Jewish people have sovereignty over the Land of Israel and they govern according to God’s will as found in the Torah.

The Makabees’ decision to fight against the mighty Greeks was irrational, sometimes we are dependent on irrational and illogical moves. As Gods “Ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts”. Heading out to seemingly-unbeatable wars, must have looked to others like suicide missions but The God’s miracles transcend the bounds of nature and shows that by our connection and faith in the Creator of the Universe that even in situations that seem hopeless as Chanukah our faith in The God will lead us to the ultimate victory, please God. The victory of Chanuka requires pride, sacrifice and resolve. You must live its virtues not just talk about them in prayer. They are not a thing of the past they are powers of Chanukah. Compromise is a weakness that victors cannot afford. Freedom is reserved for those who fight for it. Standing up against all the odds is the Macabee way. Standing up for the Divine truth. Chanuka is a time to remember the price of victory. It is not cheap!

We can light all the Chanuka lights that we want but we must remember that the purpose of light is to cancel out darkness. We will never cancel out darkness or defeat evil all the while that we lack the commitment and resolve and the sacrifice necessary to win the day. All our Chanuka lights will be nothing but hollow and empty shells if we fail to remember what it is that they are supposed to really be. Each generation has its Chanukah battles against the Greek secularism that tries to nullify the Jewish Torah life style. In each generation the multitudes of Yisrael hover at the brink of spiritual devistation, God forbid. So it is hard to understand how a person can consider himself serious in his relationship with God and his Jewish identity and yet one does not feel for the suffering of  the Shechinah (Divine Presence) and the state of “Klal Yisrael” (The Nation of Israel). How can one’s  relationship with God be limited to his own selfish interests ? It can’t be only about you?

Chanukah is a time of ever increasing light. This is seen and accomplished through the service of Chanukah which includes lighting of the “Menorah”. The main service of Chanukah is the illumination of the darkness of night with the manorah in increasing intensity from 1 to 9 lights including the ”shamash”. It was on the first night of Chanukah the 25th of kislev that Antiocos made the temple into a shrine for idolatry. On that day he placed a idol in the Temple’s Holy of Holies and did lewd sexual acts there. They defiled Holy things. This was the darkest moment when the house of GOD became a place unfit for his dwelling .This was the climax of the decent of the Jewish people led by their ”high society” as they slid down to the depth of spiritual depravity being absorbed in the ”upper class” (Greek) values of their day, which was called HELLenism. The enemy may have stimulated the decline of Yisrael from outside yet the real enemy was within, it was ourselves. We allowed non-Torah values to infect us to the point that a Cohen Gadol (High Priest) was placed in the temple who had values opposite that of the Torah.

The enemy was within but salvation came from without and within as only a small group of Cohaniem who were living in the hills were able to bring about the spiritual redemption of our people. Reclaiming the Holy Temple, with the miracle of the oil, and the physical miraculous victory where our enemies were concurred. On Chanukah we went from the darkest darkness of our souls, spiritually and physically captured under the dominion of strangers, yet we came to witness miracles and salvation. The Greeks deliberately and methodically defiled all the oil in the Temple. They purposefully wanted to stamp out the means for Yisrael to serve God. The existence and discovery of one undefiled cruse – despite the aggressive efforts of the Greeks – was a miracle in and of itself. The Ben Ish Chai says that in the month of Kislev and especially on Chanuka we can pray for miracles.

The ruling in Israel of the Hasmoneans began during the rein of Antiocus the 4th, who was also called אפיפנס the King of Syria and Talmy Philamtor King of Egypt. They ruled for 132 years till Herod, the Edomite slave . This was from 143-36 Bce.

The Megillat Antiochus tells us that the Hasmonean Kohanim “They found only one cruse of oil which was sealed with the insignia of the Holy Kohen from the time of Samuel the prophet.” Know, that just as this jar of Holy oil was hidden all those years, so to no Jew is ever lost from the collective entity called “Canneset Yisrael” (The Jewish supernal community). Though they may have strayed so far from the path and ways the God showed the nation of Israel so many years ago. As the hidden wisdom received at the Sinai experience when we received the Torah so many years ago is still deep inside every Jewish soul who stood at that fateful day at Sinai. Know, these deeps spiritual roots can never be blotted out though if one contaminates their soul enough by transgressing the Torah it takes a considerable effort to relight the lamp of their Jewish soul.

It was also a miracle in and of itself that this one cruse of oil was not seen by the Greeks and destroyed. Like the light of “Aor Ganuz” (the hidden light) radiated by by the lights of Chanukah which are only perceived by those who merit so and others cannot see it. So too the Greeks could not see this cruse of oil so could not destroy it !

We came to witness oil that burned miraculously. That which had the physical potential to burn for one day burned for eight. This infinite quality of oil represents the permutation of the spiritual quality of oil, which from kabalah we learn is ” chuchmah ” (creative inspiration), right into this physical world.

It is known that ”chuchmah” (Divine wisdom-creative power) is above space and time. Thus we see its revelation in this physical world “mamash”. The oil from the Manora allows us to Contemplate the surrounding lights and עליוןרצון (supernal will). We know rabbi Moshe Chym Lazatto says this light comes around every year for those who are there to receive it, blessed are those who reach this time. Now the ”Chuchmah” (Divine Wisdom-creativity) dresses itself in our dedication as Chanukah means dedication. Chanukah being the celebration of our dedication to Holiness, which is during the time of ”chanuc” (dedication) of the alter as described in the Torah in the book of ”Bamidbar” (Numbers), the dedication of the temple by King Salomon, the dedication of the temple by Yehuda Macabbe, and today our personal dedication to the Holy Blessed One NOW.

Our personal dedication to the Torah is the absolute fixing of the present exile of Edom (the west ), which is rooted in Yavan (greek culture ), which is the source of the hellinism that Yehuda Macabee rebelled against. Yavon is the same spelling as Zion, except for missing the letter צ ’sawde”. A sawdeek is represented by Yosef ha Sadeek. He represents the sefira yesod. As taught by rabbi Shimon bar Yochi yesod is 9th of the sefirot, it is as the 8 Chanukah lights and the ”shamash”. They are paralleled by the 7 lights of the manorah in the temple, and the bulb where the branches meet. Thus it is said by kindling the Chanukah manorah the manorah in the Holy Temple is lit. On Chanukah there shines the lights of ס”ג (light of Divine understanding) to Z’a (source of the Ruach, emotional soul). ס”ג =חנה and יהו”ה (is Z’a)=וכ together is חנוכה . Every aspect can be lit up by נר (lamps) of chanucah. Thus נר is gematria of the Yichudim (unifications) of אהי”ה אלהי”ם אדנ”י each with יהו”ה = נר.

The Holy Ar”i teaches that the light of Chanuka has the power to illuminate the lowest and darkest places. Therefore the law concerning the Chanukah “Manorah” states that it can be lit as low as ten tefachim (handsbreadth) from the ground.

There are 5 aspects of “Erev Rav” according to the Zohar, they are called “Nifalim, Geborim, Anakim. Rafiam and Amalakim” these correspond to the 5 times ביד in the prayer for Chanukah in the “Amida”. 1)The “geborim” correspond to were given ביד “chalshim”, 2)“The many” were given ביד “the few” corresponding to “Rafiam”, 3) “Rashiam” were given ביד “Sadeekem” corresponds to “Anakim”. 4) The inpure were given ביד “pure”, the impure correspond to the Nifalim. These include Azza and Uzzial5) “the strange ones were given ביד of those who occupy in your Torah” Strange ones referring to “Amalakim”. Also the יד cooresponds to the 14 evil time all 5 aspects the Erev rav want to bring upon Yisrael.

Shar Yoseph teaches that we talk in the Chanukah addition of the Amida about how the Hasmoneans stood up and fought the Greeks, but they never fought Greeks only Syrians. Antiocus was king of Syria and not of Greece. It says “You gave the impure into the hands of the pure”. Who were the “impure”. Impurity does not apply to gentiles. It says “you gave strangers (zarim) in hands of Jews”. If the impure mentioned before was referring to non-Jews this is double “lashon”. Also double “lushon” on תשועה and פרקן. Alsoדביר ביתך ,היכלך . מקשדך are triple “lushon”. And why also “lushon” חצרת קדשך it says we lit candles but they are lit in “hachel Kodesh” ? Why is the miracle of the oil not mentioned ? There is a lot of secrets hinted to in these words.

דביר ביתך corresponds to Nefesh, היכלך corresponds to Ruach. מקשדך corresponds to Nashama. The “kidusha” of Nashama is called “Bait haMikdash”.

The way to subdue “zarim” is by Torah.

“Malchut HaRusha” refers to Malchut of the Klippa. The Hasmoneans fought the Syrians who nourished from the klippa of the Greeks. Yavan has many Holy sparks that fell into them. That is why they present a great danger to us.

We see this by the success of the Erev Rav in our days, as they have uprooted judiasm from “Am Yisrael”. Which is what the nations were unable to do in 2000 years. Damages by the Greeks is greater than any other nation. Since the time of Noach many sparks of “kidusha” have went into the Greeks so it says “Yephet shall dwell in the Tents of Shem”. A Safer Torah written in Greek can be read on Shabot and YomTov. The sages say Greek is a beautiful language. But the sages says its forbidded to call something of the nations beautiful. But this beauty is from the sparks of holiness they have taken. Their philosophers came upon many true things, that are in the Kaballah we have today including the 4 “Yesodot” and “hyuli”. The greatest of them learned from the mouth of David HaMelech. Aristo converted through Shimon HaSadeek. If the war would have been with Syria alone there would not have been the miracles. The greeks desired to uproot the aspect of the nation of Yisreal so there would only be left the aspect of Yaakov. This is “katnut”. Then there would not exist in Yisreal the idea of “Am Segulah” or chosen people. This is why they specifically rulled against Shabot, chodesh and meilah as these are the foundations of the “chosen people”. The midrash teaches us The Greeks also made the Jews write, “God has forsaken you” on all of their ox horns (Berieshis Rabbah 2:4). In ancient times baby bottles were made out of ox horns as their funnel shape was good for this task. Thus, the Greeks tried to force the Jews to raise their children under the influence of denying Hashem. This is why the word “darkness” refers to Greece as they wished to darken the world for religious Jews. The Jews fought back and instead educated their youth to love and be committed to Torah. Some say that the “draidel” was played by children who were learning Torah and needed to fool the Greeks into thinking that they were simply gathered for game tournaments.

There is a verse in Ovadyah that says, “The house of Yaakov will be fire and it will burn the house of Asev which is  straw.” The two letters which comprise the word  קש (straw), are the first letters of the words קנאה (jealousy) and  ) שנאהhatred) the character traits of Asev. The first letters of אהבה and שלום, the character traits of Yaakov, spell the word אש (fire).

  Now we need to be against these “Greeks”, they are the Nashamot of the Erev Rav that are mixed in with the Jewish people. We must stand up Bina of Kidusha called שם , so to be שם הגדול (great name as mentioned in the Amida Chanukah insert). Chuchmah then called “Kodesh” will be שם הגדול subduing the evil. The miracle of Chanukah is caused by Bina called שם הגדול. Chuchmah and Bina in the Shechinah is called עולם The filling of the Shechinah called “Chanukah” (the 25 letter “Yichud” of נר ) this is his שם called the Shechinah. As it says “כה (thus) shall you bless the Children of Yisrael”. Then rises Malchut to Bina. So there are 8 days of Chanukah as Bina is the 8th sefirah from below to above. The Miracles and wonders of Chanukah are by Bina received from the 32 paths of Chuchmah that permeate to the 50 gates of Bina making נפלאות.

Rabbi Ashlag teaches that all 25 Parzufim (divine faces of revelation) come down to Prophets, they being attached to the highest powers.

This all shines on Chanukah. חן (favor) from the revelation of the 8 days of Chanukah is as a Temple offering or ”Brit Mealah” (circucision) which both must wait till the 8th day. We receive זאת (SHECHINAH) Chanukah by the revelation of the oil (Chuhmah) that illuminates making one’s face to Shine. This Shining is חן. This is what one must find in their wife (Shechinah) as said in the end of Gemora Gitten. The כלה (bride) being the Shechinah. This being revealed as the perfection of man. This is the ”Gadlut” (greatness) of Yaakov which is called Yisrael. This is the סלום (ladder) from heaven. This is the ו . In this time of Chanukah ”dedication”, this is accomplished by doing what Yehuda Ha Makaabe stood for rebelling against what Yavan represents which is striving for beauty alone without the discretion or recognition of GOD which, thus the pursuit of beauty becomes completely a reflection of the love of the body, and self love. Thus we see reason for their obsession with sports, the human body the main theme of their visual arts, and there obsession with abstract intellectual thought. All the things have only one end the glorification of one self, this is the ultimate product of the philosophy of the Greeks, but when the letter צ ’sawde’ is added to the word’ Yavan’ (Greek) it becomes Zion. Thus when one adds ’sawde’ representing yesod, the power of making the most complete revelation of GOD out of all things and places. Perfect uprightness ,acting as a sadeek. Then true perfect beauty is realized. So, on Chanukah we need to dedicate to GOD the beauty that which is unique to ourselves as we each have a different face. So our relationship to GOD is a personal thing . It is our personal expression of beauty in Divine service. We see in the writing of our sages so many things called “hadar mitzvah”, which is performing the mitzvah in a way which is more than is required by the letter of the law. This is why Chanukah is called holiday of the Oral Torah. 

When the early commentators discuss as to who should light the Chanukah lights. Tosfot on Gemore Shabbos 21a states that only one person per house should light the Menorah for everyone. Rambam states that each person in the house should light as well. What is so strange here is that normally Ashkenazim follow the tradition of the Tosfos and the Sefardim follow the opinion of the Rambam. However, here, we find the exact opposite. Shulchan Aruch, which is Safardi  follows Tosfos stating that in a Sefardi home only one person should light for everyone! The Rama the Ashkenazi authority  follows Rambam (Sefardi) in stating that each occupant should light their own Menorah. This is so strange.

The reason for the commandment of  lighting Chanukah candles is hinted at by the fact that, the mitzvah of  lighting Chanukah candles is fulfilled by the act of lighting itself. One is “halachically” obligated to recite the blessings over the Chanukah candles even if the candles will not be seen by anyone. Even if there is also a “mitvah” of lighting the Chanukah candles so to publicize the miracle. But, by lighting the Chanukah candles themselves the commandment is fulfilled.

All Yisrael are required to fulfill the 613 commandments of the Torah. Since we don’t have a temple now, may it be rebuilt soon some mitzvot involving temple service and other mitzvot due to our lackings can only be fulfilled by learning about them. All the mitzvot that we do bind us together. This is the fulfillment of the letter of the law but this is not enough, as it says in the Talmud “ if only the letter of the law was fulfilled, no one could exist ”. If one only does the least that is required what kind of love does this express ?.

A mitzvah is a vessel for the love of GOD. A pitcher holds water so has an intrinsic beauty to its form, yet with ornate engravings it becomes something to behold. If this thing is a mitzvah that has become beautified it is truly something to love. Each person needs to express themselves with in the mitzvot with the uniqueness of their Nashama, this is to discover ourselves, and GOD’s great source of light within each of us.

It is a time to manifest עזותהקושה (brazenness of Holiness) against the “sitra achra” (other side). By this is the perfection of the mitzvot. It is by this that we become Holy, which means separate. Each of us establishing our own personal relationship with GOD. As it say in Leviticus ”sanctify yourselves and be holy ”. This being sanctification in the permitted or separation. Such as cutting the bread slightly before blessing or doing a ”Tynet debor” (fast of speech). Not speaking is equal to many fasts of food. It is the uniqueness of the individual that makes the ultimate fixing for the creation. It is this individuality that is the complete fixing against the exile of Edom. As they want conformity, a lack of individuality , every one to conform to a certain standardization. As taught by Rabbi Kahana in Pesicta Edom the offspring of Yavan (Greek values) tries to push Yisrael off the Torah path to conform to its values ” be like every one else ”. The perfection of the commandments defeats the darkness of exile. It is this dedication that is required. Now lets look specifically at how the klipa (evil) of Yavan Edom attacks.

The Hellenists wanted to destroy our spiritually, and we commemorate this redemption. Yet, this victory does not guarantee our future. Each generation has to fight its own battles againt the other side,each in its own way.

In the era of Chanukah the Greek kings made the religion of the Jews illegal and took their money and their daughters. In 143 Antiocus אפיפנס went from Egypt to Syria by way of Jerusalem and stole the Temple vessels and appointed מנלאוס as Cohen Gadol so to change the religion of Isreal and to build אצטדען (stadium) of Jerusalem. He sent Cohaniam in the middle of their service in the Temple out to meet his friends. So that the service in the Temple would be discontiued. In 139 army messengers of “Antiocus” who made new rulings forbidding observance the Rosh Chodesh (new moon), Shabot ,and circumcision . Chodesh being sanctification in time, Shabot being sanctification in spirituality through action, and circumcision sanctification in the most physical our bodies. It is these institutions that Yavan chose to strike at as they are at the root of our service to GOD. by observance of rosh chodesh we make known our time belongs to GOD. With shabbot we realize the spiritual impact of our actions which we might have thought were in consequential, such as turning on a light. While the circumcision Yavan fought against actually represents the sanctification of GOD with our bodies. That the most physical things we are involved in should be dedicated to divine will.

It was in the year 3591 169 BCE, around 160 years after the Greeks conquered Eretz Yisrael, Antiochus IV Epiphanes began oppressing the Jews. Under his rule, the Greeks plundered the holy vessels of the Temple, breached the walls of Jerusalem, murdered thousands of Jews, and enslaved many others. In 3593 (167 BCE), Antiochus decreed that the Jews must forsake the Torah and its” mitzvot”  and worship idols. He made it a capital crime to perform “mitzvot”, abolished the sacrificial service in the Temple, and turned the Temple into a place of idolatry. Torah scrolls were torn and burned. Antiochus’ soldiers went from town to town forcing the Jews to eat pork and erect an altar for idol worship. They prohibited the practice of brit “mila” and Jewish women who insisted on circumcising their sons were executed. As a result of these decrees, many pious Jews fled to the wilderness, caves, or other countries; and many were murdered in sanctification of God’s name. Later on, the Greeks returned to Eretz Yisrael in greater numbers, conquered Jerusalem, and put Hellenized Kohanim in charge of the Temple. However, in order to avoid increasing tensions with the Jews, they abolished the evil decrees and allowed the Jews to observe the Torah and the mitzvot. But this did not stop the rebellion; the Hasmoneans continued to fight against the Greeks and Hellenism. The war effort had ups and downs,

The Greeks were great astrologers, they worshiped the stars. So they ruled specifically against Shabot , Chodesh and Brit Meilah so that Jupiter would rule through mars and saturn in Kislev. For this reason they occupied the Temple on the 15 of Kislev. And on the 25th of Kislev they put the Idol of Zeus Olympus in the Holy of Holies as he corresponds to Jupiter and they offered up a pig which corresponds to mars, which is the planet of the Greeks. It was by this flow they thought to war against Yisrael. Mars is the planet of Asev, Pig is in the “mazel” of mars. Mars is over wars and spilling of blood by preventing “brit meilah” the Greeks hoped to preventing Yisrael from taking power from Mars. They sought to prevent Rosh Chodesh thereby preventing Yisreal’s connection with the “memunah” over set days which is the Moon. The moon rules over sickness of the body. During the month of Kislev there is a overpowering of Chesed of Hashem by Jupiter whose light shines making these days of Joy.

It’s said by Rashi that Yaakov went back across the river to pick up the small bottles that were filled with oil for Chanukah that he had left there. This oil was oil made from the olives of the olive branch brought back to Noah by the dove after the flood. It was when doing this that Yaakov came across the supernal angel of Edom (the west ), and he wrestled with him and won at Bait Ael which illudes to the place of the Holy temple. This shows us by the power of Chanukah we can concur the exile of Edom. As yaakov did fulfilling the verse “ I will punish the Hosts on high “. The threat of Yaakov getting the Chanukah oil was enough to arouse the angel of Asev, Edom to attack him.  It is interesting that a verse there states: “When the angel saw that he could not win, he hit Yaakov in his כף ירחו” (hollow of his thigh”. (Berieshis 22:26) It is to say the least interesting that the words “כף ירחו” (his thigh)  ties directly into Chanukah. The word כף with its letters reversed spells פך, (jug). This is the exact word used in the Gemara Shabbos 21b when describing the Chanukah miracle. “The Jew defeated the Greeks and found one פך (jug) of pure  of oil, that was still intact and sealed by the Kohen Gadol. This again seems to hint that the damage the angel of Asev did to Yaakov can be fixed completely on Chanukah. Its also explained that these small jars of oil that Yaakov went back to get represent the last sparks that we need to refine and elevate  in fulfilling our Divine mission of fixing the vessels that shattered thus revealing God in the material world. Each person is allocated ‘Divine ‘sparks’ (spiritual energy) they need to fix that are embedded in our material possessions and everything else that comes our  lifes such as our homes, relationships, furniture, work, car, food, entertainment, activities, travel destinations, our thoughts, speech and actions. You are responsible to discover these sparks and their “tikun” so to refine and reveal these sparks uniting them in Holiness. This is done by directing all your activities to a higher, spiritual purpose. It is this that the “other side” found threatening !

Its also written concerning Yakov and containers of oil that Yakov after his vision of the ladder on Mount Moria built a monument in honor of the event. He sanctified it by anointing it with oil. This oil Yaakov found in a small container he found inside one of the stones he put together as a pillow when he had his ladder dream. This container of oil Yaakov took with him. It has the power of not diminishing in quantity even if it is used it says in the Yalkut Ruvaini. This seems very similar to the oil of the Chanukah miracles. Which also burned for 8 days when there was only enough for one day.

A total of 36 candles are burned on Chanukah. “Yaakov avinu” spent a total of 36 years in exile from the time he left Yitzhak and Rivkah, his father and mothers house. He spent 14 years at the Yishivah (school) of Shem and Ever, before going to the house of Lavan. At Lavan’s house Yaakov work 14 years for Lavan so he could marry Rachel and Leah. He worked a additional 6 years making his fortune and fathering 11 of his children, as Benyamin was born in the land of Israel. It took him 2 years to travel back to Aretz Yisrael.

 Chanukah itself first happened 36 centuries ago, in 3622 or 138 bce, the beginning of the 37th century. 36 centuries had all ready passed. Moses was born 36 years after the slavery in Egypt began. 36 seems to have alot to do with Chanukah. לאה is gematria 36. Rachel Yaakov’s wife was 36 when she died.

There are 36 offenses in the Torah for which one incurs “corait” (cut off).

Sni luchot ha brit teaches that on Chanukah if one lights the Manorah outside His door and a spark flies to the street burning hay on a wagon. The owner of the Manorah is not liable to damages. It is the function of the Jewish people to destroy the decendents of Asev. The sparks flying out into the public domain do this. But such is only permitted in its proper time, sparks flying into the street and damaging not on “chanukah” is a crime and one must then pay damages. Hastening the redemption led to the premature death of 20,000 of the tribe of Efriam, when they left Egypt early.

Also know, in Gemara  Shabbos page 22a we find  the story and laws of Chanukah right next to the story of the throwing of Yosef into the pit before his sale by his brothers!

Another matter we need to look at is what it means to us that on Chanukah that Asev can only be defeated when Yosef is with Yehuda. Its written “These are the generations of Jacob. Joseph, being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brethren” (Gen 37:2). What is this connection between Jacob and Joseph. When Ya’akov saw all these chiefs  of Asev whose names are written shortly before enumerating the descendants of Yosef he said wonderingly: “Who can conquer all these?” What is written after  is”These are the generations of Ya’akov – Yosef.” For it is written: “And the house of Ya’akov shall be a fire and the house of Yosef a flame” (Ovadya1:18). One spark issuing from Yosef will burn up all of these descendants of Esav (RashiYashan 37:1). Through the aspect of Yosef  the illumination of the Holiness is drawn from the aspect of Ya’akov (Yisrael) to all the tribes and all the worlds. Rashi says: “Fire without a flame has no effect at a distance.” It is the way of fire to join and attach to everything, making it fire. This a flame is necessary this is why it’s written that “Their father loved him more than all his brothers.” Referring to Yosef,  Yosef , represents the  “tzadik”. A Sadeek by his Divine service  raises up all Yisrael and their  good deeds. The aspect of Yaakov (representing “Katnut”) is as a fire without a flame. The quality of flame was given to Yosef the “sadeek”. A fire without a flame is an abstract concept.  First, let us try to reach a deep understanding of the idea of fire. Fire has several principal qualities. It illuminates, its aspires upwards, it spreads, it radiates warmth, and it consumes. Fire is also a common image in the Torah for Divine revelation. On the one hand, fire radiates warmth and illuminates, whereas on the other hand, it consumes: “For the Lord, your God, is a consuming fire” (Devarim 4:24). Rashi distinguishes between a fire and a flame. All the qualities listed above should therefore be seen as pertaining to a flame, and not to a flameless fire. The first thing that Rashi tells us is that a fire without a flame has no effect at a distance. Also  Rashi shares with us is that fire itself does not spread to burn the stubble of Esav. The flame of Yosef is needed. What follows from these descriptions is that a fire without flame also does not radiate warmth, and perhaps also according to this its capacity to illuminate is extremely limited. A fire without flame is sort of an “internal fire” directed inwards and not outwards. Cold institutionalized religion is not enough to take our Asev from ourselves and the world. But Divine service like  flaming is required like that of a personal nature , as the service of a sadeek, as Yosef.

Yehuda alone cannot defeat Asev. This brings us to explain Masiach ben Yosef and David. Yuhudah is the fulfillment of the letter of the law. Yosef is service of a personal nature, above that which is required. The god of the Greeks was a impersonal unreachable god. To them god was the unapproachable authority. By the service of Yosef one fulfills the words of the Torah ”I shall dwell in your midst ” . This is how Yavan the exile of Edom is defeated. One must fulfill the mitzvot regularly this is Yehuda, but not only this but in a beautiful way by this we will overcome the present exile. We see the blending of these two aspects in the mitzvah of the Chanukah manora. As almost every one in Isreal fulfills the letter of the law of this mitzvah, being the aspect of Yehuda, yet in many homes even of those who claim to not be religious we find more than one manora lit this being the ”hadar” above the letter of the law being the aspect of Yosef.

In the Chanukah story the enemy of the Jews were not only the Greeks – but the ”reform” Jews who betrayed the Torah, abandoned the Commandments and accepted Greek ways. This was an internal national struggle for the soul of the Jew – the two sides were the ”Sages” and “Hellenists.”. The true story of the Festival of Light is one of a particularly bloody Jewish civil war.As a matter of fact, civil war continued in Judea for twenty years after the first Chanukah. Hanukkah is a festival built upon a mound of suppressed memories and censored texts, a celebration of light that in fact commemorates a Jewish civil war.

The true fight on Chanukah is about. Between Jews and Greeks? No, it was a civil war between Jews and Jews! So that’s the primary thing. Mattatiyahu Maccabe started the war by killing a Jewish traitor and a Greek official present. What was his sin? He made a sacrifice according to Greek customs. Then Mattatyahu turned to the crowd and announces: “Follow me, all of you who are for God’s law and stand by the covenant.” (1 Maccabees 2:27)

The Hanukkah story is really about a revolt against the Hellenized Jews who had fallen madly in love with the sophisticated, globalizing superculture of their day. The Apocrypha’s texts make it clear that the battle against Hellenization was in fact a civil war among the Jews themselves. Here is how the first Book of the Maccabees describes Jerusalem on the eve of civil war and revolt in the time of Antiochus :

At that time there were some evil-doers in Israel who tried to win popularity for a policy of integration with the surrounding nations. It was because the Jews had kept themselves aloof for so long, they claimed, that so many hardships had befallen them. They acquired a following and applied to Antiochus, who authorized them to introduce the Greek way of life. They built a Greek gymnasium in Jerusalem and even had themselves uncircumcised.

Uncircumcision was the price of admission to the Jerusalem gym ! Josephus, tells us, in “History of the Jews”, that one of the most popular plastic surgery operations, in Jerusalem, at that time was replacing the foreskin because Jewish men were embarrassed not to have a foreskin for the race. So, Josephus says that a lot of doctors got rich putting back the foreskins. It was a Jewish problem at Chanukah. Not Jews and non-Jews. The problem was Jews who wanted to adopt a Greek way of life. We don’t have a problem with Greeks adopting a Greek way of life.

Only when the Greeks saw that many Jews were prepared to betray their way of life, did Antiochus find the courage to prohibit ”on pain of death,” the study of Torah, the practice of Circumcision, the observance of Shabbat and Divine worship,and the rest of his injunctions against Torah observance. On the 15th of Kislev he defiled the Temple and on the 25 of Kislev he put a statue of Zeus in the Temple and מנלאוס the High priest offered a pig on the alter to Zeus Olympus and at that point was ended the Holy service of the Temple. The Greeks wanted a pig offered on the alter to Zeus Olympus so to effect the “gilgul Makiff” which causes the whole of the “seder” of the cosmos to its conclusion. As pigs receive their flow from the first face of mars close to Jupiter. They are Tami and send flow of Lilly upon Jews who eat them. The flow of the sefirot is above the planets. The planets receive flow from the sefirot through the Torah’s commandments. The sefirot adjust the flow of “din” and “Givurah” coming to a man from the stars, this is why Yisrael is called “Am Segulah”. The Miracles of Chanukah was made through the sefirot of the “Gilgul Makiff” that made flow of Saturn and mars on Jupiter becouse of “misrat Nefesh” of the Hasmoneans for Torah and Mitzvot. 8 days of Chanukah alludes to its source which is above nature, the stars but from Bina.

The Greeks ruled against family purity laws. The violation of Needah brings rulings of Mars and sefirot of “din”. By טהרה is rule of Jupiter with midot of chesed and Rachamim on one. The purity of women from blood niddah is only after 7 days. The water She immerses in purifies by sefirot of Bina. Yisrael is separated from the nations by “milah” of the 8th day. The return of the rulership of Malchut is by Bina.

Jason’s time as High Priest was brought to an abrupt end in 172 BCE when he sent Menelaus, the brother of Simon the Benjaminite, to deliver money to Antiochus. Menelaus took this opportunity to ”outbid” Jason for the priesthood, resulting in Antiochus confirming Menelaus as the High Priest. Although during the three years As High Priest Jason had given many proofs of his attachment to the Hellenistic party (by building a gymnasium in Jerusalem and by introducing many Greek customs) the zealous Hellenists of the stamp of the Tobiads plotted his overthrow, suspecting him of partiality to traditional Judaism. At their head stood Menelaus.

Hasmonean Dynasty ruled from 142-63 BCE During that time, there was a great deal of tension between the Hasmoneans and the sages. As a result, the sages were not particularly interested in maintaining a holiday that commemorated the dedication declared by the Hasmonean family. There is not 1 Mishna on Chanukah.

The Maccabees became the Hasmoneans; the Hasmoneans, who were Cohanim, became kings of Israel. But according to Torah Law the King of Yisrael must be only from the House of David. This set them in conflict with the Rabbis, and led to the deep split between the Sadducees (the priestly faction) and the Pharisees (the Rabbinic faction), leading ultimately to much strife and sorrow. It is small wonder then that There is not 1 Mishna on Chanukah.

The Sages established many holidays during the Second Temple era, to thank God and rejoice over the salvations He performed for Israel. These holidays are all mentioned in Megilat Ta’anit. Many of these holidays commemorate the victories of the Hasmoneans: 13 Adar was “Nicanor Day,” when the Hasmoneans defeated a large Greek army and killed their commander, Nicanor; 14 Sivan was the day they conquered Caesarea; 22 Elul, when the Hasmoneans killed the apostates who refused to repent; 23 Marĥeshvan, when the Hasmoneans destroyed the brothel that the Greeks had built near the Holy Temple; and 25 Marĥeshvan, when they conquered Samaria and began settling it.

After the destruction of the Second Temple, the Sages abolished Megilat Ta’anit (sa 573:1) because all of the wonderful things that happened on those days were no longer relevant and thus no longer constituted a reason to rejoice. One may even fast and deliver eulogies on these days. Only Ĥanuka remains of all those day, as the Sages explain, because of the unique miracle of the oil that it commemorates and the mitzva of lighting Ĥanuka candles that the Sages enacted to publicize the miracle.

In order to understand better the significance of Ĥanuka and the miracle of the oil – the only remnants of all the holidays that existed during the Second Temple era – we must elaborate a bit on the events of those days and their meaning.

The story of Chanukah happens during the time of the “Zugos”,  between the leadership of Yossi ben Yoezer & Yossi ben Yochanan  and Yehoshua Ben Parchia & Nitay Ha’Arbeli. These Sages where not the leaders of the revolt.

Sadducees represented the aristocratic group of the Hasmonean High Priests, who replaced the previous High Priestly lineage. The earlier Priestly lineage had been blamed for allowing the Syrian Emperor Antiochus IV Epiphanes to desecrate the Temple of Jerusalem with idolatrous sacrifices and to martyr monotheistic Jews.

Jose ben Joezer was a rabbi of the early Maccabean period 191 BCE, a disciple of Antigonus of Soko and member of the ascetic group known as the Chasidim. Yose belonged to the party of the Ḥasidim, and was a decided adversary of Hellenism. One of Yosi’s ideas was: Let your house be a meeting place for the wise; sit in the dust of their feet; and drink in their words with thirst (Avot 1:4). He belonged to a priestly family. Jose ben Johanan of Jerusalem was his colleague. ) was Nasi (president) of the Sanhedrin in the second century BCE. He was a native of Jerusalem. He and Jose ben Joezer were the successors and, it is said, the disciples of Antigonus of Sokho and the two together formed the first of a series of pairs that transmitted the traditional law; in each pair one, according to tradition, was a prince and a president (“nasi”), and the other vice-president, of the Sanhedrin (Av Beth Din)begins the period known in Jewish history as that of the zugot (pairs), which ended with Hillel and Shammai. According to an old tradition, the member of the “zugot” mentioned first occupied the office of Nasi (president) of the Sanhedrin, while the one mentioned second served in the capacity of vice-president.

The Syrian general Bacchides had Yosi ben Joezer placed on a horse to be hanged. His nephew, an important Hellenist, came to taunt his uncle. On the thirteenth of Adar, 3599 (161 BCE), Yehuda the Maccabee’s troops defeated the army of Greek general Nicanor; Nicanor was killed and the remnants of his troops retreated. This day was celebrated as “the Day of Nicanor” for generations. Immediately thereafter, the Greeks sent Bacchides at the head of a large army. Yehuda, unable to mobilize a greater number of fighters, stood against him with a mere 800 soldiers. Yehuda was killed in this battle (3600/ 160 BCE). Bacchides conquered the entire Eretz Yisrael and awarded the position of High Priest to Alcimus, a Hellenist, who executed sixty of Israel’s elder sages. Yonatan, Yehuda’s brother, assumed command of the remaining Hasmonean fighters, who had fled and gone into hiding. Over time, the Hasmoneans regained their strength and managed to harass the Greeks, but they were unable to reconquer Jerusalem. 

The first pair consisted of Yose ben Yo’ezer as Nasi, and Yose ben Yochanan as the Av Beis Din. They received the Oral Law from Antigonos, as did their contemporary Yochanan, whose son Mattisyahu started the Hasmonean revolt. Yochanon The Kohen Gadol father of Mattisyahu was a great “sadeek”. In his days not a hammer was heard in Yerushalyn during the intermediate days of the festivals. The people were sanctified in their Nefesh Ruach and Nashama so they had the power to stand up against the evil decrees of their enemies. Their Nashamot were from the aspect of Bina. As their fathers drew down Nashamot from there. Bina is the 8th sefira from below to above. The famous “Yehudah HaMaccabee” (Judah the Maccabee) from the story of Chanukah was Mattisyahu’s son.

Jonathan Apphus, High priest 153-143 BCE. Yonathan Maccabee was leader of the Hasmonean Dynasty of Judea from 161 to 143 BCE. He is called also Apphus.

Mattisyahu called for a revolt against the Greeks and Jews who had placed idols in the Temple.

Jewish priest Mattatiyahu ben Yochanon led the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Empire (167 BC-160 BC) with his sons Yuhudah, Yochanon, Eleazer, Yonaton and Shimon. He is acclaimed as one of the greatest warriors in Jewish history alongside Joshua, Gideon and David. Led by Mattatiyahu Jews entered Jerusalem and purified the Temple (164 BCE), these events are commemorated each year by the festival of Hannuka. They were called the Hasmoneans as they lived in חשמון in Yuhudah. Later they moved to “Modian” which is near ben Shemon where they killed the greek kings messenger who commanded them to worship idols.

. On 24 Av, the Hasmoneans reinstated Torah law as the official legal system, instead of Greek law. On 23 Iyar, Shimon ben Matityahu the Hasmonean conquered the Acra fortress that housed a Greek garrison even after the city was liberated. On 27 Iyar, the Hasmoneans (apparently during the reign of Yonatan ben Matityahu) banned the idolatrous images that hung upon the entrances of houses and stores. On 15-16 Sivan, the Hasmoneans conquered Beit She’an and drove out the gentiles who oppressed the Jews. The Sages also established holidays to commemorate the deaths of evil kings who persecuted them: King Yannai on 2 Shevat and King Herod on 7 Kislev. Many other dates are mentioned in Megilat Ta’anit.

In the year 138 the Makabees killed אפולציוס and the people with him. In 137 Antiocus sent 48,000 men and 7000 פרשים (men on horses) to fight against the Makabbees who had only 3800 men and not enough weapons. With these he killed 30,000 greek soldiers. In 136 לוסיאס sent 60,000 men and 5000 horse men to fight the Makabees who had 18,000 men at בית צור which is 1 km. From חלחול on the way to Chevron. Here in the beginning of Kislev Yehuda destroyed the Syrian Greek army. Then Yuhudah returned to Yerushayim and purified the Holy Temple and made the miracle with the oil.

In 135 died Antiocus the 4th called אפיפנס and there ruled after him Antiocus אפבטור he warred with Yuhudah with 100,000 foot soldiers, 28,000 horseman and 32 elephants. The battle went to the small town of “gufna” which is between Ramallah an Shechem. It was a “shittah” Year and not enough food could be found to feed his army so Antiocus became afraid and there army returned to אנטוכיה.

In 133 Demetrious son of Doro killed אפבטור and took over. He sent נקנור to fight Yuhudah in “Kafar Slomo”, which is near “kafar Saba”. Here the Makabees killed 500 men. The Battle continued in “Bait Chorin” on the 13th of Adar they killed נקנור.

A threat arose against King Demetrius’ rule, and in order to maintain his power he made a pact with the Hasmoneans, giving them Jerusalem and autonomy. Yonatan took advantage of the struggle for power in the Seleucid dynasty and obtained additional concessions from Demetrius’s rival. Thus, in the year 3608 (152 BCE), the Hellenist administrators of the Holy Temple were deposed and Yonatan began serving as High Priest. In 132 Demetrious sent his army to “Arbel” near “Tevariyah” and they killed many people. They came to Yerushalym with 20,000 men, 2000 horseman Yuhudah had only 800 men they fought near Ramallah. Many died in this battle including Yuhudah Makabbee in this year they destroyed the Temple walls. Then Yonaton and Shimon Makabbee fought them by the Jordan River killing 1000 men on the other side of the jordan.

In 129 Demetrious’ army fought Shimon and Yonaton in ביצי which is east of “Tekoa” close to “Bait Lechem”. Yonaton finnished them off and took Booty.

In 125 Alexander fought for the thrown against Demetrious. Yonaton fought for Alexander in Yuhudah and Shamron against Demetrious. He was killed sitting on his throne. After this Alexander married Cleopatra the daughter of the king of Egypt. Alexander trusted Yonaton.

In 120 rose Demetrious son of Demetrious with a huge army to fight Yonaton because of his Allegiance with Alexander. He fell and did not even get close to Yonaton. They fought in “Ashdod”. Not one man from Yisrael was killed. Demetrious lost 8000 men.

In 118 Antiocus the young son of Alexander conquered Syria from Demetrious. He gave Yonaton the eastern “Galil” till “Sulam Sor” which is “ Rosh HaNikra” and the south till the river of Egypt at “Al Harish”. Yonaton went to “Acco” to meet טריפון the general of Antiocus to rebell against him so to take control for himself of all of Aretz Yisrael. טריפון  lured him into meeting for a friendly conference then he killed all of them except Yonaton. . Diodotus Tryphon,  Shimon went out against טריפון. טריפון fled to the “Galil” perplexed but not before he killed Yonaton near Chevron.

In 117 Shimon Makabbee was Ruler of all Yuhuda, He occupied it and ruled. There was quiet for 7 years. Shimon cleansed Eretz Yisrael of the vestiges of Greek influence, conquered the fortress of Accra (23 Iyar, 3619/ 141 BCE, a date later established as a holiday), as well as additional cities surrounding Judea, and fortified its political independence. The political independence that they won, though limited, contributed to the prosperity of the Jewish population in Eretz Yisrael in every way. Previously, around forty percent of Judea’s produce was taken by the Greeks as a tax; now all of it remained in Eretz Yisrael, When Antiochus VII Sidetes defeated his enemies and no longer needed Shimon’s aid, he instigated a conspiracy against him, and indeed, Shimon’s son-in-law Ptolemy murdered Shimon, along with two of his sons (3625/ 135 BCE). In 110 Shimon was killed by Talmi ben Chavuvo near Jericho who wanted to rule but Yonaton ben Shimon took the throne.

In 106 the Syrians warred against Yonaton ben Shimon of the Hashmoniam they wanted to take all of Aretz Yisrael Specifically Yerushalyim and its suburbs. Yonaton won and strengthened his hold on the land. He went to “Shechem” and destroyed the temple of the “Shamroni” on Mount Garazim and he conquered Edom and forced them to convert. It was in his day that the Jews divided to 3 groups Pharisees they followed the tradition of the sages, Saduccem a small group who did not and a very small group called Essene who lived in the desert and were very exacting holding by the most severe ways of Torah law.

In 92 Yonaton died, his son Yuhudah Astrobulus became ruler the “Sultan”. Shalomzion was his wife and Queen. Yuhudah died within a year his wife did “Yovum” and married his younger brother Yonaton, who is called Alexander Yannia.

From 91 to 64 Alexander Yannia was king and Kohen Gadol the Talmud calls him Yonaton the the Kohen Gadol who became a Sadukee at the end of his days. He was strong and captured all of Aretz Yisrael

In 54 ShalomZion died and 2 of her sons had contempt for one another as each wanted to rule. The firstborn was Horkinas, the younger brothers name was Astrobulus. Astrobulus called Pompus of Rome who was in Syria to choose between them. He Choose Horkinus to rule over Yuhudah and Yerushalym. He was advised by the Edomite אנטפיטר until the “פרתים” captured Syria and Aretz Yisrael and gave them to Antigonus son of Astrobulus. At the end of this (period) there came Herod son of אנטפיטר who went to Rome and the Romans made him king of Yuhudah under אפוטרופוסותם Harod returned to Yuhudah and in 36 killed all the house of the Hasmoneans even his wife Myriam and all his children. So there were left no Hasmoneans. (from Sharey Yosef of R. Shabato). The Ramban writes that the Chashmonaim were wiped out because they took the kingship which was forbidden to them and belonging to the tribe of Yehuda.

Yuhudah Maccabee removed the idols from the Temple. In 140 B.C. The Hasmonean Dynasty began under the leadership of Simon Maccabee, who served as ruler, high priest, and commander in chief. Simon, who was assassinated a few years later, formalized what Yudah had begun, the establishment of a theocracy ruled by a Kohen Gadol, something not found in the Torah

After the Hellenists killed Yosi ben Joezer the new Nasi became Yehoshua ben Perachyah and the Av Beis Din Nittai haArbeli they were the next of the pairs. According to Rambam, one of the other great Sages who transmitted the Oral Law during this generation was Yochanan, son of Shimon—who was one of the four brothers of Yehudah , known as the Maccabee. Judah and his brothers led the military revolt against the Greeks and Hellenized Jews that led to the miracles of Chanukah.

The third generation of “pairs” consisted of the Nasi Yehudah ben Tabbai and the Av Beis Din Shimon ben Shetach. Shimon ben Shetach defied the evil King Alexander Yannai, ensuring the survival of Torah.

Alexander Yannai was a King from the Hasmonean line. One of the sad postscripts of the Chanukah story is that although the sons of Mattisyahu were Kohanim (Priests, from the tribe of Levi), they took it upon themselves to rule over Israel following their successful revolt. This was a tragic error, because the right to be King of Israel was granted by God to the descendants of King David, who is from the tribe of Yehudah, for eternity.

During the following generations, the Hasmonean leaders were corrupted by their power, both taking upon themselves the title of “King” and also acting with increasing hostility toward the Torah Sages. Alexander Yannai was influenced by an evil advisor to have the Sages killed—but his wife, Shlomis Alexandra, ensured that her brother Shimon ben Shetach was spared.

Hasmonean dynasty ruled Between c. 140 and c. 116 BCE,

Yehoshua ben Perachyah and his colleague Nittai of Arbela were the second of the five pairs (Zugot) of scholars who received and transmitted Jewish tradition (Avot i.6; Haggigah 16a).

After the Hellenists killed Yosi ben Yoeser, Yehoshua b. Perachya became the Nasi in the year 140 At the time of the persecution of the Pharisees by John Hyrcanus (c. 134-104 BC), Joshua was deposed — a disgrace to which his words in Men. 109b apparently allude. However in Sanhedrin 107b and Sotah 47a it was during the persecutions of Pharisees 88-76 BCE by Alexander Jannaeus, not John Hyrcanus whose persecution he fled. He fled to Alexandria, Egypt, but was recalled to Jerusalem when the persecutions ceased and the Pharisees again triumphed over the Sadducees (Sotah 47a). John Hyrcanus was a Hasmonean (Maccabee) leader and High Priest. He was the son of Simon Maccabee and thus the nephew of Judah Maccabee, Jonathan Maccabee and their siblings. In the Talmud, and in Josephus. John was not present at a banquet at which his father and his two brothers were murdered, purportedly by his brother-in-law, Ptolemy, son of Abubus. He attained to his father’s former offices, that of high priest and national leader . Josephus said that John Hyrcanus had five sons but only named four in his histories–Judah Aristobulus I, Antigonus I, Alexander Jannai, and Absalom. During the first year of Hyrcanus’ reign, he faced a serious challenge to independent Judean rule from the Seleucid Empire. Antiochus VII Sidetes who marched into Judea, pillaged the countryside and laid a year long siege on Jerusalem. Hyrcanus negotiated a truce with Antiochus by giving him three thousand talents of silver, which he obtained by Robbing the tomb of King David to pay the 3000 talents. in 128 BCE Antiochus VII was killed in battle against Parthia. What followed was an era of conquest led by Hyrcanus that marked the high point of Judea as the most significant power in the area. He did this by a new mercenary army supported by more funds that Hyrcanus removed from the Tomb of David. By this army the greek occupation of Samaria was overrun and totally destroyed. John Hyrcanus embarked on a policy of forcing the non-Jewish populations to adopt Jewish customs. John Hyrcanus also destroyed the Samaritan Temple on Mount Gerizim. John Hyrcanus also initiated a military campaign against the Edom. During this campaign Hyrcanus conquered Adora, Maresha and other towns (Ant.13.257). Hyrcanus then instituted forced conversions on the people of Edom to Judaism. Criticism of John Hyrcanus  as High Priest and Ruler by the Pharisees led to a falling out. Thus, this conflict between John Hyrcanus and the Pharisees elevated the status of the Sadducees by John Hyrcanus. One of the final acts of John Hyrcanus  was an act that solved any kind of dispute over his role as High Priest and Ruler. In the will of John Hyrcanus, he provisioned for the division of the high priesthood from secular authority. John Hyrcanus’ wife was given control of civil authority after his death, and his son Judas Aristobulus was given the role of High Priest. This action represented Hyrcanus’ willingness to compromise over the issue of secular and religious authority. (However, Aristobulus was not satisfied with this arrangement, so he cast his mother into prison and let her starve. Before John Hyrcanus officiated as Israel’s High Priest, the people had it as a practice to do manual work on the intermediate days of the Jewish holidays, and one could hear in Jerusalem the hammer pounding against the anvil. The High Priest passed an edict restricting such labours on those days, thinking it inappropriate to do servile work on the Hol ha-Moed, until after the Feast (Yom Tov). It had also been a custom in Israel, since the days that the Hasmoneans defeated the Grecians who prevented them from mentioning the name of God in heaven, to inscribe the name of God in their ordinary contracts, bills of sale and promissory notes. They would write, for example, “In the year such and such of Yohanan, the High Priest of the Most High God.” But when the Sages of Israel became sensible of the fact that such ordinary contracts were often discarded in the rubbish after reimbursement, it was deemed improper to show disrespect to God’s name by doing so. Therefore, on the 3rd day of the lunar month Tishri, the practice of writing God’s name in ordinary contracts was cancelled altogether, while the date of such cancellation was declared a day of rejoicing, and inscribed in the Scroll of Fasting. The Mishnah (Parah 3:4[5])  relates that during the time of John Hyrcanus, he had prepared the ashes of two Red heifers used in purifying those who had contracted corpse uncleanness. Also during the time of John Hyrcanus any “am haAretz could be trusted in what concerns Demai-produce. John Hyrcanus in the later years of his life, abandoned the sect of the Pharisees, and joined himself to the Sadducees. This prompted the famous rabbinic dictum: “Do not believe in yourself until your dying day.” The Chanukah events happened in 167 bce, we see it seems by the end of the life of John Hyrcanus in 104 BCE things had taken a turn for the worst as far as the leaders of the kingdom of Yisrael following in God’s ways is concerned. The son of John Hyrcanus is Alexander Yanai.


 The custom of eating dairy is mentioned by Ran (Shabbat 21b), Rema 670:2, and other Rishonim and Aĥaronim. According to many authorities, the episode of Yehudit did not take place at the same time as the Maccabean revolt. Ben Ish Ĥai, Vayeshev 24 explains that since her story also involved a Greek king who tried to force the Jews to abandon their faith, the Sages commemorate this miracle on the holiday of Ĥanuka.

  Another  custom, which is mentioned in a few books, involves eating foods fried in oil. Rabbeinu Maimon, Rambam’s father, writes in his commentary on Ĥanuka that one should not treat any custom lightly, even a minor one like eating sufganiyot, for one should not denigrate the customs of our people.

The Pharisees opposed the wars of expansion of the Hasmoneans and the forced conversions of Edom. The political rift between them became wider when Pharisees demanded that the Hasmonean king Alexander Jannaeus choose between being king and being High Priest. In response, the king openly sided with the Sadducees by adopting their rites in the Temple. His actions caused a riot in the Temple and led to a brief civil war that ended with a bloody repression of the Pharisees. The split came through a tragic event in the Beth Hamikdosh during Succoth.

Yannai, as Kohen Gadol (High Priest), conducted the Service in the Beth Hamikdosh. One of the special services on Succoth was the “Nisuch Hamayim” (Pouring of the Water) on the Altar. According to tradition, together with the pouring of wine which took place during the whole year, a pitcher of water, which had been joyfully drawn from the Spring of Shiloah, was additionally poured over the Altar on each day of Succoth.

This service was, connected with the ceremony of the Drawing of the Water, known as ”Simchath Beth Hashoevah,” and was an annual event during Succoth, which was carried out with great celebration.

When the High Priest was handed the pitcher of water to pour over the Altar, he poured it out on the ground instead, as the Sadducees bad refused to accept this tradition.

Seeing what he had done, the assembled worshippers in the Beth Hamikdosh were infuriated, and began showering him with their Ethrogim.

King Yannai became so frightened at such open rebellion, that he ordered his non-Jewish soldiers to attack the people. This they did, killing six thousand Jews in the court of the Beth Hamikdosh.

After this happening, the people began to hate King Yannai more than ever. There were many uprisings against the King, and he mercilessly crushed the rebels with the help of his paid army. This, in turn, led to further rebellion and bitterness among the people, resulting in six years of bloody civil warfare.

At his deathbed, King Yannai called for a reconciliation between the two parties. Alexander was succeeded by his widow, Salome Alexandra, whose brother was Shimon ben Shetach, a leading Pharisee. Upon her death her elder son, Hyrcanus, sought Pharisee support, and her younger son, Aristobulus, sought the support of the Sadducees. The conflict between Hyrcanus and Aristobulus culminated in a civil war that ended when the Roman general Pompey captured Jerusalem in 63 BCE and inaugurated the Roman period of Jewish history.

Its ironic the the Makabees fought to keep the Jews into the Torah and keep out Greek thought and now under the structure of the Olympic games Israel has the Makabees games.

Today, We are in dark times, it is precisely at these times we have the Chanukah candles, in the darkest days of the year, the days with the longest nights. This is to remind us that there is light in the darkness. The darkness comes before the dawn. Then we will experience the Ultimate Redemption. God-willing, Mashiach will come very soon . DO WHAT YOU CAN the current exile is a crucial part of our future.

  The Tabernacle’s construction was finished  during the month of Kislev, but being its dedication did not take place till Nissan.  Hashem made it up for this with the future holiday of Chanuka in Kislev.  The Bnei Yissaschar explains that the future dedication of the third  Temple will take place during Cheshvan.







an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot






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When Ya’akov saw all these chiefs  of Asev whose names are written shortly before enumerating the descendants of Yosef he said wonderingly: “Who can conquer all these?” What is written after  is”These are the generations of Ya’akov – Yosef.” For it is written: “And the house of Ya’akov shall be a fire and the house of Yosef a flame” (Ovadya1:18). One spark issuing from Yosef will burn up all of these descendants of Esav (RashiYashan 37:1). Through the aspect of Yosef  the illumination of the Holiness is drawn from the aspect of Ya’akov (Yisrael) to all the tribes and all the worlds. Rashi says: “Fire without a flame has no effect at a distance.” It is the way of fire to join and attach to everything, making it fire. This kind of  flame is necessary this is why it’s written that “Their father loved him more than all his brothers.” Referring to Yosef,  Yosef , represents the  “tzadik”. A Sadeek by his Divine service  raises up all Yisrael and their  good deeds. The aspect of Yaakov (representing “Katnut”) is as a fire without a flame. The quality of flame was given to Yosef the “sadeek”. A fire without a flame is an abstract concept.  First, let us try to reach a deep understanding of the idea of fire. Fire has several principal qualities. It illuminates, its aspires upwards, it spreads, it radiates warmth, and it consumes. Fire is also a common image in the Torah for Divine revelation. On the one hand, fire radiates warmth and illuminates, whereas on the other hand, it consumes: “For the Lord, your God, is a consuming fire” (Devarim 4:24). Rashi distinguishes between a fire and a flame. All the qualities listed above should therefore be seen as pertaining to a flame, and not to a flameless fire. The first thing that Rashi tells us is that a fire without a flame has no effect at a distance. Also  Rashi shares with us is that fire itself does not spread to burn the stubble of Esav. The flame of Yosef is needed. What follows from these descriptions is that a fire without flame also does not radiate warmth, and perhaps also according to this its capacity to illuminate is extremely limited. A fire without flame is sort of an “internal fire” directed inwards and not outwards. Cold institutionalized religion is not enough to take our Asev out from ourselves and the world. But Divine service  flaming with desire is required like that of a personal nature , as the service of a “sadeek” as Yosef.

  A soul like Yosef what ever he does he succeeds in it.  He becomes the favorite in Jacob’s home. he arrives as a slave in Egypt and  rises to the top position in the home of a prominent Egyptian official, running his entire business. He organizes Potiphar’s house and later he manages the Prison where he is held and all this is but training to run the entire Egyptian infrastructure through seven famine years. In every situation Joseph  shoots to the top with seeming effortless ease  …

Most of Yosef’s life was spent in “galut” (exile). Yosef  was forced by his brothers to leave the land of  Israel and go into “galut”Yosef, however, or so it would seem, assimilated in Egypt, while still holding on to his families Holy ways. Yosef goes deep into the “galut” he is found in the house of Potifar, afterwards in jail, and later in the house of Pharaoh. In all these places, Yosef acquires for himself the status of “member of the household.” In the house of Potifar, he is given all possible authorities. In prison, too, the chief jailer puts all the other prisoners under Yosef, and he becomes an attentive ear to all. So also in the house of Pharaoh,Yosef is appointed as viceroy, lacking only the royal crown. And in all these places Yosef cleave to God. The Name of Hashem is always on his lips, he take no credit for himself. The Saddeek like Yosef goes deep into “galut” faces many threats of complete assimilation but  Yosef never assimilates. He never loses his connection to the God of his fathers. Whenever he is given the opportunity, the name of God is on his lips: “How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God” (39:9), in connection with the wife of Potifar; “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me them, I pray you” (40:8), in jail; and “It is not me; God shall give Pharaoh a favorable answer” (41:16), in the house of Pharaoh. The memories of his father’s house which find expression in the names he gives his sons, and the image of his father that stands before his eyes, turned Yosef into someone who successfully descends to the lowest depths and nevertheless remaining connected. Who in Yosef’s situation and spiritual state would not have forsaken his past? Who would not have allowed himself to be seduced by the wife of Potifar? Who would not have forgotten from where he came? Who would not have become totally assimilated in such a situation? Only Yosef the tzadik, foundation of the world, who was able to descend to the foundation of the world and still remain connected to the world of Holiness, was able to endure all this. Yosef  was able to descend to the lowest rung of reality and still be joined with Holiness. This is why THE TZADIKIS THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. As his holiness goes all the way from the top of creation to its lowest levels.  Yosef said to his brothers concerning his future death: and that God will surely visit you, and bring you up out of this land to the land of which He swore to Avraham, to Yitzchak, and to Ya’akov. And Yosef took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones from here. So Yosef died, being a hundred and ten years old; and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt (Bereishit 50:24-26)

“Your judgments are far above and out of sight” (Psalms 5:10). This is one of the things we can see in our parsha. Similarly its written “your footsteps are not known” (Psalms 20:77). The ways of The God are most mysterious, Blessed is His name.

Raphael Hirsch brings out a very interesting point concerning dreams and Yosef’s dreams in particular saying that  It is remarkable that he dreamed of binding sheaves. That are something with which  they had no connection, the brothers never bound sheaves.. They were shepherds, they were sheep farmers.  Not a agricultural people, that would only be their destiny in the distant future.

The midrash says that Yosef’s brothers put him on trial for capital punishment as they thought that his claim of dreaming their father and themselves  all bowing down to him was not good. They thought hat Yosef was as Yishmoyal the bad seed of Avraham and Asev the bad seed of Yitzchak. So they planned to do away with him. They passed a verdict to kill Yosef however Reuven interceded and convinced his brothers instead that that they should leave it up to The God what would happen with Yosef so they Throw him in a pit. MIdrash also tells us that the 10 Martyrs, during the Roman period, were killed as an atonement for Yosef’s brothers sin against him. The 10 Martyrs were “gilgul” (reincarnations) of Yosef’s 10 brothers. Why did Hashem force them to sell their brother and then punished them for their mistake?

“R. Yehoshua ben Levi said: The ten martyrs were killed only because of the sin of the sale of Yosef.” (Midrash Mishlei 1) They were “gilgul” (reincarnations) of them.

 Do not forget, no one ever said it would be easy. In Joseph’s own life we see, not only was he thrown into the pit with snakes and scorpions by his brothers and then sold as a slave but that eventually landed him in prison for 12 years. At the age of 17-18, Yosef was faced with the daily temptation by his master’s wife trying to lure him to have sex with her, but he didn’t give in to his hormones.  Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce Yoseph, Yosef initially resisted. We know from midrash that its written ” In this day Yosef went to work”, as on this day Yosef had finally decided to give in to temptation and He and Potifera’s wife had planned to have have relations. But in the moment Yosef was to do the sin his father Yaakov’s image appeared in the window and said your name was going to be in the breast plate but if you continue with this sin you will only be remembered as a Shepard of harlots. Yoseph’s father  warned him of the spiritual benefits he could loose if he were to give in to this temptation. He dug his fingernails into the ground in order to control himself, and miraculously, the flow of semen issued from his fingers into the ground.

  We see Yosef inflicted by things that seem as tragedy. Yet we see it is these events which lead up to Yosef being put in charge of all Egypt. As Rabbi Akiva said my falling is my rising. One may start in a high place feeling they have all there is in the world. Yosef was most loved by Yaakov, he had the coat of many colors and dream visions. Then he found himself cast into the pit, sold into slavery and put in prison. Then he went on to become the savior of the Hebrew people in Egypt and from his descendants will eventually come Mashiach ben Yosef. May he come soon and not be killed. From this parsha we can see that certainly The God is the just judge. We see the justice of The God’s judgment to some degree from the life of Yosef in our parsha. The parsha starts out saying “Yosef brought an evil report to Yakov concerning his brothers”. Then Yosef finds himself getting into trouble when Yaakov sends him to bring a report concerning how his brothers are doing when tending the flocks. Likewise we see justice acting on Yaakov when his sons tell him about Yosef’s tragedy and show him Yosef’s garment. It was with a garment that Yaacov deceived His father Yitzchak to get his blessings. We should recognize The God’s justice in all that happens and accept all that happens to us properly. Even when something that appears as bad happens to us we must not allow it to make us depressed. As the wisdom of The God in fulfilling his goal of bringing our righteous Mashiach is “far above and out of sight”. The wisdom of the Holy One is certainly beyond our grasp, so are His ways to reach the desired goal. The main knowledge is knowledge of the work of The God (Divine providence). The main thing is revelation of The God within the worlds that He creates, or there is ”hester panim” (concielment from his Divine providence). During exile all אות (wonders) are hidden so the “other side” does not raise up complaints against Yisrael. The God hides his face so that the wicked will not be destroyed, and the world can exist. The unity of The God is hidden from the wicked becouse of their garments of “tuma”. (spiritual impurities)1 Rabbi Nachman of Breslov teaches that patience is associated with Keter. The source of the will of The God and delight. With a good eye one can see that all that happens as good, and with patience the ultimate good will come to be fulfilled. Know, The 70 nations , God forbid, nullify the nanhagot (divine providence) of Yisrael measure for measure (through Yisrael’s errors and lackings). Flow of        הכל אדו”ן upon the creations is according to the arrangement of the stars and mazolot (constellations). Yisrael is above this level of Divine supervision by their Unity with The God through the will of The God in the Torah.2

Yosef is called “Yosef HaSadeek” (Yosef the Righteous) , a “sadeek” is one who does what the God wants of him and sets the example for others. One thing we can notice about “Yosef HaSadeek”  is that he mentions God’s name more than any other person in the Bible. The first time we hear “Yosef HaSadeek” mention God’s name is with the story of Potiphar’s wife when he said :
“…and how can I do this great wickedness and sin against God? ” (Breishit 39:9) Even when “Yosef HaSadeek” was facing the worst temptation the first thing that came to his mind was God.

To help gain this level of conciousness observe that our ancestors were shepherds. The Torah tells us that our forefathers, Joseph and his brothers, Moshe Rebbeinu, Rachel Immeinu and King David all herded goats and sheep. The greatest early Jewish leaders were a shephards. Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, explains shepherding offers a secluded lifestyle. While engaged with the  flocks, the shepherd is removed  from the noisy distractions of society and has time for inner reflection. And the work  is not too physically demanding . Unlike farming, shepherding does not require one to exert a great deal of energy in mundane matters. While engaged with flocks, ambling through the hills and valleys, the shepherd is cut off from the noisy distractions of society, thus enabling ample time for inner reflection.. The silence of the shepherd is a apace for flowing  outpourings of the soul. The silence of the shepherd is a vehicle of “Ruach haKodesh”  (HOLY SPIRIT).that  reveals  treasures from the beauty of wisdom. For many   today’s hi-tech, iphone world does not allow one to hear silence.

This all reminds us of Gods mysterious ways. But for those who seek Him, He shows “signs” and gives clues as He did for  Yosef. His sign was given in by his dreams. Yaakov knew about Divine communication in dreams so it says “He kept the matter in mind “. Know, when a dream is repeated, this is a sign from God, it is 1/60 th of prophesy. The mysterious ways of The God governing His worlds again are shown by the leverite marriage of Tamar to Yehuda. As Yehuda at first did not even know what really occurred. Tamar is the aspect of a rose among thorns , the Shechinah trapped in the “Klipot”. Yuhuda took Tamar out from the klipot to a holy place. For the same reason “aretz Cannan” was first settled by the “Canani”. If Yisrael merits they can raise the Shechina from the klipot by “Misim tovin”. Then there will go out the “canani” from the land, and we inherit it. In this way it happens. 3 When We hear the stories of our ancestors family problems as in the life of Yosef in the Bible it appears like we come from what one might call today a broken home yet the time is coming when our family will finally become whole.  It may appear that since we live in a physical world we must have been created so to engage in things of this world. But this is not the reason we were created in the physical world but so that we could recognize the unity of God in the whole and every part of the creation. The entire history of King David and his offspring who will be Mashiach is wrapped in enigma including the incident of Yehudah’s marriage, his children, and then his “Yibum” (Leverite marriage) with Tamar and the twins birth, is a riddle, shrouded in mystery. In this Parsha is hidden the secrets of Moshiach, but requires tremendous effort to unearth it. We can see that Tamar the daughter-in-law of Yehudah. When Er and Onan are punished and die. Tamar wants to perform “Yibum” with Shelah. Since Yehudah does not allow this, she deceives Yehudah, becomes pregnant from him, which the Ramban explains is “Yibum”. The twins Zerach and Peretz, are the offspring of Yehudah and Tamar. The  birth of Peretz and Zerach is quite bizarre in and of itself. The Torah tells us “When she gave birth, one stretched forth his hand, and the midwife took his hand and tied a red string on it, saying,” This one was born first.” Then he pulled his hand back, and his brother exited the womb first; and she said, “Why are you pushing your way into the breach?”; and called his name Peretz. And after came his brother upon whose hand was the red string, and he was called Zerach. ” What is all this ? Peretz is the forefather of the dynasty of David, as is described at the end of Ruth. But why does Zerach’s hand to come forth first, and after it is withdrawn ? Rashi brings a Midrash that Zerach is the forefather of Achan, who breaks the ban on taking from the spoils of Jericho, and is stoned to death. The hand of Zerach which reaches out to grab what is not his.

This week we enter the riveting story of Joseph. These parshiot are full of drama, tension and intrigue as a a modern best selling fast moving mystery, action  novel. Every parsha is a cliffhanger jam-packed with touching emotion.  A Tale of  family jealousy, hatred, conspiracy, power struggles, fear and reconciliation. Behind this story, the entire destiny of the future “Children of Israel” lies in the balance. This story will take them into Egypt, “the house of bondage” and will transform them from a family to a nation.  With the conclusion of the  story  we will see  the fulfillment of  the blessings of Abraham; “To your seed will I give this land.”







an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot



THESE BOOKS AT THIS LINK https://godssecret.wordpress.com/2010/06/23/foods-you-want-to-eat-to-live-long-and-healthy-phytochemicals/  DECEMBER 7TH 2023 IS A VERY IMPORTANT DAY IN YOUR LIFE ! WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT —- THE SOUL ITS REPAIRS AND REDEMPTION

From Tamar and Yuhuda’s descendants comes David haMelech and will come Mashiach and may that be in mercy quickly in our days.

PARSHAH Vayishlach


Filed under: Parsha VayishlachUncategorized | Tags: IsraelJABBOKKABALLAHKabbalahParsha VaYishlachParshah VayishlachUncategorizedYAVOK | Tags: Archaeology


Filed under: IsraelJABBOKkaballahParsha VayishlachUncategorizedYAVOK | Tags: ArchaeologyJABBOKKabbalahParshah VayishlachRIVER JABBOK


The  Biblical Jacob crossed the JABBOK river on his way to Canaan. There he fought the angel called the ס”ם, also known as the Adversary , the Satan and won.


The JABBOK river or in Hebrew  יַבֹּק is a tributary of the Jordan from the east, the first river south of the Yarmuk. The Hebrew name is derived either from the root meaning  a sound imitating the noise of water flowing over pebbles. Some identify  the JABBOK river with The Zarqa River is identified with the biblical Biblical Jacob crossed the Jabbok on his way to Canaan, after leaving Harran. It leads west into the Sukkot Valley, from where one crosses over the Jordan and can easily reach Shechem, as Jacob eventually did. Its modern name is Wady Zirka. But there are those who say that the river is fordable at many points, save when in full flood. The particular ford referred to in Genesis 32 cannot now be identified. But it is said that the Modern City in Israel called  Adam or Tel ed-Damiyeh, A city on the Jordan River beside Zarethan mentioned in the Bible in Josh 3:16 with the parting of the Jordan. It is also mentioned in and Hosea 6:7. The city has been identified by many with Tel ed-Damiyeh on the western bank of the river, just below the mouth of the Jabbok and about 18 miles north of Jericho. In the Book of Joshua 3:16 it states that “The waters which came down from above stood [and] rose up upon an heap very far from the city Adam, that [is] beside Zaretan: and those that came down toward the sea of the plain, [even] the salt sea, failed, [and] were cut off: and the people passed over right against Jericho.”

The ADAM, or could be translated CITY OF “red” is  A city in the middle of the Jordan valley near “ZARETHAN” (Josh 3:16), The name probably survives at the Damieh Ford, near the mouth of the Jabbok twenty miles above Jericho. An Arabian historian asserts that about 1265 AD the Jordan was here blocked by a land slide. The inner gorge of the Jordan is here narrow with high banks which would facilitate such an obstruction as permitted the waters to “pile up” above to Adam and run out below, permitting Joshua’s host to cross on dry land.https://www.bible-history.com/isbe/A/ADAM,+CITY+OF/

Also the City of Adam stood “beside Zarethan”  on the east bank of the Jordan is called “Damia”. According to the Book of Joshua, the flow of the water was arrested, and rose up “upon an heap” at the time of the Israelites passing over.

YABBOK in Hebrew also means a ford in a river , a place where people may pass over the river at that spot. A ford is a shallow place with good footing where a river or stream may be crossed by wading, or inside a vehicle getting its wheels wet.  Fords may be impassable during high water.

What we are really talking about is how to Ford a River  , how to make a safe and successful river crossing. IN THIS CASE A SPIRITUAL ONE— HERE IS A MAP— ENOUGH FOR THOSE WHO UNDERSTAND …………

יבק  ( Jabbok = 112)

112=יאהלוההים =   3 + שיר ליום השבת =יבק = 112 =סוד גואל+2=יום יום=אהיה יהוה אדני=









an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot




Filed under: Parsha Vayishlach | Tags: asevChuchmahEdomHELLKABALLAHMidnightParsha VaYishlachSafer Giloya RazaSeirSpiritual combattransmigratory souls


Vayishlach Bs”d                                               


Yaakov’s (Jacob’s) bed originally was in the tent of Rachel and upon her death Yaakov brought his bed into the tent of her maidservant Bilhah, seeing her as the link to Rachel. Reuven could not tolerate him choosing Bilhah, a lowly maidservant in his eyes, over Leah the matriarch of the Jewish people, his mother. So he moved Yaakov‘s bed into the tent of his mother Leah. Reuven never actually slept with Bilha, God forbid, That would have been an unpardonable offense – “rather he moved around the bed of his father and Torah considers it as if he had slept with her” as said in Gemore Shabbat.

“Yaakov avinu” spent a total of 36 years in exile from the time he left Yitzhak and Rivkah, his father and mothers house. He spent 14 years at the Yishivah (school) of Shem and Ever, before going to the house of Lavan. At Lavan’s house Yaakov work 14 years for Lavan so he could marry Rachel and Leah. He worked a additional 6 years making his fortune and fathering 11 of his children, as Benyamin was born in the land of Israel. It took him 2 years to travel back to “Aretz Yisrael” (The land of Israel). You can come back to Israel

Rachel died as Yaakov entered “Aretz Yisrael”, as the Torah says its forbidden to be married to 2 sisters at the same time. Concerning this the Ramban says the Holy air of “Aretz Yisrael” would not tolerate Yaakov’s 2nd wife. Our parsha tells us Yaakov sent the Angels to Asev to let Asev know God was with him, at the same time he wanted to appease his brother. Yakov was scared  since he took the  blessings, as well as he also took Leah to be his wife and at one point, she was destined to marry Eisav, so Yakov bowed before Asev and called Asev his master 8 times. God said to Yaakov “ Since you humiliated yourself  eight times by referring to his brother as your  master . your  offspring will be punished and be ruled eight times by a kingship from Eisav ‘s offspring, before the first king of Israel ,Shaul comes to rule.” Benyamin was not yet born and  is the only one who never bowed to Eisav . Binyamin merited  to have The Holy Temple  built in his portion of land in Israel.

Our sages tell us from Barashit (Genesis) we can see many things about the way one should live in this world as is shown there by the examples of our forefathers. In this parsha a point is made by the Holy One, Blessed is His Name to show us that the descendants of Avraham Yitzchak and Yaakov are separate and different from the other nations of the world. In the parsha it is clearly drawn that from Asev comes the people of Edom as it is written ” These are the generations of Asev who is Edom”. “Asev” (Esau), is a reincarnation of Cain. Edom means red, the sages say this describes their blood thirsty nature. Rome descended from Edom. If we spell Rome in Hebrew ”רם“ this has the numerical value of 240 which is the same numerical value as Amalak. Amalak is the countervailing, th \e opposite force in the world to Yisrael. They are now a transmigratory group of souls whose nature is to hate Jews, the nation of Yisrael and GOD. This would all make much sense since the Zohar tells us that Asev is of the side of defilement. Yisrael on the other hand the Zohar tells us means ”princehood and strength”. The Parsha of Chayei Sarah concludes with the chronicles of Ishmael, Toldot concludes with Esau’s marriage to Ishmael’s daughter,  Parsha Vayishlach concludes with the chronicles of Esau. It details Esau’s family line and the leaders and nations that would descend from him, concluding with Magdiel, founder of Rome.

The angel Yaakov wrestled gave him this name Yisrael. The Zohar tells us the angel gave Yaakov this name so that he could prevail over anyone. From this we can learn a lesson as Yaakov faced a conflict here, namely having to fight a Angel. From this conflict came good tidings, as Yaakov received a blessing of power from the Angel. Notice that Yakov asked the angel a question “what is your name”, the angel would not answer. As we know that the angel Yaakov fought was the angel of Asev, the angel associated with evil. It does not like us to ask spiritual questions and prefers that we stay in the “dark” Yakov was not willing to stay in the dark. The true Nature of Yakov and all Yisrael is to Love God and fight Evil, even if risk is involved. The way of Torah is serving God down in this physical world and at times things can get dirty, and down here. When we ask questions we can then grow in the light that the answer reveals. Yakov was the first person able to serve god in love while at the same being attacked by and fighting against evil. The strategy of the Angel of Asev is to keep us stupid spiritually. It desires us to not even think about God and the eternal life of the soul.  So don’t give in to the angel of Asev but ask spiritual questions grow and learn. While you still can. In Gemore Chulin 91a it says there that Jacob’s thighs were hurt – the right thigh or both thighs is not clear.

When the Holy One puts obstacles in our path we should be joyous since we know that by overcoming these difficulties we will be better off than before. It is by overcoming temptations and turning instead to bring light into the world Yisrael is strengthened. From the parsha we can see ways to overcome these obstacles as when Yaakov was going to meet Asev he split his party into groups so to be able to survive a attack. In Safer Giloya Raza its written that the sages added to the Amida a prayer that our enemies be uprooted and shattered. He says they did this so advise us that we must destroy our enemies, and that to pray against them is not enough. It will not even help, unless we war with them. He also sent Asev gifts and most important he got up at night. At the time which the Zohar speaks concerning saying “when the north wind blows” the breath of Gan Aden (Garden of Eden), Chuchmah the first flash of creative inspiration that guides universal consciousness. It was to this that Yaakov rose so that there he could there evoke a will of GOD that would be most favorable for Yisrael. Such that would enable him to overcome Asev and stop him from wanting to do harm to Yisrael. The time most appropriate for revelation of Chuchmah of secrets is at midnight. The proper way to get comprehension of the Torah is to be occupied in Torah at midnight. This is the main time for learning Torah. As this is a time of favorable will to know secrets of the Torah. Its a Torah party. Rabbi Ashlag teaches from the Zohar that at night the eyes whose light is chuchmah (Divine creative inspiration) are closed, this is because of judgments so they are not able to illuminate because of diminishment of divine flow, so people sleep. Sleep is drawn from the ruling of the burning of Gehenem (Hell), which makes a closing to the Nashama (soul of Divine intellect). These do not dress in the supernal light as it is not enjoined to them. Learning Torah at night and carefully saying the ”Sma” (meditation on Unity of God) will help you rise to be occupied in Torah after midnight. At midnight is given light of the left from Ima divine understanding, specifically Chuchmah from the left of ima. It’s the vowel “shuruk”. This is the power of sight that can open the eyes, but for this light to illuminate it requires chassadim. Which is the force of GOD’s giving. The power which has us do Mitzvot.1 In the Torah its written “Yaakov Avenu sent angels before him to his brother Eisav”. The Midrash brought by Rashi tells us that the Group of angels assaulted Eisav and his men shoving them, the “Malachim” (angels) asked of Eisav’s men, “whose men are you?”, they answered, Eisav’s. They proceeded to beat them. “stop”, the men cried, “Eisav is the son of Yitzchok”. The Malachim paid them no heed. “He is the grandson of Avrohom”, this also produced no letup. Finally they conceded, “He is the brother of Yaakov”. The Malachim replied, “If so, then you are one of ours”. Eisav’s true nature is that of being Yaakov’s other half, working together towards the goal of uniting the world under the banner of “Kavod Shamayim” (The Glory of God). He choses to ignore and cover up his true self,  under many layers. The beating of the Malachim peeled away these layers and revealed his inner self. For that moment, after being stripped to the core, he was aware of of his true self. And the Malachim pronounced upon him the title of being “one of ours”. Some times God forces people into coming into grips with reality, by providence. Yaakov Avenu achieved success in his endeavor. Eisav’s mercy was  aroused. The impact of this encounter is being felt up to this very day.

Yakov’s meeting with Asev in this week’s parsha  teaches us about all confrontations to come with Asev to our present today. The word in the Torah for smite, when Yaakov fears Asev attacking is “והכהו”, Whether we read it forwards or backwards, it is the same word. In  Da’at Chachamim its says this is so as  Every blow, that the gentiles inflict on Am Yisroel, will eventually rebound and hit them back.

It is not easy even for the most beloved of Hashem Yaakov Avinu look what he had to go through he survived living with Lavan for twenty years, fought an entire night with the angel of Eisav, living through a confrontation with Eisav, Yaakov  went to the city called  Shechem and then Shechem son of Chamor (literally, “son of a donkey”) raped Ya’akov’s daughter, Dinah, and kidnapped her. From that crisis came another catastrophe after Levi and Shimon: killed all the men of Shechem , Then Yaakov feared retaliation by all the nations of Canaan. It is not easy even for the most beloved of Hashem Yaakov Avinu so don’t be surprised when facing difficulties just “serve Hashem”. The child conceived by Dinah and Schem  was named Osnot. Osnot ended up, in the house of Potiphar and later married Yosef. From Yosef and Osnot, Menashe and Ephraim were born. The God has ways of doing things we would never come up with , by this know personal and national salvation may only be a moment away !

Know, Lavan was Bilam’s grandfather and Beor was Bilam’s father and Yitro was Balak’s grandfather. These people are closely related. Aspects of Jacob and Esau are in all of us and they  stand in perpetual battle. Soul against body, the scholar and the warrior – the body’s selfish drives and the soul’s share and transcend. These 2 voices are always pulling us in opposite directions.Should I take  or give to another?  Am I here to serve myself or to serve God or only myself ?

When Esav heard that Yaakov was wealthy, he desired to take possession of his wealth. The lesson is don’t show off, unless you are looking for problems.

Preparing to meet Asev Yaakov divided everything that he owns and cherished into two camps, placing  each camp  1 day apart  (24 hours) . in order to save the 2nd camp in the event of a war with Eisav. We can learn from this that if we face difficulties,  space them out, so to not be overcome. In the  24 hours is  amazing secrets. The number 24 hints to the permutations of the name Yhv”h and And”y, the number of books in  תנ”ך – The Bible, which includes  The Torah 5 books, 8 books of  The Prophets and  11 books of The Writings. Interesting pure gold is 24 Karat,  the Torah known as Gold! The earth turns counterclockwise  on its axis ,approx. 23.5°,  once in every 24 hours a day. At Earth’s equator, the speed of Earth’s spin is about 1,000 miles per hour that’s 24,000 miles a day !

  In the parsha we see clearly Asev becomes the nation of Edom and Yaakov becomes Yisrael. Our parasha concludes with a list of the descendants of Esau, indicating his exclusion from the covenant of Abraham .  It is Esau who must now go into exile as its written: “Esau took his wives, his sons and daughters, and all the members of his household, his cattle and all his livestock, and all the property that he had acquired in the land of Canaan, and went to another land because of his brother Jacob”(36:6).  Jacob, or more correctly, Israel, alone, continues the covenant of Abraham. Asev goes to ”Seir” which the Zohar says refers to a strange God. While Yaakov goes to a place called Succot and then to Kedesh which refers to ”kodesh” (Holiness).

So always Go in the way of KODESH !