Godssecret's Weblog

A call to my Jewish brothers and sisters !

What is up with all the leftist American democrat Jews who support all the wrong things, that which obviously brings caos , live in denial , bringing upon themselves certain evil by not supporting Israel but supporting those who would kill them ? OPEN BORDERS IS THE END OF AMERICA AS WE KNEW IT, they live in denial of most obvious truths , in a world of delusions of NEW PERSONAL PRONOUNS , as matters of concern , and real matters of concern they show no interest or WORSE , Jewish Harvard MBA’s seem to have a total lack of “dat” (knowledge) , all most like beings possessed by a lying spirit. I hope they wake up before its too late ……. OR AS the Prophet Isaiah says concerning how arrogance corrupts one’s perception:
” Woe to those who say of evil that it is good, and good that it is evil “. (5:20)
The Radak explains that those people who practice evil deeds consider it good. And learning Torah they see as unnecessary toil. Much of this is explained in the teaching of Rabbi Nachman
of Breslov. He teaches that the emphasis on secular education results in tender souls being spiritually cut off and trapped in a vicious network of ideas that alienates them from spirituality,
which is the life source of the Jewish people. Spiritual death is far worse than physical death. It is plain for all to see that emphasis on secular studies at the expense of serious religious education
has produced generations of scoffers who are alienated from the Torah and removed from the traditions of Jewish sanctity and purity.30 Because of this misdirected education, they even tell
the humble that they are evil, and this is the cause of their poverty. This is as Rabbi Nachemyah teaches in the Talmud in tractate Sanhedrin that in the generation when Messiah comes that impudence will increase. Those held in esteem will be perverted and deceitful.31 Thus we see those who do not honor the Torah are held in high esteem, while as Rabbi Yehudah states in tractate Sanhedrin, that before the Messiah’s coming, the wisdom of the sages will be despised. 32
Rabbi Nachemyah further teaches in the Talmud in tractate Sabbath that the evil government will be against the Torah, and no reproof will be given in this generation.33 This is because as Rabbi Hirsh explains, there are Jewish people who have noble enthusiasm for the welfare of the Jews, but they look upon Judaism as a lifeless framework, as something that should be interred in the grave of a past long since dead and buried. They seek it’s spirit and find it not and are in danger
in all their efforts to help the Jew of severing the last life nerve of Judaism out of sheer ignorance.34 There are a large number of people who feel committed to Jewish peoplehood, even
though they are quite removed from Torah Judiasm. Many even deny a common religious heritage. Thus to them the Torah is no longer a Divine national covenantal constitution. The
“intellectuals” of Isreal have embraced a philosophy they call “Secular humanistic Judaism”, which is a complete departure from our tradition. FROM THE BOOK “THE MESSAGE” FREE AT THIS LINK https://godssecret.wordpress.com/2010/06/23/foods-you-want-to-eat-to-live-long-and-healthy-phytochemicals/