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UPDATED Feb  2020

Purim and Redemption    בס”ד

Todays Hamans are the Jew haters of the world,  who seek “to destroy, to murder and to bring to an end all Jews, from young to old”. Somehow they forever with us. until the final redemption will bring a end to them !

It says In Megillah 5a That Rabbi Judah HaNassi planted a tree on Purim. Purim is pretty important, it says in gemora Magilla that 48 prophets and 70 elders including Chagi, Zacharia and Malachi enacted the Holiday of Purim. The day of Purim is likened to the day we received the Torah. In Masechet Shabat it says the Jews experienced the miracle of Purim with such happiness and ecstasy that they took upon themselves to keep the Torah with a whole heart, as the verse says ”they received and established”, as though they were standing on Mt. Sinai. Supernal Purim is the idea of eating the Atz Dat (Tree of Knowledge) and its tikun (correction). Haman is in the Torah as it says ” המן האץ you have been commanded not to eat ” and ” “המן הסלה הזה ” Referring to the rock Moses hit. Ester is in the Torah as it says :

ואנכי הסתר אסתיר פני ביום ההוא על כל הרעה אשר עשה כי פנה אל  אלהים אחרים

Here the word “ester” refers to God hiding his face. It is when God hides his face from Yisrael that there is the greatest troubles to them. Rav Slomo Levinson says this is also referred to when the face is described as שחר or קדרות

In Gemora Sanhedrin we learn that from Purim we begin to discuss the laws of Pessach as is stated by Rabba to Rabbi Nachman. Rabbi Nachman  of Bresslov teaches that Purim itself is a preparation for Pessach, and it protects us from Chumatz on Pessach. The Aor Ganuz teaches that in purim there changes עינוי (troubles) to עונג (pleasure) as פור is “Rachamim” and forgiveness which is made in Purim.

To understand this let us look at the mitzvot of Purim. The Mitzvot of Purim may seem less Mystical than waving the Lulov on Succoth or blowing the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, or the Seder of Pessach, but it must be understood that the Mitzvot of Purim such as Hearing the Maggilla, sending gifts to friends, sending gifts to the poor, Having a meal and getting drunk are like the nature of Purim itself, only disguised as something Natural, but being the will of Hakodesh Baruch Hu arise from a lofty place. These mitzvot which seem so common every day things as giving gifts like Purim itself come to remind us of the hidden face of GOD, that happens around us continually. It is known that there is no chance occurrences. GOD controls everything there is, and all that occurs. We see this when looking closely at each of the commandments. How blind are the eyes of men to the wonders of GOD. So much having to do with Purim seems to be hidden, from the absence of Hashem’s name in the Megilla, to the  costumes, the very name of Esther,  in Hebrew comes from the root “hidden”. Esther אסתר, when spelled backwards is “Rosha teva” [the initials of the words for] of “rosh” (head) , “toch” [middle], and “sof “ [end], together with the letter alef, spell Esther [backwards]. Purim is the holiday of hidden things, the invisible hand of God, whose light is hidden throughout the story but is recognized only by those who know to discern it. Like in our own lives ! The “Aor Ganuz” writes that in Machut is called Ester. Here is remembered “Brit Olam”. From this they quickly return to Hashem. The deliverance of Purim took place through a series of  seeming like accidents or coincidences, which were really the hidden working of the Divine hand. Mordecai, was moved by great piety , was very religious and felt a strong  sense of responsibility and caring for his community and people. And through all this, so had to  refuse to submit to flesh and blood whatever the consequences. God brought about a miraculous  redemption in the guise of nature. It seems  Purim reminds us of the subconscious subliminal spiritual  forces active  in the lives of  men that continually create, form, shape all that is.


There is a custom to dress up in a costume on Purim. There are those who say this costume appears like one’s “yetzer hora” (evil inclination). Hopefully by recognizing the evil in oneself one will then actively work to defeat it. Then Purim becomes what it’s meant to be a day of real “teshuva” (repentance). By recognizing the costume that our evil inclination hides in we can come back to our real self, which is the Godly soul that the costume conceals.





Chatam Sofer writes that the idea of drinking on Purim is to repair the drinking that was done by the Jews at the party of Achashverosh, which led to other sins. The Abuderhem writes that the reason we are commanded to drink wine on Purim is to remember all the miracles that were brought about through drinking at parties during the Purim story. Firstly, Vashti’s downfall came due to all the wine Achashverosh drank, then, when Esther replaced her, Achashverosh made another party. Most importantly , Haman’s downfall came during the party that Esther had prepared for him and Achashverosh. Another important lesson of the Purim story is the Memuchan (sages say is Haman) planned for his own daughter should become queen at the cost of Vashti’s demise. However like all the plans of men they can “back fire” and it did by Esther being placed on the throne of Persia instead of his daughter. Haman created the problem and its solution.

We need to shake off all of the accepted certainties that conceal the truth from us. The sages teach “when wine enters secrets emerge” (eiruvin). In our generation we very much need our inner secrets to come out and be revealed.

The Rebbe of Kotzk writes that drinking wine on Purim is a segulah for prayers to be accepted. The Yigael Ya’acov brings down from his rebbe, the Imre Yoseph of Spinka that by drinking wine on Purim we bring the Geula closer and the building of the Beit Hamikdash. The Yitav Lev says that drinking wine on Purim is a segulah for Parnasah, that they will not have to chase after their livelihood, but that rather, it will come easily to them.The holy Rebbe of Zidichov says that drinking on Purim is considered as great as fasting from Shabbat to Shabbat, an entire week without food or drink!

Make no mistake though Purim is not just a drinking party. The Mitzvah is to drink wine. The Gr”a in his Safer Hachalot teaches. There is wine that is called “guarded”, it being wine that brings the drunkenness  of “Olam Haba” (the world to come). It being wine of Bina  (Divine understanding). This is a unique kind of drinking. We are describing being drunk on Bina  (Divine understanding). Rabbi Shabatto teaches  that Mordichy is the Yesod of Chuchmah therefore on Purim it descends to the world. Dat does not have power to receive this light. For this reason we drink wine to remove this blockage of Dat so it is a obligation to לבסמי on Purim till one “Does not Know”. Only then can the light of this chuchmah enter intellect (and wont be blocked by your current level of Dat. We are obligated to לבסמי פוריה   This is the secret of love between Yisrael and their Father in Heaven. As love comes forth from Chuchmah and fear from Bina. From understanding one comes to fear and he who is a “Chuchum” (from Chuchmah) will love the God. YomKiPurim is in Bina. On the day of Purim illuminates Chuchmah, even if wine is the aspect of Bina. As the wine of Purim reaches up to the level of Chuchmah and even higher till the aspect דלא ידע  which is the source of Bria. Even if Purim is a day of Chuchmah which is usually connected to oil, we drink wine. As we don’t have the power to comprehend this Chuchmah except by Bina which corresponds to Wine. In Purim from the Magilla and wine we are connected to Bina in the sefira of Chuchmah where Bina and Chuchmah are joined in the secret of אהבה (Love). In the future all the books of the prophets will be nullified except Migillat Ester. As the books of the prophets are in the aspect of fear but the future will be in the aspect of love. So then we will still read from Ester and the Song of Songs. Purim is on a very high level. Purim is unique as it is of the time of the future redemption. As we have said after All the books of the Prophets and Writings except the “Song of Songs” will become obsolete because the troubles which they speak of will no longer be relevant in the time of the Messiah but the Megilat Ester we will still read… as it says “and the days of Purim shall not depart from among the Jews and their memory shall not cease from their descendants.'” (Ester 9:28)

The Jews of ancient Persia celebrated their stunning victory over their enemies who the very next day had legal authority to kill them all. This victory did not come about through the Hands of Heaven. No, every Jew had to get his hands “dirty” and fight and kill those who sought to fight and kill them. The real miracle was two-fold. The first miracle was that a new law was instituted that gave the Jews first crack at their enemies. However, this first miracle alone would not have saved anyone. The second miracle required the Jews of those days and in those lands to actually rise up, arm themselves and physically seek out, fight with and kill those who wanted to kill them. If any of their enemies were to survive and live to see the day of the 14th of Adar, then the law would have been of their side to kill Jews with impunity. Therefore the Jews of the time had to be very thorough to make a quick finish of all their enemies. For the Jews of those days to rise up, pick up arms and actually shed blood, even the blood of those who so clearly wanted to kill them, was a great miracle. An ever greater and often over looked miracle is that Achashveirosh hated the Jews as much as Haman did for the king, Achashveirosh to change his mind and not kill the Jews is very unusual miracle . For a number of reasons. Achashveirosh loved money. He held his 180 day party because he wanted to show off his great wealth, which was something new to King Achashveirosh  as he inherited all his wealth by marrying Vashti who was the daughter of the king of Bavel, Nebuchadnezzar. For Achashveirosh to change his mind and not take Haman’s money and not kill the Jew who he did hate is rather strange. Sometimes man’s free will is taken. Esther had seen what had been done to Vashti and so she knew king, Achashveirosh was an unpredictable fool and that her life therefore constantly hung by a thread, so she was not with him willingly. Mordechai was told his remembrance in the Kings book of Chronicles had been erased. Haman had already endeavored to have it erased, but afterwards the angel Gavriel rewrote it.The angel Gabriel has “ inkwell of the scribe at his waist.”

The “Aor Ganuz” writes that Easter is described as going in to the king not according to “dat”, meaning not at the time she was invited and the penalty for this is death. But Ester put the life of all the Jewish people before her own. She entered before King Achasvarosh not according to “dat”, meaning She entered without Her Husband Teferet “In your right hand is אש דת to your people. The intent of the force of “gulut” is to nullify the Torah. This caused the destruction of the first and 2nd Temple. Ester alludes to the Shechinah in “galut”. The “emuna” of Malchut the nations do not come upon. So Achashvarosh could not come near Ester. One must guard themselves from the nations in “galut”, guarding the Shechinah in “galut”, with her children, the House of Yisrael. This is the secret of ” I am with my people in their sufferings. The nations can not come close to this “kavanah”, of the Malchut. So in the place of Ester a Demon would come and visit Achashvarosh in the place of Ester, it had the appearance of Ester. In Isiah it says ” I will not give my Glory to another”. Mordichy knew by “Ruach Hakodesh that God was guarding Ester from Haman and King Achashvarosh.

  Rav Shabato teaches Purim is not called day of the miracle but it is a holiday named after the lot, the גורל. of Haman. Purim in not celebrated on the day of its miracle as that began on the 16th of Nisson when Haman was hung. The main thing was on the 23 of Sivan when the king’s command to kill all the Jews was nullified, by giving the Jews permission to kill their enemies. On the 13th and 14th of Adar was made the holiday of Purim. If the miracle was the main thing the Holiday would would have been set for the 23rd of Sivan, but we celebrate Purim on the 13th and 14th of Adar to commemorate the victory over Amalak. The “Aor Ganuz” writes that in the Book of Ester is the secret of who causes the poverty of the Shechinah during exile. Haman was hung on the scaffold he himself had built (they do it to themselves or we built him up by our sins and then by “teshuva” destroyed him. depends how you look at it.).

  The Magilla was given by “Ruach HaKodesh” (the Holy Spirit), Purim does not commemorate a miracle but divine providence and “teshuva” from love. The miracle was made in Sivan and on that day there is no holiday at all. They killed Amalak and took no spoil as one cannot benefit from Amalak. Amalak says “There is no individual providence in the world”. This is the main “cafira” (athiesm- anti Hashem) this is Amalak. That why its written by the incident with Amalak when the Hebrews left Egypt              “אשר קרך בדרך” (by chance on the way). This is the “klippa” of Amalak. SO THEY NEED TO BE BLOTTED OUT !.

  On Purim we do the mitzvah of sadakah of giving gifts to the poor. And we have the mitzvah of sending “shalach manot” (small packages of Food). These may be small offerings, but they do have a great effect. Similar is the mitzvah of the 1/2 Shekel every Jew has to contribute to the Temple in Adar. This seems to be the idea that a little can go a long way. The Oar Hachyim tells us that the 1/2 Shekal is not a Physical transaction but works in the Spiritual worlds. It removes the rule of the stars and constellations from upon Yisrael.

The numerical value, Gematria, of shekalim is 480, the same as the number for lilly ‘wife’ of the Samech Mem (Devil). We conclude the ’weeks of shovavim’, which is a tikun (repair) for the sin of  the brit milah. (Holy covenant) This repair, subdues the negative forces, and the completion of the fixing is through the giving of the Half Shekel. The “Aor Ganuz” writes that in all places one guards the “Brit Kodesh” the God guards them, as Moshe was in צל שד”י and as Ester was protected from Achashvarosh by God.

Concerning giving gifts to the poor “Sadakah” its effects are so far reaching as R. Yeshua Ben Lavi teaches that He who continually gives sadakah will have wise wealthy children well versed in “Agada”. R. Eleazer Ben Yosi Teaches sadakah and deeds of kindness bring peace and good understanding between Yisrael and there father in heaven. R. Yuhuda teaches that sadakah delivers from death. Who can list the merits of a single mitzvah ? In conclusion R. Yochanan says in the name of R. Shimon Bar Yochi that great is the merit of supporting the needy, it brings the resurrection before its time. Charity ”Sadakah” in Hebrew ”the holy tongue” comes from the root ”sedek” (righteousness). The Zohar teaches that in Aramaic, language of the Talmud, Charity is ”zchuta” which is the same word for ”merit”. Its degree of merit is according to the needs of the recipients of the charity. Charity is a greater Mitzvah when given where its needed to the needy. Instead of giving Charity to a institution where the majority of the money donated goes into an administrator’s pocket, and only a very small amount of the donation actually helps anyone. Its better to give charity to the needy where its needed, and this truly has great merit before heaven. This is why it is a obligation to send gifts specifically to 2 poor people on Purim. We see here a little of how far reaching the effects of giving to a poor person goes.

The king Achashvarosh made a huge feast for his subjects 30,000 Jewish people attended, even if Mordichy warned them not to go. This meal angered GOD greatly. The sages say this meal got the Jews closer to the gentiles and their ways and farther from GOD. It was shortly after this that there arose Haman with his evil plans. Easter’s meal with Haman and King Achasvarosh Was direct atonement for the evil meal. So to we are commanded to make a feast during the day specifically on Purim. For no other holiday are we given a special command concerning only its day meal. This draws attention to the correction in the world made by the afternoon ”sudah” (meal) of Purim. This mitzvah atones for the sins that lead to the evil decree almost causing us to be annihilated by Haman. This meal joins body to soul. Only then is there the special mitzvah of getting of drunk. ”till the point of not being able to tell ”cursed Haman from Blessed Mordichy”. At other times such behavior is seen as deplorable. But on Purim we get drunk. Purim comes to remind us of the miraculous nature of nature itself. The Magid of Koznitz teaches that by “sacrit” of Purim we raise those who are fallen. Illuminating the eyes of the sons of Human to learn Torah. Purifying sparks in them by the sanctification of the Divine name. Raising those fallen sparks. Each Purim more are purified. Not purified by merit, but by “Kidusha” of “nachat Ruach” over the miracle of Purim.  The Magilla gives great detail of the Purim story so to make clear that Yisrael had transgressed the command of the Chuchmim. So the Magilla brings that they drank from the Temple vessels, defiling them. Ester and Mordichy were both from the seed of Shaul HaMelch who sinned by letting  the sheep and the king of Amalak live so they needed to do the mitzvah of blotting out Amalak so to make “tikun” of the sin of Shaul. as they were from his seed so the “tikun” fell on them. Killing Haman and his 10 sons who each nourished from  the 10 sefirot of the source of the Klippot (Amalak) and they expressed it by spreading out “kafira” (heresy).

The meal of Achashvarosh was Kosher Mehedrin under the “hashgacha” (supervision) of Mordichy, but the meal was forbidden as Mordichy and the Sanhedrin had ruled that  one could not eat with the wicked and they brought out the vessels that had been used in the Holy service of the Temple to drink in and defiled them. By attending  the kings feast the Jews defied Mordichy’s ruling. This is what brought the Divine ruling against them. It came to fruition because Mordichy would not bow to Haman. So Haman ordered his anger against all the Jewish people. Haman though fell by the 3 day fast Mordichy had ordained. “Mordechi the Jew was the משנה “Mishnah” (viceroy) of the king” (Ester 10:3). From him shine the masters of the Mishnah.  (Zohar Tikunim). The “Aor Ganuz” teaches that the 3 day fast of Ester rose Machut in to the Avot, into Chaga”t. Yisrael is Teferet, the Master of Malchut.

     We fell by not following Rabbinic rules and were thus saved by following a Rabbinic decree. This occurred during the days of the “Omer” when we prepare to receive the Torah including the rulings of the Rabbis. The full Moon is symbolic of Yisrael. On the 15th of Adar the Jews rose to a level of Godliness higher than when they received the Torah at mount Sinai. As on Purim the Jews accepted the Torah of their own free will and not because a mountain was suspended over their heads. As the Jews of Shushon had reached the real level of “teshuva” from love of Heaven, at the level of Pessach and Succot which are also on the 15th, Shavout is not. As they were not on that level of comprehension when they received the Torah. Avraham and Sarah were both barren, unable to have children and Avraham as a master astrologer saw that having children would be impossible for him. Much like the story of the story of Purim when it look like a bad situation Hashem can change it in a moment as Yisrael is  not bound by “Mazel” The Meggilla begins with ויהי which usual prognosticates something bad will happen but Rav Shalomo Levinstien points out that the Meggilla begins with ויהי and here is signifies things will change to there very opposite. This is why ויהי is gematria א”ל

 The food at the feast of King Achashvarosh was of the Arz HaDat dressing in common food. Then Haman complained to Achashvarosh who is as the serpent. Who tempted “Chava” (Eve). Ester is “Chava”. This complaint dressed in Haman as a ruling of death against Yisrael. Nashama is a aspect of אסתר ,
. Mordichy is the “Yetzer Tov” and made “tikun” on the forbidden meal by ordaining the 3 day fast.

The Aor Ganuz teaches that Ester is “nikud penimi” the upper Shechinah. We learn in Atz Chym from the Ari Hakodesh That Ester is called השחראילת (doe of the morning). She is described green being the aspect of the “green Kav” which is Bina that surrounds the world. Its from this green kav nature’s nature is created. By this level of revelation we can understand what must be done as never before. This revelation of the shechinah is of such great beauty the Ar’i compares it to a virgin. The Kamarna Rebbe teaches Ester was like a green “etrog”, as She was green. Ester dressed in Malchut. Rabbi Aslag explains concerning this That the color of the illumination of Chuchmah in Malchut is called Ester. It is as gold-green, the color of the Etrog. Green like Gold is Chuchmah in “Chassadim”. Mordichy is such a level that His power nullifies power of מרדכי=בלעם+בלק =לאה+רחל +2 This is a very high level such that the Ar’i teaches in Mavua Sharim that in “gan aden” souls have a garment described as זך (shinny). Mordechy  is soul of Benyamin included in Yosef. (a aspect of Mashiach ben Yosef, too bad most Yisreal did not return to the land during the 2nd temple period) (Sulam on Zohar Tikunim 360) Mordicy and Ester merited this garment while still in this world. This is what it means when it says, they had garments of “Malchut”. This is the aspect of אפר (dust of the earth), but as before the sin of Adam. By this “malchut” one certainly takes part in governance, providence of the world. The Aor Enyim reveals that on Purim the Yesod of Abba is revealed going out of the Yesod of “Parzuf” Rachel which is the “magilla”. Purim has the “ateret” (crown) of great gold of Chuchmah, and chesed. It Spreads out Chesed of Arich which dresses in Aba, from the side of “din” of Imma. Concerning this Chesed the Ar”i teaches in Lecutim that light is revealed in the Yesod from “Chesed Elyon”, this is the “leviyaton”. This is the “cord of Chesed” that illuminates in Malchut that is Ester. It is hidden in Abba and Imma in the secret of “ד”.

The Rashas”h teaches that during the exile of Bavel Zu”n stood back to back in “mochin gadlut” (developed consciousness) of Abba and Imma. After 70 years the “mochin” left Z”a. Then came Mordichy and Ester and the light was renewed. From Shar Cavanot we learn Purim is the time, and preperation right before redemption. It was for Pasach that Ester declared a 3 day fast . No Matzoth was eaten that Pasach. This was unbearable before heaven and evoked mercy that caused the sleep of king Achasvarosh to become disturbed. This disturbed sleep of king Achasvarosh occured on the night following Esters first feast and Haman setting up his Gallows to hang Mordichy, which was the 15th of Nisson. This resulted in him searching His Chronicles and remembering that Mordichy had saved his life but has not been rewarded. This led to the raising of Mordichy and the downfall of Haman and his evil plans. The Yalkut Shimoni teaches that it was the merit of eating of the Corban Passach of previous years’ merit which stood up to protect the Jewish people in the time of Haman. This brings us back to our original question of how it is that Purim protects us from “chumatz” on Pessach? In the simplest sense R. Shimon teaches “chumatz” is the evil imagination, like a haughty man it rises up. Arrogance can only occur when one does not know who it is they stand before. As Pharoe who represents the evil inclination said “ Who is GOD ? “ Purim reminds us to see GOD in all things, especially those things people take for granted as being mundane, coincidence and by “ chance “. This is essential as if we forget, then GOD has to remind us. As Rashi teaches us that Amalack is the dog GOD sends to bite us ש “חו when we forget where GOD is. To clarify this further we see in Pesicta of R. Kahana that Edom tries to make Yisrael go out side of the Torah path, but beyond the path’s borders GOD has placed the dogs. We see this idea reflected in the verse from Tihilim “ flatten it flatten it to its very יסוד ( foundation ) “ The sefira Yesod is sometimes call צדק (righteousness), the proper path. Edom would like to push Yisrael off the proper path to the dogs. How important is it to practice righteousness in one’s supposed mundane activities. Their give and take in the physical world. As R. Kahana teaches that you may be certain in a generation whose weights and measures are false will have a wicked kingdom wage war against them. So why does it appear in this world that the wicked seem to prosper ? One’s whose business practices exploit the poor. We can understand this by looking at the relationship between Yomkippurim and Purim.

   Why is Yom Kipurim כ (like) Purim ? Just as on YomKipurim a lot is drawn and from it is chosen a goat to be given to distract the accusers on high. Like throwing a dog a bone. Then Yisrael is judged favorably. So too is the story of Purim. The wicked one drew lots trying to find when according to astrology would be the best time to attack Yisrael, Yet this too is only a distraction as there is no such time. As GOD rules within Nature. From The Ner Yisrael we learn פור (lot)=(2)קמ”ג . GOD controls the “lot”. The wicked think they are prospering in their evil way , but the truth is as Adam Ha Reshon Said “ The wicked thrive as grass, all the evildoers flourish in order that they may be destroyed for ever “. This will be when their cup of inequity is full and they inherit their lot. The “Aor Ganuz” writes that YomKipurim is like Purim becouse in the future at this time (Yom Kipporim) they shall rejoice. On Yom Kippor its forbidden to wear sandels but of the time of redemption it is written “How beautiful are your feet with shoes”. As by the Malchut shall be delight and pleasure in the time of redemption

   Yom Kiporim is like Purim and a lot different. Purim is much different then any other holiday. It celebrated in Isreal on 2 separate days depending on if one lives in what was a walled city in the time of Joshua, Also one needs to hear the Megilla read twice once in the evening and then again in the morning. We never have a day and evening reading of the same Parsha at any other time ? Yom kippor every one knows is a big test ALL IS THEN IN THE BALANCE FOR DEATH OR LIFE . Yet so is Purim but its a hidden test so people wont notice. To aid in this kind of test we must get drunk. On Yom Kippor one is on there best behavior, all try to act like angels , then its like we are wearing a costume. But on Purim while drinking the real you is revealed. Will one join the masses in a all night drinking party or will they be up in the morning to hear the magilla again, have the day meal of Purim, the only Holiday we are commanded to have only a day meal and then do the mitzvah of drinking ?

On a certain level, The Gemora seems to portray Purim as the flip side of Tisha b’Av (the day of fasting and mourning for the destruction of the Temple). Av we are commanded to diminish joy with the beginning of the month of Av and with the beginning of the month of Adar we are commanded to increase our Joy, in a sense, these 2 are diametrically opposed days. By  Purim we witness the  “happy end,” of  the Divine Providence called ” hester panim” (God’s hidden face) but Tisha B’Av bemoans the tragic events that can  result from the Divine Providence called  “hester panim”.

After Masiach comes there will be no longer Pasach, Rosh Hasanah or Yom Kippor but Purim will continue to be celebrated. This is a celebration of the absolute and complete destruction of Amalack.

   The “Aor Ganuz” writes that the world is heading to a time when it will be only all Shabot. At that time the Zohar says Then will be nullified the “Yom Tovim”, then the moon will be in its completeness. But the days of Purim will not be nullified with the coming of Mashiach, may He come quickly in our days. Then there will be face to face revelation which has been missing all the days since the Holy Temple has been destroyed. except sometimes during “Tefilla”.

  It is good to have in mind before the reading of the megila that in the merit of this mitzva, God should exterminate all the evil powers of this world, which is related in “Rosh ha Teva”  (the first letters) of the verse, ’to remove the filth from the land.’ Please note, that the God always helps, but it is we who are commanded to wipe out Amalak. If Shaul would have killed the King of Amalak Agog who was the last of Amalak left alive instead of letting him live long enough to impregnate a women there would have been no more Amalak and Haman would then never have lived and maybe there would have been the complete redemption at that time with the complete blotting out of Amalak, by no means should we show mercy to Amalak.

  Rav Shaboto teaches Purim is separate from all other holidays as its light is so great that we are not on the level to receive it but it descends unto us. Unlike on Shabbot where there illuminates in it light of Chuchmah and in the 3rd meal is aroused mercy of Keter and here we have to rise above to receive this light. But by Purim the Light descends to us below ! Other Yom Tovim the we rise a little and the light descends a little and this is why work is permitted. The time of Purim is time of the “Anshey Kanesset Hagadolah”, (The Great Assembly). The holidays enacted by the sages are greater than those from the Torah itself. They are as Jewelry sent by the bride to the groom so to make him more desirable to her,

The holiday of Purim is from sefirah of Chochmah. After the Messiah comes it will be the last holiday to go. Even after we no longer need Yom Kippur to access its holy light in the eighth millennium, Purim will still be a unique time. Only in the ninth millennium will the light of Purim shine everyday, at a very advance stage of Olam HaBah (the World-to-Come). Purim now, opens up access to light of the ninth millennium, the light of the sefirah of Chochmah. Shabbot gives us access to the light of the seventh millennium and Yom Kippur to the light of the eighth millennium. Purim is higher than all of these !

  Rav Shabatto teaches that there are 2 “yichudim” of Hashem one is in fear and the other is in love. Kahalet ends his book saying “The end of the matter is to fear Hashem”. While the Song of Songs is “yichud” in the aspect of love. Cooresponding to these are the 2 days Yom CiPurim which is “teshuva” out of fear and Purim which is “teshuva” out of love. On Yom KiPurim we receive the Torah out of fear on Purim we receive the Torah out of Love. As it says in the Song of Songs “Bring me to the house of wine, your banner is over me for love.” In the Magilla its written יכתב להשיב את הספרים (8:5) becouse out of “teshuva” from love on Purim there will be nullified the evil that has been written in the book and sealed as his judgment on YomkPurim. So its written in Magillat Ester יכתב להשיב את הספרים (8:5) referring to the books that were sealed on YomkPurim. This is according to the Chida.
Purim brings the physical and the spiritual closer this is as God’s hidden presence in the seemingly chance events of the Purim story. Also  the repeated use of the word Ha-Melekh, “the King,” in the Magilla   alluding to simultaneously to Ahasuerus and to the Almighty King of Kings (Esther Rabbah). Many Magilla have the word Hamelekh  as the first word in each column.


Rabbi Chaim Vital immersed in a mikva erev Purim as was his custom before every Shabbat and festival. Shabbat clothing is worn on Purim, and if women have gold jewelry, Rabbi Yoseph Haim writes in ’Ateret Tiferet’, they should adorn themselves with such Jewelry to honor the festival. The custom is to say, ’Cursed is Haman’ three times, and intend to bring down the Samech Mem and his legions, and so to say three times, ’Blessed is Mordechai’, as was the custom in the Holy Yeshiva, Beit El. During the morning reading of The Megila, when the words, ’for the Jews was light and joy, happiness and riches,’ the custom is to touch and kiss one’s tefilin. Before making the festive meal, after reading the Megila and concluding the morning prayers, a person should immediately perform the ’mitzvot hayom’, by gifting gifts to the poor (matonot l’evyonim’) and afterward, ’sending food to one’s friends’, ’mishloach manot’, and then begin his personal festive meal, so too was the custom of the Ari’zal, and the Ra’shash.

R. Moshe Cordevero in Shur Kumah teaches that from the מאמר (creative utterance) that were made by Mordichy and Ester there was a מאמר by GOD added to their אמירה (loving type of speech). Becouse a מאמר by GOD joined to their אמירה the power of Malchut extended to include all the people. Such a מאמר has the power of a ruling of the King. Concering this its tought if you want a ruling of the King call the sefirot of the מאמר that is needed. By this there will be a arrousing of the king without doubt. The Ramcha”l in his safer Tefilot in # 515 says that by אהי”ה Haman was given into Esters hand’s (אהי”ה is a name of the כסא). כסא=אף(anger)

Haman and Mordechai both set out for Persia, Moedechai to plead for building the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and Haman against building the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Haman who was greedy, ate all his food at once, while Mordechai allowed enough to remain for the whole journey. Soon Haman became very hungry and begged Mordechai to share the remainder of his fare with him. At first, Mordechai refused his request, but later, he relented on the condition that Haman agree to become Mordechai’s slave. As they had no paper to upon which to write a contract, Haman wrote the following pledge upon the sole of Mordechai’s shoe: “I, Haman the Agagite, have sold myself to Mordechai as his slave in consideration of bread.” Since then Haman could never forgive Mordechai for his humiliation, and he was in constant dread lest Mordechai enforce his slave claim over him. Even more that this :

The son of a Jewish slave owner of his gentile slave is his property. So Yishmoyal and all his offspring are truly slaves to the Jewish people. Thus there is no need to promise to give us the lands of Yishmoyal for they belong to us as a slave does not own land but it belongs to the slave’s owner, the Jewish people.

The servants of the king did not know about the hidden hatred that there was between Mordechai and Haman, because they did not know that Mordechai was a Jew. (Mordechai was not Charadi).

The Temple is a place of unity, on both the territories of Yehuda, son of Leah, and Binyamin, son of Rachel. Here, brothers are united.

Like the Beit HaMikdash itself, Mordechai is both of Yehuda and of Binyamin. Mordechai represents unity and harmony, reconciliation and clarity. There was a man of Yehuda in Shushan the capital, and his name was Mordechai, son of Yair, son of Shim’i, son of Kish, a Benjaminite. (Esther 2:5)

 “Achashverosh” is always written in the Megillah in full, with two vavs, except here :

 “And King Achashverosh imposed a tax on the land and on theisles of the sea.”  (10,1) Tax מס is ס”ם backwards.

Sni Luchot ha Brit Lech Licha teaches to Chant the 4 verses of the Magilla of Ester : 2:5, 6:1, 8:15, 8:16 (verses of redemption). Rav Shabbato teaches that Magilla is on a level higher then “Halacha Moshe Mi Sinai”

Say Melech loud on 6:1 , some also do on 10:13. Make a bean dish for meal as Danial would not eat Nebchanezer’s unKosher meat. Make fritters filled with beans and meat. At the meal write Amalak and Haman on a piece of paper and soak it in beer to fulfill the verse “Give beer to the wretched” (Mishle 21:6)

The Midrash Rabba writes that Mordechai ha Yehudi, after he had heard the decree of Haman, gathered together all the children who learned Torah, who were pure of soul, and began to teach them Torah. While he was teaching them, Haman entered the Beit Midrash in order to take him according to the command of the king, to lead him on the horse of the king in the king’s garments.

Mordechai thought Haman came to kill him, however Haman came over to him and asked him, ‘What are you teaching the children?’ Mordechai answered him that he was teaching the portion of the grain offerings brought in the Beit HaMikdash. Haman said, The ‘kometz’ or portion of your hand, ie; the learning of Torah you perform now, is worth more than the 10,000 shekels silver I gave to Achashverosh. It should be noted that 10,000 shekels silver was a tremendous amount of money and Haman who was not born rich but was a barber by trade most of his life and part of his life he sold himself into slavery to Mordichy as he became so poor. For him to give up so much money to kill the Jews shows just how much Amalek hates Jews. More than their desire for money. Which is one of the strongest drives to most people in this world. There is a important message here that needs to be understood most people are primarily motivated to spend almost all of his time and energy seeking wealth and power so to satisfy their appetites for bodily pleasures and  insatiable desire for honor.  Like the king Achashvarosh banqueting all day long, and sampling a different virgin in bed each night.  But Haman is not like this, he is motivated primarily by his hatred and anger against the Jews, this is whats moving Haman, unlike “normal people”.  There is something in this concerning the origins and nature of anti-Semitism. Haman spends his time when at home boasting of his importance and honor to his family and friends (Magilla 5:10-12), despite all the honors given by King Achashvarosh to Haman, this does not make Haman happy as he said   ”All this is worthless to me  so long as  Mordecai is at the kings gate” (alive) (5:13). When summoned to the king in (6:5-6) and asked to suggest a suitable ceremony of honor for someone deserving, Haman’s first thought is “Who could the king possibly wish to honor more than me?” It is this obsession with honor that gives birth to his insane, murderous jealousy, and to his ultimate downfall.

The Ari’zal writes in Sha’ar HaGilgulim that the power of Haman HaRasha which had enabled him to succeed in bringing such a difficult decree against the Jews was actually from the power of the holy sparks that had been hidden in the soul of Haman. And with this holy power, He had come to attack to the Jews. But from where did he derive this power? From the spark of the soul of the holy sage of the Talmud, Rabbi Shmuel bar Shilat, that was embedded in his soul.

The Gemara writes about Rabbi Shmuel bar Shilat that he had been a school teacher who was completely dedicated to imbuing his students with the holiness of Torah and mitzvot. And this is why Mordechai’s first response to Haman’s decree was to gather the school children together to learn Torah. Because that was Rabbi Shmuel bar Shilat’s mitzvah, and it was the power of this mitzvah that extracted the sparks from the soul of Haman. And because of this, Haman lost the power of holiness hidden in his soul, and from this point on, Haman’s downfall continued until his death, and the fall of all the enemies of the Jews. As it was in those days, so shall it be in our days as well. The sages explain that Saul’s “mercy” on the king of Amalek had severe consequences: Haman, the murderous villain of the Book of Esther, is called the “Agagite,” he was a descendant of the Amalekite King Agag.

R. Manachem Mendal of Chabad taught that when Queen Ester called on Mordichy to gather all the Jews and fast that Mordichy gathered thousands of children and taught them Torah until they became inspired to the point that they proclaimed “ we will stand with Mordichy and the Torah for life or death “ In the same day the decree against the Jews was made null and void, even if it only became known later. It is this type of devotion we must strive for in our divine service. Then evil has no leg to stand upon ! This can be seen in the teaching in Perke d Rebbi Eleazer as there we learn “ with the 4th from the little finger of the right hand GOD showed Moshe the ½ shekel, this is the finger of redemption.” It taught in Safer Ha Brit, also by Cyim Vetal and many other places that this finger corresponds to the flow of the sefira Chuchmah ( Divine Creative inspiration ). The wisdom of GOD above understanding. At this level there is no free will, only truth. The Holy Ar”i reveals that on the day of the miracle of Purim, God shined upon the Jews a great divine light, through which they were saved from their enemies in both a spiritual and physical sense. And thus every year, on that day, a great saving light comes to the Jews and shines upon them.

So what is Purim anyway, it is named after the ”pur” (lot) drawn by Haman. By definition, a lot is an object used in deciding something by chance. Therefore, in a lot, all possibilities are essentially equivalent. For the lot, ”yes” and ”no” are equal. This is alluded to in the two words for ”yes” and ”no” in  Aramaic  quoted above:

The word for ”yes” is hen, which is numerically equivalent to the word ha’kol (55), meaning ”all” in Hebrew. Furthermore, the word for ”no” in Aramaic, lav, is numerically equivalent to the Hebrew word hevel (37), which means “vanity”. These two words form together the central phrase of Ecclesiastes ” (1:2): “all is vanity,”–ha’kol hevel. This is the meaning of a lot. Rabbi Shabato teaches that Haman thought from his “goral” (lottery) the פור (lot) that went out for destroying Yisrael in Adar which is the Yesod of water, showed him he could extinguish the fire of Yisrael, and blot out the עפר (earth) of Yisrael (as during the flood). But the opposite happened. Yisrael did “teshuva” and this caused Haman to fall in Nisson which is the Yesod of fire. Haman tried to discover “mazel” that would favor him over Yisrael by doing his drawing of the פור by his “goral” (lottery). Haman could not concieve that Yisrael unlike any of the other nations is not bound by “mazel”,

The meal Lot had with the angels in Sodom was matza. Yet the meal was called “mishteh”. This word is also used in the Magilla of Easter for the meal of purim. Purim is redemption without miracles in a revealed way. Passach redemption was one of many obvious miracles. Together Passach and purim include all aspects of redemption. Lot was conducting the Passach Sader and the purim “Sudah” all as one.

The name Ester comes from the Hebrew word “str” meaning hidden or secret. Some of the most important commandments are performed secretly. Over so much we just don’t have a clue. All history is really a extended version of the Magilla, until Mashiach (The Messiah) will be revealed. Then everything will be different.

 Purim we can even see in this world is not only a thing from the ancient past but it was on the holiday of Purim in 1991 that the 1991 Gulf War ended and was a good day for the Jewish people.With the reading of the megillah came the first occasion in a month and a half when people were able to leave their homes without gas masks. 

Amalek  continues to plague us in many disguises, he comes as a helper of the under dog. This is one thing the masks of purim come to remind us of. Masks come to remind us that people often conceal their true intentions under the guise of noble goals even as they plot the genocide of our people. Haman’s built his antisemitism on the platform that the Jews have dual loyalty. This is recorded in the historical record as attested to by Haman’s speech in the Megillah:

And Haman said to King Ahasuerus, “There is a certain people throughout all the provinces of your kingdom. Their laws differ from the king’s laws. Therefore it is of no use for the king to let them be. (Book of Esther 3:8)

The Jews have dual loyalty!

   The  Messiah comes from Ruth a righteous convert. She came from the nation of Moab. Moab was the son of an incestuous father-daughter relationship. Why would the seed of the Messiah come from such a place ?. God hates incestuous relationships This is hard to understand

Purim is one of the most family-oriented holidays. But, the story centers around Esther, who intercedes to save all the Jews. Esther,a Jewish women in a relationship with a gentile king, a forbidden relationship. There are those who also say that Mordechai and Esther were really husband and wife. This is all VERY difficult to understand, and none of this seems very appropriate for the the “most family-oriented holiday”. It is all to say the least very strange. So what is really going on in the story of Purim ? The truth of the matter is We don’t know. The sages have left us some clues, pieces to the puzzle that they had, and this helps but we do not have whole picture. We are missing pieces, The fact of the matter is “God’s thoughts are not as our thoughts”. The God is infinite and we are finite. There are some things one just cannot KNOW ?

  It is said that Koresh (Cyrus) the king of Persia prayed to Hashem that if he gave him the head of Belshazar the last king of Bavel that he would give Hashem the Bait haMikdash. Koresh had a close relationship with the Jewish leaders in exile. Strangely in the Bible Koresh is called the anointed by God (Isiah 45:1). The Bible states that Cyrus issued decrees for  liberating the Jews and for the rebuilding of The Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The rebuilding of the Temple took place throughout the reign of Cyrus, Xerxes Who is called Ahasuerus, and Artaxerxes, until the reign of Darius II. The work was done under the guidance of the prophets, The decree of Cyrus to build the Temple is recorded in the archives at Ecbatana. There Darius reaffirmed the decree and the work proceeded to its triumphant close. The beginning of Safer Ezra speaks of these things.

May it be that we all see this fulfilled as the sages say “ till one does not know the difference between cursed is Haman and Blessed is Mordichy “, but all only the revealed will of GOD, as there is no other ! With the gathering of the exiles and the building of the Bait Hamigdash with our Righteous Maschiach in Rachamim quickly in our days AMEN SELAH !


1. The fattest knight at King Arthur’s Round Table was Sir Cumference.

> >>>>>>> He acquired his size from too much pi.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island.

> >>>>>>> It turned out to be an optical Aleutian.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 3. She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 5. No matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationery.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 6. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road .. . . and was cited for littering.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 7. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 8. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 9. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall.

> >>>>>>> The police are looking into it.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 10. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 11. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 12. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway.

> >>>>>>> One hat said to the other: ‘You stay here; I’ll go on a head.’

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 13. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger.

> >>>>>>> Then it hit me.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 14. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: ‘Keep off the Grass.’

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 15. The midget fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 16. The soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 17. A backward poet writes inverse.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 18. In a democracy it’s your vote that counts.

> >>>>>>> In feudalism it’s your count that votes.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 19. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 20. If you jumped off the bridge in Paris, you’d be in Seine.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 21. A vulture boards an airplane, carrying two dead raccoons.

> >>>>>>> The stewardess looks at him and says, ‘I’m sorry, sir, only one carrion allowed per passenger.’

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 22. Two fish swim into a concrete wall.

> >>>>>>> One turns to the other and says ‘Dam!’

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 23. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, so they lit a fire in the craft.

> >>>>>>> Unsurprisingly it sank, proving once again that you can’t have your kayak and heat it too.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 24. Two hydrogen atoms meet. One says, ‘I’ve lost my electron.’

The other says ‘Are you sure?’

The first replies, ‘Yes, I’m positive.’

25. Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal? His goal: transcend dental medication.

26. There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh.

No pun in ten did.

Hooking Up
February 21, 2018, 11:06 am
Filed under: Love, PARSHA MATTOT, Peace and Love, Shavuot





God called us YISRAEL saying – You are “one of ours” as Gavrael Michael RAFAEL

Yisrael, Iran, the nations of the world What is happening in HISTORY NOW – it’s all here

IN midrash Yalkut Shimoni on Isiah 60 we find :

Rabbi Yitzhak said: The year that Melech HaMoshiach will be revealed, all the kings of the nations of the world will provoke each other. The king of “Paras” (Persia-Iran) will threaten the king of Arabia (now called “Saudi” Arabia) and because of this the king of Arabia will go to the king of Edom (USA-the west) for advice.

Afterwards the king of Persia will destroy [most of] the world. The remaining nations will be hysterical and frantic and fall on their faces and will be seized as if by “birth pains”.

And the people of Israel will be frantic and hysterical and they will say, where will we come and go? This being the ס”ם’s (the evil one) final attempt to make the Jews loose faith.

But with this comes a problem How could the ס”ם possibly build up Iran so it could be strong enough to contend with Edom, which is all the western powers, specifically the USA ? Only one way by by bringing Obama into power and having him pass a insane treaty with Iran allowing them to get Nuclear weapons. He found one more problem to contend with being the Merit of Edom by the kindness in recent years America has shown to its Jews. With this merit Iran still could not rise to power and cause America serious harm. The ס”ם found a solution, destroy America’s merit by Having their supreme court legislate abominable immorality, the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle. Through all this the can turn the whole world to caos to help the Jews loose faith and give up Torah and Mitzvot and by this the ס”ם becomes stronger and can hold out a little longer. In addition to this the ס”ם also has caused to arise from the depth of darkness an New phenomena to the world Isis and all the other terrorist groups which are much more destructive and cruel than anything that came out of Islam before. Yismoyal had the blessing from Avraham that he should “Live before him”. Well we are approaching the end of time and the ס”ם wanted to take this blessing away from Yismoyal’s descendents, so he brought out of their own religion which were corrupt enought in their original form to start with the New phenomena to the world Isis and all the other terrorist groups which are much more destructive and cruel than anything that came out of Islam before.

Those who have been true to God, He will say to them: Do not fear my children, do not fear. All that I have done I did only for you. Why are you afraid? The time for your Redemption has come! MORE HERE https://godssecret.wordpress.com/2017/01/23/a-couple-messianic-figures-that-did-not-come-through/







The gentile’s days of deciding the fate of the Jewish nation are almost over. As frustrating it must be for all of you. The days are here of the self determination of Israel. after all your zealous attempts to annihilate us, you have failed. We are still here and growing stronger by the day !.


BEWARE ! America’s intelligentsia Intellectual and professional class dominating academia, the media, Hollywood, and the Silicon Valley establishment —has taken leave of RATIONALITY !

The soul was put in this body to build and perfect itself and the material world. When the soul is not doing its job properly, it becomes as it were polluted, attached to the body’s evil inclinations and to the material world. This is actually very painful for the soul

By Shabbat we get eternal reward for resting, eating, and drinking, Shabbat is like a paid vacation!





For whom The Lord loves He reproves, as a father chastises his son.“ (Proverbs 3:12)

The concept of ‘sufferings of love’ is that God hopes that by the chastisement that God brings upon us we will improve. The sufferings that we go through in our lives have this intent being from Divine providence. While with the wicked God does not bring ‘sufferings of love’ to push them towards the right course or away from evil but He lets them proceed on their way till it is too late as it says :

The wicked spring like grass, and when all the evil doers flourish; it is that they shall be destroyed forever ” (92:8)

R. Akiba said:

God deals strictly with the righteous, calling them to account for the few wrongs they commit in this world, so to reward them with bliss in the world to come; He grants ease to the wicked and rewards them for the few good deeds which they have performed in this world, as their corrective punish awaits them in the world to come. (Midrash Rabba Noach)

What is implicit in traditional Torah sources , bur is in conflict with a “modern value” . The “modern value” is NEVER better than an actual value of the Torah, Good, dedicated Jews should never lost sight of this ! 

When so called “modern” values are opposite that of the Torah’s values. Then those who support the so called “modern values”. They are at the same time are rejecting God’s laws fpr the ideals of humans. OF COURSE THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES FOR THIS ! There is a true concept that Torah” Shebeal Peh” (Oral Torah) adapts to the times, but it is also true TORAH VALUES ARE NEVER NEGATED ! Modern adaptations of Torah law or custom DO NOT create breaches in Jewish faith or practices.


Rabbah Bereishit teaches that men’s souls are higher than angels as in Psalms its written “For He will command His angels for you, to guard you in all your ways” ( 91:11). And the one guarded is greater than the guardian. 

Thrive in a way that transcends the ordinary !

Muslims and Christians believe that god gave the torah to israel, and then claimed to be that traditions’ inheritor. They all though agree the torah god gave to the jewish people is the word of god !.  Why would the muslims and christians not dispute the the validity of the torah and claim to have the real way ?

 because the whole world know what Hashem (god) did with the hebrew people in egypt as nothing like that ever happened before.

The entire world knew all that happened in Egypt.

Every miracle that HaShem performed in Egypt happened in the entire world in some noticeable way, every sea split, every river had blood and hail fell everywhere.  It teaches us that when HaShem spoke, the entire world heard His voice and knew what


God is serious business. Torah is serious business.  Your life is serious business. Don’t treat your soul like it’s the least important thing in the world. Use God’s Torah to change the world, this is why you are here,  Learn how !

Jerusalem and especially the Temple Mount is the center and nucleus of Holiness on Earth. No wonder everyone always wanted to control Jerusalem. Not just today but throughout history. The Zohar in Parsha Terumah  says  The Holy Land is the center of the world, Jerusalem is the center of the Holy Land, and the Holy of .Holies is the center of Jerusalem. Onto this central point all good and all nourishment descend for distribution to the entire world.

Our task as human beings as we struggle to elevate the animal aspect of our soul called “Nefesh” to the spiritual aspect of our soul, called “Nashamah” (in the Biblical Hebrew). Change your world from chaos to order. This is a Godly endeavor. By this we are able transcend the boundaries of the physical world at times by unique Divine providence.

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


The tension between physical matter and “Nashama” (Soul) is deep and difficult. Yet the souls  cannot be defeated. Even if the material forces are relentless. This is because the essence of our beings, our “Nashamot” cannot be damaged. It just becomes covered, hidden from us. By our errors and lacking in our divine service. . The beginning of all “tikun” (fixing) , reconstruction and healing is awareness of the problem. the essence of our beings, our “Nashamot” cannot be damaged. It just becomes covered, hidden from us. By our errors and lacking in our divine service.

 It is known that there is judgment on every small matter down here, to such a degree that our sages say no person bruises his finger below until permission is given for him from above (Chullin 7b)

 Put yourself in judge mode, you have to search the matter, assemble the facts about what counts the most in life, and then render the most spiritually productive decision. What the Torah wants for  you ultimately is what you want for yourself. This is for sure.

How much importance do YOU place in YOUR Jewish identity ? To what lengths do you go in order to honor and preserve it? Torah sources dictate clear parameters in which one can live a Holy life as a Jew according to the Torah. Obviously and ultimately its up to YOU to lead that life. The question is, “Do you live with integrity according to the TORAH ?” Rav Saadia Gaon said: “Our nation is a nation only by virtue of the Torah”. The Torah is our ‘national spirit’ that binds us together as a “living nation”.

ALSO—— from the story of job we can learn what god gives he can take away , so use the potential powers for the god as he wants you to. or you may never see these gifts or they may god forbid be taken away !




Its erev shabot. With a simple arithmetical calculation one can see that we are now in the period of Erev Shabbot afternoon. Just as every week has an erev Shabbos when we prepare for Shabbos, so does the world have its Erev Shabbot when the world prepares for it’s own Shabbot. Just as the world was created in six days, with the seventh day being Shabbot. so this world exists for six thousand years, with the seventh thousandth year (called the seventh millennia) being the Shabbot of the world. With a simple arithmetical calculation one can see that we are now in the period of Erev Shabbot afternoon. The sixth day started in 1240 C.E. with the first 500 years being the night time period, since in Judaism the evening precedes the morning. The morning started in 1740 c.e. and noon time was 1990 C.E. The secular year 1740 and there about marks the introduction of new philosophies of equality. 1740 C.E. corresponds to the year 5500 from creation, which is actually the dawn of the Erev Shabbot of the world. What does this mean? We Know, Moshiach ben David will not come until all the measurements are equal (Sanhedrin 98). The Vilna Gaon explained this to mean that before Moshiach ben David will come there must be both economic and social equality (see Kol HaTor pp. 34-35). In other words, equality, is a prerequisite for the coming of Moshiach ben David, and it must be in the world before Moshiach ben David comes. Hashem therefore brought these emanations of the redemptive powers, amongst them liberty and equality, into the world. They are meant to be used to make a perfected society as portrayed by shmittah and yovel which alleviate poverty and homelessness. Just as weekly we must prepare for Shabbot, so the Zohar (Parshas VeYera p.117) says that in the world’s Erev Shabbot, the world is also preparing for it’s Shabbot, which is in the Seventh Millenia. There is a lot to do before Shobot. According to Targum Yonoson, Yeshayahu informs us that if we are meritorious we will be the ones to welcome Moshiach who will only afterwards appear to the rest of the world MORE :


By spoken meditation according to the wisdom of Kaballah there is worked a process active in the creative process of creation which continually changes and builds the creation towards God’s desired ultimate will. This functions in a similar way with in the levels of the human soul as is in all of the creation being by the medium complex vibratory patterns that can be expressed as sounds of human speech in Hebrew. The Torah is the “blueprint of creation”. The sequence of sounds in the Torah is the vibratory pattern to be found at the basis of all of creation, including at the basis of our body.

Words of Torah according the the Holy Blessed One’s will can do anything they have a purifying and enlightening effect since they are the fundamental vibrations that structure our physiology and everything else in the world. Singing the “parsha” creates a kind of “resonance” effect in the entire creation and even in one’s own physiology, bringing it into line with its ideal state.

THE GOD’S SUGGESTED READING in the torah for this week davarim

parsha davarim – Stand up for GOD’s Honor

Devarim בס”ד

Most of the book of Devarim (Deuteronomy)  covers the last month and seven days of Moshe’s life.

As we are approaching the end of every year, we need to take stock of our lives and determine if we are true to ourselves and our Divine calling,.or perhaps we have went off course and we need to realign. And so to understand what has happened up to this point. It would not hurt to do this weekly and even daily. The 5th Book of the Torah, ‘Devarim’ (Deuteronmy) itself is also referred to as the ‘Mishne Torah’ meaning ‘review of the Torah.’ For Torah like our own lives, to be properly understood and internalized, we need to review our learning. All of the greatest Torah sages of history were constantly reviewing their studies, it was through this they attained greatness.

Near the beginning of our parsha We are reminded of the generation that all died in the desert because of the affair of the spies as it’s written ”And you came near me every one of you, and said, We will send men before us, and they shall search us out the land, and bring us word again by which way we must go up, and to what cities we shall come.” But after the spies brought back the evil report our parsha tells us concerning the people. “And you murmured in your tents, and said, Because the Lord hated us, he has brought us out of the land of Egypt, to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites. Where shall we go? our brothers have discouraged our heart”. For this sin of fearing the nations and not believing in GOD the whole generation was forbidden to enter the land, and as it says in Bamidbar “Your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness; and all who were counted of you, according to your whole number, from twenty years old and upward, all of you shall not come into the land, concerning which I swore to make you live in it, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of Nun”. We should have learned this lesson by now.

Fear only GOD.

The beginning of the mitzvah of fearing GOD is to know that ”elokenu” is the ד“ו parzufim (masculine and feminine aspects of GOD).   read more here – https://godssecret.wordpress.com/2009/07/24/stand-up-for-gods-honor


amazing things there like you have not seen before and will not find elsewhere !


Nature is Gematria The Elokim (God). The laws of Nature and Gods commandments are one and the same. Fire burns that a law of nature so to transgression of the God’s commandments will yield bad results sooner of later one way or another !


You need to free your Divine soul from the shackles of your evil inclination. The Divine soul becomes free when it realizes it is surrounded by the bad advice, all the time, from one’s evil inclination. Only when one has this awareness may they free themselves from the slavery of the passions and desires of their evil inclination. Only after this awareness can we be free to enter into a sincere relationship with God.

The Kabbalists teach that by calling upon the “Partzuf” (face of God) of Keter called “Atik” Miracles comes. The limitations you think you are unable to overcome yourself ? These are the areas where you want the miracle of God in your life so you can transcend your own nature or when needed nature ENTIRELY. These miracles you can activate with your Faith, Trust and through knowledge of uniting your will with the will of God.

Prepare the world for the coming of Mashiach (The Messiah) by distributing knowledge of the Torah and its commandments. Help bring about a miraculous salvation for the Jewish people.

The miracles of the Era of the Redemption, will be greater than what we saw in Egypt and the miracle of the Splitting of the Sea !

May we see this fulfilled speedily, in our days

The “March of Return” 2018 Gaza border protests

Demand that Palestinian refugees and their descendants be allowed to return to what is now Israel. This symbolizes Hamas and the Arabs refusal to accept Israel’s existence as fact, true peace and resolution to the conflict will be impossible as long as the Islamist’s will not accept the Jewish people have a right to the Jewish state of Israel.

The Arab-Israeli conflict is usually mischaracterized as a classic conflict over land and borders that can be resolved through territorial compromise. However, the Arab-Israeli conflict is about a Muslim Arab rejection of the Jewish state’s right to exist within any borders.

The PLO was established in 1964 when Gaza part of Egypt and Judea and Samaria. were part of Jordan, THE ARABS LIVING IN GAZA WERE EGYPTIAN AND ARABS LIVING IN JUDEA AND SAMARIA WERE JORDANIAN


There is a genocidal Arab fantasy that is being nourished by the some parts of the international community, like the UN that officially claims to advocate peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors. But the truth of the matter is the Arabs living in Gaza voted Hamas who daily publicizes their belief in their genocidal fantasy of killing the Jews and those Arabs in JUDEA AND SAMARIA would also support Hamas if they had the choice !

more here


The arrangement of the Divine flow
February 14, 2018, 12:14 pm
Filed under: A"k, chassidim and givurot, Divine names, mesach, Nakavah, parzufim, Zeir Anpin


To get the most out of the Spiritual path taught here one needs to begin with the writings under the category called “The Guide”. The teachings there make a vessel so that one’s soul can ascend, and work with the meditative practices taught here. From learning  “The Guide” one will become familiar with the terms also that are necessary to access this wisdom.            So Enjoy and Grow !


Go ahead and learn !

This is the NEWEST STUFF !

The Malchut of Atzilut breaks through the “Masach” (Screen) and becomes the Keter of Bria. The world of Bria is only a “radiance of a radiance” of the Malchut of Malchut of Atzilut, which shines through a”Masach” (Screen) and becomes the Keter of Bria. Bria only receives its light through a “Masach” (Screen), which is made up of the “chitzon” external letters of the higher world of Atzilut.  This is to say that the Malchut of Malchut of Atzilut , The most “chitzon” (external) letters of Atzilut become the light and life force of the Keter of Briyah. Now, The source of this Masach (screen) is a the “Garment” of the Chashmal which is “Chitzon” of Binah until under Malchut of Malchut.  Know,  Chashmal is created from letters of Binah. Also know there was not an actual Masach in the first Tzimtzum.  only a concealment of the Infinite Light. But this Infinite Light is all still completely within himself. Atzilut is a aspect of the infinite as it is a world of Chuchmah and Chuchmah is called אין,  Bria  is  יש which is finite. For this reason there has to be a “Masach” , so there can be a change from אין to יש.

This is the really high concealed stuff. Sorry that I can not bring it down more now. Meditate on its words and feel the light, even if you don’t understand. In the the time to come, in the future world you will.

From Yosher of A”k went our many lights going out from the ears,nose, mouth. Lights of the mouth of A”k are called “olam Akudim” (Malchut A”k). These are the lights of “yosher” alone, they do not have a aspect of “Iggulim”. There are lights from the eyes of A”k called “Akudim” these do have aspects of “Yosher” and “Iggulim”. These lights stand from the back of A”k until the feet and are called Nh”y (A”k). Light of the eyes of A”k is Chuchmah its ע”ב of A”k, but at the feet its Nh”y from chuchmah of (A”k)1 A”k is one יהו”ה , its brain י is ע”ב. Its ה is the ear of A”k and reaches till the feet, it is ס”ג. The ו is מ”ה and goes out of the forehead of Ak. The final ה is ב”ן and is “Nikudim”.2 The light of the eyes of A”k is revealed in the world of “nikudim” which is from the Belly of A”k and below. At the belly is מ”ה of A’k this is the ג”ר of Nikudim. ב”ן of A”k is the 6 corners of Nikudim. Then this light is channeled through the 8 dikna of the beard. The vessels that broke were from the eyes of A”k.3 Rabbi Shalom Sharrabi teaches that The “kav Yashar” dresses in Chuchmah and Binna of A’k through the parzufim. Including all parzufim until Malchut of Atzilut. Where there is made a מסך (screen-filter) that forms Atik of Bria. All parzufim of Bria receive from Binna of A’k, and Binna of Atzilut. This is Binna possessing in the Thrown. The lights decend throught the Parzufim dressing until Malchut of Bria where there is made a 2nd מסך. Z’a of A’k, Atzilut and Bria decend through the מסך to make Atik of Yetzera and all 5 parzufim of Yetzera. A 3rd מסך is made from Malchut of A’k, Atzilut , Bria, Yetzera. Through this מסך decends the 7 lower lights of Malchut of Yetzera which makes Atik of Asiyah and all 5 parzufim of Asiyah. This is the idea of Malchut possessing in a אופן .4 

The “mesach” (screen) separating Yetzirah and Asiyah acts as a veil separating Asiyah from the light of Yetzirah allowing only a certain quantity and quality of light to descend. This screen is the malchut of that world of Yetzirah. That malchut is called the dalet, and is the significance of the dalet of the word for echad.

All 5 Parzufim of Atzilut is only the aspect of “6 corners” compared to A’k, being all from  מ”ה of A’k and below (Atzilut is from the yichud of Abba and Imma of A”k, it is Z”a of A”k) . The 5 parzufim of A”k draw light of Ayn Soff for the parzufim of Atzilut.The Ayn sof illuminates until the first 3 sefirot of Yesoi”t. ה”אל יהו”ה is Arich Abba and Imma. Zu”n rises by tikun in Abba and Imma in By”a parzuf in parzuf. After tikun by Abba and Imma Zu’n rises to tikun in Arich. By this way is made all purifications until reaching their place in A”k. The 5 parzufim of Atzilut then can receive flow from ע”ב of A’k, this is called revelation of “mochin” called “chayah”. This is when the Nashamot of Saddekem rise up to the belly of  Arich of Atzilut. The ruach can rise to Nakavah of Atzilut, and the Nefesh rises up to Briah. The parzuf of Nakavah called Rachel begins in the back of the chest of Z’a where there stands the conclusion of the Yesod of Imma in Z’a. 5 Chassadim spread in Z’a from the Yesod of Imma which is at his chest to below, as there is the place of revealed Chassadim. From here its possible for the Chitzon to seize so its called “Atz dat”(This is the yesod of imma at the chest of Z”a-Atz Dat). Chassadim are dat of Z”a.