Godssecret's Weblog

June 16, 2024, 5:19 am
Filed under: Parsha Bahalotecha | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Filed under: Parsha Bahalotecha | Tags: Emek ha MelechevilkavanaName of GodParsha BahalotechaR. Yehuda HaNasi


Filed under: Parsha Bahalotecha | Tags: Emek ha MelechevilkavanaName of GodParsha BahalotechaR. Yehuda HaNasiShalah haKodeshthe Holy Land


Filed under: Parsha Bahalotecha | Tags: Emek ha MelechevilkavanaName of GodParsha BahalotechaR. Yehuda HaNasiShalah haKodeshthe Holy LandTORAH


Rabbi Yosef Salant writes in his book Be’er Yosef that The sages wrote that the purpose of the Menorah was to enhance the light of the Torah in Yisrael. “

The Menorah…
hints at the Torah, which is called light”

says Rabeinu Bechayai the seven branches of the Menorah represent the seven types of wisdom, “teaching us
that all of wisdom was hewn out of the Torah as its source” [Natziv]. 

The Menorah’s complexity itself is a marvel as usually a menorah would be  fashioned by first molding each of its parts on its own and then welding them together. The Menorah, however, was hammered out of a single piece of gold, originating as a single object and remaining a single object through the various stages of its construction, until the finished product. The menorah has 7 branches, 11 knobs, 9 flowers and 22 goblets, and is 17 handbreadths in height. These numbers conceal many secrets

“ONE MUST LIVE WITH THE TIMES” THIS ALSO REFERS TO LIVING IN THE TORAH PARSHA OF THE WEEK Bahalotecha בס”ד It says in this weeks parsha “ When you go to war against an enemy in your land, you shall sound the trumpets “. Concerning this verse the Shalah haKodesh says that the enemy referred here is the evil inclination. Like an invader he is always trying to nourish from Holiness. Time and time again he comes to do battle. This battle should not be taken lying down, but one must sound the trumpets. Meaning one must arouse their Nashama with great vigor. This is done by performing the mitzvot (commandment) with great kavana (intent). The sages mean this when they say that if one’s evil inclination rises up against him let him take it to the bait midrash (place of learning). If this does not work he should say the sma (Meditate on the Name of God), and if this does not work let him think of the day of death. Now we must also consider “When you go to war against an enemy in your land” in its most simple sense, as there is no doubt that The Jewish people have enemies in the Holy Land now. Know that these enemies are a manifestation of our evil inclinations, by this they are given force. By our adherence to the Torah, and standing strongly against those who are against God’s Torah. We shall conquer all our enemies, with the help of God. In our parsha is probably the most unusual verses in the whole Torah They are surrounded by two inverted “NuN” one before and one after. There is nothing like this Phenomena anywhere else in the whole Tanac”h. The interesting thing about these nuns is that nobody really knows what they’re supposed to look like, nobody really knows where they ought to be, and nobody really knows what they’re doing there anyway, and yet they exist and are a prescribed part of every Sefer Torah.  These two verses are enclosed with a long space then  a inverted NUN , then another long space on the other end. The two Nun can be written not only backward, but upside down, facing front, looking back over their shoulders.  reversed, inverted, inverse or in disarray. There are many scribal rules about these spaces and letters, to this is no universal agreement. Where does the idea of adding these Scribal arrangements come from ? Must not the two Nun have been originally written into the text by hand by Moshe Rabbeynu atop Mount Sinai as dictated by The Holy One Since we are forbidden by Torah to add anything to the Torah ? As the Torah states “All this word which I command you, that you will observe to do; do not add to it, nor diminish from it. ”  (Deuteronomy 13:1) If not, the only other explanation plausible is that the Rabbis instituted this following God’s command to ” build a fence around the Torah”, to help the rest of us avoid breaking the Torah’s laws. The Inverted Nun surrounding these verses look much like a “fence” surrounding the letters of the verses. Another reason  for the 2 inverted nun is because  :  Every single letter of these two verses was dotted, causing a very problematic result: difficult to lay out, to write, and to read. This would also mean that God’s name would be dotted, which is impossible, since dotting traditionally indicates a erasing of the letters which are dotted This would also mean that God’s name would be dotted, which is impossible, since dotting traditionally indicates a erasing of the letters which are dotted. So dotting all the words could not actually be done, but it was alluded to by Nun around our verses referring to “nikud” (point), for this reason are the 2 inverted nun.   : When the Ark went forth, Moses said : “Arise, O God, and scatter your enemies! Let your foes flee before You!” When it came to rest, he said, “Return, O God, the myriads of Israel’s thousands” (Numbers 10:35-36) The first verse has 12 words, like the last verse of the Torah and the second verse has 7 words like the first verse of the Torah. Rebbe (R. Yehuda HaNasi) said: (BaMidbar 10:35-36) ranks as a separate book of the Torah. The Talmud says with this section God placed symbols above and below… because it ranks as a significant book unto itself (Talmud, Shabbat 115b). Thus this renders the Torah into seven books. 1) Genesis, 2) Exodus, 3) Leviticus. 4) The beginning of the book of Numbers up to these two verses, 5) These two verses, 6) The rest of the book of Numbers, and 7) Deuteronomy]. These two verses consist of 85 letters. The sages tell us these two verses enclosed by the ‘inverted NuNs’ can be a separate book of the Torah as sefer (book) must be at least 85 letters long. This division of the Torah to 7 books will not be revealed until Mashiach arrives. 85 is =פה  (mouth) For when the mouth is used for kidusha (Holiness) this creates a force , a flow of Kidusha in this person focusing him on spirituality fulfillment. By learning Torah speaking it out loud with a forceful voice is a very powerful tool for self change. Words of Torah are the Word of God.     Concerning this verse it is written in the Emek ha Melech that “Whoever reads these words daily with proper intention will not be hurt, even when he may travel to a place of thieves, be at sea or in another dangerous location “ We actually say these verses every time the Torah is taken out from the Ark when we read the Torah. By this our“enemies” are scattered and “foes” flee. RECALL in Biblical times, the ARK led the armed forces into combat TORAH IS AMAZING. The Rebbe Rashab teaches that the 2 upside down נ are two brackets that combine to create a square, which is ם that looks like this [ ] . It is known to the mikubalim that the sefirot called yosher (superatural) enter the sefirot of “nature” the circular sefirot at the end of the “kav” through the square. When all Israel (as 12 tribes) comes together as one and connect to the Torah, Mashiach will be revealed. The two inverted Nuns will drop and the Light of the Holy Ark will spread throughout the whole seven books of the Torah. The 19 (12+7) words will bring together the beginning and end of the Torah, closing the circle and flood existence with the light that awaits us from the day of creation. This will be enough for those who understand. “When the Ark will travel” alludes to the Divine light’s journey to Earth. The ark in Hebrew is “ohron,” which consists of the letters ohr (light) and nun. By this we come well prepared to face all adversaries. As with us is the light of the ark leading the way, giving us the power to “scatter” all enemies” and cause all foes to flee by the light that comes from between the “brackets”, the 2 upside down נ are two brackets that combine to create a square, which is ם that looks like this [ ] . The Chida  in his book Nachal Kedumim the letter nun were chosen to box in these two verses is because the teachings contained within are from the fiftieth and highest gate of understanding which is hinted to by the numerical value of a nun, which is fifty, The Chida writes that now, we have only  eighty-five letters left in these two verses alluding to there used to be more letters in this “sefer” of 2 verses. This is because  The Zohar Chadash  says that there are 600,000 letters in a Torah scroll. Counted the letters in a Torah scroll are 304,805 letters. It must be the 295195 other letters were or are hidden in the book between the “2 nun”. A Midrash explains a book called the Prophecy of Eldad and Medad  was suppressed only these two verses remain of it.  That is why they are marked by the inverted nuns

In the the Septuagint a second century BCE  translation of the Torah into Greek.  They did not translate the two verses where they are today.  Rather they moved verses 35 and 36 to be before verse 34 ?

The Parshiyot from this point onward of the 2 upside down נ  are different then those preceding, as these up coming parsha are full of difficulties, problems and failings.

    R. Shimon ben Gamliel taught that this section when Mashiach comes will be removed from here and written in its rightful place. Its rightful place is in the chapter with the banners of the tribes in BaMidbar 2.This seems to be involved with the teaching of our sages that the stories in the Torah are not always arranged in chronological order. These verses were written here in order to provide an interruption between the first account of punishment. The first account of punishment is : “And they moved away from the mountain of the Lord…” (BaMidbar 10:33) The second account of punishment is : “And the people were as murmurers…” T (BaMidbar 11:1  When Amram decided to divorce Yocheved  so as to be sure to not produce any babies for Pharoe to kill. Yocheved did not agree so she married Eltzapon ben Parnach of the Tribe of Dan. Their children are the Eldad and Medad in our parsha that prophesied. One when assaulted by their evil inclination needs to run into Holiness, as it says “the chyot (angels) ran and returned” (Ezekiel). By this running we will find ourselves in a new place with a new awareness far from the thoughts of the sitra achra (other side). As it is taught by Elijah the Prophet in Tana DebElyahu that to prevent the evil inclination from gaining a foothold, like Aaron haKohen one should daily light the Manorah so that it is always burning. As the Manorah has 7 openings, so are there found 7 openings in one’s head. We have 2 eyes. We must prevent our vision from leading us astray. One’s eyes need to be dedicated only for the use of Holiness. The eyes are conduits of Chuchmah (Divine wisdom, Creativity, inspiration). Let all ones inspiration lead to Holiness. Likewise one’s ears should not listen to evil. The ears are conduits of Divine understanding. Let all one’s understanding be found in the Torah. The nose is the sense by which Mashiach (Messiah) shall discern judgment. It is a conduit for Dat (Divine knowledge). Let one know before they proceed that what they will do will be Holy. While the mouth should be used to speak words of Torah and prayer, not lushon hora (evil speech). The mouth is the conduit of Malchut. Let it be that all one’s actions drive them closer to Holiness in the governance of God. If one guards these portals they will not nourish the evil inclination, and it will not come to slay them. When one is doing mitzvot it will have less strength to interfere. Like during tefila (prayer) the evil inclination will not interfere with their thoughts to distract his mind from his Divine contemplation. He will be able to perform his mitzvot with kavana (intention). By following such instruction we will win our battle against the yetzer hora (evil inclination). The yetzer hora will have no way to gain ascendency over us. Evil will have no way to gain nourishment. Then there will be yielded from the mitzvot that will be done in purity with great kavana a great degree of light ultimately heralding in with a great shofar blast with our righteous mashich, when evil shall finally be defeated. Then we shall rejoice with God in His Holy Temple and may this be quickly in our days.


THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE ……………………………………………………………………………!

an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot





PARSHA BAHALOTECHA – Its about the Secret of LIGHT !


Filed under: Parsha Bahalotecha | Tags: Emek ha MelechevilkavanaName of GodParsha BahalotechaR. Yehuda HaNasiShalah haKodeshthe Holy Land


Filed under: Parsha Bahalotecha | Tags: Emek ha MelechevilkavanaName of GodParsha BahalotechaR. Yehuda HaNasiShalah haKodeshthe Holy LandTORAH


Rabbi Yosef Salant writes in his book Be’er Yosef that The sages wrote that the purpose of the Menorah was to enhance the light of the Torah in Yisrael. “

The Menorah…
hints at the Torah, which is called light”

says Rabeinu Bechayai the seven branches of the Menorah represent the seven types of wisdom, “teaching us
that all of wisdom was hewn out of the Torah as its source” [Natziv]. 

The Menorah’s complexity itself is a marvel as usually a menorah would be  fashioned by first molding each of its parts on its own and then welding them together. The Menorah, however, was hammered out of a single piece of gold, originating as a single object and remaining a single object through the various stages of its construction, until the finished product. The menorah has 7 branches, 11 knobs, 9 flowers and 22 goblets, and is 17 handbreadths in height. These numbers conceal many secrets

“ONE MUST LIVE WITH THE TIMES” THIS ALSO REFERS TO LIVING IN THE TORAH PARSHA OF THE WEEK Bahalotecha בס”ד It says in this weeks parsha “ When you go to war against an enemy in your land, you shall sound the trumpets “. Concerning this verse the Shalah haKodesh says that the enemy referred here is the evil inclination. Like an invader he is always trying to nourish from Holiness. Time and time again he comes to do battle. This battle should not be taken lying down, but one must sound the trumpets. Meaning one must arouse their Nashama with great vigor. This is done by performing the mitzvot (commandment) with great kavana (intent). The sages mean this when they say that if one’s evil inclination rises up against him let him take it to the bait midrash (place of learning). If this does not work he should say the sma (Meditate on the Name of God), and if this does not work let him think of the day of death. Now we must also consider “When you go to war against an enemy in your land” in its most simple sense, as there is no doubt that The Jewish people have enemies in the Holy Land now. Know that these enemies are a manifestation of our evil inclinations, by this they are given force. By our adherence to the Torah, and standing strongly against those who are against God’s Torah. We shall conquer all our enemies, with the help of God. In our parsha is probably the most unusual verses in the whole Torah They are surrounded by two inverted “NuN” one before and one after. There is nothing like this Phenomena anywhere else in the whole Tanac”h. The interesting thing about these nuns is that nobody really knows what they’re supposed to look like, nobody really knows where they ought to be, and nobody really knows what they’re doing there anyway, and yet they exist and are a prescribed part of every Sefer Torah.  These two verses are enclosed with a long space then  a inverted NUN , then another long space on the other end. The two Nun can be written not only backward, but upside down, facing front, looking back over their shoulders.  reversed, inverted, inverse or in disarray. There are many scribal rules about these spaces and letters, to this is no universal agreement. Where does the idea of adding these Scribal arrangements come from ? Must not the two Nun have been originally written into the text by hand by Moshe Rabbeynu atop Mount Sinai as dictated by The Holy One Since we are forbidden by Torah to add anything to the Torah ? As the Torah states “All this word which I command you, that you will observe to do; do not add to it, nor diminish from it. ”  (Deuteronomy 13:1) If not, the only other explanation plausible is that the Rabbis instituted this following God’s command to ” build a fence around the Torah”, to help the rest of us avoid breaking the Torah’s laws. The Inverted Nun surrounding these verses look much like a “fence” surrounding the letters of the verses. Another reason  for the 2 inverted nun is because  :  Every single letter of these two verses was dotted, causing a very problematic result: difficult to lay out, to write, and to read. This would also mean that God’s name would be dotted, which is impossible, since dotting traditionally indicates a erasing of the letters which are dotted This would also mean that God’s name would be dotted, which is impossible, since dotting traditionally indicates a erasing of the letters which are dotted. So dotting all the words could not actually be done, but it was alluded to by Nun around our verses referring to “nikud” (point), for this reason are the 2 inverted nun.   : When the Ark went forth, Moses said : “Arise, O God, and scatter your enemies! Let your foes flee before You!” When it came to rest, he said, “Return, O God, the myriads of Israel’s thousands” (Numbers 10:35-36) The first verse has 12 words, like the last verse of the Torah and the second verse has 7 words like the first verse of the Torah. Rebbe (R. Yehuda HaNasi) said: (BaMidbar 10:35-36) ranks as a separate book of the Torah. The Talmud says with this section God placed symbols above and below… because it ranks as a significant book unto itself (Talmud, Shabbat 115b). Thus this renders the Torah into seven books. 1) Genesis, 2) Exodus, 3) Leviticus. 4) The beginning of the book of Numbers up to these two verses, 5) These two verses, 6) The rest of the book of Numbers, and 7) Deuteronomy]. These two verses consist of 85 letters. The sages tell us these two verses enclosed by the ‘inverted NuNs’ can be a separate book of the Torah as sefer (book) must be at least 85 letters long. This division of the Torah to 7 books will not be revealed until Mashiach arrives. 85 is =פה  (mouth) For when the mouth is used for kidusha (Holiness) this creates a force , a flow of Kidusha in this person focusing him on spirituality fulfillment. By learning Torah speaking it out loud with a forceful voice is a very powerful tool for self change. Words of Torah are the Word of God.     Concerning this verse it is written in the Emek ha Melech that “Whoever reads these words daily with proper intention will not be hurt, even when he may travel to a place of thieves, be at sea or in another dangerous location “ We actually say these verses every time the Torah is taken out from the Ark when we read the Torah. By this our“enemies” are scattered and “foes” flee. RECALL in Biblical times, the ARK led the armed forces into combat TORAH IS AMAZING. The Rebbe Rashab teaches that the 2 upside down נ are two brackets that combine to create a square, which is ם that looks like this [ ] . It is known to the mikubalim that the sefirot called yosher (superatural) enter the sefirot of “nature” the circular sefirot at the end of the “kav” through the square. When all Israel (as 12 tribes) comes together as one and connect to the Torah, Mashiach will be revealed. The two inverted Nuns will drop and the Light of the Holy Ark will spread throughout the whole seven books of the Torah. The 19 (12+7) words will bring together the beginning and end of the Torah, closing the circle and flood existence with the light that awaits us from the day of creation. This will be enough for those who understand. “When the Ark will travel” alludes to the Divine light’s journey to Earth. The ark in Hebrew is “ohron,” which consists of the letters ohr (light) and nun. By this we come well prepared to face all adversaries. As with us is the light of the ark leading the way, giving us the power to “scatter” all enemies” and cause all foes to flee by the light that comes from between the “brackets”, the 2 upside down נ are two brackets that combine to create a square, which is ם that looks like this [ ] . The Chida  in his book Nachal Kedumim the letter nun were chosen to box in these two verses is because the teachings contained within are from the fiftieth and highest gate of understanding which is hinted to by the numerical value of a nun, which is fifty, The Chida writes that now, we have only  eighty-five letters left in these two verses alluding to there used to be more letters in this “sefer” of 2 verses. This is because  The Zohar Chadash  says that there are 600,000 letters in a Torah scroll. Counted the letters in a Torah scroll are 304,805 letters. It must be the 295195 other letters were or are hidden in the book between the “2 nun”. A Midrash explains a book called the Prophecy of Eldad and Medad  was suppressed only these two verses remain of it.  That is why they are marked by the inverted nuns

In the the Septuagint a second century BCE  translation of the Torah into Greek.  They did not translate the two verses where they are today.  Rather they moved verses 35 and 36 to be before verse 34 ?

The Parshiyot from this point onward of the 2 upside down נ  are different then those preceding, as these up coming parsha are full of difficulties, problems and failings.

    R. Shimon ben Gamliel taught that this section when Mashiach comes will be removed from here and written in its rightful place. Its rightful place is in the chapter with the banners of the tribes in BaMidbar 2.This seems to be involved with the teaching of our sages that the stories in the Torah are not always arranged in chronological order. These verses were written here in order to provide an interruption between the first account of punishment. The first account of punishment is : “And they moved away from the mountain of the Lord…” (BaMidbar 10:33) The second account of punishment is : “And the people were as murmurers…” T (BaMidbar 11:1  When Amram decided to divorce Yocheved  so as to be sure to not produce any babies for Pharoe to kill. Yocheved did not agree so she married Eltzapon ben Parnach of the Tribe of Dan. Their children are the Eldad and Medad in our parsha that prophesied. One when assaulted by their evil inclination needs to run into Holiness, as it says “the chyot (angels) ran and returned” (Ezekiel). By this running we will find ourselves in a new place with a new awareness far from the thoughts of the sitra achra (other side). As it is taught by Elijah the Prophet in Tana DebElyahu that to prevent the evil inclination from gaining a foothold, like Aaron haKohen one should daily light the Manorah so that it is always burning. As the Manorah has 7 openings, so are there found 7 openings in one’s head. We have 2 eyes. We must prevent our vision from leading us astray. One’s eyes need to be dedicated only for the use of Holiness. The eyes are conduits of Chuchmah (Divine wisdom, Creativity, inspiration). Let all ones inspiration lead to Holiness. Likewise one’s ears should not listen to evil. The ears are conduits of Divine understanding. Let all one’s understanding be found in the Torah. The nose is the sense by which Mashiach (Messiah) shall discern judgment. It is a conduit for Dat (Divine knowledge). Let one know before they proceed that what they will do will be Holy. While the mouth should be used to speak words of Torah and prayer, not lushon hora (evil speech). The mouth is the conduit of Malchut. Let it be that all one’s actions drive them closer to Holiness in the governance of God. If one guards these portals they will not nourish the evil inclination, and it will not come to slay them. When one is doing mitzvot it will have less strength to interfere. Like during tefila (prayer) the evil inclination will not interfere with their thoughts to distract his mind from his Divine contemplation. He will be able to perform his mitzvot with kavana (intention). By following such instruction we will win our battle against the yetzer hora (evil inclination). The yetzer hora will have no way to gain ascendency over us. Evil will have no way to gain nourishment. Then there will be yielded from the mitzvot that will be done in purity with great kavana a great degree of light ultimately heralding in with a great shofar blast with our righteous mashich, when evil shall finally be defeated. Then we shall rejoice with God in His Holy Temple and may this be quickly in our days.


THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE ……………………………………………………………………………!

an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot








Filed under: Parsha Bahalotecha | Tags: Emek ha MelechevilkavanaName of GodParsha BahalotechaR. Yehuda HaNasiShalah haKodeshthe Holy LandTORAH


Rabbi Yosef Salant writes in his book Be’er Yosef that The sages wrote that the purpose of the Menorah was to enhance the light of the Torah in Yisrael. “

The Menorah…
hints at the Torah, which is called light”

says Rabeinu Bechayai the seven branches of the Menorah represent the seven types of wisdom, “teaching us
that all of wisdom was hewn out of the Torah as its source” [Natziv]. 

The Menorah’s complexity itself is a marvel as usually a menorah would be  fashioned by first molding each of its parts on its own and then welding them together. The Menorah, however, was hammered out of a single piece of gold, originating as a single object and remaining a single object through the various stages of its construction, until the finished product. The menorah has 7 branches, 11 knobs, 9 flowers and 22 goblets, and is 17 handbreadths in height. These numbers conceal many secrets

“ONE MUST LIVE WITH THE TIMES” THIS ALSO REFERS TO LIVING IN THE TORAH PARSHA OF THE WEEK Bahalotecha בס”ד It says in this weeks parsha “ When you go to war against an enemy in your land, you shall sound the trumpets “. Concerning this verse the Shalah haKodesh says that the enemy referred here is the evil inclination. Like an invader he is always trying to nourish from Holiness. Time and time again he comes to do battle. This battle should not be taken lying down, but one must sound the trumpets. Meaning one must arouse their Nashama with great vigor. This is done by performing the mitzvot (commandment) with great kavana (intent). The sages mean this when they say that if one’s evil inclination rises up against him let him take it to the bait midrash (place of learning). If this does not work he should say the sma (Meditate on the Name of God), and if this does not work let him think of the day of death. Now we must also consider “When you go to war against an enemy in your land” in its most simple sense, as there is no doubt that The Jewish people have enemies in the Holy Land now. Know that these enemies are a manifestation of our evil inclinations, by this they are given force. By our adherence to the Torah, and standing strongly against those who are against God’s Torah. We shall conquer all our enemies, with the help of God. In our parsha is probably the most unusual verses in the whole Torah They are surrounded by two inverted “NuN” one before and one after. There is nothing like this Phenomena anywhere else in the whole Tanac”h. The interesting thing about these nuns is that nobody really knows what they’re supposed to look like, nobody really knows where they ought to be, and nobody really knows what they’re doing there anyway, and yet they exist and are a prescribed part of every Sefer Torah.  These two verses are enclosed with a long space then  a inverted NUN , then another long space on the other end. The two Nun can be written not only backward, but upside down, facing front, looking back over their shoulders.  reversed, inverted, inverse or in disarray. There are many scribal rules about these spaces and letters, to this is no universal agreement. Where does the idea of adding these Scribal arrangements come from ? Must not the two Nun have been originally written into the text by hand by Moshe Rabbeynu atop Mount Sinai as dictated by The Holy One Since we are forbidden by Torah to add anything to the Torah ? As the Torah states “All this word which I command you, that you will observe to do; do not add to it, nor diminish from it. ”  (Deuteronomy 13:1) If not, the only other explanation plausible is that the Rabbis instituted this following God’s command to ” build a fence around the Torah”, to help the rest of us avoid breaking the Torah’s laws. The Inverted Nun surrounding these verses look much like a “fence” surrounding the letters of the verses. Another reason  for the 2 inverted nun is because  :  Every single letter of these two verses was dotted, causing a very problematic result: difficult to lay out, to write, and to read. This would also mean that God’s name would be dotted, which is impossible, since dotting traditionally indicates a erasing of the letters which are dotted This would also mean that God’s name would be dotted, which is impossible, since dotting traditionally indicates a erasing of the letters which are dotted. So dotting all the words could not actually be done, but it was alluded to by Nun around our verses referring to “nikud” (point), for this reason are the 2 inverted nun.   : When the Ark went forth, Moses said : “Arise, O God, and scatter your enemies! Let your foes flee before You!” When it came to rest, he said, “Return, O God, the myriads of Israel’s thousands” (Numbers 10:35-36) The first verse has 12 words, like the last verse of the Torah and the second verse has 7 words like the first verse of the Torah. Rebbe (R. Yehuda HaNasi) said: (BaMidbar 10:35-36) ranks as a separate book of the Torah. The Talmud says with this section God placed symbols above and below… because it ranks as a significant book unto itself (Talmud, Shabbat 115b). Thus this renders the Torah into seven books. 1) Genesis, 2) Exodus, 3) Leviticus. 4) The beginning of the book of Numbers up to these two verses, 5) These two verses, 6) The rest of the book of Numbers, and 7) Deuteronomy]. These two verses consist of 85 letters. The sages tell us these two verses enclosed by the ‘inverted NuNs’ can be a separate book of the Torah as sefer (book) must be at least 85 letters long. This division of the Torah to 7 books will not be revealed until Mashiach arrives. 85 is =פה  (mouth) For when the mouth is used for kidusha (Holiness) this creates a force , a flow of Kidusha in this person focusing him on spirituality fulfillment. By learning Torah speaking it out loud with a forceful voice is a very powerful tool for self change. Words of Torah are the Word of God.     Concerning this verse it is written in the Emek ha Melech that “Whoever reads these words daily with proper intention will not be hurt, even when he may travel to a place of thieves, be at sea or in another dangerous location “ We actually say these verses every time the Torah is taken out from the Ark when we read the Torah. By this our“enemies” are scattered and “foes” flee. RECALL in Biblical times, the ARK led the armed forces into combat TORAH IS AMAZING. The Rebbe Rashab teaches that the 2 upside down נ are two brackets that combine to create a square, which is ם that looks like this [ ] . It is known to the mikubalim that the sefirot called yosher (superatural) enter the sefirot of “nature” the circular sefirot at the end of the “kav” through the square. When all Israel (as 12 tribes) comes together as one and connect to the Torah, Mashiach will be revealed. The two inverted Nuns will drop and the Light of the Holy Ark will spread throughout the whole seven books of the Torah. The 19 (12+7) words will bring together the beginning and end of the Torah, closing the circle and flood existence with the light that awaits us from the day of creation. This will be enough for those who understand. “When the Ark will travel” alludes to the Divine light’s journey to Earth. The ark in Hebrew is “ohron,” which consists of the letters ohr (light) and nun. By this we come well prepared to face all adversaries. As with us is the light of the ark leading the way, giving us the power to “scatter” all enemies” and cause all foes to flee by the light that comes from between the “brackets”, the 2 upside down נ are two brackets that combine to create a square, which is ם that looks like this [ ] . The Chida  in his book Nachal Kedumim the letter nun were chosen to box in these two verses is because the teachings contained within are from the fiftieth and highest gate of understanding which is hinted to by the numerical value of a nun, which is fifty, The Chida writes that now, we have only  eighty-five letters left in these two verses alluding to there used to be more letters in this “sefer” of 2 verses. This is because  The Zohar Chadash  says that there are 600,000 letters in a Torah scroll. Counted the letters in a Torah scroll are 304,805 letters. It must be the 295195 other letters were or are hidden in the book between the “2 nun”. A Midrash explains a book called the Prophecy of Eldad and Medad  was suppressed only these two verses remain of it.  That is why they are marked by the inverted nuns

In the the Septuagint a second century BCE  translation of the Torah into Greek.  They did not translate the two verses where they are today.  Rather they moved verses 35 and 36 to be before verse 34 ?

The Parshiyot from this point onward of the 2 upside down נ  are different then those preceding, as these up coming parsha are full of difficulties, problems and failings.

    R. Shimon ben Gamliel taught that this section when Mashiach comes will be removed from here and written in its rightful place. Its rightful place is in the chapter with the banners of the tribes in BaMidbar 2.This seems to be involved with the teaching of our sages that the stories in the Torah are not always arranged in chronological order. These verses were written here in order to provide an interruption between the first account of punishment. The first account of punishment is : “And they moved away from the mountain of the Lord…” (BaMidbar 10:33) The second account of punishment is : “And the people were as murmurers…” T (BaMidbar 11:1  When Amram decided to divorce Yocheved  so as to be sure to not produce any babies for Pharoe to kill. Yocheved did not agree so she married Eltzapon ben Parnach of the Tribe of Dan. Their children are the Eldad and Medad in our parsha that prophesied. One when assaulted by their evil inclination needs to run into Holiness, as it says “the chyot (angels) ran and returned” (Ezekiel). By this running we will find ourselves in a new place with a new awareness far from the thoughts of the sitra achra (other side). As it is taught by Elijah the Prophet in Tana DebElyahu that to prevent the evil inclination from gaining a foothold, like Aaron haKohen one should daily light the Manorah so that it is always burning. As the Manorah has 7 openings, so are there found 7 openings in one’s head. We have 2 eyes. We must prevent our vision from leading us astray. One’s eyes need to be dedicated only for the use of Holiness. The eyes are conduits of Chuchmah (Divine wisdom, Creativity, inspiration). Let all ones inspiration lead to Holiness. Likewise one’s ears should not listen to evil. The ears are conduits of Divine understanding. Let all one’s understanding be found in the Torah. The nose is the sense by which Mashiach (Messiah) shall discern judgment. It is a conduit for Dat (Divine knowledge). Let one know before they proceed that what they will do will be Holy. While the mouth should be used to speak words of Torah and prayer, not lushon hora (evil speech). The mouth is the conduit of Malchut. Let it be that all one’s actions drive them closer to Holiness in the governance of God. If one guards these portals they will not nourish the evil inclination, and it will not come to slay them. When one is doing mitzvot it will have less strength to interfere. Like during tefila (prayer) the evil inclination will not interfere with their thoughts to distract his mind from his Divine contemplation. He will be able to perform his mitzvot with kavana (intention). By following such instruction we will win our battle against the yetzer hora (evil inclination). The yetzer hora will have no way to gain ascendency over us. Evil will have no way to gain nourishment. Then there will be yielded from the mitzvot that will be done in purity with great kavana a great degree of light ultimately heralding in with a great shofar blast with our righteous mashich, when evil shall finally be defeated. Then we shall rejoice with God in His Holy Temple and may this be quickly in our days.


THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE ……………………………………………………………………………!

an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot







PARSHA “BISHALACH” B”H   January 13th 2019

A REMINDER OF AMALAK BEFORE PURIM ! Amalak is a transmigratory group of souls who Hate God and those who wish to do God’s will. To the nation of Amalek there is nothing good; they are doomed to utter destruction. That is because their traits are anger and destruction. These traits have no counterpart on the side of good and must ultimately be gotten rid of entirely !, There are those from Amalak who have chose to convert and become Jews, then they are no longer Amalak. But this is most unusual.

God wants the HEART ” this has to be one of the most obvious things in the world. God wants SINCERE Torah learning and performing of “mitzvos”! Not empty Torah and thoughtless “mitzvos” ? Amalak wants the opposite. They want to fill your life distractions. Anything that will interfere with your Divine service. They want you to be so distracted that you can’t really focus properly on the things that are most important, your Divine service ! The transmigratory group of souls called Amalak tries to distract us away from thinking about “mitzvot” when we do them.

Amalek tries to plant doubt in our mind’s concerning the authenticity of the Torah and our relationship with God, if these doubts come to manifestation , then soon will Amalak appear on the scene , God forbid, as we see in the Torah Amalek appears the moment Israel says: “Is God with us or not?” (Ex 17:7-8).

Amalek is the thorn forever in the side of the Jewish people. They try to block our national and personal spiritual accomplishments. Amalek thrives on our lack of enthusiasm and our lack of clarity of purpose. Amalek is at the very root of evil. When we break the klippa of Amalek we will bring ourselves and the whole world to its ultimate Tikun (rectification).


The Divine names found in the Bible like Elohem”e, Sd”y, and YHV”H. YHV”H IS PRONOUNCED AS ADN”Y. Due to their sanctity they are NOT pronounced, except in a Biblical verse or part of a Verse or in prayer.

Knowledge of God’s Name can be a dangerous thing for people who bend, twist and distort things to fit their personal belief, when it is not in accordance with The Torah and the tradition of the sages as has been received from the prophets. This involves the sin of blasphemy and “You shall NOT take the Name of YHV”H your God in vain for YHV”H will not absolve anyone who ‘takes’ His Name in vain.” (Shemoth 20:7) Desecrating God’s Name carries with it serious consequences. With great blessing comes great responsibility.

~ The great, glorious, fearsome name,YHVH is a name that includes all the other divine names that are mentioned in the Torah. There is no divine name that is not included in the name YHVH. If you were to pronounce it, you take on your lips all the holy names upon which depend the universe and everything in it. You must realize that when you pronounce the name, sounding out its letters with the motions of [the] tongue, [you] agitate all universes, both above and below. All the angels rise up and ask each other, “why is the universe trembling?” And the answer, “because some wicked person is pronouncing the Explicit Name, sounding out its letters with his lips. As a result of these vibrations, every Name and appellation that depends on it, reverberate, and Heaven and earth tremble.” Then they say, “and who is this wicked person who makes the universe tremble, pronouncing the Great Name without reason? He is this wicked person, who did these sins on this day, and those misdeeds another day.” As a result, all of his individual’s sins are recalled. When you shake the trunk of the tree, you cause all of its branches and leaves to tremble. Likewise, when a person pronounces the letters of YHVH, all the host on high and below tremble, since they all depend on it. The only place where this was not true was in the Holy Temple. When the high priest would pronounce this Name in the Temple, all the host of heaven would rejoice and would receive the divine influx. For in doing this, the high priest would rectify all the supernal channels, and blessing would be brought to everything in the universe

(Shaarey Orah 46b quoting Shaarey Kedusha).

Rabbi Yitchak the Blind wrote in his commentary to Safer Yetzera that when King David dug the pits , and the deep sought to in drown the world, Achitofel taught David the forty – two letter Divine Name , and he wrote it on a clay shard and tossed it into the deep, so that it didn’t drown the world. The whole world dried up, and he had to say the 15 ” Shir haMalot ” of the Psalms , corresponding to the 15 inner degrees , and for every degree [the deep]

ascended a degree , and the world was restored to its normal condition.


BEWARE, if you use information from this blog and distort it for purpose of avodah zara (strange worship) there could be severe consequences. Those who pursue such knowledge for the wrong reasons are asking for trouble. Using it for personal benefit or for purpose of promoting a particular belief, especially if it is errant or idolatrous, is dangerous. Anyone who would use it for the sole purpose of elevating their status amongst peers is headed in the wrong direction. All of these things are an improper use of God’s Name. It would constitute the “taking/use” of God’s Name in vain as mentioned above. It should not be seen as a ‘tool’ to use for the acquisition of fame or status.

On the other hand if you sincerely wish to come closer to God; to more fully appreciate His Torah; to understand lofty subject matters and to do what is acceptable in His sight then there is great reward in knowing God’s Name.


THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE ……………………………………………………………………………!

an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot







Exodus 14.19-21

19: And the angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud removed from before them, and stood behind them;

20: and it came between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel; and there was the cloud, and darkness here, yet gave it light by the night there; and the one came not near the other all the night.

21: And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all the night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.

These three passages in Exodus (14.19-21) describe the miracle of parting of the Reed Sea. Each of these 3 consecutive verses in the original Hebrew has 72 letters exactly. From these verses a special arrangement is made of their 216 letters so to reveal the hidden 72 three letter Names of God.


These are the 72 names, The 72 Names of God have extraordinary power to overcome the laws of nature in all forms, including human nature.

Meditation on the 72 Names can repair you on the soul level and the world in general according to you actions and by passing the demanding tests of life. accordingly the names will be effective. By meditating on these names we receive “knowledge that is not learned from human traditions or derived from intellect and analysis. ” Rabbi Avraham Abulafia teaches that one should Breath in when speaking the letters and exhale with the vowels. Each 3 letter name involves twelve breaths. One can also discover that each Name has a relation to a specific verse in the Torah. Where the name appears in the verse or spelled our in the ‘Rosh’ and ‘Sof’ “Tevot” (first and last letters of words). Each Vowel has a specific head movement as well. Rabbi Abulafia says when the power of the abundance begins to manifest letters and the Sefirot begin to appear like lightening flashes, as the visions of the Chayot (living creatures). As it is said, “The Chayot ran and returned, like a vision of lightning.” Rabbi abulafia says that we have a tradition that the divine influx will come to a perfected individual after he completes 24 of the 3 letter names. This is alluded to in the word “my Beloved” Dodi =24 in Hebrew. thus it is written, “The sound of my Beloved (Dodi) is knocking.” (Song of Songs, 5.2)

Parsha Bishalach Bs”d

Parshah Beshalach is made up of 6,423 Hebrew letters, 1,681 Hebrew words, and 116 verses, and can occupy about 216 lines in a Torah Scroll, the same number of letters as in the 72 names.

From אז comes forth the seventy two names.

Some people never learn. You would think after all those plagues in Egypt Pharoe would give it up all ready. But no, he evidently did not have enough so he pursues after the children of Yisrael into the desert and right into the sea where all his chariots and men come to their final resting place buried under the water. Some people never learn.

Yet for Yisrael it was not easy either. Only six hundred thousand Israelites survived the plague of darkness and made it to stand at the sea. The six hundred thousand who made their way to the sea were 1/5th of the original population of 3 million.

They stood at the lip of the sea fearing their destruction from the advancing chariots. The water would not split for them until Nachshon Ben Aminadav jumped in. One just has to have the determination to go for it, and then the result will be accomplished. As at the sea. Moses invoked 72 names to split the water of the sea but someone still had to jump in. Heaven has many blessings for you, but you need to do something about it.

Moses was the only prophet to receive prophesy from the masculine aspect of GOD. All else received from the feminine aspect. Rabbi Nachunya’h Ben Hakannah teaches Moses was from the “smittah” (time period) of Chesed, which has already passed. As now is the “smittah” of givurah. So he asked “why do you bring me here?, I’m from the place of rachamim (mercy) without yetzer hora (evil inclination) or sin ”. Bina (Divine understanding) responded “ I bring you for the need of the world, to take Yisrael out from Egypt, to bring 10 plagues, and have Yisrael pass through the sea on dry land, and to bring Yisrael to Sini to receive the Torah. You have the power to deliver them as you are from the smittah of Chesed.” No matter where you came from, what ever background you have GOD’s will is for you. By its force you can fulfill His will. There may be obstacles to overcome. As its taught. Uz”a was the angel over the reed sea He descended to complain against Yisrael. Even with all the obstacles one must just jump into it. Its said at the splitting of the reed sea a slave saw more then the Prophet Ezekiel. Yisrael saw at Sini what the nations have never seen.

Our parsha Bishalach is in the second book of the Torah called in the holy tongue “smot” meaning names, while it is usually translated as Exodus. This parsha has 3 verses in a row each having exactly 72 letters. From these 3 verses are assembled 72 three letter names of Divine power. It was by these names Moses was able to split the waters of the sea and cause them to stand like a wall. Even when the physical nature of water is the opposite of this. This allowed Yisrael to walk then across the sea on dry land. Also each of these Holy names has specific qualities one name pushes away evil, another draws mercy from the highest place and another helps one receive secrets. It is by Knowledge of the name of GOD that Yisrael is distinguished from the nations and given a role directing Divine providence instead of being passive recipients.

In the Book Brit Minuchah it states Now there are few Mikubalim , but there has not been diminished or interrupted the flow or power of rulership in the world. The Mikubal is not lacking in His power of rulership. The flow is free to all who have emunah. But to those of little faith, they must pay with merit. The guarding angels are the merit. By them one enters the Markava (Divine Chariot), or is prevented. They are the limits. Rabbi Moses Cordevero teaches Sarafim Chayot and ofanim (levels of angels) were only created to help even if they are masters of “sarim” (supernal supervisors) and song they help men. Breath dresses in the words of tefila in segulot (supernatural powers) of arrangement of the words in ”kavana” (intention) in breath and voice with out speech. The name Yhv”h it is not our custom to pronounce in its own letters, but we do so with Ahy”h. This rides on our voice. By this is built yichus (relationship) on the names. And this is the elevation of elevations. Becoming a master of the names and working in them. The way of the voice of Yhv”h its work is revealed. This is the elevation of elevation. It is closed and concealed, not revealed. Because if one becomes accustomed to contemplate it in its letters there is Revelation of the markava, but this is hidden. So it is not pronounced, but it is the power of ruling is of the highest elevation upon all the world of Atzilut. If it were pronounced it would rule all the sefirot that are comprehended, but this is not so. It rules all in a hidden way. But Ahy”h guards upon the Hosts of the hachel (palace) proper to guide showing revelation of the Emanater. Pronounced shows concerning works that will be accomplished in the future, now and what has already passed. This thing cannot be comprehended at all, but it is a concealed thing.

Concerning the Teferet (balance) of invocation of Divine names the Ramcha’l teaches that in order to work a name a man must remember the name of the illuminary to arouse its light, and its angel from it who goes over to do its work. The work is the ruling of GOD and the name causes its arousal. The light of all your learning shines in your “tikunim” (fixings) filling all the Divine names. Rabbi Rosin teaches Love of Yisrael is a segulah (miraculous power) itself to draw into the letters and permutations of Holy names to illuminate and flow by way of avoda (divine service). GOD created the world in His Name, and rules it in His Names. So pray and by the purity of your observance of the Mitzvot from selfless dedication we will merit to see soon all our enemies destroyed and the Arrival of our righteous Mashiach in mercy quickly in our days.

After seeing so much Divine at the sea. It seems many did not internalize the experience. Sometimes understanding and seeing is not enough as after the splitting the sea the people still did not trust in GOD enough to believe and that He could provide them with water. Another miracle was required, Moses had to make Bitter waters fit for drinking. He did this by throwing a tree in the water. By “throwing” the Tree of life (Torah) into the waters (anything you do) they become fit to drink. So do everything for the sake of heaven.

Then comes the Manah, the bread of heaven. Thus by this order of events we see that if you sweeten the bitter waters of this world (raising the sparks), revealing GOD in the world. By this is sweetened the forces of judgment. And one comes to live in a world that is like all Shabot in a sense. So the next command in our parsha is Shabot. The test of the manah is similar to the trial of today which many fail. One of the most common complaints of Jews today concerning Shabot is that they just cant keep it, they need to work. This is very similar to the generation in the desert who were forbidden to gather their Manah on the Shabot. They had to trust in Hashem , that He would provide all their needs. Its interesting to note that in Hebrew manah is “mun”. Money in transliteration is my manah. there are no coincidences. Rav Yuhudah said in the name of Rav ” If the Jewish people would have kept the first Shobot no nation would have ever had dominion over them. But is says in the Torah ” On the 7th day some people went out to gather” (smot 16:27) Right after this it says “Then came Amalak” (Smot 17:8). Rashi says on this that Amalak came because the Jews Doubted Divine providence.

The Israelites went up out of Egypt “chamushim”. Rashi cites two interpretations for the word “chamushim”. One, based on the root CHAMESH meaning five, because only one in five Jews agreed to leave Egypt; and the other from the root CHIMUSH, meaning armed with weapons.

There are Jews who distance themselves from Judaism by overlooking our unique history and our God-appointed mission.  From a overview of Jewish history one observes a ongoing process of winnowing out large portions of people – similar to a healthy body that rejects foreign organs and detrimental intruders. Of the many millions of Jewish men who were slaves in Egypt, only Yehoshua bin Nun (Joshua) and Calev ben Yefuneh (Caleb) entered the Land at the end of the 40-year sojourn in the desert. Perhaps millions, of Jews of the northern tribes were exiled to points east by King Shalmaneser of Assyria and were lost to the Jewish nation. Who can estimate the number of Jews who were cut off from our people by conscious assimilation? And the process is continuing in full strength to this day. The process cannot be denied or tempered,  it continues “full strength” to this very day. In our parsha we see this thinning out of the Jewish people “big time”  as  only one in five Jews were able to leave Egypt. These days assimilation has removed countless numbers of our people. This process is being accelerated through the conservative and reform movements which are busily undermining the basic framework of spirituality leading to assimilation. Also by  the Second World War many pure  tzaddikim were also murdered as the Gemara in Bava Kama states that when a decree is implemented in a specific place, all those who are there even the  righteous are victims. In such a place the angel of death does not choose between the righteous and the wicked . Also with the help of Islamic terror the Jewish population is being thinned out.  In Egypt 80% of the Jewish people had plans for their lives that ran contrary to the wishes of God; this  hastened their death in the plague of darkness.


Towards the end of the parsha is the 3rd incident with water. Moses there needs to draw water from a rock. It is here Moses becomes angry with the people and hits the rock. It is said because of this Moses could not enter Aretz Yisrael. This is a pretty strong warning against anger. Its said the water Moses brought out of the rock was Torah for the “Erev Rav” (mix multitude) as taught by the Ar”i HaKodesh in Safer Lecutim. We see this “tikun” (fixing) even for Moses was a difficult matter. But they must be dealt with as the event following water from the rock is the Attack from Amalak (the innate enemy of GOD and his people). But the parsha concludes with GOD promising Vengeance on Amalak and may we see it soon with our righteous messiah.

The sword of the Holy One Blessed be He is the sword of all four letters of the name of GOD יהו”ה, just like there are 4 death penalties of the court. The letter Yud of the name is the head of the sword, for all is in accordance with the decree of the head, which are the Sefirot of Keter and Chochmah. The Vav is the body of the sword 2 Hey are two mouths of the sword, because the action of judgment in action comes about through the Malchut which is the mouth that decrees the decree of judgment of the power of the mouth above which is the Binah.

It is said of Yesod, “The thousand are to you Solomon.” (Songs 8:12) Solomon, embodies Yesod, כתף= 500 )shoulder). However, each shoulder by itself only equals five hundred, the gematria of the concealed letters of the “meloy of שד”י like thisשין דלת יוד

The sword of the Tetragrammaton is clothed in its sheath which is the name of ארנ”י in secret of unification above with below.

Parsha Bahalotecha






UPDATED  May 29 2018

Rabbi Yosef Salant writes in his book Be’er Yosef that The sages wrote that the purpose of the Menorah was to enhance the light of the Torah in Yisrael. “

The Menorah…
hints at the Torah, which is called light”

says Rabeinu Bechayai the seven branches of the Menorah represent the seven types of wisdom, “teaching us
that all of wisdom was hewn out of the Torah as its source” [Natziv]. 

ONE MUST LIVE WITH THE TIMES” THIS ALSO REFERS TO LIVING IN THE TORAH PARSHA OF THE WEEK Bahalotecha בס”ד It says in this weeks parsha “ When you go to war against an enemy in your land, you shall sound the trumpets “. Concerning this verse the Shalah haKodesh says that the enemy referred here is the evil inclination. Like an invader he is always trying to nourish from Holiness. Time and time again he comes to do battle. This battle should not be taken lying down, but one must sound the trumpets. Meaning one must arouse their Nashama with great vigor. This is done by performing the mitzvot (commandment) with great kavana (intent). The sages mean this when they say that if one’s evil inclination rises up against him let him take it to the bait midrash (place of learning). If this does not work he should say the sma (Meditate on the Name of God), and if this does not work let him think of the day of death. Now we must also consider “When you go to war against an enemy in your land” in its most simple sense, as there is no doubt that The Jewish people have enemies in the Holy Land now. Know that these enemies are a manifestation of our evil inclinations, by this they are given force. By our adherence to the Torah, and standing strongly against those who are against God’s Torah. We shall conquer all our enemies, with the help of God. In our parsha is probably the most unusual verses in the whole Torah They are surrounded by two inverted “NuN” one before and one after. There is nothing like this Phenomena anywhere else in the whole Tanac”h. The interesting thing about these nuns is that nobody really knows what they’re supposed to look like, nobody really knows where they ought to be, and nobody really knows what they’re doing there anyway, and yet they exist and are a prescribed part of every Sefer Torah.  These two verses are enclosed with a long space then  a inverted NUN , then another long space on the other end. The two Nun can be written not only backward, but upside down, facing front, looking back over their shoulders.  reversed, inverted, inverse or in disarray. There are many scribal rules about these spaces and letters, to this is no universal agreement. Where does the idea of adding these Scribal arrangements come from ? Must not the two Nun have been originally written into the text by hand by Moshe Rabbeynu atop Mount Sinai as dictated by The Holy One Since we are forbidden by Torah to add anything to the Torah ? As the Torah states “All this word which I command you, that you will observe to do; do not add to it, nor diminish from it. ”  (Deuteronomy 13:1) If not, the only other explanation plausible is that the Rabbis instituted this following God’s command to ” build a fence around the Torah”, to help the rest of us avoid breaking the Torah’s laws. The Inverted Nun surrounding these verses look much like a “fence” surrounding the letters of the verses. Another reason  for the 2 inverted nun is because  :  Every single letter of these two verses was dotted, causing a very problematic result: difficult to lay out, to write, and to read. This would also mean that God’s name would be dotted, which is impossible, since dotting traditionally indicates a erasing of the letters which are dotted This would also mean that God’s name would be dotted, which is impossible, since dotting traditionally indicates a erasing of the letters which are dotted. So dotting all the words could not actually be done, but it was alluded to by Nun around our verses referring to “nikud” (point), for this reason are the 2 inverted nun.    : When the Ark went forth, Moses said :Arise, O God, and scatter your enemies! Let your foes flee before You!” When it came to rest, he said,Return, O God, the myriads of Israel’s thousands” (Numbers 10:35-36) The first verse has 12 words, like the last verse of the Torah and the second verse has 7 words like the first verse of the Torah. Rebbe (R. Yehuda HaNasi) said: (BaMidbar 10:35-36) ranks as a separate book of the Torah. The Talmud says with this section God placed symbols above and below… because it ranks as a significant book unto itself (Talmud, Shabbat 115b). Thus this renders the Torah into seven books. 1) Genesis, 2) Exodus, 3) Leviticus. 4) The beginning of the book of Numbers up to these two verses, 5) These two verses, 6) The rest of the book of Numbers, and 7) Deuteronomy]. These two verses consist of 85 letters. The sages tell us these two verses enclosed by the ‘inverted NuNs’ can be a separate book of the Torah as sefer (book) must be at least 85 letters long. This division of the Torah to 7 books will not be revealed until Mashiach arrives. 85 is =פה  (mouth) For when the mouth is used for kidusha (Holiness) this creates a force , a flow of Kidusha in this person focusing him on spirituality fulfillment. By learning Torah speaking it out loud with a forceful voice is a very powerful tool for self change. Words of Torah are the Word of God.     Concerning this verse it is written in the Emek ha Melech that “Whoever reads these words daily with proper intention will not be hurt, even when he may travel to a place of thieves, be at sea or in another dangerous location “ We actually say these verses every time the Torah is taken out from the Ark when we read the Torah. By this our“enemies” are scattered and “foes” flee. RECALL in Biblical times, the ARK led the armed forces into combat TORAH IS AMAZING. The Rebbe Rashab teaches that the 2 upside down נ are two brackets that combine to create a square, which is ם that looks like this [ ] . It is known to the mikubalim that the sefirot called yosher (superatural) enter the sefirot of “nature” the circular sefirot at the end of the “kav” through the square. When all Israel (as 12 tribes) comes together as one and connect to the Torah, Mashiach will be revealed. The two inverted Nuns will drop and the Light of the Holy Ark will spread throughout the whole seven books of the Torah. The 19 (12+7) words will bring together the beginning and end of the Torah, closing the circle and flood existence with the light that awaits us from the day of creation. This will be enough for those who understand.When the Ark will travel” alludes to the Divine light’s journey to Earth. The ark in Hebrew is “ohron,” which consists of the letters ohr (light) and nun. By this we come well prepared to face all adversaries. As with us is the light of the ark leading the way, giving us the power to “scatter” all enemies” and cause all foes to flee by the light that comes from between the “brackets”, the 2 upside down נ are two brackets that combine to create a square, which is ם that looks like this [ ] . The Chida  in his book Nachal Kedumim the letter nun were chosen to box in these two verses is because the teachings contained within are from the fiftieth and highest gate of understanding which is hinted to by the numerical value of a nun, which is fifty, The Chida writes that now, we have only  eighty-five letters left in these two verses alluding to there used to be more letters in this “sefer” of 2 verses. This is because  The Zohar Chadash  says that there are 600,000 letters in a Torah scroll. Counted the letters in a Torah scroll are 304,805 letters. It must be the 295195 other letters were or are hidden in the book between the “2 nun”. A Midrash explains a book called the Prophecy of Eldad and Medad  was suppressed only these two verses remain of it.  That is why they are marked by the inverted nuns

In the the Septuagint a second century BCE  translation of the Torah into Greek.  They did not translate the two verses where they are today.  Rather they moved verses 35 and 36 to be before verse 34 ?

   The Parshiyot from this point onward of the 2 upside down נ  are different then those preceding, as these up coming parsha are full of difficulties, problems and failings.

    R. Shimon ben Gamliel taught that this section when Mashiach comes will be removed from here and written in its rightful place. Its rightful place is in the chapter with the banners of the tribes in BaMidbar 2.This seems to be involved with the teaching of our sages that the stories in the Torah are not always arranged in chronological order. These verses were written here in order to provide an interruption between the first account of punishment. The first account of punishment is :And they moved away from the mountain of the Lord…” (BaMidbar 10:33) The second account of punishment is :And the people were as murmurers…” T (BaMidbar 11:1  When Amram decided to divorce Yocheved  so as to be sure to not produce any babies for Pharoe to kill. Yocheved did not agree so she married Eltzapon ben Parnach of the Tribe of Dan. Their children are the Eldad and Medad in our parsha that prophesied. One when assaulted by their evil inclination needs to run into Holiness, as it says “the chyot (angels) ran and returned” (Ezekiel). By this running we will find ourselves in a new place with a new awareness far from the thoughts of the sitra achra (other side). As it is taught by Elijah the Prophet in Tana DebElyahu that to prevent the evil inclination from gaining a foothold, like Aaron haKohen one should daily light the Manorah so that it is always burning. As the Manorah has 7 openings, so are there found 7 openings in one’s head. We have 2 eyes. We must prevent our vision from leading us astray. One’s eyes need to be dedicated only for the use of Holiness. The eyes are conduits of Chuchmah (Divine wisdom, Creativity, inspiration). Let all ones inspiration lead to Holiness. Likewise one’s ears should not listen to evil. The ears are conduits of Divine understanding. Let all one’s understanding be found in the Torah. The nose is the sense by which Mashiach (Messiah) shall discern judgment. It is a conduit for Dat (Divine knowledge). Let one know before they proceed that what they will do will be Holy. While the mouth should be used to speak words of Torah and prayer, not lushon hora (evil speech). The mouth is the conduit of Malchut. Let it be that all one’s actions drive them closer to Holiness in the governance of God. If one guards these portals they will not nourish the evil inclination, and it will not come to slay them. When one is doing mitzvot it will have less strength to interfere. Like during tefila (prayer) the evil inclination will not interfere with their thoughts to distract his mind from his Divine contemplation. He will be able to perform his mitzvot with kavana (intention). By following such instruction we will win our battle against the yetzer hora (evil inclination). The yetzer hora will have no way to gain ascendency over us. Evil will have no way to gain nourishment. Then there will be yielded from the mitzvot that will be done in purity with great kavana a great degree of light ultimately heralding in with a great shofar blast with our righteous mashich, when evil shall finally be defeated. Then we shall rejoice with God in His Holy Temple and may this be quickly in our days.






It says in this weeks parsha “ When you go to war against an enemy in your land, you shall sound the trumpets “. Concerning this verse the Shalah haKodesh says that the enemy referred here is the evil inclination. Like an invader he is always trying to nourish from Holiness. Time and time again he comes to do battle. This battle should not be taken lying down, but one must

sound the trumpets. Meaning one must arouse their Nashama with great vigor. This is done by performing the mitzvot (commandment) with great kavana (intent). The sages mean this when they say that if

one’s evil inclination rises up against him let him take it to the bait midrash (place of learning). If this does not work he should say the sma (Meditate on the Name of God), and if this does not work let him think of the day of death. Now we

must also consider “When you go to war against an enemy in your land” in its most simple sense,

as there is no doubt that The Jewish people have enemies in the Holy Land now. Know that these

enemies are a manifestation of our evil inclinations, by this they are given force. By our adherence to the Torah, and standing strongly against those who are against God’s Torah. We shall conquer all our enemies, with the help of God.

In our parsha is probably the most unusual verse in the whole Torah:

When the Ark went forth, Moses said :

“Arise, O God,

and scatter your enemies!

Let your foes flee before You!”

When it came to rest, he said,

“Return, O God, the myriads of Israel’s thousands”

(Numbers 10:35-36)


Rebbe (R. Yehuda HaNasi) said: 

(BaMidbar 10:35-36) ranks as a separate book of the Torah.

The Talmud says with this section God placed symbols above and below… because it ranks as a significant book unto itself (Talmud, Shabbat 115b).

Thus this renders the Torah into seven books. 1) Genesis, 2) Exodus, 3) Leviticus. 4) The beginning of the book of Numbers up to these two verses, 5) These two verses, 6) The rest of the book of Numbers, and 7) Deuteronomy].

These two verses  consist of 85 letters.The sages tell us these two verses enclosed by the ‘inverted NuNs’ can be a separate book of the Torah as sefer (book) must be at least 85 letters long.  This division of the Torah to 7 books will not be revealed until Mashiach arrives.

Concerning this verse it is written in the Emek ha Melech that “Whoever reads these words daily with proper intention will not be hurt, even when he may travel to a place of thieves, be at sea or in another dangerous location “

We actually say these verses  every time the Torah is taken out from the Ark when we read the Torah. By this our“enemies” are scattered and “foes” flee

The Rebbe Rashab teaches that the 2 upside down נ are two brackets that combine to create a square, which is ם that looks like this [ ] . It is know to the mikubalim that the sefirot called yosher (superatural) enter the sefirot of “nature” the circular sefirot at the end of the “kav” through the square. This will be enough for those who understand.

“When the Ark will travel” alludes  to the Divine light’s journey to Earth. The ark in Hebrew is “ohron,” which consists of the letters ohr (light) and nun. By this we come well prepared to face all adversaries. As with us is the light  of the ark leading the way, giving us the power to “scatter” all enemies” and cause all foes to flee by the light that come from between the “brackets”, the 2 upside down נ are two brackets that combine to create a square, which is ם that looks like this [ ] . 

R. Shimon ben Gamliel taught that this section in the future will be removed from here and written in its rightful place. As it was written here in order to provide an interruption between the first account of punishment. 

The first account of punishment is :

“And they moved away from the mountain of the Lord…”

(BaMidbar 10:33)

The second account of punishment is :

“And the people were as murmurers…” T

  (BaMidbar 11:1 )

Its rightful place is in the chapter with the banners of the tribes in BaMidbar 2.This seems to be involved with the teaching of our sages that the stories in the Torah are not always arranged in chronological order.

One when assaulted by their evil inclination needs to run into Holiness, as it says “the chyot (angels) ran and returned” (Ezekiel). By this running we will find ourselves in a new place with a new awareness far from the thoughts of the sitra achra (other side). As it is taught by Elijah the Prophet in Tana DebElyahu that to prevent the evil inclination from gaining a foothold, like Aaron haKohen one should daily light the Manorah so that it is always burning. As the Manorah has 7 openings, so are there found 7 openings in one’s head. We have 2 eyes. We must prevent our vision from leading us astray. One’s eyes need to be dedicated only for the use of Holiness. The eyes are conduits of Chuchmah (Divine wisdom, Creativity, inspiration). Let all ones inspiration lead to Holiness. Likewise one’s ears should not listen to evil. The ears are conduits of Divine understanding. Let all one’s understanding be found in the Torah. The nose is the sense by which mashiach (Messiah) shall discern judgment. It is a conduit for Dat (Divine knowledge). Let one know before they proceed that what they will do will be Holy. While the mouth should be used to speak words of Torah and prayer, not lushon hora (evil speech). The mouth is the conduit of Malchut. Let it be that all one’s actions drive them closer to Holiness in the governance of God. If one guards these portals they will not nourish the evil inclination, and it will not come to slay them. When one is doing mitzvot it will have less strength to interfere. Like during tefila (prayer) the evil inclination will not interfere with their thoughts to distract his mind from his Divine contemplation. He will be able to perform his mitzvot with kavana (intention). By following such instruction we will win our battle against the yetzer hora (evil inclination). The yetzer hora will have no way to gain ascendency over us. Evil will have no way to gain nourishment. Then there will be yielded from the mitzvot that will be done in purity with great kavana a great degree of light ultimately heralding in with a great shofar blast with our righteous mashich, when evil shall finally be defeated. Then we shall rejoice with God in His Holy Temple and may this be quickly in our days.