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Filed under: PARSHA TRUMAH | Tags: 1/2 of a shekel coin 10 days Teshuva 10-12-22 lights 13 midot Rachamim 13 Tikuney Dikna 17th of Tammuz 4th of July 18 vertebrae 22 Holy Letters 248/365 2nd temple History 32 Paths 370 lig10 days Teshuva10-12-22 lights13 midot Rachamim13 Tikuney Dikna17th of Tammuz18 vertebrae22 Holy Letters248/3652nd temple History32 Paths370 lights3RD TEMPLE4th of July50 gates50th Gate613 commandments7 earths7 laws of Noah7 windows of the soul70 nations72 names7th day (Svi shel Pasach)9th of Av: 1/2 of a shekel coinA”kabstractacrylic paintaficomanafter lifeAkudimaliensAmalakana bicoachangel of deathANGELSanger ANIMALS anti gravity arba minim Archeology aretz israelParsha TrumahPARSHAT TRUMAH

Filed under: PARSHA TRUMAH | Tags: 1/2 of a shekel coin1/2 of a shekel coin 10 days Teshuva 10-12-22 lights 13 midot Rachamim 13 Tikuney Dikna 17th of Tammuz 4th of July 18 vertebrae 22 Holy Letters 248/365 2nd temple History 32 Paths 370 lig10 days Teshuva10-12-22 lights13 midot Rachamim13 Tikuney Dikna17th of Tammuz18 vertebrae22 Holy Letters248/3652nd temple History32 Paths370 lights3RD TEMPLE4th of July50 gates50th Gate613 commandments7 earths7 laws of Noah7 windows of the soul70 nations72 names7th day (Svi shel Pasach)9th of AvA”kabstractacrylic paintaficomanafter lifeAkudimaliensAmalakana bicoachangel of deathANGELSanger ANIMALS anti gravity arba minim Archeology aretz israelANIMAL SACRIFICES , AricharkartworkAsiyahAstrologyAtikatonementAvavotAvrahamAvraham AbulafiaAweaynBabylonbalancebeardbefore this worldBeney Elohimbeyond the matrixBible codesblendingblood vesselsBodyBonesbook of creation-Safer YetzeraBREATHbriabrightnessBritBusinesscalendarcavanah-intentCAVANOTcedarsceramicsChamasChangeCHANGING TIMESChanukahCharadeChariot-MarkavahCharity-SadakahChasmalchassidim and givurotchayotChesed-Gimilat chassadimCHUCHMAH-CREATIVITYChuchmah-Wisdomcircle and squarecloudscollagecolored pencilscomposition contrastconscious and unconsciousControlling one’s passionsconversionsCovenant CreationcreativityCREATURESdat-knowledgeDeathdelightDelight joy-happinessdepth kaballahdesignDevacut-cleaving to GodDIKNADivine essenceDIVINE NAMESDivine providenceDivine servicedivine thoughtDo better than the Generationdon’t reveal secretsdonkeyEastern mysticismeatingEATING KOSHERECONOMICSEdomElectromagnetismEllulElohem”eemotional composureemuna-faithenamelenergy centersEnglish GematriaengravingentitiesEquanoxerev rav-mixed multitudeetchingEternal lifeethicsevilevil inclinationEvil-klippaexhibitexhibitionexilefear-awefighting evilFINANCEfirefirmamentFixings-TikunimforeheadFortune-Mazelfoundation stone- Kotelfoundation stone-sourceFranceFREE WILLfreedom and ethicsgalleryGan Aden-Garden of EdenGarden of EdengematriaGemora SofrimGETTING DRUNKghostsgilgulGIVING YOUR ALLgivurotGlobal EconomicsGod controls even evilGod in hidingGogGold calfsGreat Daysguarding from evilhachalot-Divine palaceHAMASHanukkahHappinessharmony-beautyhealing artsHEALTHheartHEAVENSHebron-Machpelahhell-GehenomHerbsHiddenessHiram Temple BuilderHistoryHistory in the makingHOLINESSHoly deviationHoly PleasureHoshanahiboriceimage of GodIncenseinclinationIndividualityinjuryinsanityIntro to Kabbalah of the Ar”i introductionIntroduction to KabballahIRANislamIsraelJerusalemJewish iQJews in AmericaJOBJudgmentsJudiasmjusticeKaballa of the Ari and ZoharKABALLAHkav and ReshimuketerKindnessKing DavidklippahKORBONOT-KosherKotel-Holy of HoliesKUZARI. LAMPLand of IsraellearningLeprosylettersLevels of helllevels of the SoulLeviyatonLIFELightLog bOmerLovemagicMaimonides/RambamManorahmarkava visionsmarsmasterpiecemathematical anomalyMatto”tMazelMeditationMERCY AND JUDGEMENTMerkavamesachmeshachMESSIAHmessiah redemptionmiddle manmiddotMidnightMIKVAHmilitaryMIRACLESMisa MarkavaMitzvotMosesMoshe Chyim LazzatoMount SiniaMount Zion Musicmysterious archaeologicalmysterious phenomenonNakavahnanhaga-Divine guidanceNashamaNazirnefesh.NefilimnervesNesiraNEWSnogaNothingness-aynObamaof infinate wisdomofanimOILoil paintOMERone GodOral TorahOrgans of the bodyother dimensionsOther sideouter spaceovercomming difficultiespalaces of the upper worldsPalestiniansPaRDeSparshaParsha BarashitPARSHA CHAYAH SARAHPARSHA CI TABOParsha Ki tetzePARSHA LECH LECHAPARSHA NITZAVIMPARSHA NOACHPARSHA REAHPARSHA SHEMOT -SMOTPARSHA SHOFIMParsha Trumahparsha VayagashParsha VayaraPARSHA VAYICHIPARSHA Vyarah—VaeraparzufimPASSACHpassoverpastelPeace and LovepenpencilPerke AvotperspectivePESSACHphotophotographPlague of DarknesspleasurePoliticsposterprayerPresident ObamaPROPHESYProphesy nowprovidencePurimpush off evilRabbahRabbi Yuhuda Ha NassiRaising SparksRatzo v ShuvRav KookrealismRecognizing ProvidenceRED HEIFERREDEMPTIONReincarnation religionRemote viewingRenewal Resurrectionreward and punishmentRiencarnationrighteous manrighteousnessRomeRosh HashanahROYAL BLUERuachRuach haKodesh-The Holy spiritRunning and Returning-Sabbathsacrificessadakah-charitySagessanctificationsarafimSaturnSawdeekscentSciencescientific researchseclusionsecret societiessecrets seesefirotself help spiritualitySelf SacrificeSexualityShabbotShabotShavuotShechina-Divine PresenceshofarSimchat TorahSIN-DEATHSinai Revelationsitra achra-other sidesitzetsleepSmimini Atzerotsocial justicesolomon’s TempleSONGsons of godSoulssparksSpeech of the HeartSpeech of the mouthSpinal cordspiritsSpiritual combatspiritual Gatesspiritual individualityspiritual proofSPIRITUAL UNITYSpiritual WorldsspiritualitySpirituality versus SecularismSplitting the seastarsstrange creationsSTRANGE EVENTSstrange talesSTRANGER THAN FICTIONsuccahSuccotsufferingSUNSupernal courtTACHALETTamuzTanyaTechnology TeffilinTefillinTemple MountTerrorteshuvaThe 3 Weeksthe “Mishcon” (tabernacle)The BizzareThe God knowsThe GuideThe HolocaustThe Holy Ar’iThe nameTHE RED SEAThe tabernacleThe TempleThe throneTikuny DiknaTohu and VohuTop secret TorahTORAHTorah before creationTorah PoliticsTORAH SECRETSTORAH-LIFETransformational ExperienceTree of knowledgeTree of Lifetroubles and complicationsTrue lifetrustTu bi SvatTZEDAKAHtzizumU. S. SecretUnity-AchdutUniversal consciousUNUSUAL EVENTSunusual thoughtsUpright and returning lightUPSIDE DOWN NUNSUSAvayetzeVesselsVIBRATIONvoiceVortexWARwaterWhat is nextwhats going onwhy “bad things” happen WillWILL AND DESIREwisdom-Chuchmahwonders of God in Nature WorldworldsWorlds-AtzilutYesodYesoi”tyetzer tovyetzeraYHV”Hyhv”h and Elohy”mYichus-relation to namesYom KipporYosef ha sadeekzeal-EliyahuZeir AnpinZIONISMZOHAR


Trumah Bs”d

Its the same story over and over again. GOD raises up Amalak (negative destructive force) when the Jews forget where GOD is , as Rabbi Kahana says in Pesicta. Amalak is the dog that bites them to remind them of Hashem. As when there is no where else to turn almost everyone returns to GOD with tefilla (prayer) with their heart. Tefila from ones heart is the opposite of Amalack as Yosef Yitzchak Shneerson explains that Amalak is the power opposite that of Teferet (balance and harmony). It creates situations so that one cannot turn to GOD with their heart. Now is the time of year we remember Amalak, and our victory over them during the time of Mordichy and Ester. In our parsha it written

“ This is the offering you shall take of them Gold, silver, brass, blue, purple, scarlet and linen”. On purim we read in the Magilla

“There were white, green, and blue, hangings, fastened with cords of fine linen and purple to silver rings and pillars of marble; the beds were of gold and silver, upon a pavement of alabaster, marble, mother of pearl, and precious stones.”

It is no coincidence that verses containing gold, silver, blue, purple and linen are mentioned in both places. This is to remind us that the triumph over Amalack, who is the manifestation of the essence of the negative spiritual force opposite Yisrael, is only by Torah. By absolute dedication to GOD in all things. Then GOD will enable us to do what is right. As the Jews did in the time of Mordichy and Ester, saying “We are with Mordichy and the Torah or death”. At that time all the people decided to fast against the threat Haman had made against the Jews so to push off its judgment. We were willing to Give our lives because of our belief in GOD . Easter instead of hiding her identity as a Jew from the King so to guard her own life stood up for her people. Putting the needs of the nation of Yisrael above her own.

This brings us back to our parsha Truma as the “Mishcon” (Tabernacle) represents the spiritualization of the worlds. The GR”A in Aderes Eliyahu (36:8) writes that the building of the “Mishcon” is described seven times. The Tabernacle alludes to the deepest secrets.  The sages say that each component of the “Mishcon” corresponds to something in the spiritual worlds which manifest this world. Its boards are the Angels called Sarafim as stated in the Zohar. The rings that hold up the curtains are as the stars in the heavens. The 12 elements involved in construction of the “mishcon” coorespond to the 12 tribes, 12 constellations. The part of the parsha dealing with the ark, has exactly 12 verses Each parsha lists Linen-silver- gold- purple and blue. Silver is white which corresponds to the sefira keter and the level of the soul called Yechida. This is the dedication of our delight and will to the will of GOD . Linen can be dyed any color as the sefira Chuchmah is the color containing all colors corresponding to the soul level called Chayah. This is the dedication of our creative powers to Divine activities. Gold the Ar”i tells us corresponds to Binna, Which corresponds to Divine understanding and one’s Nashama. Their intellectual soul being dedicated to the search for GOD and using ones intellect in their Divine service. Purple is Teferet corresponding to our Ruach, emotional soul. We must be filled with love and fear over Divine will. And finally the Ar’i tells us that Blue corresponds to the Nefesh, our physical existence. We must use our bodies to only do that which GOD wants. With all these powers we can fulfill the verse.

“Make me a Mishcon and I will dwell in them” Then we will be fitting vessels for the Divine presence to dwell in us like at Mount Sinai.

In two places in his Antiquities, Josephus mentions that the “lechem hapanim” (show bread) were “unleavened”. This detail, is not specified in the Torah it only says that leaven bread is forbidden from being placed on the altar (Exodus 23:18, 34:25, Leviticus 2:11).  Leviticus 2:11 as codified in the Mishnah (Menachot 5:1). All grain offerings should come from matzah, except for the leaven offered with the thanksgiving offering, and the two loaves with the Bikkurim [first-fruit] offering which should be leavened, brought on Shavuot. The Unleavened loaves of “lechem hapanim” (show bread) may have been more palatable to the priests who were commanded to consume week-old bread every Sabbath. On each Sabbath, the priests were to present a fresh set of loaves to YHWH , and the bread from the previous week would then be given to the priests to eat. “Lechem hapanim” is also referred to in late biblical texts as לֶחֶם הַמַּעֲרֶכֶת, “arranged bread” (1 Chr 9:32, 23:29; Neh 10:34; or מַעֲרֶכֶת לֶחֶם in 2 Chr 13:11), and מַעֲרֶכֶת “arrangement” (1 Chr 28:16; cf. עֵרֶךְ in Exod 40:4, 23)] The specific arrangement of the loaves was so significant that the table on which the bread was placed in the Temple is called “table of the arrangement” (shulchan hama’areket; 2 Chr). The bread was to be divided into two sets of six loaves, each topped with incense. The loaves were piled one on top the other in two piles (m. Menachot 11:5–7).  A gold cup of incense was placed on each pile of loaves. Rash”i explains the tradition that name “lechem hapanim” derives from the bread’s shape, the bread was baked in molds, and the resulting loaves had two “faces,” or sides (Exod 25:29).  The bread was shaped like a case that was broken open on two of its sides. It had a bottom underneath, but no top, and this bottom was turned up on both ends to form, as it were, walls. On this account it was called lechem hapanim—“bread with faces”—because it had faces (surfaces) looking in both directions towards the sides of the Temple. The Ibn Ezra teaches concerning the Bread molds but he also says that the name “lechem hapanim” derives from YHWH’s command that the bread be לְפָנַי תָּמִיד “always before Me” (Exod 25:30).

The Rambam writes that “the secret of the Tabernacle in the desert was that the glory of God which came down on Mount Sinai openly should dwell upon it in a more concealed manner. The name “Ohel Mo’ed,” which is repeated many times, means “the Tent of Meeting” – in this tent God would meet with Moshe and give him commandments for Yisrael. The Torah specifies many  times that the purpose of the Mishcon is to serve as a place for continued revelation to Moses in order to complete the giving of the Torah. (25:22, 29:42-43, 30:6, 30:36). One thing we can learn from the construction of the mischon is that we have to do something to have a revealed presence of God be with us. By fulfilling the commandments of the Torah we make ourselves into a dwelling place for the God.

” The Tabernacle in the desert was or is (its now hidden in a hidden cave by the dead sea they say) a portable, internalized Sinai. That moved with the Hebrews in their wanderings.

As we make ourselves a Mishcon to GOD from the powers of our soul. As its written “Make Me a sanctuary, and I will dwell within them.”  Also there are 18 commands in the building of the mishcon corresponding to the 18 vertebrae in the spine of man which correspond to the 18 blessings of the Amida. We each have the potential Holiness of the “Mishcon”The Mishcon’s 3 parts correspond to  three parts of the our bodies. Our head and its brain is of Chuchmah , Bina and Dat and corresponds to the “kodesh kodashim” with its ark and Caruvim. The two Caruvim above the Holy Ark of the Covenant correspond to the the chassadim and gevurot in Atik, which are hidden within the “avir”(air) between the skull and the brain . Our neshamah needs to be seated upon the “membrane of air” within his cranium. That is  Dat of Atik thats  hidden within the “avir”. It is there that the soul “sits upon the Throne” as seen in the vision of Yechezkel—it “sits upon” the membrane of the avir, The souls of the Jewish people are part and parcel of the Shechinah itself, which is also called the “Throne of God’s glory.”  Our torso which houses the heart and lungs which are the sefirot of Chesed, Givurah and Teferet is the Kodesh . The “Kodesh” houses the Incense altar and Table of the Show bread  and the Holy Menorah. The menorah represents the “mochin” (brain) of Abba-Chochmah and Torah itself. Our belly embodies Netzach, Hod and Yesod, which correspond to the laver with its stand and the outside altar. We need to make our bodies into “merkavah” (vehicles) for the Shechinah in this way, this will allows us to hear heavenly voices that emerges from the two Caruvim giving new Torah insights as  prophecy. When we make ourselves a Mishcon to GOD then the story of Purim, of Amalak will have reached its conclusion. As they will have no place to exist. By being nullified to Divine will with in ourselves our lives. Likewise will Amalak be nullifed outside also depending on our merit. Our success at nullifying Amalak’s powers of doubt and coldness to GOD in our Divine service. Then we shall see the Temple built, The glory of GOD revealed with the coming of The Messiah Quickly in our days.





an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot



THESE BOOKS AT THIS LINK https://godssecret.wordpress.com/2010/06/23/foods-you-want-to-eat-to-live-long-and-healthy-phytochemicals/

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