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Filed under: ShavuotUncategorized | Tags: Angels and ShavuotCaballah ShavuotChuchmah and ShavuotDivine Names and ShavuotFeast of WeeksKaballah ShavuotMarkava ShavoutMystery ShavuotNEWSOmer ShavuotWE GO UP AND GOD COMES DOWN SOON-SHAVUOT -BE THERE

Filed under: ShavuotUncategorized | Tags: Angels and ShavuotCaballah ShavuotChuchmah and ShavuotDivine Names and ShavuotFeast of WeeksKaballah ShavuotMarkava ShavoutMystery ShavuotNEWSOmer ShavuotSecret leavened bread ShavuotSecret ShavuotSefirot ShavuotShavuotTikun ShavuotYHV”H AND SHAVUOT

WE GO UP AND GOD COMES DOWN SOON-SHAVUOT -BE THEREFiled under: Shavuot | Tags: Mt. Sinaiparallel dimensionShavuotSouls




THE WHEEL OF THE LETTERS231 GATESABSTRACT ANIMATIONAbstract ArtAbstract expressionismacrylic paintairbrushANIMATIONARTartisticartworkBALLblendingBRIGHT COLORS graphic artsceramicscollagecoloredcomposition contrastCOMPUTER ARTcomputer generatedcosmicCREATIVEcreativitydesigndimensionalenamelengravingetchingexhibitexhibitiongallerygraphicsHOLOGRAPHIC IMAGESIMAGESlettersmasterpieceMETALICModern artMODERN ART COMPUTER ARTMOVINGmulti dimensionaloil paintPaintingspastelpenpencilpencilsperspectivephoto WALL PAPERphotographposterposter abstractradicalrealismSalvador Dalí,


They are ready

To communicate

With us again


Shavuot is not just a celebration of a event that happened 3300 years ago in the Sinai desert. Every new Shavuot we recieve  a new revelation of the Torah new consciousness in our personal and collective soul. No Shavuot is the same as The God is always revealing new Torah for building the world. On this night Shechinah is crowned by those who participate in shavuot. So She, The Shechinah can join with the King and illuminate the minds of those who took part in bringing about their adornment and unification.

Before our universe began, there was only empty space. Then at one point, a parallel dimension, “bumped into” our universe and injected into it the energy that became the matter that forms all we know.

This though was not the end of the creation of our world.

The Torah that Moshe received at mount Sinai was not of his own design. Every other prophet had a personal revelation from God and then expected the masses to believe him and to accept his word and his religion. The giving of the Torah was radically different. The events at Mt. Sinai were witnessed by over three million human souls, men women, and children. They all experienced together the giving of the Bible (Torah). They all together saw and heard, stood in awe and wonder as something not of this world descended upon the mountain and spoke to them in a voice that sounded like thunder. As its written :

“And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the lower part of the mount. And Mount Sinai was altogether in smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire; and its smoke ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount trembled greatly. And when the voice of the shofar sounded long, and became louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him by a voice.” (Exodus 19)

“And all the people saw the voices,” (Exodus 20)

This is a perception not of our world.

this will help you with Shavuot and the rest of the year


THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE ……………………………………………………………………………!

an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot





Our Rabbis taught that the Ten Commandments were all spoken in One Syllable. They came  from the mouth of the Holy One as one—something so difficult to imagine that no human mouth can utter it, nor any human ear hear it. It is therefore written, “My soul went out at his word”  (Song of Songs 5:6) As our souls were unable to remain in our bodies when we heard God’s Voice at Sinai.The sages say not once, but numerous times our souls left our bodies and returned, left our bodies and returned:

Even the nations of the world knew something was up as from the first of the 4 Klipah in the vision of Ezekial, the most external one, Called “Storm wind” The nations experienced Divine sounds as the Torah was being given at mount Sinai. Torah speaks in the language of human beings.”

When it says “A thick cloud was on the mountain.” It is this second “klipa” (Shell that conceals light) that in Ezekial is called “a great cloud.” The third “klippa”in Ezekial, the “Consuming fire” at Sinai is reffered to by “you heard His words from within the fire.” This was the “ sound of the shofar.” From here was heard the sound of the Voice of Hashem. By level of revelation called “Consuming fire” the nations trembled, which is the meaning of “all the nation trembled”. With the next level of revelation there was no “Klipa” (screen), only the more inner “brilliant light,” which Ezekial said called “Chashmal” which carries the “Small still voice”. The inner voice of God in your soul. Hashem spoke to us “face to face” as its written “Face to face God spoke with you on the mountain”,
See clearly from this, that the TORAH was given to Moses by what we must rightly call an Supernatural power-God.

It may be difficult to believe a single prophet who claims to have had a Divine experience. It is possible that such a person is mistaken or self deceived. However when three million people witnessed a “close encounter of the third kind.” That sets the odds highly in their favor that what they collectively saw and heard was real and true. Such a event is hard to deny.

The same Supernatural power continued this revelation to the Biblical prophets who explained to the following generations the observance of these Divine teachings and to how to safeguard them from inadvertently violating a Torah commandment. Thus bringing Divine retribution on their heads. These words of advice have been observed and practiced for more than 2,400 years. The echoes of these events are still murmuring in the unconscious minds of almost every human being. Whether we like it or not, agree with it or not, the echo of the Ten Commandments and Biblical morality speaks into the hearts and souls of almost everybody in this world.

These Divine teachings will stay in force until the next time we are visited by the Power that came to Sinai. This next visitation is expected to bring to Earth more than just a body of instructions to mankind. The next time we make contact, the prophecy states, the Power revealed at Sinai will come with an invading army, one that will conquer the Earth and install a new world government led by a monarch, who will be a descendant of the Biblical King David. When this armada from the Heavens arrives, the Spiritual will welcome it as the coming of the Messiah. The others will most likely be terrified in that their worst nightmare will be coming true –

You need to recognize that the episode at Mt. Sinai was not merely a religious event of ancient history. The Torah is no mere book of religious principles. We made contact with something Supernatural on Sinai those many years ago. That “something” identified itself as the Creator. The Creator opened a channel of communication with mankind and gave us instructions for nearly one thousand years.

At the Big Bang, Torah was the force that was injected into a empty space enabling it to form and grow becoming our universe. At Sinai, Torah was again injected into our physical universe again. Yet, this time, it was not coming into empty space, but rather into already existing world. Therefore, this time, Torah had to come into the universe in a cloaked form; otherwise its mere unsheathed presence would have undone the fabric of space/time itself, enough to shake the very foundations of the Earth. This opening of the Heavens must have been some type of interdimensional vortex that enabled a link between our Earth and another dimension we call Heaven to come into contact. The Big Bang created a world bound by “natural law” from which developed all form and matter. A second “mini” Big Bang happened when the Torah was revealed on Mount Sinai this enabled humans to embrace and connect to the higher dimension and thus learn to live in harmony with it and use its forces to direct the continued development and creation of this world. As God and the Torah are One. Therefore not only is the Torah to be found everywhere in the universe, so too is God. For God’s name in Hebrew, the one used in the creation story is ELOHIM is numerically equivalent to the Hebrew word for nature, HaTeva.. .

Mankind has progressed much since those early days when the Jewish people received the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Most of the world has been influenced by this event. First Christianity and then Islam built themselves on the back of Torah. Each religion claims to be the legitimate heir and continuation of the path received at Sinai. Needless to say, such contradictory claims have led to centuries of conflict. Indeed, the way the 21st century has begun it looks like that a major conflict between Moslem nations and Christian nations is brewing. Moslem nations rally against Israel and the Jews, but Islam defines its greatest and true enemy as the “American great Satan.” The United States and the European Union spend billions of dollars on defense and intelligence to protect themselves from growing threats of Islamic insurgency. Unbeknown to most, Western powers are doing their share to subvert the rule of Islam in Moslem countries. Otherwise, Islamic fundamentalism will sweep through the Middle East on its way to taking over the world.

What the eventual outcome of this brewing conflict will be, time will tell.

The Prophets thousands of years ago spoke of this conflict that we are seeing today. Realize from this that there is indeed a Force and a Power above that which we humans cannot control or even understand, and that force that spoke at Sinai and to the prophets is the Creator God.

Something happened that night on Mt. Sinai those thousands of years ago. Only a few hold the faith of the message revealed that night. The rest of us feel that we have evolved beyond the need of such “myths.” However, what is myth and what is reality, better be defined with greater clarity, before we wish to reject an Authority which apparently can impose itself upon us by sheer force of will as we see displayed in the miracles and wonders of the bible. A Authority that calls itself God the Creator of all. The God at Sinai warned us against our self destructive behaviors. One of the last Prophets Malachi concludes his book with a subtle warning spoken through him By God :

“Remember the Torah of Moshe my servant, which I commanded to him in Horev for all Israel to observe decrees and ordinances. Behold, I send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome Day of God. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers with their children, and the hearts of the children with their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with utter destruction.”

(Malachi 3:22-24).

The warning is clear. Accept the Torah of God and live by it. For the Day of God will come and it will be great and awesome.

The Power that made Supernatural contact with us centuries ago at Sinai will return.

When that Power-GOD comes back, will we find favor in its eyes, or will it use its incredibly superior Power to tear down mankind and civilization and start all over again? When the Supreme Supernatural Power-God comes back to planet Earth to claim its territory and to punish those who have stood against its Torah and its representatives no military weapons will withstand the invading armies of angels led by the Messiah.

The Highest Power will return to this world and will renew upon the Earth a Garden of Eden, one based upon its centuries old message in the Torah. This is our inevitable human future. We can choose to fight it or embrace it. The consequences of our actions will be telling.

They are ready

To communicate

With us again

This time telepathically

There is a time for everything Good, this Sunday night and Monday (also the following day out side the land of Israel) is the time God has given us to make a renewed connection with NEW revelations of the Bible-(Torah), with the infinite light !



Shavuot has more names than any other festival being called “Time of giving of the Torah”, “This very day”, “Day of assembly”, “Day of first fruit” and “Atzeret” (day of Gathering”. Shavuot is compared to the middle bar that holds the Tabernacle together). Shavuot is the “atzeret” of Passach. Shavu’ot” is one of the three pilgrimage festivals, yet it is much less popular than the other Jewish Holidays , even a minor holiday like Hanukah. There is no tractate in the Talmud or Mishnah devoted to Shavu’ot why?  With every Holiday the Torah gives the day to celebrate it but by Shavu’ot the Torah only tells us it is seven weeks after “The Shabbot” when the Omer offering is made. The “Shabbot” mentioned here is Not “Shabbot” but the second day of Pesach (Vayikra 23:15).  The Torah does not say that the Torah was given on Shavuot. The giving of the Torah has to be one of the most important events in Jewish history. Why doesn’t the Torah say what day the event happened on, why ?This seems obvious that the God did this so the sage could point to the Oral Torah as with  out the Oral Torah, Mishnah and Talmud one can not ever clearly discern ever what day Shavuat falls !

  It was on Rosh Chodesh Sivan that Yisrael encamped at mount Sinai. The word “encamped” in the Bible is written in the singular form, as Yisrael were all of one heart. Recieving of the Torah is experienced when Yisrael love one another. Sharing a mutual love of brotherhood peace and fellowship. Like in a marriage. The Torah is the instrument of Betrothal between Hashem and Yisrael. Also on Rosh Chodesh Sivan King Asa gathered Yuhudah and Benyamim and those who lived among them to Jerusalem and the entered into a covanant with God with all their hearts and souls. This day has been ordained as a day of peace and unity between a man and his brother and a day for making a covanant of peace and love between Yisrael and their father in Heaven.The day that we stood at Sinai, we were as one man with one heart” (Rashi, Exodus). It is from this place that we must approach Shavuot to receive the Torah.

Which is our mission upon which the whole world depends.

חלב= 40 , we eat milk products on Shavuot so to remember the 40 days and nights Moses spent with God on Sinia. We also decorate our houses with green to remember Sinai. We learn Ruth on Shavuot as it teaches us the Torah is only acquired through hardship.The story occurs at the beginning of the barley harvest which is at the time of Shavuot.  רות is gematria 606 the 7 laws of Noah is 613. The Ben Ish Chai teaches that when Boaz speaks to Ruth, it is as God speaking to the Children of Israel King David who descends from Ruth was born and died on Shavuot. The story of Ruth reminds us that only by the Oral Torah will there be redemption. As the Torah forbids converts from Moab as its written “An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord forever.” (Deut 23 :3) We only know that the prohibition on Moab converts only applies to men through the Oral Torah. The Ben Eash Chy tells us not to speak of secular matters the whole night of Shavuot. But this night is for study of the Torah which achieve great results in Heaven and infuses the soul with sanctity and purity. As Rabbi Shimon says “All who learn Torah on this night Hashem blesses with many blessings and crowns in the upper worlds” . Shavuot by the counting of the 49 days preceding it alludes to the Great Shabbot at the end of the cycle of 49,0000 years, it reminds one of the time when “death shall be swallowed up forever”, a time of Eternal ecstasy.


The Bible is not what you think-Not of this World !

For, even though Bible-Torah just seems like another book, just another area of intellectual study, it is far from that. It is meant for transmitting of “energy”, Divine power. It is a battery for your soul. But Like superheroes with dual identities, whose mundane, common lifestyle is meant to conceal the true nature of the superhero, the physical books and words in which Bible-Torah is found concealing the true nature of Bible-Torah, and what it is capable of doing, and THAT is not something just anyone can access, no matter how many times they pore over even the deepest of Torah secrets. For that, you have to make yourself into a desert. As that is where the Torah was given, teaching us one must be humble not filled with themselves. As such a person they can’t learn and cant hear what others say. They are like a defective battery that will not take a charge. Being humble though does not mean to make one lowly like a rag one would used to wash the floor. It is written that Moses was the most humble of men, but he stood up to do what needed to be done. He would let no man push him around. But he was open to whatever God would tell him.

The Torah is a “Book”, if you can even really define it as that ?, the Torah was written, made by the God.

The Torah is more than a book, but it is the “blueprint” of all creation. Unlike a normal blue print this one has creative power. From it the world is sustained continually and built. One can merit levels very high in the “world to come”which are otherwise inaccessible. By gaining deep understandings concerning the commandments. The commandments have more value. There is no end for a man to apply understanding to the commandments. The Ramban said “ The foundation of all wisdoms stands on who is God.1 Torah is called truth, and faith is the foundation and source of divine service. When reading from the Torah one joins with truth and faith. But this is not automatic. Simply reading the book is not enough one needs to open up their soul to the infinite the Divine Energy of the Torah. Of course if one intends to read the Bible as only a book that is all that it will be, that is all that will be revealed to them. This water goes out through holes in the “mesach” (screen-filter) of ”tzizum” (contraction) to sustain the world From the foundation stone on the temple mount, even if the Temple in Jerusalem is not standing in the physical world. It states ” Spirit of Elokim moves on the face of the waters” (the sages say this “Spirit” is the Messiah). ” The Spirit of Elokim moves on the face of the waters” The magid of Koznitz says the waters referred to here are Torah. The Energy of the Messiah comes forth his existence becomes manifest from the waters of the Torah. Lets bring out this water from the God’s infinite well. These forces can be brought forth from the Torah when you “read” it, it one makes the connection to its essence. Its forces renew change everything, according to the will of God at the time. The physical world we live in is under constraint of time and space. This is not so of the supernal ark and the Torah. They operate in a timeless realm above physical laws. This is so as ink in Hebrew “דיו” (ink) is the letters that spell out יוד (Yud) of the divine name Yhv’h. As said יוד is the creative inspiration of the Torah. And יוד being Chuchmah (creative wisdom inspiration) that is above space and time.2 The point is that Torah is not really a thing of this world and that is why we said before that the Torah is Like superheroes with dual identities,whose mundane, common lifestyle is meant to conceal the true nature of the superhero, the physical books and words in which Bible-Torah is found concealing the true nature of Bible-Torah. If one only knew what they are looking at and how to look “into the Torah”. The “Written Torah has in it only the “tagin” (crowns of letters) and letters. In the Torah scroll some letters have crowns drawn on top of them, but in the Torah scroll there are no vowels. The letters are the 288 sparks of the vessels that shattered. It is these fallen “sparks” which allow our imperfect world to exist, and for there to be free will and choice. By which a soul can choose to do that which is right there by expressing its love of God and Gaining merit there by. In creating the world God joined letters and sparks together. By the shattering of the vessels sparks fell below. By holy speech one makes permutations of these letters and sparks, thereby making peace between them and raising up the Sparks from their fallen places. Then the sparks can reveal their light from their source above. Making the world more complete, and revealing more of the Light of God here below.3 Through the reading of the Torah with the notes of song (These notes are not written in the Torah scroll, but are know from the Oral Torah) and vowels (The vowels of the Torah’s words are not written in the Torah scroll, but are know from the Oral Torah) These notes and vowels are drawn from the Divine name מ”ה חדש , this brings new Divine energy into the vessels of creation. This purifies the vessels and the sparks. By this fixing there is drawn lights from the ear of A’k (an even higher place) to the letters of the Torah. By this they are fixed,from their shattered state. ו“ה of the name יהו“ה are the letters of the Torah.4 Raise the letters that are fallen by the “tamim” (notes), “nikudot” (vowels), “tagin” (crowns) All letters have their source in the letter א, which is called sweetened.5 The nature of the letters of the Torah is revealed by the fact that when the letters flew off the first tablets of the ten commandments Moshe was no longer able to hold them any longer as they were so heavy, so he had to let them drop and shattered. This was because after the letters had departed from the tablets of stone they were with out “The Divine Spirit” that they had before, so grew heavy and fell.6 In the Torah Scroll itself there are no vowels allowing the Torah to have many meanings, as each generation has a unique “tikun”(fixing) of its own by exchanging the letters.7

The Ar”i teaches that God  prepared Eve for her wedding with Adam by adorning her with 24 ornaments. The primordial snake contaminated Eve with 24 types of venom. When we received the Torah at Mt. Sinai, we were purified from the defilement of the snake, the 24 ornaments were restored to us.The 24 ornaments are listed in Isaiah 3:18-24. These 24 ornaments are manifest as the 24 books of the Bible (the 5 books of Moses, the 7 books of the prophets, and the 9 books of the Writings). It is therefore customary to spend the night of Shavuot reading selections of these books by this is restoration of the 24 ornaments of the bride.

I really hope you can get the Bible to open up before you !



On Shavuot (The day of giving of the Bible-Torah), revelation of it is given renewed each year. On that day the structure of the creation is changed as :

The Yesod of Z”a (the potential revelation of the ruach, emotional soul ) is face to face with Malchut ( the Nefesh, soul of animal desires ) , and Z”a ( Source of the Ruach- Emotional soul ) rises to the balance of Yesoi”t ( The Conclusion of the Nashama, place of actualization of one’s intellect ). Z”a ( Source of the Ruach- Emotional soul ) receives Divine creative powers of wisdom , analysis, understanding and the ability to do kindness to God and Man and force of discipline of Dat (divine Knowledge). Yesoi”t ( The Conclusion of the Nashama, place of actualization of one’s intellectual balance ) rises up to Atik (the source of delight in divine will ) they becoming unified. Yesoi”t ( The Conclusion of the Nashama, place of actualization of one’s intellectual balance ) is with Abba (source of Divine creative powers of wisdom) and Imma (source of analysis, understanding) where theres revealed creative powers of wisdom and powers of analysis, understanding of Arich ( source of divine will), and the “tammim” (notes of song of Divine emination) of the Divine name having numerical value of 63 called ס”ג (numerical value of 63 of יהו”ה) of A”k (Adam Kadmon, the face of God containing all others ) are revealed. This is above the “Parsa”(curtain-filter). By Netzauch (work of spiritual vigor-giving your all) by this there is nullified the”parsa” yielding revelation of י”ה (ya”h).

All this rises Z’a ( Source of the Ruach- Emotional soul) to Arich (source of revelation of Divine will). After staying up all night learning and Mikva in the morning There is revelation of the dikna (conduits) of Arich ( giving new inspiration of Divine will-prompting actions ). 1\2 of Teferet (new level of harmony) of powers of analysis and understanding is given to the force of Divine will which directs one’s ruach (emotional soul). giving new understanding to the place of delight of the Ruach- emotional soul, developing there more delight in serving God). The mikveh, before “netz” is the 50th gate of Binah, the mystery of the Well of Living Waters. With these waters are the awesome fragrances of Gan Eden,This is the 50th Gate of Binna (Divine understanding).

On Shavuot Z’A rises to Arich. Aba and Ima include in them Yesoi”t and rise to ס”ג of A”k. There is no “parsa” it being nullified in “gamore tikun”. In the 50th day is revealed the 50th gate. Atik (then) dresses to  ס”ג , the 50th gate is Keter.  This nullifies the “parsa”. This is illumination of י”ה.

 Zohar Tikunim p.60

There are many themes given in the Torah for Shavuot but “The holiday of Giving of the Torah” is not one of them, While The Torah specifies a date for all other holidays, it never tells us the date of Shavuot! Why ?

The Torah refers to Shavuot as ” Hag Ha-Katzir” (Holiday of “Cutting,” , harvesting) : Exodus23:16. also as “Yom Ha-Bikkurim” (Day of the First Fruits): Numbers 28:26 and simply as “Shavuot” (feast of “ Weeks”): BeMidbar 28:26, Devarim 16:10.

  The 50 gates of Divine understanding are the 5 Chassadim (forces of God’s giving) of the ruach (emotional soul). The dikna Kadisha (conduits of Mercy that open up the flow of Divine abundance-they are open by the Names of Mercy) of Arich (divine will) are called Whiteness. To draw this Whiteness of the dikna of Arich to ourselves we dress in White. Revelation of Arich on Shavuot is not done by “delug” (a great leap) as an the seder night of Pessach, but it is in levels grade by grade. The simplest and most effective way of attaching to this new Light is by connecting to all parts of the Bible. So meditate on secrets in each book. So work hard to yield the highest revelation. ! King David was born and died on Shavuot. Shavuat is His day !

sources:Sulam on Zohar Pekudey,Tikkunim p.340 p.20,Ar”i-Lecutey Torah,Pre Atzchym,Shar Cavanot,Metok mDavosh on Tikunim,Kamarna Rebbi-Aor Enym,Ramcha”l-Adir Bimarom



May 16, 2021, 10:09 am | Edit this
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WE GO UP AND GOD COMES DOWN SOON-SHAVUOT -BE THEREFiled under: Shavuot | Tags: Mt. Sinaiparallel dimensionShavuotSouls




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WE GO UP AND GOD COMES DOWN SOON-SHAVUOT -BE THEREFiled under: Shavuot | Tags: Mt. Sinaiparallel dimensionShavuotSouls




THE WHEEL OF THE LETTERS231 GATESABSTRACT ANIMATIONAbstract ArtAbstract expressionismacrylic paintairbrushANIMATIONARTartisticartworkBALLblendingBRIGHT COLORS graphic artsceramicscollagecoloredcomposition contrastCOMPUTER ARTcomputer generatedcosmicCREATIVEcreativitydesigndimensionalenamelengravingetchingexhibitexhibitiongallerygraphicsHOLOGRAPHIC IMAGESIMAGESlettersmasterpieceMETALICModern artMODERN ART COMPUTER ARTMOVINGmulti dimensionaloil paintPaintingspastelpenpencilpencilsperspectivephoto WALL PAPERphotographposterposter abstractradicalrealismSalvador Dalí,


They are ready

To communicate

With us again


Shavuot is not just a celebration of a event that happened 3300 years ago in the Sinai desert. Every new Shavuot we recieve  a new revelation of the Torah new consciousness in our personal and collective soul. No Shavuot is the same as The God is always revealing new Torah for building the world. On this night Shechinah is crowned by those who participate in shavuot. So She, The Shechinah can join with the King and illuminate the minds of those who took part in bringing about their adornment and unification.

Before our universe began, there was only empty space. Then at one point, a parallel dimension, “bumped into” our universe and injected into it the energy that became the matter that forms all we know.

This though was not the end of the creation of our world.

The Torah that Moshe received at mount Sinai was not of his own design. Every other prophet had a personal revelation from God and then expected the masses to believe him and to accept his word and his religion. The giving of the Torah was radically different. The events at Mt. Sinai were witnessed by over three million human souls, men women, and children. They all experienced together the giving of the Bible (Torah). They all together saw and heard, stood in awe and wonder as something not of this world descended upon the mountain and spoke to them in a voice that sounded like thunder. As its written :

“And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the lower part of the mount. And Mount Sinai was altogether in smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire; and its smoke ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount trembled greatly. And when the voice of the shofar sounded long, and became louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him by a voice.” (Exodus 19)

“And all the people saw the voices,” (Exodus 20)

This is a perception not of our world.

this will help you with Shavuot and the rest of the year


THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE ……………………………………………………………………………!

an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot





Our Rabbis taught that the Ten Commandments were all spoken in One Syllable. They came  from the mouth of the Holy One as one—something so difficult to imagine that no human mouth can utter it, nor any human ear hear it. It is therefore written, “My soul went out at his word”  (Song of Songs 5:6) As our souls were unable to remain in our bodies when we heard God’s Voice at Sinai.The sages say not once, but numerous times our souls left our bodies and returned, left our bodies and returned:

Even the nations of the world knew something was up as from the first of the 4 Klipah in the vision of Ezekial, the most external one, Called “Storm wind” The nations experienced Divine sounds as the Torah was being given at mount Sinai. Torah speaks in the language of human beings.”

When it says “A thick cloud was on the mountain.” It is this second “klipa” (Shell that conceals light) that in Ezekial is called “a great cloud.” The third “klippa”in Ezekial, the “Consuming fire” at Sinai is reffered to by “you heard His words from within the fire.” This was the “ sound of the shofar.” From here was heard the sound of the Voice of Hashem. By level of revelation called “Consuming fire” the nations trembled, which is the meaning of “all the nation trembled”. With the next level of revelation there was no “Klipa” (screen), only the more inner “brilliant light,” which Ezekial said called “Chashmal” which carries the “Small still voice”. The inner voice of God in your soul. Hashem spoke to us “face to face” as its written “Face to face God spoke with you on the mountain”,
See clearly from this, that the TORAH was given to Moses by what we must rightly call an Supernatural power-God.

It may be difficult to believe a single prophet who claims to have had a Divine experience. It is possible that such a person is mistaken or self deceived. However when three million people witnessed a “close encounter of the third kind.” That sets the odds highly in their favor that what they collectively saw and heard was real and true. Such a event is hard to deny.

The same Supernatural power continued this revelation to the Biblical prophets who explained to the following generations the observance of these Divine teachings and to how to safeguard them from inadvertently violating a Torah commandment. Thus bringing Divine retribution on their heads. These words of advice have been observed and practiced for more than 2,400 years. The echoes of these events are still murmuring in the unconscious minds of almost every human being. Whether we like it or not, agree with it or not, the echo of the Ten Commandments and Biblical morality speaks into the hearts and souls of almost everybody in this world.

These Divine teachings will stay in force until the next time we are visited by the Power that came to Sinai. This next visitation is expected to bring to Earth more than just a body of instructions to mankind. The next time we make contact, the prophecy states, the Power revealed at Sinai will come with an invading army, one that will conquer the Earth and install a new world government led by a monarch, who will be a descendant of the Biblical King David. When this armada from the Heavens arrives, the Spiritual will welcome it as the coming of the Messiah. The others will most likely be terrified in that their worst nightmare will be coming true –

You need to recognize that the episode at Mt. Sinai was not merely a religious event of ancient history. The Torah is no mere book of religious principles. We made contact with something Supernatural on Sinai those many years ago. That “something” identified itself as the Creator. The Creator opened a channel of communication with mankind and gave us instructions for nearly one thousand years.

At the Big Bang, Torah was the force that was injected into a empty space enabling it to form and grow becoming our universe. At Sinai, Torah was again injected into our physical universe again. Yet, this time, it was not coming into empty space, but rather into already existing world. Therefore, this time, Torah had to come into the universe in a cloaked form; otherwise its mere unsheathed presence would have undone the fabric of space/time itself, enough to shake the very foundations of the Earth. This opening of the Heavens must have been some type of interdimensional vortex that enabled a link between our Earth and another dimension we call Heaven to come into contact. The Big Bang created a world bound by “natural law” from which developed all form and matter. A second “mini” Big Bang happened when the Torah was revealed on Mount Sinai this enabled humans to embrace and connect to the higher dimension and thus learn to live in harmony with it and use its forces to direct the continued development and creation of this world. As God and the Torah are One. Therefore not only is the Torah to be found everywhere in the universe, so too is God. For God’s name in Hebrew, the one used in the creation story is ELOHIM is numerically equivalent to the Hebrew word for nature, HaTeva.. .

Mankind has progressed much since those early days when the Jewish people received the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Most of the world has been influenced by this event. First Christianity and then Islam built themselves on the back of Torah. Each religion claims to be the legitimate heir and continuation of the path received at Sinai. Needless to say, such contradictory claims have led to centuries of conflict. Indeed, the way the 21st century has begun it looks like that a major conflict between Moslem nations and Christian nations is brewing. Moslem nations rally against Israel and the Jews, but Islam defines its greatest and true enemy as the “American great Satan.” The United States and the European Union spend billions of dollars on defense and intelligence to protect themselves from growing threats of Islamic insurgency. Unbeknown to most, Western powers are doing their share to subvert the rule of Islam in Moslem countries. Otherwise, Islamic fundamentalism will sweep through the Middle East on its way to taking over the world.

What the eventual outcome of this brewing conflict will be, time will tell.

The Prophets thousands of years ago spoke of this conflict that we are seeing today. Realize from this that there is indeed a Force and a Power above that which we humans cannot control or even understand, and that force that spoke at Sinai and to the prophets is the Creator God.

Something happened that night on Mt. Sinai those thousands of years ago. Only a few hold the faith of the message revealed that night. The rest of us feel that we have evolved beyond the need of such “myths.” However, what is myth and what is reality, better be defined with greater clarity, before we wish to reject an Authority which apparently can impose itself upon us by sheer force of will as we see displayed in the miracles and wonders of the bible. A Authority that calls itself God the Creator of all. The God at Sinai warned us against our self destructive behaviors. One of the last Prophets Malachi concludes his book with a subtle warning spoken through him By God :

“Remember the Torah of Moshe my servant, which I commanded to him in Horev for all Israel to observe decrees and ordinances. Behold, I send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome Day of God. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers with their children, and the hearts of the children with their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with utter destruction.”

(Malachi 3:22-24).

The warning is clear. Accept the Torah of God and live by it. For the Day of God will come and it will be great and awesome.

The Power that made Supernatural contact with us centuries ago at Sinai will return.

When that Power-GOD comes back, will we find favor in its eyes, or will it use its incredibly superior Power to tear down mankind and civilization and start all over again? When the Supreme Supernatural Power-God comes back to planet Earth to claim its territory and to punish those who have stood against its Torah and its representatives no military weapons will withstand the invading armies of angels led by the Messiah.

The Highest Power will return to this world and will renew upon the Earth a Garden of Eden, one based upon its centuries old message in the Torah. This is our inevitable human future. We can choose to fight it or embrace it. The consequences of our actions will be telling.

They are ready

To communicate

With us again

This time telepathically

There is a time for everything Good, this Sunday night and Monday (also the following day out side the land of Israel) is the time God has given us to make a renewed connection with NEW revelations of the Bible-(Torah), with the infinite light !



Shavuot has more names than any other festival being called “Time of giving of the Torah”, “This very day”, “Day of assembly”, “Day of first fruit” and “Atzeret” (day of Gathering”. Shavuot is compared to the middle bar that holds the Tabernacle together). Shavuot is the “atzeret” of Passach. Shavu’ot” is one of the three pilgrimage festivals, yet it is much less popular than the other Jewish Holidays , even a minor holiday like Hanukah. There is no tractate in the Talmud or Mishnah devoted to Shavu’ot why?  With every Holiday the Torah gives the day to celebrate it but by Shavu’ot the Torah only tells us it is seven weeks after “The Shabbot” when the Omer offering is made. The “Shabbot” mentioned here is Not “Shabbot” but the second day of Pesach (Vayikra 23:15).  The Torah does not say that the Torah was given on Shavuot. The giving of the Torah has to be one of the most important events in Jewish history. Why doesn’t the Torah say what day the event happened on, why ?This seems obvious that the God did this so the sage could point to the Oral Torah as with  out the Oral Torah, Mishnah and Talmud one can not ever clearly discern ever what day Shavuat falls !

  It was on Rosh Chodesh Sivan that Yisrael encamped at mount Sinai. The word “encamped” in the Bible is written in the singular form, as Yisrael were all of one heart. Recieving of the Torah is experienced when Yisrael love one another. Sharing a mutual love of brotherhood peace and fellowship. Like in a marriage. The Torah is the instrument of Betrothal between Hashem and Yisrael. Also on Rosh Chodesh Sivan King Asa gathered Yuhudah and Benyamim and those who lived among them to Jerusalem and the entered into a covanant with God with all their hearts and souls. This day has been ordained as a day of peace and unity between a man and his brother and a day for making a covanant of peace and love between Yisrael and their father in Heaven.The day that we stood at Sinai, we were as one man with one heart” (Rashi, Exodus). It is from this place that we must approach Shavuot to receive the Torah.

Which is our mission upon which the whole world depends.

חלב= 40 , we eat milk products on Shavuot so to remember the 40 days and nights Moses spent with God on Sinia. We also decorate our houses with green to remember Sinai. We learn Ruth on Shavuot as it teaches us the Torah is only acquired through hardship.The story occurs at the beginning of the barley harvest which is at the time of Shavuot.  רות is gematria 606 the 7 laws of Noah is 613. The Ben Ish Chai teaches that when Boaz speaks to Ruth, it is as God speaking to the Children of Israel King David who descends from Ruth was born and died on Shavuot. The story of Ruth reminds us that only by the Oral Torah will there be redemption. As the Torah forbids converts from Moab as its written “An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord forever.” (Deut 23 :3) We only know that the prohibition on Moab converts only applies to men through the Oral Torah. The Ben Eash Chy tells us not to speak of secular matters the whole night of Shavuot. But this night is for study of the Torah which achieve great results in Heaven and infuses the soul with sanctity and purity. As Rabbi Shimon says “All who learn Torah on this night Hashem blesses with many blessings and crowns in the upper worlds” . Shavuot by the counting of the 49 days preceding it alludes to the Great Shabbot at the end of the cycle of 49,0000 years, it reminds one of the time when “death shall be swallowed up forever”, a time of Eternal ecstasy.


The Bible is not what you think-Not of this World !

For, even though Bible-Torah just seems like another book, just another area of intellectual study, it is far from that. It is meant for transmitting of “energy”, Divine power. It is a battery for your soul. But Like superheroes with dual identities, whose mundane, common lifestyle is meant to conceal the true nature of the superhero, the physical books and words in which Bible-Torah is found concealing the true nature of Bible-Torah, and what it is capable of doing, and THAT is not something just anyone can access, no matter how many times they pore over even the deepest of Torah secrets. For that, you have to make yourself into a desert. As that is where the Torah was given, teaching us one must be humble not filled with themselves. As such a person they can’t learn and cant hear what others say. They are like a defective battery that will not take a charge. Being humble though does not mean to make one lowly like a rag one would used to wash the floor. It is written that Moses was the most humble of men, but he stood up to do what needed to be done. He would let no man push him around. But he was open to whatever God would tell him.

The Torah is a “Book”, if you can even really define it as that ?, the Torah was written, made by the God.

The Torah is more than a book, but it is the “blueprint” of all creation. Unlike a normal blue print this one has creative power. From it the world is sustained continually and built. One can merit levels very high in the “world to come”which are otherwise inaccessible. By gaining deep understandings concerning the commandments. The commandments have more value. There is no end for a man to apply understanding to the commandments. The Ramban said “ The foundation of all wisdoms stands on who is God.1 Torah is called truth, and faith is the foundation and source of divine service. When reading from the Torah one joins with truth and faith. But this is not automatic. Simply reading the book is not enough one needs to open up their soul to the infinite the Divine Energy of the Torah. Of course if one intends to read the Bible as only a book that is all that it will be, that is all that will be revealed to them. This water goes out through holes in the “mesach” (screen-filter) of ”tzizum” (contraction) to sustain the world From the foundation stone on the temple mount, even if the Temple in Jerusalem is not standing in the physical world. It states ” Spirit of Elokim moves on the face of the waters” (the sages say this “Spirit” is the Messiah). ” The Spirit of Elokim moves on the face of the waters” The magid of Koznitz says the waters referred to here are Torah. The Energy of the Messiah comes forth his existence becomes manifest from the waters of the Torah. Lets bring out this water from the God’s infinite well. These forces can be brought forth from the Torah when you “read” it, it one makes the connection to its essence. Its forces renew change everything, according to the will of God at the time. The physical world we live in is under constraint of time and space. This is not so of the supernal ark and the Torah. They operate in a timeless realm above physical laws. This is so as ink in Hebrew “דיו” (ink) is the letters that spell out יוד (Yud) of the divine name Yhv’h. As said יוד is the creative inspiration of the Torah. And יוד being Chuchmah (creative wisdom inspiration) that is above space and time.2 The point is that Torah is not really a thing of this world and that is why we said before that the Torah is Like superheroes with dual identities,whose mundane, common lifestyle is meant to conceal the true nature of the superhero, the physical books and words in which Bible-Torah is found concealing the true nature of Bible-Torah. If one only knew what they are looking at and how to look “into the Torah”. The “Written Torah has in it only the “tagin” (crowns of letters) and letters. In the Torah scroll some letters have crowns drawn on top of them, but in the Torah scroll there are no vowels. The letters are the 288 sparks of the vessels that shattered. It is these fallen “sparks” which allow our imperfect world to exist, and for there to be free will and choice. By which a soul can choose to do that which is right there by expressing its love of God and Gaining merit there by. In creating the world God joined letters and sparks together. By the shattering of the vessels sparks fell below. By holy speech one makes permutations of these letters and sparks, thereby making peace between them and raising up the Sparks from their fallen places. Then the sparks can reveal their light from their source above. Making the world more complete, and revealing more of the Light of God here below.3 Through the reading of the Torah with the notes of song (These notes are not written in the Torah scroll, but are know from the Oral Torah) and vowels (The vowels of the Torah’s words are not written in the Torah scroll, but are know from the Oral Torah) These notes and vowels are drawn from the Divine name מ”ה חדש , this brings new Divine energy into the vessels of creation. This purifies the vessels and the sparks. By this fixing there is drawn lights from the ear of A’k (an even higher place) to the letters of the Torah. By this they are fixed,from their shattered state. ו“ה of the name יהו“ה are the letters of the Torah.4 Raise the letters that are fallen by the “tamim” (notes), “nikudot” (vowels), “tagin” (crowns) All letters have their source in the letter א, which is called sweetened.5 The nature of the letters of the Torah is revealed by the fact that when the letters flew off the first tablets of the ten commandments Moshe was no longer able to hold them any longer as they were so heavy, so he had to let them drop and shattered. This was because after the letters had departed from the tablets of stone they were with out “The Divine Spirit” that they had before, so grew heavy and fell.6 In the Torah Scroll itself there are no vowels allowing the Torah to have many meanings, as each generation has a unique “tikun”(fixing) of its own by exchanging the letters.7

The Ar”i teaches that God  prepared Eve for her wedding with Adam by adorning her with 24 ornaments. The primordial snake contaminated Eve with 24 types of venom. When we received the Torah at Mt. Sinai, we were purified from the defilement of the snake, the 24 ornaments were restored to us.The 24 ornaments are listed in Isaiah 3:18-24. These 24 ornaments are manifest as the 24 books of the Bible (the 5 books of Moses, the 7 books of the prophets, and the 9 books of the Writings). It is therefore customary to spend the night of Shavuot reading selections of these books by this is restoration of the 24 ornaments of the bride.

I really hope you can get the Bible to open up before you !



On Shavuot (The day of giving of the Bible-Torah), revelation of it is given renewed each year. On that day the structure of the creation is changed as :

The Yesod of Z”a (the potential revelation of the ruach, emotional soul ) is face to face with Malchut ( the Nefesh, soul of animal desires ) , and Z”a ( Source of the Ruach- Emotional soul ) rises to the balance of Yesoi”t ( The Conclusion of the Nashama, place of actualization of one’s intellect ). Z”a ( Source of the Ruach- Emotional soul ) receives Divine creative powers of wisdom , analysis, understanding and the ability to do kindness to God and Man and force of discipline of Dat (divine Knowledge). Yesoi”t ( The Conclusion of the Nashama, place of actualization of one’s intellectual balance ) rises up to Atik (the source of delight in divine will ) they becoming unified. Yesoi”t ( The Conclusion of the Nashama, place of actualization of one’s intellectual balance ) is with Abba (source of Divine creative powers of wisdom) and Imma (source of analysis, understanding) where theres revealed creative powers of wisdom and powers of analysis, understanding of Arich ( source of divine will), and the “tammim” (notes of song of Divine emination) of the Divine name having numerical value of 63 called ס”ג (numerical value of 63 of יהו”ה) of A”k (Adam Kadmon, the face of God containing all others ) are revealed. This is above the “Parsa”(curtain-filter). By Netzauch (work of spiritual vigor-giving your all) by this there is nullified the”parsa” yielding revelation of י”ה (ya”h).

All this rises Z’a ( Source of the Ruach- Emotional soul) to Arich (source of revelation of Divine will). After staying up all night learning and Mikva in the morning There is revelation of the dikna (conduits) of Arich ( giving new inspiration of Divine will-prompting actions ). 1\2 of Teferet (new level of harmony) of powers of analysis and understanding is given to the force of Divine will which directs one’s ruach (emotional soul). giving new understanding to the place of delight of the Ruach- emotional soul, developing there more delight in serving God). The mikveh, before “netz” is the 50th gate of Binah, the mystery of the Well of Living Waters. With these waters are the awesome fragrances of Gan Eden,This is the 50th Gate of Binna (Divine understanding).

On Shavuot Z’A rises to Arich. Aba and Ima include in them Yesoi”t and rise to ס”ג of A”k. There is no “parsa” it being nullified in “gamore tikun”. In the 50th day is revealed the 50th gate. Atik (then) dresses to  ס”ג , the 50th gate is Keter.  This nullifies the “parsa”. This is illumination of י”ה.

 Zohar Tikunim p.60

There are many themes given in the Torah for Shavuot but “The holiday of Giving of the Torah” is not one of them, While The Torah specifies a date for all other holidays, it never tells us the date of Shavuot! Why ?

The Torah refers to Shavuot as ” Hag Ha-Katzir” (Holiday of “Cutting,” , harvesting) : Exodus23:16. also as “Yom Ha-Bikkurim” (Day of the First Fruits): Numbers 28:26 and simply as “Shavuot” (feast of “ Weeks”): BeMidbar 28:26, Devarim 16:10.

  The 50 gates of Divine understanding are the 5 Chassadim (forces of God’s giving) of the ruach (emotional soul). The dikna Kadisha (conduits of Mercy that open up the flow of Divine abundance-they are open by the Names of Mercy) of Arich (divine will) are called Whiteness. To draw this Whiteness of the dikna of Arich to ourselves we dress in White. Revelation of Arich on Shavuot is not done by “delug” (a great leap) as an the seder night of Pessach, but it is in levels grade by grade. The simplest and most effective way of attaching to this new Light is by connecting to all parts of the Bible. So meditate on secrets in each book. So work hard to yield the highest revelation. ! King David was born and died on Shavuot. Shavuat is His day !

sources:Sulam on Zohar Pekudey,Tikkunim p.340 p.20,Ar”i-Lecutey Torah,Pre Atzchym,Shar Cavanot,Metok mDavosh on Tikunim,Kamarna Rebbi-Aor Enym,Ramcha”l-Adir Bimarom


Filed under: ShavuotUncategorized | Tags: Angels and ShavuotCaballah ShavuotChuchmah and ShavuotDivine Names and ShavuotFeast of WeeksKaballah ShavuotMarkava ShavoutMystery ShavuotNEWSOmer ShavuotSecret leavened bread ShavuotSecret ShavuotSefirot ShavuotShavuotTikun ShavuotYHV”H AND SHAVUOT

WE GO UP AND GOD COMES DOWN SOON-SHAVUOT -BE THEREFiled under: Shavuot | Tags: Mt. Sinaiparallel dimensionShavuotSouls




THE WHEEL OF THE LETTERS231 GATESABSTRACT ANIMATIONAbstract ArtAbstract expressionismacrylic paintairbrushANIMATIONARTartisticartworkBALLblendingBRIGHT COLORS graphic artsceramicscollagecoloredcomposition contrastCOMPUTER ARTcomputer generatedcosmicCREATIVEcreativitydesigndimensionalenamelengravingetchingexhibitexhibitiongallerygraphicsHOLOGRAPHIC IMAGESIMAGESlettersmasterpieceMETALICModern artMODERN ART COMPUTER ARTMOVINGmulti dimensionaloil paintPaintingspastelpenpencilpencilsperspectivephoto WALL PAPERphotographposterposter abstractradicalrealismSalvador Dalí,


They are ready

To communicate

With us again


Shavuot is not just a celebration of a event that happened 3300 years ago in the Sinai desert. Every new Shavuot we recieve  a new revelation of the Torah new consciousness in our personal and collective soul. No Shavuot is the same as The God is always revealing new Torah for building the world. On this night Shechinah is crowned by those who participate in shavuot. So She, The Shechinah can join with the King and illuminate the minds of those who took part in bringing about their adornment and unification.

Before our universe began, there was only empty space. Then at one point, a parallel dimension, “bumped into” our universe and injected into it the energy that became the matter that forms all we know.

This though was not the end of the creation of our world.

The Torah that Moshe received at mount Sinai was not of his own design. Every other prophet had a personal revelation from God and then expected the masses to believe him and to accept his word and his religion. The giving of the Torah was radically different. The events at Mt. Sinai were witnessed by over three million human souls, men women, and children. They all experienced together the giving of the Bible (Torah). They all together saw and heard, stood in awe and wonder as something not of this world descended upon the mountain and spoke to them in a voice that sounded like thunder. As its written :

“And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the lower part of the mount. And Mount Sinai was altogether in smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire; and its smoke ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount trembled greatly. And when the voice of the shofar sounded long, and became louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him by a voice.” (Exodus 19)

“And all the people saw the voices,” (Exodus 20)

This is a perception not of our world.

this will help you with Shavuot and the rest of the year


THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE ……………………………………………………………………………!

an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot





Our Rabbis taught that the Ten Commandments were all spoken in One Syllable. They came  from the mouth of the Holy One as one—something so difficult to imagine that no human mouth can utter it, nor any human ear hear it. It is therefore written, “My soul went out at his word”  (Song of Songs 5:6) As our souls were unable to remain in our bodies when we heard God’s Voice at Sinai.The sages say not once, but numerous times our souls left our bodies and returned, left our bodies and returned:

Even the nations of the world knew something was up as from the first of the 4 Klipah in the vision of Ezekial, the most external one, Called “Storm wind” The nations experienced Divine sounds as the Torah was being given at mount Sinai. Torah speaks in the language of human beings.”

When it says “A thick cloud was on the mountain.” It is this second “klipa” (Shell that conceals light) that in Ezekial is called “a great cloud.” The third “klippa”in Ezekial, the “Consuming fire” at Sinai is reffered to by “you heard His words from within the fire.” This was the “ sound of the shofar.” From here was heard the sound of the Voice of Hashem. By level of revelation called “Consuming fire” the nations trembled, which is the meaning of “all the nation trembled”. With the next level of revelation there was no “Klipa” (screen), only the more inner “brilliant light,” which Ezekial said called “Chashmal” which carries the “Small still voice”. The inner voice of God in your soul. Hashem spoke to us “face to face” as its written “Face to face God spoke with you on the mountain”,
See clearly from this, that the TORAH was given to Moses by what we must rightly call an Supernatural power-God.

It may be difficult to believe a single prophet who claims to have had a Divine experience. It is possible that such a person is mistaken or self deceived. However when three million people witnessed a “close encounter of the third kind.” That sets the odds highly in their favor that what they collectively saw and heard was real and true. Such a event is hard to deny.

The same Supernatural power continued this revelation to the Biblical prophets who explained to the following generations the observance of these Divine teachings and to how to safeguard them from inadvertently violating a Torah commandment. Thus bringing Divine retribution on their heads. These words of advice have been observed and practiced for more than 2,400 years. The echoes of these events are still murmuring in the unconscious minds of almost every human being. Whether we like it or not, agree with it or not, the echo of the Ten Commandments and Biblical morality speaks into the hearts and souls of almost everybody in this world.

These Divine teachings will stay in force until the next time we are visited by the Power that came to Sinai. This next visitation is expected to bring to Earth more than just a body of instructions to mankind. The next time we make contact, the prophecy states, the Power revealed at Sinai will come with an invading army, one that will conquer the Earth and install a new world government led by a monarch, who will be a descendant of the Biblical King David. When this armada from the Heavens arrives, the Spiritual will welcome it as the coming of the Messiah. The others will most likely be terrified in that their worst nightmare will be coming true –

You need to recognize that the episode at Mt. Sinai was not merely a religious event of ancient history. The Torah is no mere book of religious principles. We made contact with something Supernatural on Sinai those many years ago. That “something” identified itself as the Creator. The Creator opened a channel of communication with mankind and gave us instructions for nearly one thousand years.

At the Big Bang, Torah was the force that was injected into a empty space enabling it to form and grow becoming our universe. At Sinai, Torah was again injected into our physical universe again. Yet, this time, it was not coming into empty space, but rather into already existing world. Therefore, this time, Torah had to come into the universe in a cloaked form; otherwise its mere unsheathed presence would have undone the fabric of space/time itself, enough to shake the very foundations of the Earth. This opening of the Heavens must have been some type of interdimensional vortex that enabled a link between our Earth and another dimension we call Heaven to come into contact. The Big Bang created a world bound by “natural law” from which developed all form and matter. A second “mini” Big Bang happened when the Torah was revealed on Mount Sinai this enabled humans to embrace and connect to the higher dimension and thus learn to live in harmony with it and use its forces to direct the continued development and creation of this world. As God and the Torah are One. Therefore not only is the Torah to be found everywhere in the universe, so too is God. For God’s name in Hebrew, the one used in the creation story is ELOHIM is numerically equivalent to the Hebrew word for nature, HaTeva.. .

Mankind has progressed much since those early days when the Jewish people received the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Most of the world has been influenced by this event. First Christianity and then Islam built themselves on the back of Torah. Each religion claims to be the legitimate heir and continuation of the path received at Sinai. Needless to say, such contradictory claims have led to centuries of conflict. Indeed, the way the 21st century has begun it looks like that a major conflict between Moslem nations and Christian nations is brewing. Moslem nations rally against Israel and the Jews, but Islam defines its greatest and true enemy as the “American great Satan.” The United States and the European Union spend billions of dollars on defense and intelligence to protect themselves from growing threats of Islamic insurgency. Unbeknown to most, Western powers are doing their share to subvert the rule of Islam in Moslem countries. Otherwise, Islamic fundamentalism will sweep through the Middle East on its way to taking over the world.

What the eventual outcome of this brewing conflict will be, time will tell.

The Prophets thousands of years ago spoke of this conflict that we are seeing today. Realize from this that there is indeed a Force and a Power above that which we humans cannot control or even understand, and that force that spoke at Sinai and to the prophets is the Creator God.

Something happened that night on Mt. Sinai those thousands of years ago. Only a few hold the faith of the message revealed that night. The rest of us feel that we have evolved beyond the need of such “myths.” However, what is myth and what is reality, better be defined with greater clarity, before we wish to reject an Authority which apparently can impose itself upon us by sheer force of will as we see displayed in the miracles and wonders of the bible. A Authority that calls itself God the Creator of all. The God at Sinai warned us against our self destructive behaviors. One of the last Prophets Malachi concludes his book with a subtle warning spoken through him By God :

“Remember the Torah of Moshe my servant, which I commanded to him in Horev for all Israel to observe decrees and ordinances. Behold, I send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome Day of God. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers with their children, and the hearts of the children with their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with utter destruction.”

(Malachi 3:22-24).

The warning is clear. Accept the Torah of God and live by it. For the Day of God will come and it will be great and awesome.

The Power that made Supernatural contact with us centuries ago at Sinai will return.

When that Power-GOD comes back, will we find favor in its eyes, or will it use its incredibly superior Power to tear down mankind and civilization and start all over again? When the Supreme Supernatural Power-God comes back to planet Earth to claim its territory and to punish those who have stood against its Torah and its representatives no military weapons will withstand the invading armies of angels led by the Messiah.

The Highest Power will return to this world and will renew upon the Earth a Garden of Eden, one based upon its centuries old message in the Torah. This is our inevitable human future. We can choose to fight it or embrace it. The consequences of our actions will be telling.

They are ready

To communicate

With us again

This time telepathically

There is a time for everything Good, this Sunday night and Monday (also the following day out side the land of Israel) is the time God has given us to make a renewed connection with NEW revelations of the Bible-(Torah), with the infinite light !



Shavuot has more names than any other festival being called “Time of giving of the Torah”, “This very day”, “Day of assembly”, “Day of first fruit” and “Atzeret” (day of Gathering”. Shavuot is compared to the middle bar that holds the Tabernacle together). Shavuot is the “atzeret” of Passach. Shavu’ot” is one of the three pilgrimage festivals, yet it is much less popular than the other Jewish Holidays , even a minor holiday like Hanukah. There is no tractate in the Talmud or Mishnah devoted to Shavu’ot why?  With every Holiday the Torah gives the day to celebrate it but by Shavu’ot the Torah only tells us it is seven weeks after “The Shabbot” when the Omer offering is made. The “Shabbot” mentioned here is Not “Shabbot” but the second day of Pesach (Vayikra 23:15).  The Torah does not say that the Torah was given on Shavuot. The giving of the Torah has to be one of the most important events in Jewish history. Why doesn’t the Torah say what day the event happened on, why ?This seems obvious that the God did this so the sage could point to the Oral Torah as with  out the Oral Torah, Mishnah and Talmud one can not ever clearly discern ever what day Shavuat falls !

  It was on Rosh Chodesh Sivan that Yisrael encamped at mount Sinai. The word “encamped” in the Bible is written in the singular form, as Yisrael were all of one heart. Recieving of the Torah is experienced when Yisrael love one another. Sharing a mutual love of brotherhood peace and fellowship. Like in a marriage. The Torah is the instrument of Betrothal between Hashem and Yisrael. Also on Rosh Chodesh Sivan King Asa gathered Yuhudah and Benyamim and those who lived among them to Jerusalem and the entered into a covanant with God with all their hearts and souls. This day has been ordained as a day of peace and unity between a man and his brother and a day for making a covanant of peace and love between Yisrael and their father in Heaven.The day that we stood at Sinai, we were as one man with one heart” (Rashi, Exodus). It is from this place that we must approach Shavuot to receive the Torah.

Which is our mission upon which the whole world depends.

חלב= 40 , we eat milk products on Shavuot so to remember the 40 days and nights Moses spent with God on Sinia. We also decorate our houses with green to remember Sinai. We learn Ruth on Shavuot as it teaches us the Torah is only acquired through hardship.The story occurs at the beginning of the barley harvest which is at the time of Shavuot.  רות is gematria 606 the 7 laws of Noah is 613. The Ben Ish Chai teaches that when Boaz speaks to Ruth, it is as God speaking to the Children of Israel King David who descends from Ruth was born and died on Shavuot. The story of Ruth reminds us that only by the Oral Torah will there be redemption. As the Torah forbids converts from Moab as its written “An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord forever.” (Deut 23 :3) We only know that the prohibition on Moab converts only applies to men through the Oral Torah. The Ben Eash Chy tells us not to speak of secular matters the whole night of Shavuot. But this night is for study of the Torah which achieve great results in Heaven and infuses the soul with sanctity and purity. As Rabbi Shimon says “All who learn Torah on this night Hashem blesses with many blessings and crowns in the upper worlds” . Shavuot by the counting of the 49 days preceding it alludes to the Great Shabbot at the end of the cycle of 49,0000 years, it reminds one of the time when “death shall be swallowed up forever”, a time of Eternal ecstasy.


The Bible is not what you think-Not of this World !

For, even though Bible-Torah just seems like another book, just another area of intellectual study, it is far from that. It is meant for transmitting of “energy”, Divine power. It is a battery for your soul. But Like superheroes with dual identities, whose mundane, common lifestyle is meant to conceal the true nature of the superhero, the physical books and words in which Bible-Torah is found concealing the true nature of Bible-Torah, and what it is capable of doing, and THAT is not something just anyone can access, no matter how many times they pore over even the deepest of Torah secrets. For that, you have to make yourself into a desert. As that is where the Torah was given, teaching us one must be humble not filled with themselves. As such a person they can’t learn and cant hear what others say. They are like a defective battery that will not take a charge. Being humble though does not mean to make one lowly like a rag one would used to wash the floor. It is written that Moses was the most humble of men, but he stood up to do what needed to be done. He would let no man push him around. But he was open to whatever God would tell him.

The Torah is a “Book”, if you can even really define it as that ?, the Torah was written, made by the God.

The Torah is more than a book, but it is the “blueprint” of all creation. Unlike a normal blue print this one has creative power. From it the world is sustained continually and built. One can merit levels very high in the “world to come”which are otherwise inaccessible. By gaining deep understandings concerning the commandments. The commandments have more value. There is no end for a man to apply understanding to the commandments. The Ramban said “ The foundation of all wisdoms stands on who is God.1 Torah is called truth, and faith is the foundation and source of divine service. When reading from the Torah one joins with truth and faith. But this is not automatic. Simply reading the book is not enough one needs to open up their soul to the infinite the Divine Energy of the Torah. Of course if one intends to read the Bible as only a book that is all that it will be, that is all that will be revealed to them. This water goes out through holes in the “mesach” (screen-filter) of ”tzizum” (contraction) to sustain the world From the foundation stone on the temple mount, even if the Temple in Jerusalem is not standing in the physical world. It states ” Spirit of Elokim moves on the face of the waters” (the sages say this “Spirit” is the Messiah). ” The Spirit of Elokim moves on the face of the waters” The magid of Koznitz says the waters referred to here are Torah. The Energy of the Messiah comes forth his existence becomes manifest from the waters of the Torah. Lets bring out this water from the God’s infinite well. These forces can be brought forth from the Torah when you “read” it, it one makes the connection to its essence. Its forces renew change everything, according to the will of God at the time. The physical world we live in is under constraint of time and space. This is not so of the supernal ark and the Torah. They operate in a timeless realm above physical laws. This is so as ink in Hebrew “דיו” (ink) is the letters that spell out יוד (Yud) of the divine name Yhv’h. As said יוד is the creative inspiration of the Torah. And יוד being Chuchmah (creative wisdom inspiration) that is above space and time.2 The point is that Torah is not really a thing of this world and that is why we said before that the Torah is Like superheroes with dual identities,whose mundane, common lifestyle is meant to conceal the true nature of the superhero, the physical books and words in which Bible-Torah is found concealing the true nature of Bible-Torah. If one only knew what they are looking at and how to look “into the Torah”. The “Written Torah has in it only the “tagin” (crowns of letters) and letters. In the Torah scroll some letters have crowns drawn on top of them, but in the Torah scroll there are no vowels. The letters are the 288 sparks of the vessels that shattered. It is these fallen “sparks” which allow our imperfect world to exist, and for there to be free will and choice. By which a soul can choose to do that which is right there by expressing its love of God and Gaining merit there by. In creating the world God joined letters and sparks together. By the shattering of the vessels sparks fell below. By holy speech one makes permutations of these letters and sparks, thereby making peace between them and raising up the Sparks from their fallen places. Then the sparks can reveal their light from their source above. Making the world more complete, and revealing more of the Light of God here below.3 Through the reading of the Torah with the notes of song (These notes are not written in the Torah scroll, but are know from the Oral Torah) and vowels (The vowels of the Torah’s words are not written in the Torah scroll, but are know from the Oral Torah) These notes and vowels are drawn from the Divine name מ”ה חדש , this brings new Divine energy into the vessels of creation. This purifies the vessels and the sparks. By this fixing there is drawn lights from the ear of A’k (an even higher place) to the letters of the Torah. By this they are fixed,from their shattered state. ו“ה of the name יהו“ה are the letters of the Torah.4 Raise the letters that are fallen by the “tamim” (notes), “nikudot” (vowels), “tagin” (crowns) All letters have their source in the letter א, which is called sweetened.5 The nature of the letters of the Torah is revealed by the fact that when the letters flew off the first tablets of the ten commandments Moshe was no longer able to hold them any longer as they were so heavy, so he had to let them drop and shattered. This was because after the letters had departed from the tablets of stone they were with out “The Divine Spirit” that they had before, so grew heavy and fell.6 In the Torah Scroll itself there are no vowels allowing the Torah to have many meanings, as each generation has a unique “tikun”(fixing) of its own by exchanging the letters.7

The Ar”i teaches that God  prepared Eve for her wedding with Adam by adorning her with 24 ornaments. The primordial snake contaminated Eve with 24 types of venom. When we received the Torah at Mt. Sinai, we were purified from the defilement of the snake, the 24 ornaments were restored to us.The 24 ornaments are listed in Isaiah 3:18-24. These 24 ornaments are manifest as the 24 books of the Bible (the 5 books of Moses, the 7 books of the prophets, and the 9 books of the Writings). It is therefore customary to spend the night of Shavuot reading selections of these books by this is restoration of the 24 ornaments of the bride.

I really hope you can get the Bible to open up before you !



On Shavuot (The day of giving of the Bible-Torah), revelation of it is given renewed each year. On that day the structure of the creation is changed as :

The Yesod of Z”a (the potential revelation of the ruach, emotional soul ) is face to face with Malchut ( the Nefesh, soul of animal desires ) , and Z”a ( Source of the Ruach- Emotional soul ) rises to the balance of Yesoi”t ( The Conclusion of the Nashama, place of actualization of one’s intellect ). Z”a ( Source of the Ruach- Emotional soul ) receives Divine creative powers of wisdom , analysis, understanding and the ability to do kindness to God and Man and force of discipline of Dat (divine Knowledge). Yesoi”t ( The Conclusion of the Nashama, place of actualization of one’s intellectual balance ) rises up to Atik (the source of delight in divine will ) they becoming unified. Yesoi”t ( The Conclusion of the Nashama, place of actualization of one’s intellectual balance ) is with Abba (source of Divine creative powers of wisdom) and Imma (source of analysis, understanding) where theres revealed creative powers of wisdom and powers of analysis, understanding of Arich ( source of divine will), and the “tammim” (notes of song of Divine emination) of the Divine name having numerical value of 63 called ס”ג (numerical value of 63 of יהו”ה) of A”k (Adam Kadmon, the face of God containing all others ) are revealed. This is above the “Parsa”(curtain-filter). By Netzauch (work of spiritual vigor-giving your all) by this there is nullified the”parsa” yielding revelation of י”ה (ya”h).

All this rises Z’a ( Source of the Ruach- Emotional soul) to Arich (source of revelation of Divine will). After staying up all night learning and Mikva in the morning There is revelation of the dikna (conduits) of Arich ( giving new inspiration of Divine will-prompting actions ). 1\2 of Teferet (new level of harmony) of powers of analysis and understanding is given to the force of Divine will which directs one’s ruach (emotional soul). giving new understanding to the place of delight of the Ruach- emotional soul, developing there more delight in serving God). The mikveh, before “netz” is the 50th gate of Binah, the mystery of the Well of Living Waters. With these waters are the awesome fragrances of Gan Eden,This is the 50th Gate of Binna (Divine understanding).

There are many themes given in the Torah for Shavuot but “The holiday of Giving of the Torah” is not one of them, While The Torah specifies a date for all other holidays, it never tells us the date of Shavuot! Why ?

The Torah refers to Shavuot as ” Hag Ha-Katzir” (Holiday of “Cutting,” , harvesting) : Exodus23:16. also as “Yom Ha-Bikkurim” (Day of the First Fruits): Numbers 28:26 and simply as “Shavuot” (feast of “ Weeks”): BeMidbar 28:26, Devarim 16:10.

  The 50 gates of Divine understanding are the 5 Chassadim (forces of God’s giving) of the ruach (emotional soul). The dikna Kadisha (conduits of Mercy that open up the flow of Divine abundance-they are open by the Names of Mercy) of Arich (divine will) are called Whiteness. To draw this Whiteness of the dikna of Arich to ourselves we dress in White. Revelation of Arich on Shavuot is not done by “delug” (a great leap) as an the seder night of Pessach, but it is in levels grade by grade. The simplest and most effective way of attaching to this new Light is by connecting to all parts of the Bible. So meditate on secrets in each book. So work hard to yield the highest revelation. ! King David was born and died on Shavuot. Shavuat is His day !

sources:Sulam on Zohar Pekudey,Tikkunim p.340 p.20,Ar”i-Lecutey Torah,Pre Atzchym,Shar Cavanot,Metok mDavosh on Tikunim,Kamarna Rebbi-Aor Enym,Ramcha”l-Adir Bima

We go up and GOD comes down SOON-SHAVUOT -BE THERE


We go up and GOD comes down SOON-SHAVUOT -BE THERE






THE WHEEL OF THE LETTERS: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

, , 231 gates good (2), , , ,,

They are ready

To communicate

With us again


Shavuot is not just a celebration of a event that happened 3300 years ago in the Sinai desert. Every new Shavuot we recieve  a new revelation of the Torah new consciousness in our personal and collective soul. No Shavuot is the same as The God is always revealing new Torah for building the world. On this night Shechinah is crowned by those who participate in shavuot. So She, The Shechinah can join with the King and illuminate the minds of those who took part in bringing about their adornment and unification.

Before our universe began, there was only empty space. Then at one point, a parallel dimension, “bumped into” our universe and injected into it the energy that became the matter that forms all we know.

This though was not the end of the creation of our world.

The Torah that Moshe received at mount Sinai was not of his own design. Every other prophet had a personal revelation from God and then expected the masses to believe him and to accept his word and his religion. The giving of the Torah was radically different. The events at Mt. Sinai were witnessed by over three million human souls, men women, and children. They all experienced together the giving of the Bible (Torah). They all together saw and heard, stood in awe and wonder as something not of this world descended upon the mountain and spoke to them in a voice that sounded like thunder. As its written :

“And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the lower part of the mount. And Mount Sinai was altogether in smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire; and its smoke ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount trembled greatly. And when the voice of the shofar sounded long, and became louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him by a voice.” (Exodus 19)

“And all the people saw the voices,” (Exodus 20)

This is a perception not of our world.

this will help you with Shavuot and the rest of the year


THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE ……………………………………………………………………………!

an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot





Our Rabbis taught that the Ten Commandments were all spoken in One Syllable. They came  from the mouth of the Holy One as one—something so difficult to imagine that no human mouth can utter it, nor any human ear hear it. It is therefore written, “My soul went out at his word”  (Song of Songs 5:6) As our souls were unable to remain in our bodies when we heard God’s Voice at Sinai.The sages say not once, but numerous times our souls left our bodies and returned, left our bodies and returned:

Even the nations of the world knew something was up as from the first of the 4 Klipah in the vision of Ezekial, the most external one, Called “Storm wind” The nations experienced Divine sounds as the Torah was being given at mount Sinai. Torah speaks in the language of human beings.”

When it says “A thick cloud was on the mountain.” It is this second “klipa” (Shell that conceals light) that in Ezekial is called “a great cloud.” The third “klippa”in Ezekial, the “Consuming fire” at Sinai is reffered to by “you heard His words from within the fire.” This was the “ sound of the shofar.” From here was heard the sound of the Voice of Hashem. By level of revelation called “Consuming fire” the nations trembled, which is the meaning of “all the nation trembled”. With the next level of revelation there was no “Klipa” (screen), only the more inner “brilliant light,” which Ezekial said called “Chashmal” which carries the “Small still voice”. The inner voice of God in your soul. Hashem spoke to us “face to face” as its written “Face to face God spoke with you on the mountain”,
See clearly from this, that the TORAH was given to Moses by what we must rightly call an Supernatural power-God.

It may be difficult to believe a single prophet who claims to have had a Divine experience. It is possible that such a person is mistaken or self deceived. However when three million people witnessed a “close encounter of the third kind.” That sets the odds highly in their favor that what they collectively saw and heard was real and true. Such a event is hard to deny.

The same Supernatural power continued this revelation to the Biblical prophets who explained to the following generations the observance of these Divine teachings and to how to safeguard them from inadvertently violating a Torah commandment. Thus bringing Divine retribution on their heads. These words of advice have been observed and practiced for more than 2,400 years. The echoes of these events are still murmuring in the unconscious minds of almost every human being. Whether we like it or not, agree with it or not, the echo of the Ten Commandments and Biblical morality speaks into the hearts and souls of almost everybody in this world.

These Divine teachings will stay in force until the next time we are visited by the Power that came to Sinai. This next visitation is expected to bring to Earth more than just a body of instructions to mankind. The next time we make contact, the prophecy states, the Power revealed at Sinai will come with an invading army, one that will conquer the Earth and install a new world government led by a monarch, who will be a descendant of the Biblical King David. When this armada from the Heavens arrives, the Spiritual will welcome it as the coming of the Messiah. The others will most likely be terrified in that their worst nightmare will be coming true –

You need to recognize that the episode at Mt. Sinai was not merely a religious event of ancient history. The Torah is no mere book of religious principles. We made contact with something Supernatural on Sinai those many years ago. That “something” identified itself as the Creator. The Creator opened a channel of communication with mankind and gave us instructions for nearly one thousand years.

At the Big Bang, Torah was the force that was injected into a empty space enabling it to form and grow becoming our universe. At Sinai, Torah was again injected into our physical universe again. Yet, this time, it was not coming into empty space, but rather into already existing world. Therefore, this time, Torah had to come into the universe in a cloaked form; otherwise its mere unsheathed presence would have undone the fabric of space/time itself, enough to shake the very foundations of the Earth. This opening of the Heavens must have been some type of interdimensional vortex that enabled a link between our Earth and another dimension we call Heaven to come into contact. The Big Bang created a world bound by “natural law” from which developed all form and matter. A second “mini” Big Bang happened when the Torah was revealed on Mount Sinai this enabled humans to embrace and connect to the higher dimension and thus learn to live in harmony with it and use its forces to direct the continued development and creation of this world. As God and the Torah are One. Therefore not only is the Torah to be found everywhere in the universe, so too is God. For God’s name in Hebrew, the one used in the creation story is ELOHIM is numerically equivalent to the Hebrew word for nature, HaTeva.. .

Mankind has progressed much since those early days when the Jewish people received the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Most of the world has been influenced by this event. First Christianity and then Islam built themselves on the back of Torah. Each religion claims to be the legitimate heir and continuation of the path received at Sinai. Needless to say, such contradictory claims have led to centuries of conflict. Indeed, the way the 21st century has begun it looks like that a major conflict between Moslem nations and Christian nations is brewing. Moslem nations rally against Israel and the Jews, but Islam defines its greatest and true enemy as the “American great Satan.” The United States and the European Union spend billions of dollars on defense and intelligence to protect themselves from growing threats of Islamic insurgency. Unbeknown to most, Western powers are doing their share to subvert the rule of Islam in Moslem countries. Otherwise, Islamic fundamentalism will sweep through the Middle East on its way to taking over the world.

What the eventual outcome of this brewing conflict will be, time will tell.

The Prophets thousands of years ago spoke of this conflict that we are seeing today. Realize from this that there is indeed a Force and a Power above that which we humans cannot control or even understand, and that force that spoke at Sinai and to the prophets is the Creator God.

Something happened that night on Mt. Sinai those thousands of years ago. Only a few hold the faith of the message revealed that night. The rest of us feel that we have evolved beyond the need of such “myths.” However, what is myth and what is reality, better be defined with greater clarity, before we wish to reject an Authority which apparently can impose itself upon us by sheer force of will as we see displayed in the miracles and wonders of the bible. A Authority that calls itself God the Creator of all. The God at Sinai warned us against our self destructive behaviors. One of the last Prophets Malachi concludes his book with a subtle warning spoken through him By God :

“Remember the Torah of Moshe my servant, which I commanded to him in Horev for all Israel to observe decrees and ordinances. Behold, I send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome Day of God. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers with their children, and the hearts of the children with their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with utter destruction.”

(Malachi 3:22-24).

The warning is clear. Accept the Torah of God and live by it. For the Day of God will come and it will be great and awesome.

The Power that made Supernatural contact with us centuries ago at Sinai will return.

When that Power-GOD comes back, will we find favor in its eyes, or will it use its incredibly superior Power to tear down mankind and civilization and start all over again? When the Supreme Supernatural Power-God comes back to planet Earth to claim its territory and to punish those who have stood against its Torah and its representatives no military weapons will withstand the invading armies of angels led by the Messiah.

The Highest Power will return to this world and will renew upon the Earth a Garden of Eden, one based upon its centuries old message in the Torah. This is our inevitable human future. We can choose to fight it or embrace it. The consequences of our actions will be telling.

They are ready

To communicate

With us again

This time telepathically

There is a time for everything Good, this Tuesday night and Wednesday (also the following day out side the land of Israel) is the time God has given us to make a renewed connection with NEW revelations of the Bible-(Torah), with the infinite light !



Shavuot has more names than any other festival being called “Time of giving of the Torah”, “This very day”, “Day of assembly”, “Day of first fruit” and “Atzeret” (day of Gathering”. Shavuot is compared to the middle bar that holds the Tabernacle together). Shavuot is the “atzeret” of Passach. Shavu’ot” is one of the three pilgrimage festivals, yet it is much less popular than the other Jewish Holidays , even a minor holiday like Hanukah. There is no tractate in the Talmud or Mishnah devoted to Shavu’ot why?  With every Holiday the Torah gives the day to celebrate it but by Shavu’ot the Torah only tells us it is seven weeks after “The Shabbot” when the Omer offering is made. The “Shabbot” mentioned here is Not “Shabbot” but the second day of Pesach (Vayikra 23:15).  The Torah does not say that the Torah was given on Shavuot. The giving of the Torah has to be one of the most important events in Jewish history. Why doesn’t the Torah say what day the event happened on, why ?This seems obvious that the God did this so the sage could point to the Oral Torah as with  out the Oral Torah, Mishnah and Talmud one can not ever clearly discern ever what day Shavuat falls !

  It was on Rosh Chodesh Sivan that Yisrael encamped at mount Sinai. The word “encamped” in the Bible is written in the singular form, as Yisrael were all of one heart. Recieving of the Torah is experienced when Yisrael love one another. Sharing a mutual love of brotherhood peace and fellowship. Like in a marriage. The Torah is the instrument of Betrothal between Hashem and Yisrael. Also on Rosh Chodesh Sivan King Asa gathered Yuhudah and Benyamim and those who lived among them to Jerusalem and the entered into a covanant with God with all their hearts and souls. This day has been ordained as a day of peace and unity between a man and his brother and a day for making a covanant of peace and love between Yisrael and their father in Heaven.The day that we stood at Sinai, we were as one man with one heart” (Rashi, Exodus). It is from this place that we must approach Shavuot to receive the Torah.

Which is our mission upon which the whole world depends.

חלב= 40 , we eat milk products on Shavuot so to remember the 40 days and nights Moses spent with God on Sinia. We also decorate our houses with green to remember Sinai. We learn Ruth on Shavuot as it teaches us the Torah is only acquired through hardship.The story occurs at the beginning of the barley harvest which is at the time of Shavuot.  רות is gematria 606 the 7 laws of Noah is 613. The Ben Ish Chai teaches that when Boaz speaks to Ruth, it is as God speaking to the Children of Israel King David who descends from Ruth was born and died on Shavuot. The story of Ruth reminds us that only by the Oral Torah will there be redemption. As the Torah forbids converts from Moab as its written “An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord forever.” (Deut 23 :3) We only know that the prohibition on Moab converts only applies to men through the Oral Torah. The Ben Eash Chy tells us not to speak of secular matters the whole night of Shavuot. But this night is for study of the Torah which achieve great results in Heaven and infuses the soul with sanctity and purity. As Rabbi Shimon says “All who learn Torah on this night Hashem blesses with many blessings and crowns in the upper worlds” . Shavuot by the counting of the 49 days preceding it alludes to the Great Shabbot at the end of the cycle of 49,0000 years, it reminds one of the time when “death shall be swallowed up forever”, a time of Eternal ecstasy.


The Bible is not what you think-Not of this World !

For, even though Bible-Torah just seems like another book, just another area of intellectual study, it is far from that. It is meant for transmitting of “energy”, Divine power. It is a battery for your soul. But Like superheroes with dual identities, whose mundane, common lifestyle is meant to conceal the true nature of the superhero, the physical books and words in which Bible-Torah is found concealing the true nature of Bible-Torah, and what it is capable of doing, and THAT is not something just anyone can access, no matter how many times they pore over even the deepest of Torah secrets. For that, you have to make yourself into a desert. As that is where the Torah was given, teaching us one must be humble not filled with themselves. As such a person they can’t learn and cant hear what others say. They are like a defective battery that will not take a charge. Being humble though does not mean to make one lowly like a rag one would used to wash the floor. It is written that Moses was the most humble of men, but he stood up to do what needed to be done. He would let no man push him around. But he was open to whatever God would tell him.

The Torah is a “Book”, if you can even really define it as that ?, the Torah was written, made by the God.

The Torah is more than a book, but it is the “blueprint” of all creation. Unlike a normal blue print this one has creative power. From it the world is sustained continually and built. One can merit levels very high in the “world to come”which are otherwise inaccessible. By gaining deep understandings concerning the commandments. The commandments have more value. There is no end for a man to apply understanding to the commandments. The Ramban said “ The foundation of all wisdoms stands on who is God.1 Torah is called truth, and faith is the foundation and source of divine service. When reading from the Torah one joins with truth and faith. But this is not automatic. Simply reading the book is not enough one needs to open up their soul to the infinite the Divine Energy of the Torah. Of course if one intends to read the Bible as only a book that is all that it will be, that is all that will be revealed to them. This water goes out through holes in the “mesach” (screen-filter) of ”tzizum” (contraction) to sustain the world From the foundation stone on the temple mount, even if the Temple in Jerusalem is not standing in the physical world. It states ” Spirit of Elokim moves on the face of the waters” (the sages say this “Spirit” is the Messiah). ” The Spirit of Elokim moves on the face of the waters” The magid of Koznitz says the waters referred to here are Torah. The Energy of the Messiah comes forth his existence becomes manifest from the waters of the Torah. Lets bring out this water from the God’s infinite well. These forces can be brought forth from the Torah when you “read” it, it one makes the connection to its essence. Its forces renew change everything, according to the will of God at the time. The physical world we live in is under constraint of time and space. This is not so of the supernal ark and the Torah. They operate in a timeless realm above physical laws. This is so as ink in Hebrew “דיו” (ink) is the letters that spell out יוד (Yud) of the divine name Yhv’h. As said יוד is the creative inspiration of the Torah. And יוד being Chuchmah (creative wisdom inspiration) that is above space and time.2 The point is that Torah is not really a thing of this world and that is why we said before that the Torah is Like superheroes with dual identities,whose mundane, common lifestyle is meant to conceal the true nature of the superhero, the physical books and words in which Bible-Torah is found concealing the true nature of Bible-Torah. If one only knew what they are looking at and how to look “into the Torah”. The “Written Torah has in it only the “tagin” (crowns of letters) and letters. In the Torah scroll some letters have crowns drawn on top of them, but in the Torah scroll there are no vowels. The letters are the 288 sparks of the vessels that shattered. It is these fallen “sparks” which allow our imperfect world to exist, and for there to be free will and choice. By which a soul can choose to do that which is right there by expressing its love of God and Gaining merit there by. In creating the world God joined letters and sparks together. By the shattering of the vessels sparks fell below. By holy speech one makes permutations of these letters and sparks, thereby making peace between them and raising up the Sparks from their fallen places. Then the sparks can reveal their light from their source above. Making the world more complete, and revealing more of the Light of God here below.3 Through the reading of the Torah with the notes of song (These notes are not written in the Torah scroll, but are know from the Oral Torah) and vowels (The vowels of the Torah’s words are not written in the Torah scroll, but are know from the Oral Torah) These notes and vowels are drawn from the Divine name מ”ה חדש , this brings new Divine energy into the vessels of creation. This purifies the vessels and the sparks. By this fixing there is drawn lights from the ear of A’k (an even higher place) to the letters of the Torah. By this they are fixed,from their shattered state. ו“ה of the name יהו“ה are the letters of the Torah.4 Raise the letters that are fallen by the “tamim” (notes), “nikudot” (vowels), “tagin” (crowns) All letters have their source in the letter א, which is called sweetened.5 The nature of the letters of the Torah is revealed by the fact that when the letters flew off the first tablets of the ten commandments Moshe was no longer able to hold them any longer as they were so heavy, so he had to let them drop and shattered. This was because after the letters had departed from the tablets of stone they were with out “The Divine Spirit” that they had before, so grew heavy and fell.6 In the Torah Scroll itself there are no vowels allowing the Torah to have many meanings, as each generation has a unique “tikun”(fixing) of its own by exchanging the letters.7

The Ar”i teaches that God  prepared Eve for her wedding with Adam by adorning her with 24 ornaments. The primordial snake contaminated Eve with 24 types of venom. When we received the Torah at Mt. Sinai, we were purified from the defilement of the snake, the 24 ornaments were restored to us.The 24 ornaments are listed in Isaiah 3:18-24. These 24 ornaments are manifest as the 24 books of the Bible (the 5 books of Moses, the 7 books of the prophets, and the 9 books of the Writings). It is therefore customary to spend the night of Shavuot reading selections of these books by this is restoration of the 24 ornaments of the bride.

I really hope you can get the Bible to open up before you !



On Shavuot (The day of giving of the Bible-Torah), revelation of it is given renewed each year. On that day the structure of the creation is changed as :

The Yesod of Z”a (the potential revelation of the ruach, emotional soul ) is face to face with Malchut ( the Nefesh, soul of animal desires ) , and Z”a ( Source of the Ruach- Emotional soul ) rises to the balance of Yesoi”t ( The Conclusion of the Nashama, place of actualization of one’s intellect ). Z”a ( Source of the Ruach- Emotional soul ) receives Divine creative powers of wisdom , analysis, understanding and the ability to do kindness to God and Man and force of discipline of Dat (divine Knowledge). Yesoi”t ( The Conclusion of the Nashama, place of actualization of one’s intellectual balance ) rises up to Atik (the source of delight in divine will ) they becoming unified. Yesoi”t ( The Conclusion of the Nashama, place of actualization of one’s intellectual balance ) is with Abba (source of Divine creative powers of wisdom) and Imma (source of analysis, understanding) where theres revealed creative powers of wisdom and powers of analysis, understanding of Arich ( source of divine will), and the “tammim” (notes of song of Divine emination) of the Divine name having numerical value of 63 called ס”ג (numerical value of 63 of יהו”ה) of A”k (Adam Kadmon, the face of God containing all others ) are revealed. This is above the “Parsa”(curtain-filter). By Netzauch (work of spiritual vigor-giving your all) by this there is nullified the”parsa” yielding revelation of י”ה (ya”h).

All this rises Z’a ( Source of the Ruach- Emotional soul) to Arich (source of revelation of Divine will). After staying up all night learning and Mikva in the morning There is revelation of the dikna (conduits) of Arich ( giving new inspiration of Divine will-prompting actions ). 1\2 of Teferet (new level of harmony) of powers of analysis and understanding is given to the force of Divine will which directs one’s ruach (emotional soul). giving new understanding to the place of delight of the Ruach- emotional soul, developing there more delight in serving God). The mikveh, before “netz” is the 50th gate of Binah, the mystery of the Well of Living Waters. With these waters are the awesome fragrances of Gan Eden,This is the 50th Gate of Binna (Divine understanding).

There are many themes given in the Torah for Shavuot but “The holiday of Giving of the Torah” is not one of them, While The Torah specifies a date for all other holidays, it never tells us the date of Shavuot! Why ?

The Torah refers to Shavuot as ” Hag Ha-Katzir” (Holiday of “Cutting,” , harvesting) : Exodus23:16. also as “Yom Ha-Bikkurim” (Day of the First Fruits): Numbers 28:26 and simply as “Shavuot” (feast of “ Weeks”): BeMidbar 28:26, Devarim 16:10.

  The 50 gates of Divine understanding are the 5 Chassadim (forces of God’s giving) of the ruach (emotional soul). The dikna Kadisha (conduits of Mercy that open up the flow of Divine abundance-they are open by the Names of Mercy) of Arich (divine will) are called Whiteness. To draw this Whiteness of the dikna of Arich to ourselves we dress in White. Revelation of Arich on Shavuot is not done by “delug” (a great leap) as an the seder night of Pessach, but it is in levels grade by grade. The simplest and most effective way of attaching to this new Light is by connecting to all parts of the Bible. So meditate on secrets in each book. So work hard to yield the highest revelation. ! King David was born and died on Shavuot. Shavuat is His day !

sources:Sulam on Zohar Pekudey,Tikkunim p.340 p.20,Ar”i-Lecutey Torah,Pre Atzchym,Shar Cavanot,Metok mDavosh on Tikunim,Kamarna Rebbi-Aor Enym,Ramcha”l-Adir Bima