Godssecret's Weblog

The Sons of God and other Entities
December 11, 2008, 11:32 am
Filed under: Angels, entities, Gan Aden-Garden of Eden, Nefilim, Zohar

These are the Nefilim (fallen), the Giborim (mighty), the Anakim (giants), the Refaim

the Nefilim (the fallen ones), it is written: “That the sons of the Elohim saw that the daughters of men were fair” (Genesis 6:2).

There are and have been many kinds of entities

THEY COME from the fallen ones from above, FROM AZ”A AND AZAE”L, (Do not pronounce these names, it can bring problems) WHO WERE ANGELS ABOVE. AND THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, DROPPED THEM OUT OF THE HEAVENS. When the Holy, blessed One, desired to create man, He said TO THE ANGELS, “Let us make man in our image…” (Genesis 1:26). He wanted to make him a leader over all the ANGELS above, so that he might govern all THE ANGELS and they would be under his rule.

These angels did not want to be under the power of man, further from God than the Humans

ANGELS wanted to denounce him. They asked THE HOLY BLESSED ONE,   “What is man, that you are mindful of him” (Psalms 8:5), for he is bound to sin before you?

The Holy One, blessed be He, replied, If you were down below ON EARTH like he, you would sin more than he does. Immediately, “The sons of the Elohim saw the daughters of man…” They were filled with passion for them, so the Holy One, blessed be He, dropped them down

These SONS OF ELOHIM are Aza and Azael, from whom descended the souls of the Nefilim.

When Aza and Azael fell from the place of their sanctity above, they saw the daughters of men, sinned with them and begot children. These were the Nefilim, about whom it is written: “There were Nefilim on the earth…” (Beresheet 6:4).

Our sages of blessed memory have said that when the Holy, blessed be One, created man, He created him in the Garden of Eden and commanded him to observe seven commandments. When he sinned AT THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE, and was driven out of the Garden of Eden, those two celestial angels, Aza and Azael, said to the Holy One, blessed be He, ‘If it would have been us on earth, like man, we would have been virtuous.’ The Holy One, blessed be He, then asked them, ‘Would you be able to overcome the evil inclination?’ They said, ‘We can.’ The Holy One, blessed be He, immediately dropped them from heaven to earth and the scripture reads: “There were Nefilim in the earth” (Beresheet 6:7) and also: “mighty men.” As soon as they descended to earth, the evil inclination seized them, as it is written: “And they took them wives of all whom they chose” (Ibid. 2). They sinned and were deposed from their sanctity.

The souls of these entities are still in this world, There are strange things down here. Some people are able to see things others cannot. Remember these beings were not physical entities, before they dressed in flesh and came below.

Protect yourself from evil. Do good and reach your potential as its written above the Holy, blessed One, desired to create man, He said TO THE ANGELS, “Let us make man in our image…” (Beresheet 1:26). He wanted to make him a leader over all the ANGELS above, So that he might govern all THE ANGELS and they would be under his rule.

You have a lot of potential, do your Job !

Wisdom cries from the streets
December 1, 2008, 10:26 am
Filed under: Astrology, Creativity, wisdom-Chuchmah, Zohar



R. Shimon began with the verse, “Wisdoms cry aloud in the streets; she utters her voice in the wide places (Heb. rechovot)” (Mishlei 1:20). This verse contains a deep mystery. “Wisdoms,” They are the upper wisdom, and the lower wisdom that is included and dwells within the upper one. “Cry aloud in the streets”:

Come and behold: The upper Chochmah (wisdom) is the most concealed of all. It is not to be known or revealed, as it is written, “Man cannot know its price” (Iyov 28:13), for when it was diffused in order to illuminate, it shined in the secret of the world to come. The world to come was created from it, as we learned, that the world to come was created by the Letter Yud, in which Chochmah (wisdom) was covered. And they became one when everything was adorned with the secret of the world to come. Everything then is joyfully luminous; everything is silent, never heard outside.

This upper wisdom is as a flash of lightening that enters into the mind. It is a revelation of creativity, by which the world is created continually.It is not heard by all men as its written “never heard outside”.

It wanted to illuminate further. Thus, from this place came fire, water, and wind, as we have learned.

Wisdom can emanate and create in the physical elements. Yet this is supernatural quality as the thing we call “wisdom” here is not some thing of this world. Creativity is a power that is from beyond oneself.

And they became one voice that went out and was heard. From then on, it assumed the aspect of “out.” For inside it is silent, SOUNDLESS, never to be heard.

Until it has become revealed

Now that the secret is heard, it is called “out.” From here on, it behooves a man to improve his deeds and ask. “In the wideness (Heb. rechovot).” What is the meaning of wideness?

If one walks upright doing good he can reach this place of wideness of wisdom.

This is the firmament where all the stars are shining. It is a spring “whose waters fail not” (Isaiah 58:11), as it is written, “And a river went out of Eden to water the garden” (Genesis 2:10).

One working with the flow of this wisdom becomes a partner with the God in Creation of the world and its renewal. We should merit to this in God’s Mercy.

It is called ‘Rechovot‘. There “she utters her voice,” the upper and the lower. And all is one. For that reason Solomon said, “Prepare your work outside, and make it fit for yourself in the field” (Mishlei 24: 27). “Prepare…outside” MEANS, as it is written, “cry aloud in the streets,”. For here work, can be corrected. And this may be sought, as it is written, “For ask now of the days that are past…and from the one side of heaven to the other” (Devarim 4:32). “And make it fit for yourself in the field.” This is “a field which God has blessed” (Beresheet 27: 27). After learning the mystery of wisdom and perfecting himself therein, it is then written, “and afterwards build your house” (Mishlei 24: 27). A HOUSE IS a man’s soul, that he will then fix within his body, to become a whole man. Therefore, when Yitzchak dug and formed the well peacefully, he called that “peace” Rechovot. And all was properly done. Happy are the Righteous, whose deeds before the Holy One, blessed be He, are to preserve the world, as it is written, “For the upright shall dwell in the land” (Mishlei 2:21), which should be read as, ’cause to dwell’, as was already explained.

So put your house in order, so that wisdom may cry out to you. And you will be able to hear. Then from this creative inspiration you be able to build with understanding Peace.

Wisdom of the East and the Bible
November 18, 2008, 8:52 am
Filed under: after life, Angels, divine thought, Eastern mysticism, spirits, Zohar

Rabbi Aba said: One day, I came upon a town that belonged to the children of the East. They shared with me a part of the wisdom that they knew from antiquity. Then they searched for books of their own wisdom and gave me one. Inside this book, it was written that according to the intention of a person’s desire in this world, he draws a spirit from above upon himself similar to the desire that he clung to. If his desire is to achieve something holy and divine, then he draws the same from above and brings it down upon himself. If he wishes to cleave to the Other Side, and is intent upon it, he draws the same from above down and brings it upon himself. They used to say THAT TO DRAW SOMETHING DOWN FROM ABOVE depends mainly on speech, deed, and the wish to cleave to it. This is how that certain side that he cleaves to is drawn down from above.

So one must be careful with their thoughts, speech and actions making sure that they are all and always for the sake of Heaven. So to draw upon you the Spirit Holy.

And I have found IN THAT BOOK all the rites and ceremonies for worshipping the stars and constellations, as well as what is required to worship them and how to direct one’s will toward them in order to to draw them closer.

Originally the the rites and ceremonies were part of the worship of the God. Confusion came and people started worshiping many “gods”, these beings are really Angels and not God at all. Each planet has a Soul, that of a Angel. They are all servants of the God. It is only proper to worship the God. Yet the Energy, flow of the God flows through these Angels. This energy can be directed for the sake of Heaven. In these matters one must take care. These Angels to a certain extent have free will and can harm humans.

In the same manner, for whoever desires to cling to the Holy Spirit above, it depends on the act, words, and the intent of the heart, so that he may succeed in drawing it down upon himself so that he may cling to it.

And they were saying in the book: Whatever path a person follows in this world is the path along which he is drawn when he leaves this world. And whatever he clung to and pursued while in this world, he clings to in the World of Truth–if to Holiness then to Holiness; if to impurity then to impurity.

If to Holiness, then he is drawn toward that same side OF HOLINESS. He clings to it above, and becomes a serving minister before the Holy One, among all the angels. And so he is attached to the supernal WORLD and stands among those holy beings, as it is written: “then I will give you access among these that stand by” (Zecharyah 3:7).

Those who stand refers to the angels called Sarafim

And so, in the same manner, if HE HAS CLEAVED to impurity WHILE IN THIS WORLD, then he is drawn to the IMPURE side. He becomes one of them and is attached to them. And they are called the ‘demons of people.’ So when he departs from this world, they take him and cast him into Gehenom (Hell) –into that place where the impure, who have defiled themselves and their spirits, are judged and punished. He then clings to them, becoming ‘a demon’, just like the demons of the world.

I said to them: My sons, the sayings of this book are close to the sayings of the Torah. But you should stay away from these books, so that you will not be attracted to those beliefs and all those aspects that are mentioned there. Otherwise, heaven forbid, you may abandon the service of the Holy One !

One can learn from their teachings, but beware of corruptions and things that are not true. And beware as many of these eastern practices have actual service of Idol worship involved. Such as burning incense before a Image and this is forbidden. Only worship the God. The god has many names but has no form. And is not represented by Idols as it is written :

“You shall have no other gods before Me.

You shall not make for you any engraved image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;

You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them; for I the Yhv”h Elohech”a am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me”

People are led astray because of these books. The people of the east were wise and inherited this wisdom from Abraham, who gave it to the sons of the concubines. As it is written: “But to the sons of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, and sent them away from his son, while he yet lived, eastward, to the east country”. Abraham shared with them knowledge of the 7 lower crowns (sefirot), they call 7

chakras .

(Genesis 25:6). Afterward, they developed their wisdom in many directions.

Later this wisdom became corrupted.

Even so the God hears all who call in truth

Get to the New stuff !-The land of Israel
November 10, 2008, 9:14 am
Filed under: aretz israel, Astrology, Avraham, divine thought, exile, foundation stone-source, Renewal, Zohar

All the supernal forces that govern the various countries and cities of our world are brought to light by the Zohar. Abraham masters the knowledge concerning all these diverse metaphysical intelligences that rule and administer over the cosmos. However, the Creator tells him not to direct his mind towards these supernal matters. Rather, Abraham should focus upon his spiritual work in this physical realm, placing his trust in the Creator regarding the workings of the metaphysical dimension. Spirituality is to make the world a better place where the God is more revealed. It is not a escape from this world, though one receives great delight from this spiritual work, and it gives one more joy and pleasure in all that they do !

The great sage Hillel, who was asked to reveal all the supernal mysteries and secrets of the Torah in the short time that he can remain standing on one leg. “Love thy neighbor as thyself. All the rest is commentary. Now and go and learn,” the sage replied. From this attitude we begin our “spiritual work”, It is the true beginning. With out this one will have nothing.

“Now Hashem said to Abram, Get you out ” According to Rabbi Elazar go out for yourself, to fulfill yourself and complete your grade. “Get you out,” for you must not stay here among the wicked. The secret “Get you out” is that the Holy One, blessed be He, inspired Avraham with the spirit of wisdom. He knew how to judge the spirits of the civilized world. He observed them, weighed them in the scales, and knew how to connect them to the powers entrusted to govern the inhabited places on earth. When he reached the middle point of civilization, he weighed it in the scales, but could not reach any conclusion. He tried to see and to know what sort of power governed that place, but could not conceive it. He weighed a few more times before realizing that the whole world sprouts from that place and is established upon it. He observed carefully, and measured, so as to understand the subject, and concluded that the supernal force above it could not be measured, that it is deep and hidden, and that it does not resemble the different parts of the inhabited land. He watched attentively, weighed, and realized that the middle point of the inhabited world is the point from which the whole world moves out to all its corners. Similarly, he knew the power that now prevails over the point. all other powers that govern the corners of the world originate from that point and all energies hold to it.

From the Temple mount at the place called the Even stiyah (stone of drinking), called the foundation stone. Abraham later would bring Isaac to sacrifice, till God told Him not to. Here is where the “Dome of the rock” is. From here a Beam of supernal light descends from above to nourish and sustain the world both spiritually and physically.

Then “they went out with them from Ur Chasidim, to go to the land of Canaan.”

Abraham knew and checked all the governors and rulers of the world that had dominion over the entire civilized world. And he was examining all those who govern and rule over the directions of the world’s inhabited land, all those that have dominion over the stars and the constellations. Abraham was inquiring into the spiritual forces that propel the influences called astrology. The science of which he was the greatest master. By study of Astrology Avraham came to knowledge of the the spiritual forces that propel the influences called astrology, By this he came to Be aware of the one superpower over all God. He learned how they exercise their power over one another. In considering all the inhabited places in the world, he did well. But when he reached that place, he saw the force of the depths. And he could not withstand it.

As soon as the Holy One, blessed be He, noticed his awakening and his passion, He immediately revealed Himself to Avraham and said: “Get you out” in order to learn about and perfect yourself. Saying to Abraham “GET YOU OUT” means from that Wisdom with which he studied horoscopes, determined by watching and examining the moment, hour, and time of birth, and the planet and the sign under which one is born. The god was leading Abraham to much higher level of Divine knowledge

The verse, “And from your father’s house,” Never look upon your father’s house again, REFERRING TO CHARAN, Therefore, “Get you out” of this wisdom and this observance. The god was leading Abraham to much higher level of Divine knowledge

We always must be moving Higher, exploring new levels of Spirituality we have not seen or

worked with before. Renew Yourself !