Godssecret's Weblog

March 31, 2022, 8:17 am
Filed under: PARSHA TAZRIA | Tags: ,








Through a spiritual treatment to a physical ailment the Torah in our parsha alludes to the roots of illness and spiritual healing.

Physical well-being is linked to spiritual balance. When a person is out of balance spiritually the flow of God-given life force which sustains all of existence is restricted. This appears as physical illness.

“Tzaraat” is the only specific disease described by the “Chumash” (5 books of Moses). On the skin of the person with “Tzaraat” is sores called a “nega.”, oneg (bliss) and nega (affliction) have the same letters.. We see from this that afflictions come by taking delight in forbidden things or not taking delight in those things that the God commands. As the sages teach in tractate Sotah all curses come only on account of a lack of hap­piness in Divine service.

Spiritual defects expresses themselves as physical illness, as in the case of tzaraat. With more serious illness (spiritual defects) treating the physical symptoms alone will not be enough and the illness can return, God forbid. One needs to treat the root of the problem.

Physical approaches to the treatment of illness are important but consciousness and lifestyle changes are needed for true tikkun (repair) to occur.

One must restore spiritual balance to “remove” the problem.

Know further spiritual imbalance leads to new growth of illness (at some time) God forbid. Unless one works to correct the problem. How much better that will be !

The Shabot after Pasach we read parsha Shimini. This week we read Tazria. What is the reason for this sequence of parsha to be read at this time ?

Pasha Shimini describes the revelation of Hashem on the 8th day, after 7 days of consecration of the mishcon (tabernacle). The festival of Pessach occurs also for 7 days. The festival of succot is also 7 days, and on the 8th day we conclude with a separate festival called Smini Atzerot. In the Gemora Shavuot is called Atzerot. The sages tell us like Smini Atzerot, svavuot is the Atzerot of Passach. The sages also tell us that the days of counting of the omer, are like cholemoad (intermediate days of pessach) in sanctity. Atzerot means to bind things together. On Smini Atzerot the Ramban tells us “ All the emanations are bound together”. This refers to all the spiritual work that we do during the month of Tishri. So too on Shavuaot is a binding of all the spiritual work we peform on Pessach, and the days of counting the omer. Parsha Shimini comes right after passach to remind us of Shavuot which is like Shimini Atzerot. It being a time of binding all emanations. So we should during these intermediate days make the most of our time. So that there will be great revelation on Shavuot. When we receive the Torah anew. Hopefully at a level even higher then when it was given at first, then death and evil shall be no more. Next we must ask, How can this be accomplished ?.

The answer to this question can be found in our parsha. Tazria for the most part deals with laws regarding leprosy (not leprosy as we know it ,but a spiritual disease that looks similar). We know that for the most part this disease was caused by loshon hora . If a person spoke loshon hora they could get leprosy . It was also during this time period during the omer that Rabbi Akiva’s 24,000 students died, because of such a misuse of speech. As his students did not have respect for one another. It was the lashon hora that was the product of baseless hatred that destroyed our bait hamikdash . When we recieved the Torah at Sinai it says that we were so united and unified as a people, we were as one soul. It is this that we must accomplish if we are to accomplish our goal of recieving the Torah at a exulted level that will yield redemption. We see this from the redemption from egypt of פסח Pesach. As פסח means פ (mouth) סח (speaks). And specifically סח is a certain kind of speech, describing the speech of Yitzchak when he went out in the field to meditate. It is this intensity of speech, prayer that brings redemption. We see this in the fact that as we learn in the Zohar that Yitzchak perfected the attribute of Givurah, and the yhv”h of blessing “goa’l yisrael” (who redeems Yisrael) is in the Sefira of Givurah (severity-discipline-force).

Know, that there is no explicit reference in the text of our parsha to the theme of the negative powers of language, nor is there any such reference in the Haftarah. With out the Oral Torah one cannot understand what the Torah is really teaching , much of the time. But we do learn in , in the tractate Arachin, that the word “metzora” as a contraction of the phrase “motzi shem ra,” one who spreads lies about his fellow. The metzora was a the person guilty of malicious (gossip) “lashon hora”, or other abuse of words – deception, profanity or verbal character assassination.  Rabbi Baruch Epstein, author of Torah Temima, points out the usual term for a leper is “tzarua”, not “metzora.” The use of the unusual term hints to us that the source of this illness is evil speech.

Rabbi Hershel, the son-in-law of the Chofetz Chaim, was a very pious man who spent his days in the study hall who seldom spoke at all. Many believed that he was even more saintly than the Chofetz Chaim, himself. As  his father-in-law, the Chofetz Chaim spoke all over the place and taught and would talk to people, and even joked, at every opportunity. However. We learn that, the Chofetz Chaim, did not entirely approve of his son-in-law’s avoidance of speech and devotion to almost complete silence about worldly matters. Rather, he insisted that one must use his gifts of speech, and use them widely and frequently, yet wisely and carefully.

Silence, for the Chofetz Chaim, was not the preferred way of life. Speech that carefully avoided gossip, insults, and profanity was the preferred behavior.

Today, there are groups of very well-intentioned individuals who emphasize the evils of lashon hora. Sometimes because of this the fail to stand up against evil and this is not right. Sometimes speaking negatively  is necessary. We must protest evil behavior when we can help by doing so. To stay silent  out of fear of “loshon Hora” in such a case is not Holy.

The illness “Tazria” of the Torah is a most bizzare illness as seen by its description of diagnosis  in the Torah

The Torah identifies the signs of “Taria” (Leprasy) as  appearance of a “Se’eit”,  “sapachat”, or “baheret” (13:2)

The hues of the plague of tzaraat are two that are four [i.e., two categories–se’eit and baheret, each of which has a sapachat, or sub-category). Baheret (“bright”) is a bright white like snow; its sub-category is like the lime of the Sanctuary. Se’eit is like the skin of an egg, its sub-category is like white wool; this is the opinion of Rabbi Meir. The [other] sages say: Se’eit is like white wool, its sub-category is like the skin of an egg.

(Talmud, Negaim 1:1)

And the priest shall see the lesion… if the hair in the lesion has turned white (13:3)

There was once a Kohen who could not earn a living and decided to leave the Land of Israel to seek a livelihood. He said to his wife: Since people come to me to show me their plagues, let me teach you how to diagnose tzaraat. If you see that the hair in the afflicted area has died because its canal has dried, then you will know that the person is afflicted. Because for each and every hair God created its own canal from which to drink; if this canal dries out, the hair dries out.

Said his wife to him: If God created a separate canal for each hair to nourish it, how much more so yourself, who are a human being, and whose children depend on you for nourishment—certainly God will provide for you! And she did not allow him to depart from the Holy Land.

(Midrash Tanchuma)

If the hair in the plague is turned white (13:3)

It was debated in the Academy of Heaven: If the white patch preceded the white hair, it is impure; if the white hair preceded the white patch, it is pure; but what if there is doubt (as to which came first)?

The Holy One, Blessed be He, said: “It is pure.”

The entire Academy of Heaven said: “It is impure.”

Said they: “Who shall decide it for us? Rabbah bar Nachmeini.” For Rabbah bar Nachmeini had declared: “I am singular[ly knowledgeable] in the laws of tzaraat…” They dispatched a messenger [to bring him to heaven]… Said [Rabbah]: “Tahor, tahor (Pure, pure).”

(Talmud, Bava Metzia 86a)

The Ramban identifies three distinct mentions of kappara in the case of the metzora, and comments (14,18): We do not understand what all these kapparot are for. Perhaps the asham will atone for the sin he committed before he became a metzora; and the chatat for the sin he committed while he was a metzora, if perhaps he blasphemed against God in his grief; and the ola and mincha will be a soul-redemption (KOFER nefesh) that he should merit purity and return to his tent. The lack of any EXPLICIT mention of sin in connection with metzora leads me to adopt the last suggestion of the Ramban as the “pshat” here.

The topics concerning “Tzara’at”   seem  out of order! Shouldn’t  we first describe the three types of Tzara’at: body, clothing, house, and then move on to the process of purification? Why does the purification process interrupt the list of Tzara’at types?

The  recovery process for “Tzara’at”   of the body has more in common with the house. Then that of clothing, which must be destroyed but with “Tzara’at”  of the body and houses , there is a process of repair and recovery. Thus House “Tzara’at” is closer in its treatment to Human “Tzara’at” than “Tzara’at” of clothes.

The basic meaning of “kappara” (atonement) is not forgiveness of sin but redemption from a state that needs redemption.

The Talmud in Tractate Sanhedrin 98b describes Moshiach as a metzora,  (leper) signifying that before the messianic age  it will bea time in which evils will have infested the world to  a great degree. Rebbe Shimon tells us is the time of the redemption of speech from exile. In a general sense parsha tazria and metsora both speak of leprosy, and come to remind us that the way of redemption comes from the redemption of our speech from the sitra achra . So than we can offer prayer that will yield total and complete redemption. This is all alluded to in the beginning our parsha which talks about when a woman gives birth. Its taught in Torah Aor and other places that the community of Israel is called the “woman” and God is called the “man,” as it is written: “On that day, you shall call Me ‘husband’” (Hoshea 2:18). All this is an illusion to redemption which is like giving birth. As the sages speak in Gemore Sanhedrin of the birth pains of Mashiach, that precede the the coming of Mashiach. The sages say one by one that they would not want do live in those times, because of the trial that such a time will bring. This being alluded to by the period of uncleanness surrounding birth, which ultimately passes with the women being clean. So may we purify and perfect our powers of speech yielding complete Redemption.



an overview of


Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot




November 14, 2021, 10:36 am
Filed under: "Mesirus Nefesh” | Tags: , , ,

“Mesirus Nefesh”  usually translated as Self sacrifice 

literally means  surrendering one’s soul. This is

accomplished by  basically meanssurrendering one’s will,

for God’s will as written in the Torah when they come

into conflict as the soul level “Nefesh” controls what the

body does. “Mesirus nefesh”   obligates one to leap out

of all his inhibiting restraints, to accomplish the will of

God as well as possible



Including :1)The Owner’s Manual to Prosperity and the Soul for Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims and anyone else

2) “The Definitive Biblical phenomena”

3)The Souls speak

4)”The Owner’s Manual to the Soul” Part 1 The Gate

5)“The Owner’s manual to the Soul” Part 2 THE KABALLAH

6) “The Message”

7)The Book of the Angel Mattatro”n

8)“Book Of ELOHEME”

9)“Teffilin  The Owner’s manual”


11)“The Divine structure of unfolding of Heaven and Earth”

12)”The book of “יהו“ה    Yhv”h

13) “Markava”  The Divine chariot



THESE BOOKS AT THIS LINK https://godssecret.wordpress.com/2010/06/23/foods-you-want-to-eat-to-live-long-and-healthy-phytochemicals/

March 27, 2014, 4:04 pm
Filed under: PARSHA TAZRIA | Tags: , , , ,





Through a spiritual treatment to a physical ailment the Torah in our parsha alludes to the roots of illness and spiritual healing.

Physical well-being is linked to spiritual balance. When a person is out of balance spiritually the flow of God-given life force which sustains all of existence is restricted. This appears as physical illness.

On the skin of the person with tzaraat is sores called a “nega.”, oneg (bliss) and nega (affliction) have the same letters.. We see from this that afflictions come by taking delight in forbidden things or not taking delight in those things that the God commands. As the sages teach in tractate Sotah all curses come only on account of a lack of hap­piness in Divine service.

Spiritual defects expresses themselves as physical illness, as in the case of tzaraat. With more serious illness (spiritual defects) treating the physical symptoms alone will not be enough and the illness can return, God forbid. One needs to treat the root of the problem.

Physical approaches to the treatment of illness are important but consciousness and lifestyle changes are needed for true tikkun (repair) to occur.

One must restore spiritual balance to “remove” the problem.

Know further spiritual imbalance leads to new growth of illness (at some time) God forbid. Unless one works to correct the problem. How much better that will be !

The Shabot after Pasach we read parsha Shimini. This week we read Tazria. What is the reason for this sequence of parsha to be read at this time ?

Pasha Shimini describes the revelation of Hashem on the 8th day, after 7 days of consecration of the mishcon (tabernacle). The festival of Pessach occurs also for 7 days. The festival of succot is also 7 days, and on the 8th day we conclude with a separate festival called Smini Atzerot. In the Gemora Shavuot is called Atzerot. The sages tell us like Smini Atzerot, svavuot is the Atzerot of Passach. The sages also tell us that the days of counting of the omer, are like cholemoad (intermediate days of pessach) in sanctity. Atzerot means to bind things together. On Smini Atzerot the Ramban tells us “ All the emanations are bound together”. This refers to all the spiritual work that we do during the month of Tishri. So too on Shavuaot is a binding of all the spiritual work we peform on Pessach, and the days of counting the omer. Parsha Shimini comes right after passach to remind us of Shavuot which is like Shimini Atzerot. It being a time of binding all emanations. So we should during these intermediate days make the most of our time. So that there will be great revelation on Shavuot. When we receive the Torah anew. Hopefully at a level even higher then when it was given at first, then death and evil shall be no more. Next we must ask, How can this be accomplished ?.

The answer to this question can be found in our parsha. Tazria for the most part deals with laws regarding leprosy (not leprosy as we know it ,but a spiritual disease that looks similar). We know that for the most part this disease was caused by loshon hora . If a person spoke loshon hora they could get leprosy . It was also during this time period during the omer that Rabbi Akiva’s 24,000 students died, because of such a misuse of speech. As his students did not have respect for one another. It was the lashon hora that was the product of baseless hatred that destroyed our bait hamikdash Accusations in the Heavenly Court are aroused through accusations in this world. At times, accusations may be specific a individual then its possible that all his previous transgressions are “remembered” and he is judged for all of them. A person must be careful with their mouth.When people speak “Loshon Hara”,the angels are given permission to accuse. Collective accusations against our entire people. Can result in collective punishments. The suffering can be decreed on a whole city or country, God forbid. Then even the righteous can suffer together with the wicked. The sages say when such a decree exists the angel of death does not destiguish between the righteous and the wicked. During such times our sages say to run away from that city or country.

  When we recieved the Torah at Sinai it says that we were so united and unified as a people, we were as one soul. It is this that we must accomplish if we are to accomplish our goal of recieving the Torah at a exulted level that will yield redemption. We see this from the redemption from egypt of פסח Pesach. As פסח means פ (mouth) סח (speaks). And specifically סח is a certain kind of speech, describing the speech of Yitzchak when he went out in the field to meditate. It is this intensity of speech, prayer that brings redemption. We see this in the fact that as we learn in the Zohar that Yitzchak perfected the attribute of Givurah, and the yhv”h of blessing “goa’l yisrael” (who redeems Yisrael) is in the Sefira of Givurah (severity-discipline-force).

Pasach, Rebbe Shimon tells us is the time of the redemption of speech from exile. In a general sense parsha tazria and metsora both speak of leprosy, and come to remind us that the way of redemption comes from the redemption of our speech from the sitra achra . So than we can offer prayer that will yield total and complete redemption. This is all illuded to in the beginning our parsha which talks about when a woman gives birth. This is an illusion to redemption which is like giving birth. As the sages speak in Gemore Sanhedrin of the birth pains of Mashiach, that precede the the coming of Mashiach. The sages say one by one that they would not want do live in those times, becouse of the trial that such a time will bring. This being alluded to by the period of uncleanness surrounding birth, which ultimately passes with the women being clean. So may we purify and perfect our powers of speech yielding complete Redemption.

January 13, 2014, 1:14 pm
Filed under: PSYCHIC, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,




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Nelya Mikhailova’s real name was Nina Kulagina (30 July 1926 – April 1990) she was a Russian woman who demonstrated psychic powers, particularly in psychokinesis. Academic research of her phenomenon was conducted in the USSR for the last 20 years of her life.

During the Cold War, silent black-and-white films of her moving objects on a table in front of her without touching them.

These films were allegedly made under controlled conditions for Soviet authorities and caused excitement for many psychic researchers around the world, some of whom believed that they represented clear evidence for the existence of psychic phenomena. According to reports from the Soviet Union, 40 scientists, two of whom were Nobel laureates.

To ensure that external electromagnetic impulses did not interfere, she was placed inside of a metal cage while she supposedly demonstrated an ability to remove a marked matchstick from a pile of matchsticks under a glass dome.

Skeptic Soviet scientists checked her thoroughly before and after analyzing her demonstrations. Their tests ruled out wires, wind, building vibrations, or hypnotism as causes.

Electroencephalograph (brainwave) machines disclose that Mikhailova emits fifty times a normal person’s brain waves and is surrounded by an electromagnetic field one-tenth as powerful as that surrounding the entire Earth.

Nina could mentally see things inside people’s pockets. When she met sick people she could identify the disease they were suffering from. On one occasion when Kulagina was in a particularly angry mood, she was walking towards a cupboard in her apartment when a jug in the cupboard suddenly moved to the edge of the shelf, fell and smashed to pieces on the floor. After that, changes began to take place in her apartment. Lights went on and off; objects became animated and seemed somehow to be attracted to her. It was in effect a type of poltergeist activity, except that Kulagina was convinced the psychic power was coming from her and discovered that, if she tried, she could control it.

In 1964, while in hospital recovering from a nervous breakdown, Nina spent a lot of time sewing. According to published accounts doctors were amazed when they saw that she was able to reach into her sewing basket and choose any colour of thread she needed without looking at it. Local parapsychologists were contacted and the following year, when she had fully recovered, she agreed to take part in various experiments. Kulagina was tested and it was found that she could apparently ‘see’ colours with her fingertips, bringing to mind Rosa Kuleshova, a school teacher from the Ural Mountains, who also claimed to possess this talent.

Rosa Kuleshova demonstrated the ability to “read” printed words with the fingers of her right hand when her normal vision was completely obstructed, an ability usually termed dermo-optical perception or eyeless sight. She could also determine color tones on paper and objects by touch. Experiments with Kuleshova were reported in 1963 by Soviet scientist I. M. Gol’dberg. In 1964 Life reporter Bob Brigham saw Kuleshova in Moscow and stated that she was able to read the small print on his business card accurately with her elbow when her normal vision was entirely obstructed. Soon other Soviet subjects were discovered to have the ability of eyeless sight, and new programs of scientific investigation were undertaken. The faculty of “skin vision” was renamed “bio-introscopy” in the Soviet Union.

Rosa Kuleshova died in 1978 from a brain tumor. Reports of her successful demonstrations of eyeless sight in the editorial offices of the Moscow journal Technika Mologeji shortly before her death were reported in The International Journal of Paraphysics (vol. 13, nos. 3, 4).

In March 1988 Kulagina won a libel action against the magazine Man and Law, published by the Soviet Justice Ministry. Two articles by Vyacheslav Strelkov published in the magazine described her as “a swindler and a crook.” The Moscow court ruled that Strelkov had no firm evidence on which to base his allegations, and the magazine was ordered to publish an apology. In a subsequent appeal to the Moscow city court, the district court’s ruling was upheld: “the articles published by Man and Law besmirch the honor and dignity of Nina Kulagina and…it must publish an apology.”

Dermo-optical perception (DOP)—also known as dermal vision, dermo-optics, eyeless sight, eyeless vision, skin vision, skin reading, finger vision, paroptic vision, para-optic perception, cutaneous perception, digital sight, and bio-introscopy[1]—are terms that are used in parapsychological literature to denote the alleged capability to perceive colors, differences in brightness, and/or formed images through the skin (without using the eyes, as distinct from blindsight), especially upon touching with the fingertips.

Soviet Psychiatrist Isaac Goldberg could well understand his colleagues’ doubts, but he insisted that he really did have an epileptic patient who could read ordinary print with her fingertips. To prove it, he had Rosa Kuleshova, 22, admitted to the Sverdlov Clinic for Nervous Disorders. There before a skeptical audience, Dr. Goldberg blindfolded Rosa and had the blindfold checked. Then Rosa opened a book at random, passed the fingertips of her right hand lightly over the page, and fluently read the text aloud. She did the same with a newspaper.

Rosa feels the colour of the light, penetrating through light filters and falling onto her fingers. Rosa says: ” This ray is red, that ray is green; that one is orange, and the other one is blue”. Moreover, she is able to identify not only a bright ray of light, but a weak one as well. She can even better identify coloured rays, let through the lens filled with water and then reflected on her hand with a mirror.

It was noticed, that sometimes while reading, her fingers are below the line, but Rosa is still able to read what is written there. To understand this phenomenon, an experiment was set up. Grey-colored triangles, placed against a bright-colored background: first red, then green, and then the yellow one were shown to Rosa. Those grey triangles, due to the contrast effect, visually acquire, especially on the edges, the shade complementary to the color of the background – against the red background gray triangles turn green, against the green background they seem pinkish, on the yellow – blue. Rosa’s finger was put in the middle of the grey triangle so that it would not touch the surrounding coloured background. Every time she identified the surface not as grey but as a coloured one, the color being complementary to the background: green, pink, blue. It means that her fingers perceived the light, reflected from the neighbouring coloured parts. The ability of sensing colour differences allowed Rosa to read with her hand texts and numbers through glass and cellophane, define shape and colour of the curve on the oscillograph screen, and level, and sometimes even colour of liquids in a test-tube.

In 1960 fourteen year old Margaret Foos of Ellerson, Virginia,  underwent elaborate tests conducted by experts. Securely blindfolded, Margaret read randomly selected passages of print, identified colours and objects and even played a game of checkers.

In the August 1963 edition of their Parapsychology Bulletin, the Parapsychology Laboratory of Duke University printed an article titled, The “Paroptic” Illusion. It began, “It comes in waves, recurring every 15 or 20 years, this curious, contagious notion that certain blindfolded persons are able to “see” with some sensory area besides their eyes …” Some people claimed that while blindfolded they could identify cards, read passages from the Bible, or play checkers.

Every case that they were permitted to examine and test, the article went on, were exposed as hoaxes. They were also of the opinion that were they able to test them all they’d find that every one of them was a trick. Among those named were “Professor” Shepard of Toledo, (their quote marks, not mine) Pat Marquis, (my post about Pat Marquis) and Rosa Kulenshova.

A few years earlier, in 1957, Col. Frank F. Carr of the U.S. Army Intelligence Board had written J. B. Rhine, the head of the Lab, about a case that was in all the papers at the time: William Foos and his paroptic daughter, Margaret Foos.

Army Writes J. B. Rhine

Foos was making the additional extraordinary claim that by developing their powers of extra-sensory perception he could “teach the blind to see,” to the point where they could safely drive a car. J. B. Rhine responded (and I can’t help noticing the efficiency of the U.S. Post Office in 1957, not a complaint about the Post Office, those were different times).

J. B. Rhine Responds to the Army

The Lab had actually conducted ESP tests with sight impaired children. From his book Frontier Science of the Mind:

Groups of blind children have yielded results that compared with those of seeing children of the same age … while no group of any size has been found completely devoid of capacity to demonstrate ESP, at the same time no subdivision of the human species has been found to stand out in any really distinctive way as either possessing superior psi powers or superior control over them.”

The FBI was also investigating Foos’s claims and they seemed to be quite excited initially. “Should his claims be well-founded, there is no limit to the value which would accrue to the FBI – complete and undetectable access to mail, the diplomatic pouch; visual access to buildings – the possibilities are unlimited insofar as law enforcement and counterintelligence are concerned.” However, by the end of their investigation they lost all confidence that Foos would ever be able to deliver on his claims.

If she is still alive Margaret Foos would be 72 or 73 now (her age was reported differently). She was just a kid at the time, and she was probably simply doing as her father asked. I don’t believe she has anything to answer for. It would just be interesting to hear her side of the story now, all these years later.

From the Parapsychology Bulletin:

Farigoule “did not use hypnosis but induced a ‘delta condition’ in his subjects that may have been like it. He taught his people to see with the cheek line under the eyes. In fact, this suited his method of blindfolding better. The subjects saw objects placed low in front of them. Again, appearances favored the sincerity of all. Mr. Romains was, in fact, so confident that he haughtily declined to discuss the demonstration at the Duke Laboratory of the inadequacy of his blindfold.”

Rhine suggested simple controls, like the one described in his letter to Carr above, but these were all rejected by Foos and others. In any case, this seems to have been the last wave. I’m not aware of anyone making claims like this since then, although maybe someone will come along and post about someone who has.

There are also instances where Kulagina apparently displayed extraordinary healing powers. She could, it was said, make wounds heal up simply by holding her hand above them. She was also tested by Russian scientists for psychokinesis and the results were apparently so remarkable that, in order to keep her real identity secret, she was obliged for many years to use the pseudonym of Nelya Mikhailova. What these remarkable results were, however, has never been exactly stated.

It is said that the tests and experiments put a strain on her health which caused Nina Kulagina to suffer a near fatal heart attack in the late 1970s which forced her to limit her mediumship.

Nelya Mikhailova’s moved of objects by mind power, stopped a frog’s heart, caused burns on skin, seperated yolk from the white of an egg and was able to interfere with medical and scientific equipment. While Sergeyev Detectors detected energy fields around Nelya’s body and they began to pulse in rythm with her heart beat and brainwaves, it has not been possible to monitor the energy fields around the objects when she directed her energy fields towards the objects nor upto the objects when the energy fields passed from her body to the objects.

Scientists and psychologists who tested Nina Kulagina pointed out that they physically examined the psychic to make sure there were no hidden magnets or threads. Moreover, there is said to be no direct evidence of her faking her abilities (Henry Gris and William Dick, The New Soviet Psychic Discovery, 1979)

Nina Kulagina died in 1990. It is believed that the over-exhaustion of her psychic abilities led to her death (Henry Gris and William Dick, 1979). The experiments had taken a toll on her and probably hastened her death. During one of her tests with Dr. Redjak, she was totally exhausted and she apparently lost almost four pounds in half an hour. (The psychic was said to be converting matter of her own body into energy.)

Yakov Fishelev of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute also with subjects at the Pyshma school for the blind experimented with eyeless sight starting with fingertip color recognition and then developing the ability to distinguish shapes of letters. S. N. Dobronravov of Sverdlovsk reported that he had found “skin sight” potential in 72 percent of children, mostly between the ages of 7 and 12.

At the Filatov Institute Laboratory of the Physiology of Vision, in Odessa, an experiment was conducted by Dr. Andrei Shevalev. His subject was Vania Dubrovich, an eight-year-old boy blind from early childhood, whose eyes and optical nerves had been removed. Shevalev attached a lens to Vania’s forehead, and the boy learned to distinguish degrees of light through the lens. This experiment claimed to open up new possibilities of “skin glasses.”

In the freer atmosphere arising from the Mikhail Gorbachev policy of glasnost, public support and discussion of psychic matters increased. Psychic healing received much attention, and the healer Barbara Ivanova treated many prominent officials. She has also undertaken distant healing through the telephone.

Tania Bykovskaia Bykovskaia was tested by a commission from Kuban Medical Institute in Krasnodar, which reported on her ability to distinguish the colors of two balls hidden from sight.

In 1965 at the Scientific Conference of the Ural Division of the Society of Psychologists in Perm, Dr. S. N. Dobronravov of Sverdlovsk stated that some 72 percent of children had skin sight potential, especially between the ages of seven and twelve years. Dr. Abram Novomeisky of the psychology laboratory at the Nizhne-Tagil Institute experimented with Vasily B., a metallurgist who had been totally blind for seven years, and found that Vasily could distinguish colors by touch and at a distance. As with other subjects, the ability diminished in the diminution or absence of light. Experiments suggested that bright electric light enhanced the faculty of eyeless sight. Another frequently reported observation was that different colors had specific sensations that aided identification. For example, red seemed to burn, orange to warm, yellow less so, green was neutral, light blue cooling, navy blue freezing. Other subjects reported that red had a sticky sensation and blue felt smooth.

Dr Iosif Goldberg found that those who had damaged their eye or optic nerve could develop “eyeless sight” while those with damage to the optic center of the brain could not.

As we learn more about the body’s capabilities in conjunction with the mind, a

new physiology is unfolding in the world. The hocus pocus about ESP (extra-

sensory perception) is evolving out of the realm of mysticism and occultism and into

the world of science. In other words, as our instrumentation improves, we’re

beginning to measure and explain things that formerly were mysteries.

It also has been found that if your finger temperature is down to around 70° –

75°F, your perception is off a bit. If your finger temperature is over 90°F and the

colored construction paper is at room temperature, your perception is heightened

(review “Exercise — Seeing With Your Skin & Body”). In fact, experiments reveal

that the greater the difference between the temperature of the hand and the temperature

of the object, the better the result. Practice pointing at and picking up the objects while

blindfolded. Brush your teeth, comb your hair and wash yourself in the shower with

your eyes closed. If you practice these drills a lot, you’ll eventually get results.

More :

Eyeless Sight: A Study of Extra-Retinal Visoin and the Paroptic Sense (1924)






Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/bio-introscopy#ixzz2qMNkT4zp








December 22, 2013, 2:26 pm
Filed under: spiritual individuality | Tags:

One cannot view God as

being so far above us so out

of reach that we cannot get

close to God. This spiritual

perspective is not workable.

When one places God

outside of their world as

remote and unreachable

they will have not motivation

to “come close to God”
















231 gates good (2)














